Super God Gene

Chapter 944: Shoucheng

"This is..." Huang Lao and others looked at the dragon blood snake. They had never seen the dragon blood snake. They only saw that it was a pet beast.

Hansen did not explain, let the dragon blood snake directly open the genetic lock.

A genetic lock was opened, and the body of the Dragon Blood Snake suddenly doubled and became as big as a tiger.

The two genetic locks are turned on, and the dragon blood snake is no smaller than a bull.

The three gene locks are turned on, and the dragon blood snake is already like a giant elephant.

The four genetic locks are turned on, and the dragon blood snake is as tall as a mammoth beast.

The five genetic locks are turned on, and the dragon blood snake is as big as a dinosaur.

"Open the pet spirit of the five genetic locks!" Huang Lao and others are somewhat moved, able to open the existence of five genetic locks, certainly a variant pet.

The dragon blood snake made a scream, and the body suddenly rose a big circle. The whole body's blood scales were shining, and the snake teeth and claws exuded the blood of the sultry, such as the same ancient and fiercely overlooking the crowd.

"Six genetic locks! The top variant pets!" Someone couldn't help but scream.

"Huang Lao, plus this mutant dragon blood snake, do not know if we have the strength of the battle with the nobles shelter?" Han Sen asked Huang Lao.

"Maybe have a chance." Huang Lao looked a little excited.

Although there are many variants in the aristocratic sanctuary, there are probably no ones that can open six genetic locks.

The limit of the mutant organism is to be able to open six genetic locks, but that does not mean that all the mutant organisms can open six genetic locks. The mutant organisms that can open six genetic locks can be said to be nothing.

Not only Huang Lao, but other people are also excited.

"The six genetically modified mutants, at least able to contain more than three mutants, plus our old guys, may really hopefully repel those aliens."

"Mom, do it with them."

"You can fight, Huang Lao, we don't leave, do his little little spirit."


Except for a few conservative old people, most people have changed their previous sorrows after seeing the dragon blood snake. They can't immediately work with those aliens.

Huang Lao reached out and gestured to everyone to calm down. He looked at Han Sen and solemnly said: "Small Han, I ask you a few questions. Please answer me clearly. This is a matter of life and death. Please be careful. ""

"You are old, please, as long as I can answer, I will answer it truthfully." Hansen said.

"You came from other shelters?" Huang asked.

"Yes." Hansen nodded.

Huang Lao nodded and continued to ask: "If we keep it, will you leave?"

Huang Lao asked this question, everyone suddenly understood the meaning of Huang Lao.

Even if they can block the offensive of the Hell's Shelter, Hansen will leave with the Dragon Blood Snake. They lose their reliance and are still not the opponents of the Hell Shelter. They will still be beaten.

If it is doomed to fail, the current bloodshed is not necessary. It is better to leave from the beginning and avoid some sacrifices.

Everyone's eyes are on Hansen, and many people want him to answer the question.

"I will leave." Hansen indulged for a moment, still replied truthfully.

Everyone’s face suddenly showed disappointment, and the hope that had just risen was completely extinguished because of Hansen’s answer, revealing a faint color.

"Thank you for telling us truthfully, everyone is going back to the original plan to prepare." Huang did not blame Hansen.

In the name of Hansen, plus this six-legged genelocked dragon blood snake, this area that is difficult to see mutants is indeed too poor for him, so Huang Lao did not want to force Han. Sen stayed.

"Wait a minute, I just said that I will leave, but if I leave, there are only two possibilities. One is that the aristocratic shelter has already been hit. If it is not hit, even if I leave, the dragon blood will be The snake left." Hansen immediately said.

In the eyes of everyone, the color of surprise was suddenly revealed. Huang Lao was somewhat unbelievable and looked at Han Sen: "Is this true?"

"If Huang Lao does not believe, I can give you the dragon blood snake for the time being." Hansen is not afraid that Huang Lao will swallow his dragon blood snake.

In fact, there is no place to go in this neighborhood. Except for the mountains in the north, there are thorn bushes on all three sides. Even if he gives Huang Laolong blood snake, he has no place to go.

And if they abandon the city, they will eventually only enter the jungle of thorns. With their strength, there is no place to shelter in the underground shelter. In the horrible place of the thorny jungle, I am afraid that even one will not live. Come down.

Because Hansen knows this result, he wants to help them in their own circumstances, so that they can continue to live here without having to go to the thorny jungle to die.

Of course, Hansen also wants to use this opportunity to fight to kill some mutant creatures to supplement their mutant genes. Otherwise, it is difficult to compete with a noble sanctuary by himself and the dragon blood snake.

Although the strength of these people is not strong, there are also several vitality machines that are not weaker than the mutant creatures. It is also a very good boost.

If you can take this opportunity to lay a nobility shelter, it is also a good thing for Hansen.

"Little Han, you are the son-in-law of the epoch, we can trust your words." Huang Lao is not old-fashioned, naturally did not go to Hansen's dragon blood snake.

Because of Hansen’s promise, many people are gearing up and ready to work with the Hell Shelter.

"Right, which one is the shelter in the northern mountains? Which one is in the shelter?" Hansen has not heard the names of the shelters, so I asked for a chance.

"That is the thorny sanctuary. The owner of the shelter is the Earl of Thorns, a nobleman, and I heard that talent is superb, not a general kind of alien." Huang Lao said.

Hansen gave a slight glimpse: "It turned out that it is still within the scope of the thorn shelter."

After confirming that he wanted to stay in the city, Hansen gave command to Huang Lao. He would not be able to command the big battle, but with his ability to lay in the micro, it is just right to command these twenty or thirty people.

Hansen can use the layout ability to maximize the role of these people to ensure that they can hold the shelter first.

At the beginning, those people still had little confidence in Hansen’s commanding ability. After all, Hansen was too young. However, after several exercises, everyone was convinced of Hansen’s commanding ability and was willing to obey his orders.

After two or three days, the alien army still did not arrive. Hansen planned to go to the mountains to explore the situation of the thorny shelter.

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