Super God Gene

Chapter 897: Heterogeneous gene

Han Sen did not move, the right **** and the thumb buckled, the body of the mysterious movement of the hole, suddenly a gold coin between the two fingers, against the red-haired monkey. .


The gold coin was directly attached to the head of the red-haired monkey. When the red-haired monkey sank, it suddenly slammed into the ground and supported the body with both hands, so that it was not crushed on the ground.

The red-haired monkey was eager to ask, and the mouth opened. Hansen was a gold coin directly on its mouth, and immediately sealed the mouth of the red-haired monkey. The head of the red-haired monkey sank and fell face directly. On the ground, it looks like a hoe.

Hansen glanced at it and ignored it. He turned and walked to the other side.

Hansen simulated the power of gold coins from money. Although Hansen himself only opened the first genetic lock, there is no way to simulate it perfectly. It is much worse than using money. But it is enough to suppress the red-haired monkey. More powerful than the big Lei Yin boxing.

The soldier did not solve the red-haired monkey. Hansen walked to the other side of the market and wanted to see if he could find other useful things.

Not far away, but seeing a stranger stopped Hansen’s way.

"Is it difficult for the owner of the monkey to come to trouble?" Hansen frowned at the alien, and he was alert.

The alien is a man's appearance, but the two ears are long like fins, only one eye with a red eye on the head.

"What do you call?" In addition to Hansen's surprise, the alien was very polite.

"My name is Miki, what is your business?" Hansen asked.

"I saw your strength in the use of the red monkeys. It seems that there is a crushing power. I have something to do next. I hope that you can use this power to help me a favor. I can pay the alien gene as a reward. I don't know how you want to do it. "The stranger said very kindly to Hansen.

Hansen originally thought that this kind of alienation was to find trouble, but did not expect that this would be the case, and there were some accidents.

"I don't know what I can do for you?" Hansen asked.

"I want to tame a blast beast, but the blast is too violent, and has been unwilling to surrender to me. I hope that you can suppress one or two, so that I can tame it," said the alien.

"That's all right, but what level of alienation is you, how many alien genes can you pay?" Hansen asked with interest.

"My name Yu Yan, is a knight, has a fire-like alien gene, I can pay you the ten-fired heterogeneous gene." Heteron said.

"Okay, but if you talk about it first, if you can't tame it yourself, it has nothing to do with me. I still have to pay for it." Hansen looked at Yu Yan.

"Of course, I can pay you the alien gene first." Yu Yan said, he reached out and a little golden flame burned in his palm. He was shot by Yu Yan and went to Hansen.

Han Sen reached out and grabbed it. The golden flame suddenly melted into the palm of his hand and turned into a warm stream into the limbs.

"Knight-level fire gene +1."

Yu Yan gave the Hansen ten ignition genes in succession, and Hansen collected them all.

Although these fire genes can't make Hansen's ** powerful, Hansen's resistance to fire power will become stronger than the average person, and when he uses fire power, the efficiency will become higher. .

For the average person, if it is not the strength of the cultivation of the fire system, this fire gene is not very useful, but Hansen can simulate the power of various attributes, and the alien gene will not be too much.

After paying the alien gene, Yu Yan left Hansen with Hansen and went to a manor near the Qingming Shelter. The size of the manor is not small. There are different creatures walking around. The existence of the original level, it seems that this jade inflammation should be a heterogeneous identity.

In a cage, Hansen saw the blast beast that Yu Yan said, some like a huge wolf, all over the body, and from time to time issued a wind blade, the box was beaten.

Hansen hit a gold coin on the body of the blasting beast. The blast beast was trapped in the cage and couldn’t escape. He was directly attached to the body by the gold coin. The violent figure suddenly sank, but it was not crushed. Next, instead of snarling at Hansen, I want to rush out of the cage and rush to Hansen.

Hansen hit seven gold coins in a row, which made the body of the blast be heavy, the action became extremely difficult, and it was difficult to be so violent.

"Sure enough, using the first heavy hole mysterious to simulate the strength of gold coins, the effect is much worse than the real gold coin strength. If it is the gold coin, if you suppress such primitive creatures, I am afraid that as long as two gold coins can achieve such an effect, It seems that it is still necessary to open several genetic locks first." Han Sen secretly said.

Yu Yan was very happy. When he opened the cage, he would leave his mark on the forehead of the wind beast.

However, even if it was suppressed, the blasting beast still refused to yield and refused to accept the brand of Yuyan.

Yu Yan held a whip in his hand, his hand trembled, and the whips suddenly burned with a blazing flame. A whip was drawn on the body of the blasting beast, and suddenly a blackened whip was drawn on it.

Did not play a few times, the blast wolf was pumped out of the skin, the body of a blackened whip was shocking.

However, the temperament of the blast beast is very violent, strong self-supporting, not falling, against the snarl of Yu Yan and Hansen crazy, although unable to resist, but there is no sign of being tamed.

Yu Yan and a whip of the whip down, the blast wolf can not move, and finally the whole body was pumped black, and finally could not support falling to the ground, has been less air-exhausted, seeing it is no longer, but still refused to yield Lying on the ground, yelling at the two people.

Yu Yan was tired of playing, and at this time it was a little discouraged: "This blast beast is too wild. It seems that there is no chance to surrender it. It is a strange creature from the thorny jungle."

"Is it coming out of the bush?" Hansen looked at the dying beast with some surprise.

"Yeah, we found it on the edge of the thorny jungle. There are not many primitive creatures that can open four genetic locks. I spent a lot of money, killing and killing a dozen primitive creatures, and then catching it back. However, it has been difficult to tame. It seems that there is no chance. It can only kill the flesh and blood, but it is a pity." Yu Yan looked too fast, but still whispered to them. The blast beast said.

Hansen’s heart moved and looked at the blasting beast and asked: “I don’t know if you are selling this blasting beast?”

"Since it can't be tamed, it can be sold naturally, but it depends on what price you can pay." Yu Yan said with a smile.

"How about using this?" Hansen found out a copper money fruit.

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