Super God Gene

Chapter 2504: conspiracy?

The people of the Ice Blue Knights looked at Hansen from the monitor, and they hatched their teeth.

This is like a robber who ran to someone else's home and beaten his son. He also snatched away a large amount of property. As a result, he still did not run. He also went for a walk in the back garden to have a cup of tea. You said that it was not good.

What is even more irritating is that they are afraid of white impermanence and can't take Hansen. They can only watch Hansen holding Boa on the planet.

"What exactly does he want to do?" Ice Blue Knight Wang looked at Han Sen with a puzzled look. He couldn't guess what Hanson did.

In the current situation of Hansen, of course, the sooner the better, the better Hansen, after all, it is not a deified power. Once the emperor’s deified strongman arrives, his risk factor will increase greatly. Big.

However, Hansen did not run, and still wandered around here, making the Ice Blue Knight and several other core executives very confused.

They passed Hansen's image back to the emperor, and the deified strongmen in the emperor were also puzzled. I don't know why Hansen was staying there, just like waiting for them to catch.

"Conspiracy... there must be a conspiracy..." said the six emperors, gnashing their teeth.

They all felt that there was a conspiracy, but they did not know what conspiracy they had. They thought hard about each other and tried to guess Hansen’s conspiracy. However, they thought of many possibilities and they felt unrealistic.

"Let the four emperors rush to the chaotic star field as soon as possible, no matter what conspiracy he has, it is useless in the face of absolute power." Bai Huang said faintly.

The most beloved son was taken away by Han Sen. His look did not change much. It seemed that nothing had happened. It was still as usual.

"The father, the son of the court, asked to take the troops to the chaotic star field, and seized Hansen to save the impermanence." The prince went forward.

He is a mother compatriot with white impermanence, and the relationship is naturally better than other emperors. However, the reason why he has to ask for life to save the impermanence is not all for flesh and blood.

As a mother compatriot, white impermanence and talented peers are very popular with the White Emperor, coupled with the impermanence of nothingness and no ambition to compete for the throne, it is a great help for the Prince.

Moreover, this move can also give Bai Huang a good impression of loving his brothers. The Prince has no reason to not go. It is one thing to go and not to be able to save it is another.

The White Emperor still said faintly: "The things on the side of the Meka have reached a critical juncture, and you still need to follow up. Don't worry, the Four Emperors are enough to handle this matter, and the Princess is already on the road."


Hansen is holding Boa on the planet. It is not a planet suitable for life. Apart from the station, the external environment is quite bad. Only some voids can survive here.

It is a bit similar to the moon. There are craters that are made up of meteorites. Some are huge like basins, and small ones have a football field.

The meteorites in the nearby meteorite belt are affected by the gravitational pull of this planet, and there are often meteorites hitting the planet.

However, since the Ice Blue Knights occupied the planet, the larger meteorites were dealt with when they flew here. Those craters were previously left behind.

Boa secretly pointed to Hansen. It didn't take long for Hansen to come to a small crater and see a pile of gravel in the center of the crater.

The color of the gravel is metallic black, not the purple that Hansen expects, and Hansen is slightly disappointed.

However, since Boa said that there are treasures there, there will definitely be good things. Hansen feels better when he thinks of it.

The monitors of the Ice Blue Knights and the Emperor, and seeing Hansen walking next to the pile of gravel, are also somewhat puzzled. I don't know what Hansen wants to do.

They have been speculating about Hansen’s conspiracy and seeing anything that can be associated with conspiracy, but he can’t think of any conspiracy Hansen has.

Under their gaze, Hansen removed the rubble from the surveillance image, they can see that there are some purple mushrooms growing under the gravel.

Everyone is a slight glimpse, that planet is not suitable for life, not to mention plants, even ordinary aliens are difficult to survive there, only the void can survive on the planet for a long time.

In such a place, there are a bunch of purple mushrooms, and each one has a fist, so it is really rare.

Hansen saw these mushrooms and suddenly became ecstatic.

They only look at the images, they can't feel the breath of these purple mushrooms, but Hansen can clearly feel that the breath of these mushrooms can be comparable to the king's different species.

"Plant heterogeneous?" Hansen looked at the purple mushrooms, probably counting a few, the number is actually more than 70, some larger and some smaller, but basically have a king-level life.

"These mushrooms, it wouldn't be the things mentioned in the Night River King number? The purple mushroom is that one? No, look at this quantity, it should be the numbered creature, it should not be the same thing as the numbered creature. These mushrooms should be infected in the number, then what is it?" Hansen looked at a few eyes, and found nothing but purple mushrooms.

"It's been there all the time... Where is it?" Hansen recalled the contents of the night river king's diary, but the diary did not clearly point out where it was.

Boa looked at the mushrooms and drooled: "Dad, can I eat them?"

“Can this thing be eaten?” Hansen reached for a mushroom, but when he touched the mushroom, he saw the mushroom trembled. The mushroom-like mushroom cover suddenly rose and then shrank. Suddenly, a large amount of purple smoke was sprayed from under the mushroom cover.

Hansen’s ice muscle jade is turned into an ice wall, blocking the purple smoke from the mushroom.

The purple smoke was stained on the surface of the ice wall, and the pits of the ice wall were smashed, and the surface of the ice wall was quickly eroded into purple.

Hansen’s face changed: “A powerful poisonous force!”

The ice blue knight and the emperor are responsible for the monitoring of the six emperors and other people are also a slight glimpse, they just look at the image, did not see what the mushroom is, but now they are somewhat surprised, see the mushroom spout Purple smoke already knows that it should be a king-level plant, and it has a very strong poisonous power, otherwise it is impossible to erode Hansen ice.

"Boa, do you really want to eat this? Isn't it a joke?" Hansen looked at the purple poisonous mushrooms and whispered to Boa.

"Boa is not talking about those mushrooms, it is that thing." Boa pointed to the side of those purple poisonous mushrooms.

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