Super God Gene

Chapter 2357: Return to the emperor

This is actually not a conspiracy, but a conspiracy.

Because Hansen let the nine-headed bird first shot, the nine-headed bird actually has a chance to win him, and the nine-headed bird will agree to the bet, but because Hanmu has the dragon field, the nine-headed bird can not seize the opportunity. When he closed his hand, he actually lost.

"Can I go now?" Hansen smiled and looked at the nine-headed bird.

"Roll, don't let me see you again." The nine-headed bird changed his face, then snorted with hate, and ignored Hansen's reaction, and went straight.

Han Sen was slightly surprised. He didn't expect the nine-headed bird to keep his promise, but it was a good thing.

Although the dragon field can use the power of water, if Hansen’s body is sealed into the town’s konjac and loses its connection with the sea, it will still be pulled into the magic.

Unless Hansen Ken exposes the super-spirit, it is really difficult to win the nine-headed bird.

Without hesitation, Hansen flew directly and did not say hello to Nass, and went directly to the direction of the Half Star Bay.

If the mirror lady did not leave, it should be there. There are too many strong people who want to play the ancient god's source idea. There is a mirror lady around him, and no one should dare to fight the idea of ​​the source of the ancient god.

Although Hansen has a chance to escape, but Boa is still in the Imperial, so Hansen can not run.

Hansen flew out for hundreds of miles. Suddenly, he felt the thunder in the air. A giant god-like giant stood in the clouds, and a big hand shot him.

The big hand slowly suppressed, as if the whole space was compressed, and even the air changed like a steel plate. Hansen’s body was difficult to tear even the air, and naturally there was no way to move the body.

"Deified strong!" Han Sen was in a cold heart, was preparing to desperately, but suddenly saw a sword light broke through, and pierced the big hand in an instant.

"Ah!" The giant of the cloud screamed and retracted the palm of his hand. His eyes looked like two gods, and he saw a dignified beautiful woman stepping on, and a blue sword was suspended.

"Mirror Lady!" Hansen was happy.

The demon-like giant hated a lady with hatred and turned and disappeared. Obviously, she was very jealous of Mrs. Jing and was unwilling to be an enemy of her.

"I don't think that the ancient water **** actually chose you." Mrs. Mirror came to Hansen and glanced at the source of the ancient **** Hansen held in his hand.

"You brought me here, isn't it for it?" Hansen said.

"Just just try your luck. I didn't expect much from you. I didn't expect you to succeed." Mrs. Mirror said faintly.

Hansen touched his nose and looked at the sea of ​​blood under his feet.

Mrs. Jing seems to know what Hansen is thinking, and still uses such a salty and not too light tone: "The fleet of the Imperial Family has arrived, and will soon receive a few nearby stars that have been baptized by the ancient water gods."

Han Sen knows that the main purpose of Mrs. Jing’s coming here is not for the source of the ancient gods. The real purpose is this star field that has been watered by the life of ancient water gods.

With this rain of life baptism, the original primitive life planet will enter the era of great evolution, and many planets that did not have life will also be born under the nourishment of the life of ancient water gods.

And because the waters here are all from the blood of the ancient water gods, there is a huge vitality, and in the future it is possible to create a large number of horrific aliens, which is what the royal family needs most.

In contrast, the source of the ancient gods is not so important, at most it is used to train a master of the water system, and the value of this star field is not the same.

When Hansen followed Mrs. Mirror back to the battleship, he saw that the Imperial Fleet was being queued to enter the nearby planet.

The **** unicorn was on the battleship. What surprised Hansen was that it was waiting in the room, not as fierce as Hansen imagined.

When Blood Kirin saw Mrs. Mirror, there was a hint of fear and hostility.

Hansen probably guessed that after he was moved to the island by the ancient water god, the **** unicorn would certainly not obey the command of Mrs. Mirror, and the mirror lady should have made what means to let the **** unicorn return to the battleship.

"This woman's mentality and means are very powerful, but I don't know what she is playing. Why didn't I report the incident of my fake white game?" Hansen stroked the ring on the little finger, and conceived himself: "The biggest The possibility is related to this ring, but she did not force me to hand over the ring. Why is this?"

I couldn't understand it for a while, Hansen could only temporarily put it aside, took the silver-wing dragon ball and took it out and swallowed it into the belly to refine it.

"Duke's Gene +1... Duke Gene +1..."

The sound of the Duke's gene increase constantly rang in Hansen's mind, and even a total of ten Duke genes were added, which is equivalent to refining ten Duke-level heterologous genes.

"I can get a few more king-level heterologous genes, and my genetic language will not be promoted." Han Sen is happy and embarrassed.

Mrs. Mirror did not stay in this star field for too long. Her task was to clear some invisible obstacles. It was not responsible for occupying the building planet. Before the fleet occupied it, her mission was completed.

Han Sen knows that there must be a lot of strong people around Mrs. Mirror, but she has not appeared around her.

Such an important star field, behind the unknown does not know how many souls paid the price of blood and life, can finally occupy the success.

At least the ancient gods should not be able to give up easily here. The imperial family can not occupy such a good place without paying a price.

After returning to the emperor's country, Han Sen returned to the waters with the **** unicorn, and Mrs. Mirror did not leave him, and said nothing, no one came to Hansen's troubles.

The more so, the more Hansen’s heart was upset, guessing what the lady of the lens was playing and what she meant to do so.

"The big deal is to send the treasure back to the shelter. I don't believe what she can do with me." Hansen secretly screamed and wondered how to bring Boa back from the blue sea heart.

Before Hansen went to find the blue sea heart, the blue sea heart first came to the door, and his face looked very unsightly.

"Bai Yi, have you forgotten something?" Lan Haixin came to the garden and looked at Hansen coldly. She didn't say anything directly, but also because she had some doubts about Hansen's true and false.

"On the 9th of last month, I remember, but Mrs. Mirror is trying to pull me to do things, and I can't do anything." Hansen said casually, and said in his heart: "Fortunately, there is a small espionage report from Boa."

"You remember it. I missed the time now. We have to wait another two months. You are best to be honest in these two months. Don't bother me any more." Blue Haixin said that he turned and left. It’s lazy to look at Han Sen.

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