Super God Gene

Chapter 3178: Break

Hansen looked at Zhuo Dong in the same complex way. At this time, Zhuo Donglai had a strange power emerging in addition to the power of Zixia Xianyi.

The general words of Zixia Liuli emerged from Zhuo Donglai's body one by one. The body of the characters seems to be engraved on the bones of Zhuo Donglai. It seems that since birth, it has been carved into his bones.

"The legend is actually true. Zhuo Donglai is really a god-given god. Those mysterious words are the gods he brought with him?"

"The extraordinary people are still extraordinary, whether they are given by the gods or not."

"The expression of the Emperor of Heaven is very exciting now."

The expressions of the strong people of all countries are somewhat weird. Those who are gloating for disasters have their own envy, and those who envy the jealousy have their own emotions. Only Hansen’s emotions cannot be described.

The mysterious text that Zhuo Donglai came up with was actually "Zifu Xianjing". Although Hansen did not learn the Zifu Sutra, but he had seen Zhuo Dong to use it, probably know some.

Now look at those words, clearly the contents of the Purple House.

"It turned out that he was the reincarnation of Zhuo Dong, and the obsession and memory that could not be erased even in the reincarnation. It was deep in the blood of the soul. What a terrible obsession, even whoever he has forgotten, can not be reincarnation. Prevent him from inheriting the Zifu Xianjing? Or do you have any chance before he died, can he make the Zifu Xianjing deep in the spirit, and reincarnate with the spirit?" Han Sen was shocked.

And after seeing the Zifu Xianjing, Han Sen finally knows why there is no support for the blood of the gods, Zixia Xianyi still chose Zhuo Donglai.

Everything in the world has its causes. The power of Zixia Xianyi and the Zifu Xianjing is a positive and negative face. It is the existence of two sides.

That is to say, if one day Zhuo Donglai can use the power of Zixia Xianyi and Zifu Xianjing at the same time, then he can enter the level of breaking the boundary.

But unfortunately, his power is too weak now, and the power of the Zifu Xianjing has been suppressed by the world. The reason why it emerged at this time is only because it is stimulated by the power of Zixia Xianyi.

The current Zhuo Donglai is still a long way from the break-up, but than the average person, the probability that he can break the boundary does not know how many times higher, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the true talent is a genius.

It is impossible for ordinary people to reproduce any memory of the previous world. He has retained the genetic technique of the previous world. If such a person cannot be called a genius, there are few geniuses in the world.

When the text of the Zifu Xianjing disappeared, Zhuo Donglai had completely recovered. Although he lost the blood of the gods, his feelings were more powerful.

Before I felt that Zixia Xianyi was just a foreign object on him, now Zixia Xianyi seems to be a part of his body, giving him a kind of fairy dress, and the fairy dress is his feeling.

"Now you can really win the game." Zhuo Dong came to see Han Sen smile, this smile is like Chunyang Huaxue, even people unconsciously followed him to smile.

Those who are pregnant with the spring and the young women are even more straight-eyed.

"Good." Han Sen nodded slightly, and saw that Zhuo Dong came up with the starting style of the purple gas, this time he did not use the sword.

Zhuo Dong’s sword and mind are perfect, even if he uses the sword, he has no effect on him.

Zhuo Dong came to the **** for the sword, pointing to Hansen, but this time there is no power of the sword, only a little purple light slowly flew toward Hansen.

With the flow of purple light, there seems to be a smog between the heavens and the earth, and it comes to the purple light, as if the power of the whole world is condensed on the purple light.

The closer the purple light is to Hansen, the heavier the condensed purple gas will gradually become a line, from a line to a sword, a sword of purple gas condensation, seems to be a life of heaven and earth, and the invincibility of the chaos of heaven and earth. A sword is out of the sky.

Hansen feels that he has retired and he can't avoid it. The power of the sword can be divided into heaven and earth, let alone one person.

Among the altars of Wuwei Daogong, a Taoist who closed the ancient tower suddenly opened his eyes and muttered to himself: "The heavens and the earth reincarnate, the Zhou and the recurring, the purple gas comes to the east, the sword breaks the boundary, and the inaction palace finally Someone realized that it was the disciple who had such a creation?"

"There is no more than a superpowered superpower in the Palace of the Doha, why do I have so many hardships and difficulties in Daqin's hegemony." The king of a country stood before God and saw the power of the sword.

Hansen’s heart was also surprised. He thought that Zhuo Donglai only had the conditions for breaking the border, but there was still a distance from the boundary.

However, he did not expect that his sword reached the extreme, and he was born from the anode to the yin, from the extreme to the extreme, and in another way reached the power of breaking the boundary.

In fact, Hansen has made a mistake. The power of this break-up is not the result of Zhuo Dong’s own, but the power of Zixia Xianyi.

When Zixia Xianyi followed the inaction, the inaction of the ancestors had already controlled the shortcut of breaking the boundary. Now it only recognizes Zhuo Donglai and allows Zhuodong to use its power.

Although Zhuo Donglai has already realized it, his own strength can't do this.

Seeing that the sword came, it seemed that the heavens and the earth were oppressed, and Hansen felt an unparalleled suppression. Since the battle with Lokid, Hansen has never felt such a terrible power. As if to be torn by the sword.

Han Sen stood in the void, full of long hair and headwinds, and there was an unspeakable feeling in Hansen’s heart, which was an impulse to go further.

Since the imperial universe, Hansen has been confronted with various forces, but no one can really touch his heart.

Even Rocky, it just makes Han Sen feel a little bit difficult, but can't let Hansen's heart tremble.

It was only the sword of detachment that Zhuo Dong came to break through the epiphany today, but Hansen’s mind trembled, and finally there was the kind of incitement when he was practicing.

Both the Xuan Huang Jing and the blood vessels are operating within Hansen's body. Two opposing forces, circulating in the same body, have no conflict.

Hansen has tried many times before, and he has not been able to succeed. Today, Zhu Dong’s swordsmanship is inspired by God. The two forces flow naturally in the body, and they are not incompatible with the past.

Facing the sword light, the Hansen stepped out, and the palms were also pulled out. For example, if the boat sailed against the water, there would be heavy waves and waves in front of the palm, and there would be thousands of mountains and thousands of suppression.

"Open!" Han Sen's eyes burned, and the whole person seemed to be burning a life that was difficult to see with the naked eye. His hand was like a giant axe, and he slammed down against the Jianguang.

One purple and one red two halo is like two flashes across the starry sky, just a flash of light, people do not see clearly what is going on.

But the two lightnings disappeared, but the two cracks in the starry sky did not heal, forming an x-shaped space sky mark, branded in the void, as if eternal can not be erased.

The hearts of the people stirred up, still reminiscent of the style of the blow, but the eyes saw Hansen and Zhuo Dong did not know when they had stood face to face, and Hansen’s palm was already on the neck of Zhuo Donglai.


Genius one second to remember the address of this station: . :m.

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