Super God Gene

Chapter 2579: God of war snake

If it is not the small crocodile god's body density is extremely high, it is much tougher than the general deified body, I am afraid it has been shredded by the six-nuclear snake god.

Unfortunately, the little crocodile **** was born just after, the body is not strong enough to ignore the space power of the six-nuclear zombie. As the scars on the body continue to increase, the horror of the face of the little crocodile is getting thicker and thicker. I was scared of urine.

The six-nuclear zombie used the space order chain to tear the naked crocodile's body, and then some impatient, opened the **** mouth, exposed the horrible fangs, and bite at the little crocodile.

The small eyes of the little crocodile gods are rounded up, and the tears are dying and struggling to escape. However, under the shackles of the space order chain, they can’t escape, and the fangs of the six-nuclear zombie will bite. On it.


Suddenly I saw a cold metal flying across the sky, slamming into a green gear of the six-nuclear zombie, causing the six-core zombie to rise up in pain.

The little crocodile was surprised to find that a huge metal pillar slammed into the eye-like gear, and Hansen stood behind the metal pillar, punching and punching the back of the metal pillar. Each shot makes the metal pillar a further point.

The little crocodile is shocked and happy. The six-core **** snake is hit by this blow. Under the pain, the space chain of the small crocodile **** is weakened. The small crocodile is black and flickering, and finally breaks away from the chain of space order. Come out.

Hansen was still there to bombard the celestial pillar, this sacred treasure from the emperor, Hansen can not play all the power, but it looks good, crashed into a gear, the gear The crack has been knocked out above, and under the suppression of the celestial pillar, the gear can no longer rotate.

It is a pity that Hansen is not deified, otherwise he will use the sacred gods with the power of deification. This blow should be able to break a gear of the six-core snake.

The six-core **** snake looked down and saw Hansen, screaming, and there was a chain of space order like a snake, which was rolled up to Hansen.

Each spatial order chain is a space crack, which is equivalent to the space cutting technique. If the body cannot resist the space cutting, it will be instantly torn by the space order chain.

Hansen did not mean to dodge, the golden light of the body, a piece of gold mechanical armor is condensing toward him, and turned into a golden mechanical warfare.

The chain of space order fell on the golden mechanical armor, which caused a trace of cutting on the gold armor. It seems that there are many invisible blades that are slowly cutting into the gold armor, so that the golden **** will splatter the whole body.

Just because the gold armor is extremely hard, those space order chains can't completely cut the gold armor for a time.

Hansen drove the golden gods and pushed the golden god's horsepower to the extreme. The golden energy in the golden pipeline spewed, like a pair of golden light wings behind the scene.

The golden **** retracted his arm and reached the extreme. The fist was like a volcanic eruption, and it slammed into the end of the celestial pillar.

The golden **** will be so violent, and the celestial **** suddenly broke into a big section. He only heard a broken bang from the gear of the six-core **** snake. A hard gear was broken by the celestial pillar. The **** pillar was worn through it and pierced the neck of the six-core snake.

"Hey!" The six-core **** snake screamed in pain, and the tail pulled over Hansen.

Hansen looked at the tail and pulled it. He couldn't escape. The tail seemed to have folded in the space. Without seeing the middle process, he directly took it to the Golden God.

The golden **** will suddenly fly out like a meteor and crash into a huge planet, causing the planet to generate a wave of radiation that radiates half a planet.

A large number of mountain peaks collapsed, and the earth was turned over. The rocks seemed to be undulating in waves. For a time, half of the planets experienced the earthquake of the Doomsday.

The six-core **** snake is still unwilling to give up, rushing toward the planet, and numerous chains of space are distorted, like snakes entangled in the golden gods in the deep pit of the planet.

"Little crocodile god... what are you waiting for... gravity field..." Hansen shouted.

The little crocodile is still worried, hearing Han Sen’s voice, playing a spirit, subconsciously using his own gravity order chain, suddenly heavy black light shrouded in the six-core snake, so that the speed of the six-core **** snake The image of the child turned into a meteorite and fell toward the planet.

Hansen drove the golden **** to stand up, his feet on the ground, the golden energy of the whole body broke out, and the golden energy in the pipeline spewed. It seemed to be a propeller, which pushed the golden **** to rise to the sky and greet the disease. The six-core **** snake that fell quickly.

Hansen manipulated the golden gods, all the powers were condensed on the fists, with the incomparably violent golden light, the heavy bombardment was pierced by the celestial pillar of the six-nuclear snake neck.

The celestial pillar suddenly wore through the body of the six-nuclear snake, and even the body of the golden **** followed it.

The golden **** will chase it up, clasping the huge pillar of the celestial **** with both hands, and looking back at the six-core **** snake, only to see that it is limited by gravity, still still falling toward the planet.


The six-core snake slammed on the planet, and it was even more terrifying than Hansen. The planet was also downcast, and it suffered two horrific impacts in succession. It has been shocked beyond recognition.

"The beauty of the little crocodile is so strong that it has always been given to it." Han Sen is screaming, while at the same time controlling the golden **** will hold the celestial **** column and rush to the six-core **** snake.

The six-core **** snake is limited by gravity, the speed becomes extremely slow, and the movement is slow. It is impossible to escape the impact of the golden god.

The six-core **** snake screams, and countless space order chains are like blooming chrysanthemums, wrapped in Hansen, so that he has no chance to rush to the six-core snake.

Hansen did not move, nor did he dodge, pushing the horsepower of the Golden God to the limit and continuing to rush to the six-core monster.

Seeing the innumerable space order chain will be entangled in the golden gods. Hansen fiercely screams and throws up the sacred pillars of the golden gods, and then the golden energy of the whole body surges, and the sun is like a sun. The fist hits the end of the celestial pillar.

The celestial **** column suddenly turned into a streamer, and the friction with the atmosphere of the planet burst into brilliant brilliance, and in an instant it rushed into another gear of the six-core snake that could not escape.

The six-core **** snake is limited by the gravity order chain of the small crocodile god. The dodge is too late, and the hard life is penetrated through another gear core, which is nailed to the planet and makes a painful roar.

The chain of space order that it unleashed also collapsed and became disorganized. Hansen manipulated the golden gods and jumped through the chain of space order from various strange perspectives, rushing toward the six-core snake that was nailed to the planet. .

"Hey!" The little crocodile **** was even more excited and called.

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