Super God Gene

Chapter 2372: Treasure

The blue sea heart turned to look at the old woman of the Krai, and apparently she had never seen the holy things.

The old woman of the Kraken quickly said: "The Royal Highness has no doubts, that is, the sacred sea monster bottle of my Krakens is undoubtedly. The holy bottle is made from the ancient deified materials of the ridiculous era. There is no possibility of forgery. And only the blood of our series of the Kraken saints can activate it, it is true or false to try."

After a pause, the old lady of the Kraken said: "And this is what the former saints left for you, how can she lie to her son?"

"How do I look a little like a holy thing?" Hansen said faintly.

"You haven't seen the holy things yet, how can you not know?" Blue Ocean retorted.

"In general, it doesn't look like it. Since you think that it is a holy thing, you can take it yourself. I will go elsewhere." Hansen said that he was ready to leave the hall.

The old woman of the sea quickly stopped Hansen: "His Royal Highness, the saint is like you, the blood of the saint is not pure, and you can activate the holy things together, and you are indispensable."

"Let's take a look at it first." Han Sen ordered the **** unicorn to continue on, and the **** unicorn roared and went to the side door of the main hall.

Although the old woman of the Kraken is half-deification, she does not dare to block the **** unicorn and Hansen, and can only retreat to the side.

"I don't believe it, I can't activate the holy bottle myself." Blue Sea heart looked at Hansen out of the hall, and he wanted to go to the altar.

The old woman of the Kraken stopped her quickly: "The saint is not reckless, the holy bottle is my family's treasure, and its power is not trivial. Without the pure blood of the saint, it may be deeply affected. Instead, the former saint is not there. Pass the holy bottle directly to His Royal Highness, you can't take the risk test."

Blue Ocean Heart is not really a brainless person. It is also clear about this truth. He sighs: "Well, let's go and see it together."

Out of the main hall, I saw the pavilions and palace stone statues in the Crystal Palace. It is like a real city. It is just that the city is made of crystal. It looks beautiful and comfortable.

Hansen took care very carefully, but he did not encounter danger. There seemed to be no ban in the entire Crystal Palace. The palace buildings could be accessed at will, but there was nothing valuable in it.

The entire Crystal Palace is like a city without people. Although it is clean and beautiful, it has a feeling of death.

Blue Ocean Hearts also followed Hansen behind, and after seeing the situation in the Crystal Palace, they were relieved.

There is no dangerous prohibition in the Crystal Palace. It can be said that the former saint is only trying to pass the holy bottle to the white game, and there is no other thought.

Suddenly, Hansen found some problems and pointed to a corner of the Crystal Palace: "What is going on there?"

Lan Haixin and others looked in the direction of Hansen's fingers. I saw that it was a crystal wall, but unlike the ordinary crystal wall, there were some green moss growing on the crystal wall.

"Strange, how can there grow moss here?" The blue sea heart felt a little strange, and walked toward the crystal wall.

The moss almost occupies the entire surface of the crystal wall, and the ground also extends out of a large piece. Watching it carefully, you can also see the traces of what seems to have climbed on the moss, and not just one, obviously there is something here often. through.

The blue sea heart and the old lady of the Kraken are all changed: "How is this possible? Is there any other creature that has entered the Crystal Palace?"

Hansen looked at the traces, and the purple butterfly **** frog mirror turned, and soon found those traces he was very familiar with, it should be the crystal wall conch and the moving mountain conch left.

"They are really related to the Crystal Palace, but how did they get in and out of the Crystal Palace?" Hansen looked at the crystal wall carefully, and soon it was discovered.

There was a tiny trachoma above the crystal wall. I don't know if it was because of the original material problem, or when the building was leaking. In short, there was a tiny hole left.

The hole is only the size of the needle tip, and the creature can't get in. But the mountain conch and the crystal wall conch can shrink the body size. It is not difficult to come in.

The reason why I want to come here is to give birth to moss, because when they come in, the marine atmosphere and impurities that are contaminated by the body are left behind.

Fortunately, they have been solved by Hansen and the little red bird. Hansen turned around in the Crystal Palace and found no other creatures.

"His Royal Highness, the former Virgin will not harm you, we are still going to take the holy bottle, so as not to have a long night dream." The old lady of the sea monster urged.

Hansen hesitated and nodded and said, "Okay, let's try to see if we can take out the holy bottle."

Hansen suddenly changed his mind, not because he felt the danger had been lifted, but because Hansen suddenly thought of one thing.

Judging from the current situation, the crystal wall conch and the moving mountain conch should all inadvertently break into the Crystal Palace, not the original species in the Crystal Palace.

However, before the game, it was clear that all the high-level heterogeneous had been cleaned up. There would be deification and king-level heterogeneity here. It is really unreasonable.

But if you think about it in reverse, you might be able to explain it.

Perhaps the crystal wall conch and the moving mountain conch were not deified and king. They were promoted to the deification and the king only for some reason. In the crystal palace, the only possibility is to create all this. I am afraid there is only the sea. The demon bottle.

"If the crystal wall snail and the moving mountain conch are really because of the Kraken bottle can be promoted ..." Han Sen thinks that the heartbeat is quick, and the baby who can promote the alienation to the deification, I am afraid that even the deified will be desperately robbed.

Just because of this, Hansen changed his mind and wanted to try to see if the Kraken bottle could be used for his own purposes.

In the face of such huge interests, even if there is risk, it is worth trying, let alone the little red bird, should not be too risky.

Seeing that Hansen was finally willing to take the holy bottle, the old lady of the Kraken quickly led the way, and everyone returned to the previous hall.

The Kraken bottle is still quietly placed on the altar. The old lady of the Kraken shouts: "The saint, you go on stage with your Royal Highness, and each drop a drop of blood into the holy bottle. Being able to activate it, the holy bottle will naturally choose the Lord."

After all, he said to Hansen: "His Royal Highness, you and the saints are all integrated into the holy bottle with blood power. The probability of choosing a holy bottle is 50%. No matter who gets the holy bottle, I hope we can continue to cooperate. ""

"That is of course." Han Sen nodded slightly, and went to the altar with Blue Sea Heart.

The two were very careful, but there was no accident. Hansen and the Blue Sea went to the altar in peace. The two looked at each other. The blue sea heart bite their teeth and stretched out their fingers to drop a drop of blood into it. Within the bottle mouth of the Kraken bottle.

Hansen glanced at the bottle and saw a group of chaotic lights inside. He couldn't see anything at all. The blood of the blue sea heart fell into the chaotic light and disappeared, but there was no reaction.

After hesitating, Hansen still runs the original water body, then separates a drop of water and puts it into the bottle.

Hansen's drop of liquid only entered the Kraken bottle, and suddenly I saw the Kraken bottle violently shaking up. The chaotic light inside was like a spring, and it seemed to be ejected at any time.

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