Super God Gene

Chapter 2497: Gene Story Promotion

In the past, Hansen had been unable to push the genetic gear of the genetic story. Now it is different. Hansen has the peacock king soul coat. With the blessing of the peacock king beast spirit, he directly promotes his power to the level of deification, with the power of deification. Hansen did not believe that he could not promote the life gear of the genetic term.

Looking for a suitable time, Hansen shut himself up in a separate room and began his promotion of the Gene Story.

First, the peacock king soul coat was summoned, and the gray-colored feather robes appeared on Hansen's body. The colorful peacock pattern on the back exudes the brilliance of brilliance.

Hansen’s thoughts changed, and the colorful peacock pattern suddenly turned into a peacock king’s shadow, suspended behind Hansen’s body, and a colorful ray of light blessed Hansen’s flesh, making his breath into a colorful color. Condensed the chain of order.

Through this powerful and unparalleled soul force, Hansen opened up the genetic language and controlled the colorful light to start hitting the life gear.

"Hey!" can destroy the planet's colorful light to promote the genetic gear of the life of the gear, even let the life gear slowly move a bit, as if the dusty door was opened.

Hansen’s heart is full of joy, and the power to destroy the colorful light is pushing the life gear. So the powerful force can only make the life gear of the genetic story seem to be a heavy stone mill.

"These powerful forces are just barely able to push the genetic gear of the genetics. If it is only by my own strength, I don’t know what year and month to push it. Maybe after other genetic advances are promoted, it is possible. Promote the promotion of genetic language to the king." Han Sen secretly admired.

With the slow rotation of the life gear, after a lap, the life gear is pushed faster and faster, and the spell lines above are getting brighter and brighter.

In the end, Hansen’s push was not needed, and the life gear automatically started. The door to the temple in the core field was also opened. After Hansen entered it, he found himself appearing in another place, both in the previous two places. Not the same.

"Using different life gears to enter the core field, it really will appear in different positions. So, I can appear in four positions at the same time. This is some meaning." Hansen did not stop, just left. The core area.

The Tianxia Star Field is too dangerous, and it is not a time to hunt and kill the different species.

The next leg was surprisingly smooth. They sailed in the Tianxia domain for more than half a month, and they did not encounter the deified powers. The general aliens and kings, Hansen, they can easily pass.

"The boat is long, refueling and refueling... Captain refueling, refueling and refueling..." Hansen and Boa are bored and playing with the old man, the pirates are beside them, shouting slogans and clapping hands, do not know People thought that this was the scene of a pyramid scheme.

In such a warm atmosphere, like the finals of the Universe Contest, Hansen, who originally intended to relax, was somewhat involuntarily serious.

"Boo, which one is it?" Han Sen looked at the two cards held by Boa's little hand and asked with a smile.

"You guess." Boa smiled sweetly and blinked at Hansen.

"This little devil is getting more and more savvy. Even I can't see her mind." Han Sen looked at the two cards and hesitated a little. He couldn't judge the two cards in Boa's hand. Which one is a ghost card, which one is the one that he needs.

If this one is wrong, and if the ghost card is drawn, Hansen is afraid that he will have no chance.

Hansen looked at the pirates on both sides and wanted to see something from their faces, but unfortunately did not get an answer.

"Dad, you don't have to look again, they can't see the cards in my hands, they won't let you see the clues from their faces." Baoer said with a small mouth: "I must win you this time."

Hansen smiled and reached for one of the cards and grabbed the past. He said, "This is one."

When Hansen pinched the card, Boa’s face changed, but it just passed away.

Hansen suddenly loosened the card and directly pinched the other one and pulled it out. He turned it over and saw it. It was a red heart three, and the one with Hansen’s hand was formed into a team.

"Why... why did you lose again..." Boa squinted at the face, hating the ghost card on the table.

"Haha... Your father will always be your father..." Hansen laughed and touched Bao's head.

"Come on, don't believe you can't win." Boa grabbed the card and said.

"Cough, I still have something to let them play with you..." Han Sen quickly got up and pulled a pirate directly to let him play with Boa.

"This girl is getting more and more ghosts, and she was almost cheated by her. In the future, she can't play with her anymore. She lost too much face." Han Sen touched his nose and thought to himself.

Boa couldn't easily find a chance to turn around and avenge the result. The result was still not won. The heart was very depressed. Suddenly, the depression in his heart was vented to the pirates. In a short time, the pirates were covered with paper sheets on their faces.

Hansen returned to his room and summoned the spell.

Since the promotion of the genetic terminology to the king, Hansen has been studying the use of the domain of genetics.

The life-threatening gear of the blood-stained nerve is not connected to any cosmic gear, but it can also promote the life gear of other creatures, but the life gear of the genetic story is completely independent, just like the rotation of the fox, it has nothing to do with everything.

In addition to the enhancement of Hansen's body and genes at the time of promotion, Hansen has not found out what the realm of genetic language is.

The spell has been promoted to the king level with the opening of the natal gear, and several forms are more refined. In addition, there are no other forms, and no other spells appear.

Aside from the pure evolution of the body, there is almost no difference between the spell and the former Duke level.

But what Hansen had some surprises was that he actually saw a life gear in the spell.

The spell is only his genetic arm, just like the hole Xuan armor, it is a collateral of genetic surgery, and it should not have the life gear itself.

However, the mantra and the real creatures have their own life gear. This discovery surprised Hansen.

If it is not for the study of the role of the gene language, he will not use the hole in the field to carefully look at the mantra of the human form, nor will she find that she even has a life gear.

The spell's natal gear is exactly the same as Hansen's natal gear, almost like a replica.

Hansen can be sure that it is not his own mirror of the life gear, because he can't control the spell's life gear.

Hansen suddenly felt a move: "Is it true that the genetic gear of the human language is used to drive the spell's life gear?"

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