Super God Gene

Chapter 917: Mobile shelter

Hansen placed the man's body in a shelter, and the dragon tree and the blood tree were planted in the shelter.

It’s just that Hansen’s life is not much. He doesn’t dare to use it in large quantities. He can only hang a small sum of their lives and let them grow slowly.

The only thing that you eat is the crab meat and some dried flesh brought by Hansen. It can't be supported for too long. You must find the source of the flesh and blood of different creatures. Otherwise, there is no way to improve your physical fitness.

However, within the area of ​​this large tree, the plants that grow out can not even bear the fruits, let alone aliens, and even one can not see.

After Hansen silently observed it several times, he found that the shelter seemed to be moving underground. When I saw it almost every morning, I found that they had reached a different location.

Some locations are deep in the thorny jungle, sometimes close to the edge, and Hansen has not yet studied the laws of movement.

When they first came in, the trees and shelters moved to the edge of the thorny jungle, and they entered the range before they were moved together.

After observing for a few days, I probably know the timing of the movement. It usually moves after midnight. If you want to leave, there is no problem if you go back to the shelter before midnight.

As for the range of movement, this is easier to distinguish. There is no thorns growing in this area, and the thorn bushes are very large. It is easy to know that they have entered the area of ​​the shelter.

While Hansen practiced, he entered the spiritual base to harvest the alien gene. Every day, he also had to see where the shelter arrived and whether there was a chance to hunt.

Perhaps there are too many high-level aliens killed in the shelter, and there is an ominous atmosphere, so no aliens will come near here, as long as they stay near the shelter, there will be no danger.

On this day, the shelter moved to the edge of the edge of the thorny jungle. Hansen was just dawning, and went out with Qu Lanxi. He found some iron beetles nearby and hunted many ordinary and original iron shells. insect.

Hansen also found some wild genetic plants. After absorbing them, they gathered a dozen drops of life water.

However, they did not dare to go too far, but despite the reserve of flesh and blood, they were prepared to hide in this shelter for a while.

Every few days, the shelter has always had the opportunity to get close to the edge of the thorny jungle, so that they don't have to worry too much about food. They can hunt some exotic creatures and have a lot of basic genes and original genes. Physical fitness is also slowly growing.

Hansen tried to control the movement of the sanctuary, but outside of the spiritual base, the time to become a super emperor was too short, and it was too late to explore anything. The chaos may become worse, so Hansen For the time being, there is no forced change in the movement of the shelter.

In addition to these times, Hansen spent most of his time in the spiritual base, a large number of search for alien genes.

The waiter-level, knight-level, and aristocratic spirits don’t need to be said. After seeing Hansen, they automatically donated the alien gene, which made Hansen’s alien gene grow rapidly.

Since Hansen’s three fists and three kills of the demon emperor, even many of the royals have seen him, they will take the initiative to offer the alien gene.

There are only a few strangers who have a relationship with the Thunder Emperor. Seeing Hansen will avoid it, or stand on the sidelines and refuse to give him a strange gene.

Hansen has no way to take them. His ranking is too high. Unless others actively challenge him, he can only actively attack the six aliens who are in front of him.

Fortunately, most of the aliens will give him a gene for the alien, so that Hansen's common waiter-level and knight-like alien genes such as wind, fire, thunder, electricity, etc. have reached a full value of 100 points, nobility. The heterogeneous genes are almost full, and only the royal level is still a lot worse.

Now that the aliens want to offer the alien gene, Hansen has to pick one, not to say who can give it, the waiter-level and knight-like alien genes are basically gone, unless the property is very Special kind.

However, Hansen found that the recent challenge to his own royal family has become more and more different. Although he is not his own opponent, he seems to be fighting hard, making Han Sen feel a bit strange.

In a place far from Hansen, several Lingji islands are suspended and are not conspicuous in many nearby Lingji islands.

However, at this time, there are a few strangers gathered on one of the spiritual islands. If they are seen by other aliens, they will be scared.

The two men, two women and four different spirits negotiating on the island of Lingji are actually the top ten of the first spiritual base, all of which are elites of the imperial level.

In particular, one of the female aliens with a pair of cat ears, the long eyebrows of the country, the body is very hot, the thick armor can not cover her amazing curve, the white face always carries a touch A smile that makes you feel like a spring breeze.

If there is a stranger here, I will be able to recognize that she is the second female emperor in the first spiritual base.

The other three emperors are the ninth-ranked Emperor, the sixth-day Emperor of the Sun and the four-flowered female emperor.

"The power of Taishanghuang is too strong. Those imperial powers can't stop even one punch. They don't see too much information. The guess should be based on ** power. In this respect, he is much stronger than us." The emperor said.

The Emperor of the Great Day said, "Is this still used? He can kill the waste of the Thunder Emperor by a fist, and he knows that his power is definitely extremely strong."

The Baihua female emperor smiled and said: "If the Emperor is too strong, it will be easy to do. It will be defeated by Zhenwu."

"I see no problem, really my strength can absolutely restrain him." After the Emperor of the Great Day finished, he said depressedly: "Can you not be too up to the emperor to call the emperor, listen to not awkward?"

"It’s all called, it’s a sigh of time.” Baihua female emperor covered her mouth and smiled.

Zhenwu Emperor looked at the imperial lady who had never spoken: "Yu, what do you think?"

The imperial lady smiled slightly: "You can try it. The power that he is showing now, the blazing light, should be the result of a purely powerful force. Your true mirror is the nemesis of this kind of power. But I always feel that this person is not simple, you have to be careful."

"Then I will try it out. If you can win him, it is best. If you can't win, you can also force some of his true skills." Zhenwu said.

"Definitely can win, your real mirror is his nemesis, this battle will win, we are waiting for you to come back to celebrate." The Great Emperor of Heaven said affirmatively.

"Okay, then I will go." When the real Emperor said, he got up and returned to his own spiritual island, driving the Lingji Island to Hansen’s Lingji Island... (.)

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