Super God Gene

Chapter 937: Knight tree

The dragon blood snake is a pet of the blood system. Every time a genetic lock is opened, the blood bursts with the power of horror, which will make its body rise a big point. Whether it is ** strength or strength and speed will be greatly improved. .

Although the dragon blood snake that opened one or two genetic locks is already much stronger than Hansen, the dragon blood snake that started the six genetic locks can easily kill the two blood-locked dragon blood snakes. The strength and speed are strengthened too much. Not a grade.

Generally, the physical quality of ordinary organisms is 300 to 600, the original creatures are 600 to 1200, the mutant organisms are 1200 to 1800, and the blood creatures are 1800 to 2400. The physical qualities of super-natural creatures are currently calculated by humans.

However, the super-god creatures that humans encounter today are estimated to be more than 3,000 in physical fitness, and there is a big fault between them and the blood creatures.

If you want to add one between the faults, the young super-natural creatures and the fertile gods will be in a certain stage.

Like the emperors in the first and second spiritual bases, their physical qualities are probably similar to those of the blood creatures.

The same-order aliens, physical fitness is often stronger than humans and aliens. If only by physical quality, it is difficult for the same-order humans to compete with different creatures.

However, it is more difficult for humans to open genetic locks than humans. After all, most of the different organisms are far less fluent than human super-nuclear genetic techniques.

This six-legged gene-locked dragon-snake snake is very rare. Its physical fitness should be around 1,500. After opening six genetic locks, the physical quality directly exceeds two thousand, which is comparable to most of the blood life. Not inferior, even have the ability to hunt God blood creatures.

Like the **** blood creature of the Ironworm King, the six genetically locked dragon blood snake can perfectly kill it.

As for the other three dragon blood snakes, even if it is the dragon blood snake that opens the second gene lock, after opening the genetic lock, it can't compete with the physical quality of the blood creature, and the blood creature can open a genetic lock. Killing it is basically not very useful.

Even in the mutant organism, there is not much suppression, but for the average person, it is already a very powerful pet.

"Dragon blood snakes don't give them to Qu Lanxi. There is really no way to explain why they are planted so quickly. They only have the opportunity to sell the three dragon blood snakes." Hansen thought to himself.

Hansen couldn't help but frown, and Hansen entered the spiritual base for so many days. Until now, Hansen and others were impatient, and she summoned her directly.

The female emperor is obviously still immersed in the thrill of acquiring a lot of genes, and she is somewhat dissatisfied with Hansen’s forced summoning.

"What you have in the future is the time to plunder the alien gene. Now control the shelter's position and leave the thorny jungle to a safer position." Hansen said to the woman.

"Although I can control the movement of the shelter, I don't know where it is safe, so you can only specify one direction." The female emperor said.

Hansen didn't know that direction was safe, but as long as he moved in one direction, he could finally reach a safe position, so Hansen pointed out in one direction.

The female emperor moved the shelter according to the direction Hansen pointed out, but the shelter could only move once a day, and the distance was limited. After the first movement, it was still in the depths of the thorny jungle.

Moving again the next day, still in the depths of the thorny jungle, the third and fourth days are the same.

"What is that?" The thorny jungle did not go out, but Hansen saw a strange tree in the thorny jungle.

Just a place less than 500 meters away from the shelter, there is a tree of thirty or forty meters high. Such trees are not unusual. Hansen, a hundred meters old tree, has seen many.

But on top of this tree, it is like hanging a lot of dead people, hanging one of the humanoid fruits.

Look carefully, those humanoid fruits are very close to humans, but there are still some differences. They wear armor one by one, can't see flesh and blood, like the medieval knights in Europe, the top of the helmet grows with the branches, it looks It’s strange and magical, it’s hard to imagine.

"Do those guys have a life?" Hansen stared at the armored knight who grew up in the tree and counted the number. The tree had a total of six armor knights.

"That is the tree of the gene tree knight of the blood level of the gods. The loyal knight is a blood-stained creature." The female emperor glanced at the knight tree and was slightly surprised.

"Those are the blood-like creatures?" Hansen said in his heart, and asked: "Now they should not have the ability to fight back? Can you tell if they are not mature yet, kill them now?"

In an instant, the female emperor looked at Hansen like an idiot. "What do you kill them? The loyal knight's flesh and blood can't be eaten, and the loyal knights are mature, they will loyal to the life they saw at first sight, never forever. Will betray."

"There are such good things, how long will they mature?" Hansen suddenly overjoyed.

In an instant, the female emperor looked at the knight who was standing on the tree and said: "The blood gene tree usually takes several thousand years to mature. Looking at the appearance of the knights, I am afraid that it will mature in a thousand years."

"This is a little too long." Han Sen frowned slightly, but soon he was happy again: "It doesn't matter. I transplanted the knight tree and said, you parked the shelter here, we went to plan the tree."

"God blood gene tree, do you think it is possible to live by random transplant?" The female emperor snorted and sneered.

"You can just do it." Hansen did not defend, took four dragon blood snakes and a small wind to go in the direction of the knight tree.

In an instant, the female emperor had to follow up, but did not go far, but the face of the female emperor suddenly changed: "Don't go any more, there is something wrong here."

"What is wrong?" Hansen looked puzzled at the female emperor.

"You look at the ground." The female emperor pointed to the nearby land. They were only two or three hundred meters away from the knight tree.

Hansen looked down and looked at the ground. It was a loess. Hansen didn't see anything special. The questioning looked at the female emperor and asked, "Is there anything special about this?"

"Do you not think that this land is very strange? There is no life at all, even thinner than the vitality of the desert. On such a land, how can it be a long-lasting blood gene tree?" The female emperor said in a serious manner.

Han Sen listened to the words of the female emperor in the moment, and swept through the hole in the Xuanqi field. As she said, there was not even a trace of vitality in the land.

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