Super God Gene

Chapter 2283: Treasure land

Hansen and Isa have no ingenuity in terms of calculations. Instead of chaos, it is better to follow the traces left by Mr. Bai.

The two men and a **** unicorn, under the guidance of Hansen, traced the traces left by Mr. Bai into the portal, and the result was not in danger.

It has passed through several palaces in succession, all of which are the same as the palace where Hansen had walked before.

"What does Bai mean in the end?" Han Sen thought for himself, but he couldn't think of why Mr. Bai did this.

If Mr. Bai thinks that they can fight against the foxes at the beginning and wants to make some troubles for the foxes to leave these traces, it seems that some of them are not very good.

With Mr. Bai's residual particles as a guide, Hansen and Isa traveled very fast, and it didn't take long before they reached the fourth node.

Everything that was seen in the eyes made Hansen and Isa frown slightly, and the entire hall collapsed by more than half. There were broken stone pillars and collapsed stone roofs everywhere.

Hansen looked at the hall, but did not find the image of the Lord, and did not find anything special.

"It seems that the foxes violently passed this node." Hansen looked very carefully and found nothing.

"I don't know what the Lord left here? But whatever it is, it should have been taken away by the foxes." Hansen frowned.

The things left by the Lord are interlocking. If one thing is missing, I don’t know what difficulties will be encountered in the future.

Now, Hansen has only continued to follow with Isa. After passing through the portal, the sight of the scene has made the two people slightly stunned.

The place where the transfer arrived is no longer within the palace, but a vast ocean.

Hegemony is like a planet, and there is a sea inside, but it is not unusual, but Hansen is slightly depressed.

Mr. Bai should have entered the ocean, but because the wind and waves on the ocean are extremely unstable, Mr. Bai’s residual particles have long been swayed by the wind and waves, and it is impossible to continue tracking.

"It’s not an easy thing to find Mr. Bai with such a large ocean." Hansen said helplessly.

Isa looked around and looked at it for a long time. "It is very likely that the place is the real treasure house of the Lord. Maybe they have not gone far, but they have entered the sea."

Hansen also thought of this possibility, but if the treasure is really in the sea, it is even harder to find Mr. Bai.

"There is no other way. I can only look for it by luck." Hansen said.

Isa nodded and walked straight toward the sea. His body was faintly purple, and the sea water touched the purple gas, and immediately separated to the two sides.

Hansen was with the **** unicorn and was next to Isa, sheltered by the power of Isa, and walked all the way to the bottom of the sea.

The purple gas formed a purple gas field around Isa, shielding the surrounding sea water ten meters away. After they went deep into the sea, they gradually walked toward the depths of the ocean.

After walking more than a hundred miles on the bottom of the sea, I did not see any traces of alien creatures. The whole ocean was dead, as if there was no Dead Sea with any life.

At this time, I suddenly saw a huge shadow moving in the distant sea. Isa also stopped and stared at the shadow in the distant sea.

Soon, the shadow gradually came closer, and Hansen finally saw what it was, and his heart was slightly tight.

It is a huge whale-like alien, white snow, just a white whale.

It’s just that the beluga whale is many times bigger than the average whale. It is more than a kilometer in length. Every move makes the terror of the sea water on the bottom of the sea, forming a swirl of water around it.

"Deified creatures." Isa said in a deep voice.

"There is still a deified creature in the body of the tyrant, and this hand is afraid that no one but the Lord can do it." Hansen smiled bitterly.

The great white whale apparently noticed Hansen and Isa. After all, there are no other creatures in this ocean. Their three living bodies are too eye-catching.

In particular, Isa and blood unicorn, one is a deified strong, one is bloody, and it is difficult to attract attention.

When the white whales were nearly a kilometer away from them, they suddenly opened their mouths and made strange high-frequency sound waves. At the same time, there was a huge suction in the mouth, which caused the sea to have a huge vortex, and rolled everything around it toward it. Swallowed in the belly.

In the purple gas field of Isa, there is a faint feeling of being pulled into its mouth, and the purple gas is constantly being caught in the water.

Isa frowned slightly and used his hand as a knife. The purple gas instantly condensed into a knife, and the arm lifted over the top of the head, slamming down against the vortex.

A knife turned into a roaring purple evil spirit, screaming toward the big white whale, directly smashing the vortex formed by the power of the great white whale, and the evil spirits of the evil spirits did not decrease, and continued to go to the head of the great white whale. .

The great white whale did not mean to dodge, the mouth continued to open, the huge mouth was like a black hole, exuding the horror to the extreme suction, and hard to engulf the evil spirits that Isa killed.


After the evil spirits were swallowed by the great white whale, the white scales seemed to be full, and a gas was ejected, forming a large number of bubbles in the sea.

Hansen’s heart was shocked. Although Isa had just been promoted to deification, she had the power of the underworld. The fangs method was famous for its stamina and tearing ability, and it was swallowed by the white whale. The horror of the power of whales is really a bit surprising.

Isa raised her eyebrows slightly, and she had a purple chain of order. The order chains were arranged in a mysterious way, forming a purple knife in the body of Isa.

Isa now has a horrible knife in the whole person, which makes her feel like a savage knife. She may tear her hair at any time.

In the face of the full-blown Isa, the big white whale is not afraid at all, the mouth is wide open again, the black hole-like power is once again revealed, everything around it is sucked into the mouth of the white whale, a lot of sea water and sand rolling Into, like being swallowed into the bottomless pit.

Seeing that the white whale had rushed over with his mouth open, Isa snorted and his arm slammed against the white whale again.

The roaring evil spirits rushed toward the great white whale, and the sea and sand around them were instantly torn, forming a huge vacuum belt.

The purple knife and the black whale's black hole did not hit the black hole, the black hole was torn by hard, the purple knife also shattered, and the shock wave generated instantly exploded the whole sea. The sky is rising, as if the entire ocean has been overturned.

The blow turned out to be evenly divided, and no one could take advantage of it.

But in the next second, Isa and Hansen’s face changed. After the black hole in the big beluga’s mouth was broken, suddenly something flew out of it, shrouded Isa, Hansen and Blood Kirin, and instantly took them. Pulled into the belly of the great white whale.

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