Super God Gene

Chapter 3187: Paper cutting

Pierced through the vast mountains, a strange temple is located on it.

The temple is distinct, but the main hall is more than 100 meters high, and it has several side halls, which looks very majestic.

However, such a majestic temple, the feeling of giving people seems to be able to break through, can not tell the strange.

A closer look reveals that the temple was actually made of white paper, which is like a paper, and it seems that it looks like it will be broken.

The white paper-tied palace can't tell the strangeness. Even the tables and chairs, the gods, the gods and the gods in the middle are all made of paper, and there is a feeling of horror.

Boa is interested in looking back and forth in the temple, seemingly interested in everything here.

"What if I put a fire here?" Boa looked at Lokid and asked with a squint.

"This is a temple, not a paper, water fire and any gods and swords can not damage the temple." Lokid sat down on the paper chair, hit a ring, suddenly there are two life-size paper people Brought the plate and used a paper pot and a paper cup to pour the coffee to Lokid.

"Cute little princess, what do you want to drink?" Lokid asked Boa while drinking coffee elegantly.

"I want to drink black tea." Boa was also welcome, sitting down on another chair made of paper.

The thin white paper folded the s-shaped chair, and Boa sat on it, and the paper, which looked as thin as a flap, swayed slightly, but there was no point to break it, and it seemed to be like a rocking chair.

The paper man quickly took the soaked black tea and gave it to Boa. Boa looked at the paper man cut into pieces and was curious.

"These paper people are so funny and fun." Boa holds the teacup and looks at the paper man.

"If you like, I can send you a few paper people to you, you can also cut into the look you like, you like a handsome big star or a general, I can cut it for you." Lokid to drink Coffee, said with a smile.

"I like the paper people like you, you cut me a hand." Boa looked forward to Lokid with a look.

Rocky's eyes twitched twice, and watched Boa carefully, but he saw that Bo's eyes were clear and clean, as if they were not covered with dust. It was not like deliberately playing him.

Coupled with the fact that Boa automatically came with him before, Lokid felt that this was just a child who was not sensible.

After thinking about it, Lokid’s mouth showed a smile, and the beard was slightly tilted. The heart said: “I’m really handsome and handsome, and I’m so popular with the thousands of women and goddesses. No way, long handsome. It is such an annoyance."

Proudly picking an eyebrow, Loked put down the cup and coughed and said: "Do you really want it?"

Boa nodded again and again, and two small hands were put into a small fist and placed on his chest. He looked forward to Rockyd and said, "I want to use it. If you cut it into a paper person, it will be very good looking."

Lokid smiled and nodded and said: "Well, since you have asked me sincerely, I will cut it for you. This is a limited edition. The whole universe is unique. You can cherish it."

"I will definitely treat it as the most precious thing in my life." Boa raised a hand and said vowed.

Lokid was very satisfied with Boa’s attitude and said with a blank piece of paper: “After cutting to you, you have to stay here and wait until your father picks you up.”

"With your paper-cut, it doesn't matter if Dad doesn't come," Boa said directly.

Rockydton thought triumphantly: "It’s really fascinating to be too attractive. Even such a small girl can don’t want to be a father for me. Hey, it’s really a headache.”

Thinking, Lokid picked up the paper, the right index finger and the **** seemed to be scissors, and the scissors were cut on the paper. While cutting it, I checked it twice, and it seemed to be very careful.

I have to say that Lokid's paper-cutting technique is really good. Although it is just a silhouette, there is no detail such as facial features, but it is very similar to him. You can also see the slightly moustache.

After being cut, Lokid was slightly refined, and this was handed to Boa proudly saying: "You have to collect it, this is the unique silhouette in the world."

Boa took the paper-cuts with both hands, and it was a cherished look. Then thank you: "Thank you, Uncle."

"Uncle?" Lokid's eyes twitched, reached out and patted Bao's head, and said with a smile: "Little princess, you should call me a god, of course, if you want to call me a handsome minister, then you can of."

"But I think Uncle is very suitable for you." Boa looked at Lokid.

Rocky's face suddenly gloomy and shouted: "You are free, anyway, you are here to stay here until Hansen comes to pick you up."

"Okay, there are uncles who accompany me, it doesn't matter if Dad doesn't come." Boa said with a smile.

"This **** has no time to play with you, you play here yourself." Lokid said he was ready to turn and leave.

"No, I want you to play with me." Boa shook his head and said.

"Whoever has time to deal with you, this adult is very busy." Lokid did not want to pay attention to Boa, turned and walked outside the temple.

However, just after a few steps, I suddenly felt that my body did not seem to listen to the general, but turned away from the body without control, and went back to Boa.

"How...what is going on..." Lokid suddenly changed his face, running his strength, trying to control his body, but it was completely useless.

Then he saw that Boa was playing the paper man he had just cut.

"Salute." Boa grabbed the paper man and put the paper man into a salute gesture.

Lokid’s body lifted his right hand uncontrollably, and with the paper man, made a salute.

Rockydton suddenly changed his face: "How... How could it... She has such a powerful control force... Isn't she a human girl? At this age, human girls can't have such power. Even with such a powerful genetic species, her body can't support it, not to mention that there is no genetic species to fit her... This is what is going on..."

Lokid is now regretting it. If he didn't cut his own silhouette to Boa, and he gave it to her on the spot, even if Boa is strong, he can't control him.

And he did not think that in addition to himself and the one of the twelve destructive gods, there are people who are good at this ability, and powerful enough to control him.

Even the one of the twelve destructive gods can't control him so completely with just one piece of paper-cutting.

"Puzzle..." Boa twisted the paper man again, and made a gesture of pulling the stool down with his legs crossed.

"Don't... don't... my gentleman... how can I do such a shameful action..." Loked yelled out, flushed, and hated to be killed.

However, his body shape is completely uncontrolled, and he has made the same lazy posture as the paper man.

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