Super God Gene

Chapter 2381: Denglin Huashan

Swell! It is too bloated!

There are no shocking momentum in the appearance of the sixteen emperors. There is no gorgeous ability. In a word, it is like throwing stones into the lake. The cockroaches that have been thrown up have spread to the whole country of the emperor, so that everyone knows that the sixteen emperors are in the game. After two adventures, it has completely expanded.

Most people regard this as an anecdote or a joke, and don't think that Bai Yi can really do it.

Others do not say that the first two places are definitely booked by the two deified kings and emperors. The district’s sixteen princes who have just been in a heavy field, how can they look down on too much waves, no matter how Oh, it’s just a little bit of a gimmick for this big test.

However, they have been wrong since the beginning. Hansen is really ready to fight for the battle. Although the first place hope is not big, it is still very promising to enter the top three.

Moreover, Hansen is not a king's field now. The original source of the water is originally a mutant gene that has been refining and refining by Hansen. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to continue to improve. When refining, it is a field that is a heavy field, and there is no growth. .

However, these days Hansen has been carrying the ancient gods of the ancient water god, under the magical water system strength, the original water king body was promoted to the king level dual field.

"The source of the ancient gods is extraordinary. It is no wonder that even the strongest of the gods want to get it. If the original water body can always be promoted, it is an excellent thing." Han Sen played with the ancient gods. Source, happy in my heart.

However, Hansen’s heart still has some doubts. He clearly has a very bad relationship with the ancient water god. He said that it is not an enemy. Why did the ancient gods come to him after the death of the ancient **** of water? This made Hansen puzzled.

Every time the king's field is in one, the power will be multiplied. If you can reach the nine-fold and then divide the nine-weight field, there will be a qualitative leap, although it is not as exaggerated as the promotion of the deification, but the nine-fold one. The king is also many times stronger than the average king of the nine-fold field, so there will be a half-step deification.

Hansen did not dare to expect the origin of the water king to grow into a deified situation. If he was able to promote half-step deification under the nourishment of the ancient **** source, Hansen was very satisfied.

Unfortunately, Hansen used a variety of methods, there is no way to shake the source of the ancient gods, let alone eat it, and even a little powder can not be scraped, can only let its power automatically moisturize the source of water.

In contrast, the power of the original water king will also in turn support the source of hatching the ancient gods. The two are interdependent, and the source of the ancient gods is not a unilateral effort.

At the beginning of the college entrance examination, the first day of the project was Denghua Gushan. A group of emperors and grandfathers gathered under the bones of the bones, looking up at the mountain peaks like a rifle, and they could not help but feel a little self-small feeling. .

The Bone Mountain is like a pillar of the sky, standing in the void, only to see the foot of the mountain, but can not see the scenery of the top of the mountain into the void, a winding stone step from the foot of the mountain to the top of the emptiness .

While waiting for the mountaineering command, Bai Lingshuang quietly walked to the vicinity of Hansen, just looked at him, but did not say anything with Hansen.

The Jiucheng Mountain Road in front of the Huashan Mountain can be seen by all the subjects of the emperor's kingdom and the royal family. Only the last section of the mountain road that is integrated into the void can not be seen by people outside the mountain, even if it is a strong god. People can't see the void.

It is naturally impossible for Bai Lingshuang to let Han Sen help her to go up in the eyes of the public, which will only be ridiculed by the entire Emperor. Therefore, Bai Lingshan in front of Jiuchengshan Road has to go by himself. When he arrives at the last section of the Void Mountain Road, he will ask Hansen for help.

The last section of the mountain road is also the most difficult road to the bone mountain. Bai Lingshuang is not sure that he has finished the last mountain road.

With a command, more than one hundred emperors and emperors all walked up to the stone steps, quite a few minutes of horse-drawn loose running, and it seems to be the old-age mountaineering team, immediately after the mountain opened a long formation.

At the forefront of the team is the Prince Bai Wanjie. No one is competing with him in this section, let him walk in the forefront with the Prince.

Immediately behind the Prince is the four kings of the deified level and the two emperors of the deified level. The two go hand in hand, almost in no particular order.

Later, there are other half-step deified royal princes, including Bai Lingshuang and Bai Linglang, and then Hansen and other king-level emperors.

Han Sen looked around, but did not see the white impermanent guy, he did not come to participate in Dabi.

Bai Qingxia walked over to Han Sen and said faintly: "Sixteen brothers, let's go together."

"Good." Han Sen nodded slightly, and walked along the stone steps along with Bai Qingxia.

In the back of the team, there is a pair of persevering eyes staring at Hansen's back, the masters of those eyes belong to the Emperor Bai Wei.

Originally Hansen thought that the bones of the mountain would be very difficult to go, otherwise Bai Lingshuang would not be willing to pay so many king-level heterogeneous genes to ask him for help.

However, Hansen took a long walk, but found that the path of the Bone Mountain was not as difficult as it was imagined. Apart from having the power of forbidden air, he could not fly on the Bone Mountain, and did not feel anything special.

However, Han Sen tried to speed up a little speed and immediately felt the difference.

The mountain road that was originally not difficult to walk, but because of his acceleration, the resistance is very great, just like running in the water, the faster his speed, the greater the resistance, and the big incredible kind, Hansen had to slow down.

As soon as the speed slows down, the sense of resistance gradually decreases, and in the end it is almost impossible to feel.

"No wonder everyone is just walking slowly. It turns out that this bone mountain road has such a mystery." Han Sen secretly thought.

"Sixteen brothers, when you were in the emperor's garden, you and I have not won the battle. When you are on the emperor's stage, you will win a game with you." Bai Qingxia said to Hansen while walking.

"Are you not already lost?" Hansen asked with a wink.

Bai Qingxia just smiled a little: "I have lost the emperor, but the previous battle was a victory or a loss. I hate being a god, I can not only practice that weight."

Hansen listened slightly and looked at Bai Qingxia with a little surprise: "How many weights did you practice?"

"Nine heavy, only one difference can go to the highest ten heavens, but my body is only a king-level double, no matter how can not break through the last one." Bai Qingxia did not conceal, directly said.

"Great!" Hansen praised.

However, this sentence is from the true heart. After the battle with Bai Qingxia, Han Sen also checked the information about the hatred of the heavens. It is indeed a magical skill. Not everyone can practice it. One heaven is a heavy field, and it is generally necessary to practice. In the nine heavens, it will be the body of the nine-fold field.

Bai Qingxia has just been promoted to the dual field, and even turned into a nine-day, this talent is no one.

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