Super God Gene

Chapter 2390: Nine-turning Meihu Danxianggong

What Han Sen was trying to say, but saw the foxtail behind the fox swaying in the void, turning into a virtual chain like a chain of orders. It seems that there are nine tails swaying in the air, turning into a cage and wrapping them in it.

In the eyes of the fox, the silver awns flashed, and the white skin shimmered with a strange silver pattern, like a tattoo, and it was like a symbol.

Almost at the same time, a clear spring-like force flowed out of the fox's lips and flowed directly into Hansen's mouth.

A cool breath suddenly spread within Hansen's body, making Hansen's whole body seem to be baptized by cool spring water.

The cool power was incorporated into Hansen's cells, and Hansen felt that there were some strange changes in the body. A seemingly absurd aroma overflowed from the flesh and blood, and it lingered on the tip of the nose for a long time.

"I have already used the secret technique of the Humei people to print the power of the nine-turned fox into your body. You move with my mind, and you can get the nine-turn method of Meihu Danxiang. The power of my fox family." The fox's lips did not move, but the voice rang in Hansen's ear.

Hansen nodded slightly, and with the idea of ​​the fox, the cohesive force flowed through the body.

As the foxes get more and more power, Hansen's power is getting stronger and stronger, and the body's aroma is getting stronger. It makes Han Sen feel like he is in the sea of ​​flowers. Among them.

Not long after, the aroma of Hansen's flesh and blood gradually faded, and finally I couldn't smell the slightest aroma, but after a while, the aroma turned thick again.

The aroma has changed a total of nine times. The strength of Hansen’s body from the fox has been extremely large, and it is integrated with Hansen’s **.

On Hansen's skin, there is a faint silver pattern similar to that of the fox, but the pattern that appears on Hansen is very light compared to the shiny silver of the fox.

The fox saw Hansen’s silver pattern, and his heart was happy.

She originally thought that Hansen did not have the blood of the Meihu people. Even if she guided the nine-turn Meihu Danxiang, the part that Hansen could absorb should be only one or two.

But who knows that Hansen actually absorbed the nine-turned Meihu Danxiang power that she had crossed into, and also condensed the charm of the Fox, so that Fox was very surprised.

"Weird! Is there any blood in my body that is not my Meihu family? Or how could it be possible to condense the flutes?" The fox was in amazement.

However, after the moment, Fox had a decision in his heart, and the secret technique that should have been so far continued to work.

The silver lines on the foxes continued to expand, and the seemingly weird patterns gradually joined together, forming a nine-tailed silver fox pattern on her body.

The pattern is extremely strange, like a living silver fox on the snowy white skin of the fox, a pair of sparkling silver slender eyes, staring at Hansen in the cold.

The silver pattern on Hansen’s body, with the strength of the fox, has gradually become brighter, and more silver patterns have emerged, gradually connecting with the fox, the pattern on the body. It looks like a silvery nine-tailed fox.

Hansen felt that the power in the whole body was rampant, like a wild horse that was dislocated, and it was almost out of his control.

"Fox, stop, I can't support it." Hansen said to the fox with his thoughts.

The foxes are ignored, their legs are tightly wrapped around Hansen's waist, their arms are licking his neck, and the red lips are inseparable from Hansen's big mouth. A silver chain of order flows into Hansen's body. within.

"Fox, what do you want to do?" Hansen said again with his mind, his face has already cooled down, his body struggled a few times, but he was unable to move by the power of the fox.

The fox finally responded, his face was smiling, his red lips didn't move, and his voice rang in Hansen's ear: "I didn't expect my sister, your body has such a talent, it can condense out. My Meihu family's charming fox pattern, I am fully committed to help you with nine turns of fox fox, can transform your physique into a nine-turn fox body, not only good for your evolution, but you control the nine When you turn to the mirror, you will be more comfortable."

"Fox, are you really a three-year-old child?" Hansen said coldly in his mind.

Fox said with a smile: "My good brother, this is the end of the matter, you will listen to your sister's words, my sister will not treat you badly."

The fox and Han Sen talked, and the silver order chain in the mouth kept pouring into Hansen's mouth, which made Hansen's nine-turn fox force stronger and stronger.

That power is almost out of Hansen’s control, but in the body of Hansen’s body, according to the will of the fox, Hansen’s nine-tailed silver fox pattern is becoming more and more agile, as if to live. .

Hansen has already seen it at this point that Fox is now obviously controlling his body directly, instead of just talking about perfusion.

The fox refused to admit it, and he ignored Hansen. He just kept the power into Hansen.

Indeed, as Hansen thinks, the fox is going to refine the body of Hansen directly into her nine-turn fox fox, so that she can directly manipulate Hansen, without the need to cooperate with Hansen, and later It is not so troublesome to cooperate with Hansen, and it is more convenient to control.

However, the foxes were only temporary. At the beginning, she did not expect Hansen’s body to be able to condense the beauty of the fox. At the beginning, she said that she did not lie to Hansen.

Hansen has a deep understanding of the Meihu people. Naturally, he will not really trust the foxes. Whether or not the foxes are telling the truth is not important to him, because he already has his own plans.

If Fox is just honestly blessing with sorcerer, Hansen is still somewhat disappointed, because such power is simply not enough for Hansen to leverage his strength.

Yes, Hansen is going to take advantage of the power of the fox to promote his own cosmic gear, and thus promote to the king.

Although the risk of doing so is great, in contrast, it is much easier to borrow from Hanson in real battles.

The power in battle is more destructive, and it is not easy to get into the body, let alone manipulate them to push the cosmic gear.

But now the foxes mainly put her power into Hansen's body, and this force will not hurt his **, thus avoiding a lot of trouble, so Hansen has the most leverage Good environment.

Feeling that the power in the body has almost reached the expected level, Hansen no longer hesitated, began to run the tunnel Xuan Jing, want to guide that force to promote his life gear.

"What a whimsical! What kind of strength do you use to force me?" The fox felt the change in Hansen's body, and suddenly understood the intention of Hansen, and suddenly sneered. 8)

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