Super God Gene

Chapter 2636: Difficult choice

"If you don't want to offend people, you will push me everything that offends people. This is really good." Zhentiangong said with a smile, Hansen said.

After Han Sen’s explanation of the euphemism was very euphemistic, the owner of the town’s palace suddenly saw his mind.

"Miyazumi Mingjian, the disciple is bent on the town of Tiangong, only hates his own body and does not live up to expectations. There is no way to bless the brothers and sisters every day..." Hansen’s face is loyal, and there is a lot of meaning for the town’s palace. .

"Okay, you want me to help you with the black pot, but in exchange, you have to do something for me." Town Tiangong said with a smile, Hansen said.

"Old fox!" Hansen secretly confided in his heart. He thought that he would be able to take advantage of the blessing ability. Now it seems that I don’t want to say good things, I have to help him.

"What is the matter of the Lord of the Palace, even though he is told that the disciples will be able to complete the task of the Lord of the Palace, and that they will do what they want," Hansen said.

"You are really a loss and will not eat!" If there is no last sentence, the town of Tiangong almost wrote, but the last sentence is obviously beneficial.

"If you are willing to do it, I will bless you with the black pot. If you don't bless you, you can decide for yourself. If this matter is done well, the Lord will have another reward." Zhentiangong said faintly.

"I don't know what the palace owner wants me to do?" Hansen listened to the town's Tiangong master, but his heart was a little uneasy.

The town Tiangong is willing to open such conditions, and the things he will do will never be simple.

"Go to the Taishang people." Town Tiangong said faintly.

"Why?" Han Sen gave a slight glimpse and looked at the town of Tiantian. He remembered that the former Tiangong Palace had clearly stated that he did not want him to go to the Taishang.

The town Tiangong said with a smile: "Because we need a spy in the Taishang, I think you are a good candidate."

Hansen almost thought that his ears had something wrong, let him go to the Taishangs as a spy? Hansen really can't think of anything more dead in the world than this.

People's Taishang people can see through privacy. When they are spies, that is the ending that will surely be discovered in a second.

If this is not the owner of the town, he must doubt the IQ of the other party, or the other party simply wants him to die.

The owner of the town Tiantang saw through Hansen’s mind: "You can rest assured that since I let you go, there are naturally ways for the Taishang people to read your thoughts. Otherwise, if you die, it will be of no benefit to me."

"I don't know if the Lord of the House asked me to go to the Taishang. Is there anything important?" Hansen asked cautiously.

Although the words of the master of the town of Tiantian are like this, it is too dangerous to go to the Taishang people to be a spy, and it is still a traitor. Hansen had to ask carefully.

"It's very important to me. I need you to find someone in the town of Tiangong. Just call him down and send the news back. You don't need to do anything dangerous." Zhentiangong said.

"I am really not good at finding people like this, and I know fewer people. I am afraid that there will be a negative owner of the palace." Hansen certainly didn't want to go, euphemistically wanted to refuse.

The town Tiangong took a look at Han Sen and said faintly: "I originally planned to wait for you to complete the task, then I will give you the star sea, so that you can open the family. Now, you should have no interest. Then forget it."

"The palace owner, the star of the sea you just said, is the alien space in the outer star of the town of Tiangong?" Hansen stared at the town of Tiangong.

Xingsuhai is a heterogeneous space discovered in recent years. It is within the sphere of influence of the town Tiangong. That position is equal to the back garden of the town Tiangong. Unless it crosses the town Tiangong, no foreigners can get there.

Moreover, the Xingluo domain where Xingsuhai is located is connected to the undeveloped barren star field, and the future development prospects are also very good. It can be said that it is uniquely endowed by nature.

In addition, the resources of Xingsuhai are very rich, and many forces in the town Tiangong want to win the right to use the Star Sea. Therefore, they have been fighting for a lot of backs. Finally, because of the trouble, the town Tiangong temporarily put the stars in the sea. It was not given to anyone.

Now the owner of the town Tianzhu actually said that he would give him the star sea, and he was allowed to open a family. It is not just the right to use it. It is really to put the star sea under his name. Later, it is really Hansen’s territory, as long as he is willing, it is not difficult to establish a human empire in the Stars Sea. There is no way for outsiders to interfere.

As long as Hansen does not open the stars, the outsiders simply cannot enter, not to mention the fact that there is a town in the starry sea as a barrier, and it is almost impossible to be broken unless the town Tianzhu falls first.

"Yes, it is the star of the star Luo domain." The town of Tiangong answered affirmatively.

Hansen’s look suddenly became strange. The town’s lord will give him such a big advantage. What he has to do is certainly not simple. It sounds like it’s not difficult to ask someone’s news. It seems that there is no danger, but it’s really So easy, how can the town Tianzhu give him such a big advantage?

"I don't know what kind of person you are looking for." Hansen hesitated and asked, Star Suu Hai is really a good place, he really wants it, but he is afraid to take it.

"It is a woman of the Taishang nationality. I don't know her name. It looks like it is different from before." Zhen Tiangong said with a deep heart.

"There is no name, no appearance, how can such a person find it?" Hansen listened a little dumbfounded.

"You can rest assured, of course, there are ways to distinguish, otherwise how can you let people find someone." The town of Tiangong paused, and said with a serious face: "The person's heart position is a red heart-shaped birthmark, you I can definitely recognize it at first glance, which is very obvious."

"There is a red heart-shaped birthmark in the heart of the heart. It is quite obvious...etc...the heart position..." Hansen looked down at his heart, and then looked at the town of Heaven. The Lord asked: "You old said just now, what you are looking for is like a woman from the Taishang nationality?"

"Yes." Town Tiangong smiled and nodded.

"Then you always think, I have a chance to see the birthmark of her heart position?" Han Sen felt that the town of Tiangong had to pit him again. After he went to the town Tiangong, he always thought about seeing the birthmark of a woman's heart. This is his mother. Isn't it looking for death?

"If it's easy, why should I give you a good star?" Zhen Tiangong squinted at Hansen and said: "In fact, you don't have to look at it yourself, you can also inquire about it, such as Linglong, she is a woman, she sees The opportunity is definitely bigger than you. If you can inquire from her mouth, what trouble is there? If you come back four years later, An An’s heart will go to the Xinghai Kaikai tribe, and the Lord will guarantee you the greatest support. If you want someone to give someone a boat, you can also get a tax for three hundred years."

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