Super God Gene

Chapter 2429: Sleeping place

The night wind continued to expand the chain of order, and the gravel behind the screen was cleared. The three men took the duke, who was guilty of drug addiction, and turned over the screen to move on.

The seven princes of the Duke are bleeding, although they are not dead, but the situation is very bad, especially the eyes, have become blood red, can not be separated from the pupil and white eyes.

The night wind continued to clean up the road ahead. After dug a distance, the night wind suddenly stopped. He turned back and said to the mirror lady: "Mirror people, do we have to change direction and dig again?"

“Why?” asked Mrs. Jing, looking at the night wind.

Hansen’s heart is also very curious, I don’t know why the night wind has such a proposal.

The night wind sighed and said: "The third painting language we will encounter a tree. In terms of the proportion of the painting, the tree should be very large, at least 100 meters high, and the trees that want to move should It will be very difficult."

Hansen suddenly understood the meaning of the night wind. The third painting predicted that they would meet the tree. The tree could not move. So as long as they bypassed the tree, the prophecy in the painting would not be established. It must be someone. Ghosts are undoubted.

"Then change direction." The mirror lady nodded.

The night wind responded and changed direction and then dig.

If someone is really engaging in a ghost, it is very simple to predict their direction of digging, because they are attracted by the force and always dig in one direction. The person can easily judge what they will encounter on the way, directly in the painting. It’s ok to show it.

If you change it to a lesser amount of guts, you can dig it down according to the original route. If you really see the big tree, you will score three points in the heart. Whenever you have any calculations, it will be easier to succeed.

The suggestion made by the night wind is to avoid this kind of thing. If the person has the ability to move the trees, it will inevitably leave some flaws, and the advance design is useless.

The night wind digs very quickly. After ten minutes, Hansen has walked into the night wind for hundreds of meters.

But the night wind in front suddenly squatted there, it was really stunned, not as simple as stopping.

He stood there, staring at the front, a pair of ghosts, and even the raised arms were forgotten.

“What happened?” Hansen looked forward from the position next to the night wind, and saw that the gravel was halfway in front of the night wind, and there was something in the rock. come out.

When Hansen saw what it was, his face changed, and the stick out of the stone turned out to be a branch with green leaves, a bit like the branches and leaves of the willow.

"How come?" Hansen was uncomfortable in his heart. Looking at the branches and leaves, it seemed to resemble the tree on the painting.

After the face of the night wind changed slightly, the chain of night was immediately waved, and all the nearby gravel were removed. More and more branches appeared from the rock, and soon the whole tree was exposed.

Like the paintings, the trees are as high as a hundred meters, some are like willows, the branches are drooping, the trees are full of young leaves, and the growth is very dense.

Han Sen’s faces are very ugly. They have changed the direction of the excavation, but they even dug the big tree. This is really strange.

Hansen looked at the roots of the tree, where the black stone was made of flower beds, and the flower beds were filled with dirt and the roots of the trees.

"It's not like moving from other places." Mrs. Mirror also looked at the flower bed.

"Maybe there are a lot of such big trees planted here, we will not be surprised to see it. It is like there are some squares around, they will plant trees as walls, no matter which direction we dig, we will encounter this kind of tree. Hansen thought about it.

"Not bad." The night wind nodded seriously and was about to dig to see if there were any other big trees.

"Don't dig, there can't be a second tree like this." Mrs. Mirror waved her hand to stop the night wind.

The night wind did not dare to question Mrs. Mirror, but she looked at Mrs. Mirror with a look of confusion, waiting for her to explain why it is impossible to have a second such tree.

Mrs. Mirror stared at the tree and said, "This one should be the Soul Tree."

"An Soul Tree!" After listening to the night wind, his face suddenly changed. Some people couldn't believe it and looked at the big tree again.

Han Sen is looking at the mirror lady and the night wind with some doubts. I don't know what the Soul Tree they are talking about.

Mrs. Jing seems to have seen Hansen’s mind. Without waiting for him to ask, she explained directly: “I went to the ancient Protoss and saw a similar Soul Tree there. According to the ancient Protoss, this Planting trees is the last resting place for the ancient Protoss. It is said that the people of the ancient Protoss can be rested under the tree.

"Since you have seen this tree in the ancient Protoss, there is another one here, indicating that this tree should not be difficult to get, how can you say that there is no such second big tree?" Hansen asked inexplicably. .

Mrs. Mirror said: "I don't know how to get the hand of the soul, but the one that I saw was only two feet high. According to the owner of the Soul Tree, the top of the Soul Tree is also It can grow to three feet high, and then it will not continue to grow. If a tribe of ancient Protoss dies and is buried under the Soul Tree, the Soul Tree absorbs the body of the ancient Protoss, and then it can grow a foot longer. There will be more or less. You can count it yourself, this Soul Tree can grow so high, how many ancient Protoss bodies do you need? Do you think there is a possibility of a second tree?"

"Is this really a soul tree?" Hansen looked at the big tree in front of him with amazement.

At the beginning, the body of an ancient water **** nourished several stars, which enabled the planets to revitalize and promote the evolution of primitive creatures.

If Mrs. Jing said that it is true, this Soul Tree has absorbed at least the bodies of hundreds of ancient Protoss. Its own energy is sure to reach an unimaginable level, but Hansen has not seen it from it. To the horror of life, no different from ordinary trees.

"Want to know if it is a simple soul tree, if it is a real soul tree, then there must be a soul tree hole that condenses the power of the ancient Protoss." The mirror lady slowly surrounds the tree. OK, soon, she stopped at a position, staring at a position in the big tree.

Hansen and the night wind went to Mrs. Jing’s side and looked at the lady’s gaze. I saw it on the trunk. There was a fist-sized tree hole. The hole in the tree was dark, with Hansen’s eyesight. I can't see what is inside the tree hole.

"Yes, it is the soul of the soul tree, I don't know the inside of the soul tree is still not there." Mrs. Jing looked at the tree hole and muttered to herself.

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