Super God Gene

Chapter 2359: Weird field

Ordinary bullets or forces will encounter great resistance in the water, it is difficult to achieve long-range strikes, and it is easy to be detected by the conch.

However, Hansen has the origin of the water, together with the dragon's field, and the sea of ​​the water star, the spell is also added to the same force, not only is not blocked by the sea, but by the power of the sea, in the Silent in the sea, like a ghost, shot at the conch.

However, Hansen’s goal is not the white meat exposed by Conch, but still its shell.


The bullet hit the conch shell, and suddenly the conch shell was pierced through a small hole, which made the conch body tremble, and quickly launched the blue light field, and the white meat was retracted into the conch shell.

"Sure enough!" Hansen was happy in his heart. He carefully watched the bullet hole and saw that there was a white liquid in the bullet hole. Although the amount was very small, at least it indicated that the gun actually broke through the shell and injured the inside. The flesh.

Now Hansen has been able to determine that the shell is so hard before, it should be the ability of the blue field, and has little to do with the shell itself.

Hansen's gun is much worse than the **** unicorn. Even his gun can pierce the snail shell. The **** unicorn claw can only leave a shallow mark on it. It is obvious that the blue light field is working.

Hansen was quiet and aimed at the conch with a sniper rifle. He shot several shots in a row, and a bullet hit the blue field and hit the shell.

It’s just that these bullets don’t have a shell that can pierce the shell, just leaving some shallow bullet marks on the outside of the shell.

"When the bullets pass through the blue light field, the speed and power should not drop, but why is it on the snail shell, but there is no destructive power that should have been?" Han Sen looked at the conch with interest.

After a while, the bullet holes that had been played before have been restored to the original, and even a trace has not been left. It can be seen that the resilience of the conch is quite strong.

"No wonder the white game will still have a king who is not hunted. It turns out that he doesn't want to kill, but he can't kill it!" Hansen laughed.

White can't kill, now naturally it is cheaper Hansen, Han Sen and blood unicorn are lurking far away, ready to hunt this king-level conch.

Now Hansen is only guessing a general, did not come up with a way to crack the blue field, so I plan to lurk here first, waiting for the conch to relax again.

However, because of the lessons learned from the previous car, Conch has been reluctant to show his head. After several hours, he finally re-exposed the white meat from the conch.

But this time it did not close up the Blu-ray field, but opened the blue light field and climbed into the deep sea.

Originally thought that this guy would be very cumbersome, but it really ran, just like a rabbit, I saw a hill sprinting on the bottom of the sea, bringing a wave of water, forming a lot of water vortex behind it.

Hansen opened the purple butterfly **** frog mirror, tracking it far away, waiting for the moment when it completely relaxed.

The conch, which had suffered a loss, was very cautious and had been crawling fast, but there was no sign of convergence in the king's field.

Hansen is not in a hurry, he has been following it far away, anyway, it is so big, it is not so easy to hide.

What's more, Han Sen now has a dual water system and wants to escape his tracking in the water. It is not an easy task. At least Hansen is full of confidence in his ability in the water.

However, Hansen soon discovered that he was too confident, and that the snail sea disappeared from a seamount.

Hansen watched it climb to the back of a seamount mountain. After a while, he didn't come out. He thought it was resting there, or where it was originally living, but then looked around and found that behind the mountain. There is no shadow of the king-level conch.

"Strange, where did it go?" Han Sen looked around and found no trace of the conch.

Here is the corner of the two mountains, there is no other way to go, the big head of the conch, will definitely be seen by Hansen, so Hansen will wait outside with confidence.

But now there is nothing here, the conch seems to disappear from the air.

"I thought it would be too naive to escape from the palm of my hand." Hansen opened the mirror and the hole in the tunnel, watching the particles of the conch, while looking back at the past.

Hansen soon discovered that there was a fist-sized hole in the wall of the Haigou, where the residue of the snail's breath particles disappeared.

"That conch can still change the size of the body? How did it not use this ability before?" Hansen suddenly understood, he was actually a female conch.

"Blood unicorn, go in and see what it does inside, don't scream the snake first." Hansen is not good at body contraction, blood unicorn is an expert in this area, its body can be big or small.

The blood unicorn screamed, the body shook, the flesh and blood bones contracted, suddenly shortened a circle, and after a few shakes, it became a toy-like **** little beast, crawling toward the hole.

Hansen was waiting outside, looking around and found that the trench was really interesting.

After reading the mysterious secrets left by Mr. Bai, he also learned some strange techniques, but they are all very furry things. It is definitely not possible to predict what is going on, but some simple things can still be seen.

The mountains of this seamount are very strange. The mountains are not far apart. The roots of the mountains are not even connected, and the mountains here are volcanic craters. The top of the mountain has a large circular pit.

Looking from the top, this mountain range is like a ring, and the nine mountains are arranged in a shape that is connected end to end. Hansen remembers the secret of the mysterious door, calling this type of land a "nine palace chain."

If this type of land is placed in the league, it is really a place where no one dares to live. This is a place of great murder. It can be said who lives and who is unlucky.

However, this theory does not necessarily apply in the gene universe. Mr. Bai himself said that Xuanmen secret technique has many areas to be improved in the gene universe, and the degree of fit with the gene universe is not very high. He is also groping himself.

Hansen is observing the power of the mountain, but suddenly sees a white shadow swimming between the distant peaks. It is a big electric eel with a length of about a dozen. Between the swimming, the white scales beat With a small electric light, it looks very beautiful.

“Is it another king-level alien?” Hansen frowned, feeling that this was something unusual.

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