Super God Gene

Chapter 3189: Unspeakable name

Boa looked at Lokid with a squint and asked for a long time: "Do you know me?"

"Yes... no, no..." Lokid was incoherent.

"I don't know if I know it?" Boa asked with a frown.

"Under the existence of adults, but I have never seen the truth of adults." Lokid said quickly.

"Oh, then who do you think I am?" Boa squinted at Lokid.

Lokid said with a wry smile: "I can't say if I can't say it. If you say your name to an adult, I am afraid that the world will be overwhelming."

"What does this mean?" Boa's eyes flashed in front of the strange look.

"Adult, please be sure to believe that my Lokid is loyal to you, as long as you are willing to do it, you can do it for the adults." Lokid said seriously.

"You don't like Boeing like this. If you talk to me like this again, I will tear this paper man in half." Boa took the paper man and made a tear.

Rockyd is a calm face: "If this keeps the secrets of adults, Lokid is willing to give his life."

After all, Lokid closed his eyes and looked at him with ease.

"Do you really think I don't dare to kill?" Boa's little face sank.

"It is an honor to be able to die for the adults," Lokid said earnestly.

Boa stared at Lokid for a while, suddenly picked up the paper man in front of Lokid, and Lokid’s body suddenly flew toward the paper man, and his body became smaller and smaller, and finally the paper man. In one piece.

Originally just a silhouette of paper people, this time with five features and colors, turned into a colorful paper man.

"When are you going to talk about it, come back and talk to me." Boa took a book angrily and pinched the paper man of Lokid.

After doing all this, Boa pushed the sunglasses on his face and muttered to himself: "What the **** is going on here, it seems that it is really not afraid of death."

The dragon maid was ordered to wait for Hansen outside the Fengjia Castle. When Hansen came out of the castle, he walked over and said faintly: "If you want to see Boa, come with me."

"Good." Hansen did not talk nonsense, nodded directly, and walked behind the dragon maid.

The dragon maid opened the space passage, and Hansen passed through the passage and came to the paper temple in the foothills.

"You are waiting here first." Before coming to the temple, the dragon maid stopped, and then said to the paper temple: "The minister, Hansen is here."

But after waiting for a while, but did not hear Lokid's answer, the dragon maid could not help but frown slightly, and once again said: "Some of the grown-ups, I brought Hansen."

Still no one answered, but the paper door of the temple was pushed away, and a lovely girl came out of it.

The dragon maid saw Boa coming out first, then seemed to understand what he was, suddenly angered, and grabbed Boa in one hand, and asked at the same time: "How are you taking the minister?"


A wooden sword flew up from Boa, and crossed it in front of her. The wooden sword was very incomparable, but the sword on the sword was as sacred and inviolable as the god, and it was hard to make the dragon maid fall to the ground. The back cannot be straightened, as if it were pressed by the terrorist epee on the back.

"Dad, you are so slow." Boa rushed into Hansen's arms and complained.

"I'm afraid to come too fast, you are not happy." Hansen smiled and saw that Boa was fine. He also breathed a sigh of relief and asked: "What about Lokid?"

"He is here." Boa opened the book in his arms and took out Lokid's piece of paper.

"This is Lokid?" Hansen looked at the paper man with amazement. It looked like Rockyd's appearance. It was just a lot of mini, and it was just a paper man who painted it.

"Look what? If it wasn't for Boa, this is dead today." Lokid was looked at by Han Sen, and he was very upset.

"It's really embarrassing, but I can talk." Hansen felt so funny, and reached out and grabbed the head of the paper man. It felt like a piece of paper.

"Let's put it...Open me..." Lokid shouted in angrily, but he was now trapped inside the paper, and he had no resistance at all, and Hansen raised his head and raised it.

"Let the ministers!" The dragon maid yelled angrily and tried to stand up, but under the pressure of the sword, her bones creaked as if she were about to break, or no Can stand up.

"A very good sword, Mr. Sword is stronger than I expected. It is worthy of being the first swordsman of Daqin." Han Sen looked at the wooden sword and was surprised.

The strength of the dragon maid is probably similar to that of the broken queen. It is actually suppressed by the sword on a wooden sword. The strength of the master of the sword is terrifying.

"How could he become like this?" Hansen gave the papermaker Lokid back to Boa, and asked curiously.

Boa pushed the sunglasses on his face and smiled: "I just simulated his ability and then used it on his own. I didn't expect his power to be quite interesting."

"I have forgotten it." Hansen remembered that Boa had sunglasses on his body, but he did not expect the ability of sunglasses to be as useful in the Empire Universe.

Boa looked a little weird and told Hansen what Lokid said.

Hansen was surprised to hear it. He looked at the card player Lokid and asked: "Lokid, do you know the birth of Boa? If you are willing to say it, I can promise to let you go."

Lokid grinned dismissively and said: "You are not qualified to speak with this adult."

"Talk to my dad." Boa reached out and pulled a hand on Lokid's face.

"It hurts..." Lokid suddenly screamed.

"Forget it, go back and talk about it, take back Mr. Sword's wooden sword. Presumably it is a very precious thing for him. After returning, he will return it to Mr. Sword." Hansen said.

Although the wooden sword is a thing, but the sword is pinned on the sword is not a solitary sword, if the sword is not a solitary sword, but Hansen does not understand, how can the sword not use such a common wood The sword is the sword of the life.

The sword's sword is so strong that it is not vulnerable. If it encounters a strong man who can compete with Mr. Sword, the sword will not be used at all.

Boa took the wooden sword, and the dragon maid immediately restored his freedom. The body instantly turned into a black dragon, and roared and rushed over to Hansen and Boa.


Hansen condensed his strength and flew out of the dragon maid, and the whole body of the huge body was shaken.

"Don't kill her!" Roked called.

"Dad, spare her life." Boa squinted and said.

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