Super God Gene

Chapter 3183: weakness

Hansen’s hands and Feiyan’s double-guns had no spare power to catch the arrows that Yan Dan shot, and those arrows left behind the bowstrings, and they were suddenly hidden by nothingness, and they couldn’t see where the arrows were. .

When the power of the arrow touched Hansen’s body, the power of the arrow seemed to touch the touch, pressing the skin down, and when the skin was about to be punctured, Hansen’s body responded automatically, slightly sideways. The arrow shot aside.

Hansen's body can harden the power of the arrow, but his body strength is almost always against the swallows. If the body is hit hard, it will break the balance, so Hansen does not confront the arrow.

"I see how many do you hide?" Yan Dan continued to open the bow, and the arrows were like a meteor shower, rushing toward Hansen, as if Hansen had all the retreats.

Fengyin’s worried hands clasped and placed on his chest seemed to pray for Hansen.

Boa is a look of heartlessness, still drinking juice from his own.

Han Sen does not move, and continues to inject the power of blood and nerves into the double-gun of Feiyan. The power of blood and nerves is the inheritance of blood, and the power of Xuan Huang can return to the source. The combination of it has produced a wonderful chemical reaction. The power attached to the power of breaking the boundary has something to do with the blood and nerves and the mysterious yellow, but it is not exactly the same.

The power of the destructive power has invaded into the swallow's double guns. Hansen can clearly sense that there is a change in the inside of the swallow gun. This change makes him gradually feel that he and Feiyan double. There was some wonderful connection between the guns.

At this moment, it was at a critical juncture, and Hansen naturally had no way to distract him, so Hansen completely let his body react naturally, and the power was all used to deal with the swallows.

Hansen, who fought hard, was terrible, but Hansen, who didn’t care, was even more terrible.

His figure moved in the rain of the sky, and the body seemed to have no weight. A horrible and invisible arrow fell on him, and he pushed his body away, but he could not hurt him.

No matter how strange and fierce the power is, it can't hurt Hansen's body. The physical touch and conditioning ability seem to have reached a very small degree, and any little fluctuation can make it react spontaneously.

The humans in the big universe are all stunned. They are all fighting against the power of genetics. They have never seen such a horrible existence that they can practice their fighting ability to such a state.

After this war, many humans began to pay attention to the practice of their own combat capabilities. Although they could not reach the level of Hansen, they also raised the overall capacity and realm of the Empire Universe as a whole.

Yan Dan frowned and wrinkled, coldly said: "Your body reacts faster, I don't believe that I can avoid all the power."

Yan Dan's body shape moves like a phantom around Hansen's rapid movement, while the bow and arrow in his hand continually shoot, and the arrow rain hits from all directions.

However, Yan Dan did not dare to approach Hansen, the horrible physical fighting ability, Yan Dan asked himself not an opponent, and did not dare to let Hansen have a chance to fight with him.

In fact, Han Sen did not care about the meaning of Yan Dan. Now he and Feiyan double-gun confrontation to the most critical time, he faintly feels that as long as you go further, break through the core strength of Feiyan double gun, you can completely change it.

Although Hansen’s mind was completely out of combat, he had already mastered the ultimate physical instinct, but he still moved back and forth in the rain of arrows, as if he was walking in the garden.

"There are thousands of flowers in the bushes, the leaves do not touch the body, the body fighting ability of the gold coin is really horrible." Tianyuan Wang could not help but admire.

Within the Temple of Genes, the Lord of the Temple and the twelve gods also bowed down to the battlefield, watching Hansen walk in the invisible arrow rain.

"Han Sen's physical combat ability has reached the limit, I am afraid no one can win him in this respect." A **** sighed.

"The way of power is not static, even if his physical combat ability is unbeaten, but his people are not invincible." No **** said faintly.

"What about that? His kind of physique that almost surpassed the gods can make him invincible. Do you think there is power in the world that can affect him?" Another **** disagreed with the view of nothingness.

"How is it that the law does not invade? Is it not within the rules? The power of breaking the boundary can hurt him, and the power I can also influence him indirectly." The godless **** said so faintly.

"I am optimistic about the gold coin, maybe he can really reach that step and maybe."

"Difficult, Qin Xiu also wants to achieve that step, not the same failure. Do you think that the original Qin Xiu would be weaker than the current Hansen? Qin Xiu also reached the level of unbeaten in the same year, not the same defeat? ”

The twelve high-spirited gods each expressed their opinions. The Lord of the Temple only smiled and watched the battle between Hansen and Yandan.

Yan Dan used all kinds of means, but he still couldn't hurt Hansen's body. The strength of the pair of swallows was weaker and weaker. Many spectators knew that the Yandan trend had gone, fearing that there was no chance. Once the gold coin completely conquered Feiyan double gun, it was when Yan Dan lost.

Yan Dan did not have any disappointing expression. He held the bow and arrow and did not shoot the arrow again. He just said Hansen smiled and said: "You are really amazing. Unfortunately, the people around you may not be as strong as you. Rockyd should have arrived now."

Han Sen listened to this sentence and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"It is now." Yan Dan's bow and arrow in his hand slammed, and thousands of arrows flew out.

Within the Fengjiao Fort of Yuxi City, a man and a woman walked to the gate of the old castle. The man wore a black dress and a hat, with a thick black beard and a delicate cane in his hand. .

And the woman was dressed in a maid costume with a pair of dragon horns on her head.

"What's the matter with the two?" The guards of the castle stopped them.

Lokid is still moving on, as if there were no guards.

The guards blocked the shots, and the dragon maids on the side looked at them. The guards seemed to be gazing at the dragons, and they were subjected to the horror of Longwei. In an instant, the body was pressed against the body, and the limbs could not move at all.

"Han Sen, how strong you are, after all, it is still a human with weakness, so you can only lose." Lokid squinted, holding a cane, step by step into the Fengjiao Fort.

Feng Feifei and Feng Yinyin and others were watching the battle before God. They heard the screams of guards coming from outside. They quickly came out and saw that Lokid and the dragon maid came toward this side, and their faces changed suddenly.

They all listened to Hansen's appearance of Lokid, and they recognized it at a glance, because Lokid's shape is too unique.

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