Super God Gene

Chapter 869: Night Ghost Forest

"Dead?" Hansen looked at the woman with some surprise.

"You come with me." The woman waved at Hansen and zero, and turned to go to the other side of the fruit forest.

Hansen and Zero looked at each other and took the golden retriever to follow up. Not far from the fruit forest, they saw an open space in front of them. There were several tents with humans, and there were still many Living utensils, you can see that there are several people who are enjoying the sun in the camp.

The arrival of Hansen and Zero suddenly attracted the attention of those people, and they all stood up, and some people came out from the tent.

There are actually a dozen human beings in this camp, but looking at the tents, they seem to have stayed here for a short time.

"Fortunately, you met me, or you don't even know how to die." After returning to the camp, the woman relaxed and said to Hansen and Zero: "This is safe, you are here to camp. Let's go."

Han Sen looked at the woman and asked: "Big sister, what is the situation here?"

"You don't even know that here is the night ghost forest?" All the people in the camp were looking at Hansen with their eccentric look, the woman said with some surprise.

Hansen shook his head: "I came from afar, just passing through this fruit forest, I don't know where it is."

"Then you are really pitiful, people who have entered the night forest, so far no one can live out." The woman sighed.

"Can't go out?" Hansen couldn't help but be a little surprised, but he didn't believe it in his heart. It was a forest, and he couldn't get out.

Even if you can't get out, can't you fly out? How can the fruit forest's road be psychedelic, and it is impossible to trap people who can fly.

"It seems that you really don't know the situation here. It's a pity that both of you are young, but you have strayed into the place of Night Ghost Forest." Some people deplore.

"Trouble me to tell me what is going on here." Hansen gave them some wine and food from the golden retriever's back.

Those people saw wine and food, their eyes were a little straight, and they were not polite. They took it and ate it. You haven’t eaten it for hundreds of years.

"Brother, is there smoke?" asked a middle-aged man to join Hansen.

"Yes." Han Sen took out a bag from his body and directly lost it to a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man was overjoyed.

"You still have to eat these things slowly, and the days will be long." The former woman saw Hansen so generous, could not help but smile.

Han Sen knows what she means, but he doesn't think he will be trapped here, but he just smiles and asks these people to tell him what the night ghost forest is all about.

Those people were not malicious at all, and Hansen generously gave food and wine to them, and suddenly became enthusiastic, and told Han Sen about the night ghost forest.

Like Hansen, they are all people who have entered the night ghost forest. They themselves all come from different places, and they enter the night ghost forest at different times. In the end, they are lost here, and no one has gone out.

In addition to Hansen and Zero, the last person here lost in the night ghost forest is the woman who brought Hansen to come here. Her name is Liu Fang, she was lost in the night ghost forest two years ago.

Liu Fang is a botany, and her work in the league is also related to this. She knows that the night ghost forest is very interested in the strange plants of the night ghost tree.

Originally, she came here, just want to study the night ghost tree in the edge of the place, but just walked into the night ghost forest to collect a sample of a dozen meters, lost in it and can no longer go out, and finally misunderstood Arrived at this camp.

The situation of other people is similar. There are special adventures and mistakes. As long as they are not dead in the night forest, they are basically gathered here.

"What is the danger here? The fireflies in those flowers should be no offensive?" Hansen saw that they had not said the subject and couldn't help but ask.

Liu Fang said with a smile: "The night ghosts are indeed not aggressive. The real danger is not from the night ghosts, but the night ghost trees themselves."

"These trees?" Hansen looked at the night ghost trees around him, and did not see any danger to these trees.

"We all suspect that the trees themselves are actually a different kind of creature, and those night ghosts are just a part of their bodies."

Liu Fangton continued to say: "You didn't notice it when you first came here. The time here is long. If you have been in the woods, your body will gradually become weak and weak. At most, you will die in three months. Here."

"Is there such a thing?" Hansen suddenly frowned.

"This is still your luck. You have been brought here by Xiaofang. If you come close to the night of the night ghost tree, you will die directly after three hours." The middle age called Wang Jiangang The man said.

"That is really thank you." Hansen really thanked Liu Fang, his strength in the second shelter is almost invincible, the real knife is not afraid of the dry frame, but this strange thing is not necessarily Can live at the top.

If you don't know if you are in danger beforehand, you may be tempted if you don't know it.

"Nothing." Liu Fang said with a smile: "The two good friends who came with me just because they approached the night ghost tree king, only stayed there for more than an hour, they have already aging as two hundred years old. The old man, in the end, did not live for a long time and died here. Remember, don't get close to the night of the night ghost tree, otherwise it will have a great impact on the body."

"If it is not necessary, don't leave the camp to the woods. Those ordinary night ghost trees will also have an impact on us, but the impact will be relatively small, and I will not feel it for a while." Wang Jiangang said.

"Can't you fly out from above?" Hansen asked.

"You can't fly, this night ghost forest is endless. Whether you are walking from the woods or flying from the sky, you can't get out of it. There is no end." Wang Jiangang said with a smile: "I was 仗If I have the wings of the beast, I will not be trapped here if I can fly out."

Hansen couldn't help but frowned. "Have you ever tried to cut these night ghost trees?"

Liu Fang suddenly said: "If you can't cut down these night ghost trees, they will emit a strange gas that will make us age quickly, and other places in the night ghost forest, except for the camp. Even if you remove the night ghost tree, it will grow out in a few days."

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