Super God Gene

Chapter 2520: Destruction

Hansen’s eyes were slightly stunned, and he did not retreat. He looked directly at the golden armor in front of him, and the purple butterfly **** 瞳 mirror in his eyes was running wildly.

He has already seen that something is wrong. Although the golden armor will be fixed by the dragon blood, but it can be seen under the hole Xuan field, his life gear is still running slowly and is not completely imprisoned. .

However, Hansen did not mean to withdraw, but still came to the front of the Golden God.

Everyone looked at the horrible golden sword and smashed it down. The squeaky sawtooth light cut everything and instantly fell on the top of the gold coin.

It is inevitable that in their view, even if the gold coin uses teleportation, there is no chance, and the teleport speed of the gold coin is too slow.

However, Han Sen did not intend to dodge at all, and a blazing brilliance spread in his eyes. In the eyes of the public, the body became a vain light and shadow, like a **** in nothingness.

The golden sword with his power to open the planet squatted on his body, but smashed directly from his body, as if his body did not exist, just a phantom.

"Phantom or avatar?" Everyone looked a little surprised.

But the next second, his surprise turned into a horror, the golden sword smashed from the imaginary body of the gold coin, as if it was a phantom, but the phantom gold coin, holding the dragon tooth dagger However, a dagger directly penetrated into the left eye of the Golden God.

A little bit of light flashed over the dragon's dagger, forcibly piercing the crystal wall of the eye position, piercing his eyes, and the golden blood suddenly spouted along the tooth blade.

Everyone is stunned and can hardly believe their eyes.

"Impossible... If it is a phantom or a avatar... It is impossible to continue to attack... It is impossible to have such power..." Bai Wanjie is also a blank face.

The woman in the yellow shirt also slightly narrowed her eyes. Some surprised, Hansen muttered to himself: "It looks a bit like the genie of the emperor, but it is different. What kind of power is that? What?"

Two half-step deifications that are good at mirroring and ghosting phantoms are also stunned. They know that it is definitely not similar to their power, otherwise it is impossible to attack again in that case.

Unless that is the body of the gold coin, it is impossible for him to pierce the eyes of the golden armor with the dragon tooth dagger.

However, if that is the true body of the gold coin, the power of the Golden Armor will not be able to smash his body, which is a bit too unbelievable.

Long Yi’s look is very complicated, and there are surprises in the horror. I thought that the plan has failed. They will lose their blood this time. They just ask the five hundred king-level heterologous genes that the gold coins to spend first and ask others. The price of a foreign family is an astronomical number.

But who knows that the peaks and turns, the gold coins alone face the horror of the golden armor, even a hard-boiled one of his eyes, and he himself is still unscathed.

"That guy is terrible!" Diaro's look was dignified, and his eyes stared at the gold coins.

The golden armor will roar and raise his head and scream at the same time. At the same time, the pipes in his body spurt a violent golden flame, and the jagged sword in his hand is also desperately waving, trying to kill Hansen in front of him.

Hansen was standing in front of him and did not dodge. The dragon's fangs were smashed out. When the golden sword was cut from him, even the virtual space was cut into cracks, but Hansen's body was Without any influence, the dragon's tooth dagger in his hand pierced the other eye of the Golden Armor.

Everyone is almost petrified. Looking at the golden armor who is desperately waving the sword in his hand, he will blast the nearby planet, but it has no effect on the gold coins that are close at hand.

The gold coin is like a real **** standing in front of the golden armor god, ignoring the horrible golden sword and the sword light, and the knife and the knife are in the eyes of the golden armor, so that the golden armor will collapse the blood in the eyes. It seems that even the brain has flowed out.

Few people dare to believe in their own eyes. A king is actually killing the golden armor in front of them. The golden armor will only be angry, helpless, desperate, roaring, and erupting the terrorist power again and again, but it is like a god. In front of the average guy, but it has no effect at all, still stuck in the eye of a knife.

The gold coin is indifferent, as if he was stabbing not a horrible deified alien, but a piece of lifeless pork.

Long Yi even forgot what reaction he had, and he did not react at all. He forgot that after the gold coins had stabbed the eyes of the golden armor, he would also issue a final fatal blow.

It can't be said that it was forgotten, but it was shocked by the gold coins. If it is not for the deified strong, it is impossible to enter the core field. He even suspects that the gold coin is disguised as a deified powerful.

It wasn’t just the dragon that was shocked. Everyone was dumbfounded, and even the well-informed Emperor Baidujie was surprised and opened his mouth.

The woman in the yellow shirt is also the horror of the face. The pink lips are slightly open, and I can't believe that there is a knife that kills the body shape of the golden armor.

Hansen used to lack the power to destroy or kill the degenerate aliens. Now, with this dragon tooth dagger, it is still difficult to kill the degenerate, but like the golden armor god, this kind of devotional purely relying on physical strength There are eyes as flaws, and Hansen is given an excellent opportunity.

However, he has smashed a dozen knives, but the golden armor will still not be killed, and the breath of his body will become more violent.

"Is this enough?" Hansen turned and looked at the dragon in the distance.

Long Yi was just awakened as a dream, then screamed, then quickly took out a thing, aimed at the Golden Armor, and then shouted to Hansen: "You are going to escape."

"No, you can take it," Hansen said faintly.

When the dragon arrived, he did not hesitate. The gold coin did not even focus on the attack of the Golden God, and he would not fear his means.

Between the thoughts, Long Yi has already started the things in his hand, only to hear a dragon scorpion from his hand, turned into a dragon shadow directly rushed to the golden armor, and instantly rushed into the golden armor **** will still bleed In the eye socket.


After the dragon shadow rushed out of the eye socket of the Golden Armor, a horrible explosion suddenly occurred, and the **** flame spurted out of his eyes, like a volcanic eruption.

The horrible blood-colored flame slammed into the body of the gold coin like two dragons, but it was worn directly from his body and completely could not reach his body.

The golden armor will be hit by this blow, and the inside of the skull will soon be stirred into a paste, but it still trembles and still does not die.

Hansen was once again smashed into the first place, cutting off his last bit of life and completely extinguishing his life.

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