Super God Gene

Chapter 952: Son of the gods

Hansen was surprised to open the hole in the Xuanqi field and carefully observe the Tai Ajian. Whether a sword can be cut into iron, the sharpness is actually only a secondary condition. 3. The fastest

There are three main conditions, strength, hardness and toughness. If you can cut another sword in the same strength, it can only show that the hardness and toughness are higher than the other sword.

However, this sword is a sword cast in ancient times. How can it be that the material is not as harder than the hardness and toughness of the current steel alloy? However, the facts are in front of us, so Hansen has to believe.

Although it was only a two-foot-long broken sword, Han Sen carefully observed the hole in the tunnel and found that there was a trace of vitality in the sword.

This can't help but Hansen is even more surprised. In the shelter, there are many weapons that have been seen. It is the beast of the beast, and it is normal to have vitality.

However, this sword is too a sword, but it is a product of the alliance. It is made of cold and cold metal. How can it be lively?

"I have checked the information of Tai Ajian, but you also know that there are very few real texts and video materials circulating in ancient times. Most of them are legends that have no way to verify them. There are many legends about this sword. One of the most popular sayings is that this sword is cast by the mysterious iron of the heavens. The former black iron is actually a meteorite that falls on the planet." Liu Meng explained.

"How can this sword be broken?" Hansen asked again.

With such hardness and toughness, it is hard to imagine, in what circumstances, such a sword will be broken.

"I am afraid you have to ask the Qin family's father. Although our Rand family got this broken sword, but they don't know much about it. The Qin family has always been very concerned about this broken sword. They should know something. Liu Meng said.

"Win you, is it mine?" Hansen is somewhat tempted. Such a sword, as long as he has enough power, can exert a powerful destructive power. I am afraid it will be better than the **** dagger.

Liu Meng took out a contract: "If you don't believe me, we can sign a contract."

"Good." Hansen didn't want to fight before. It was because there was no good, but it wasn't that he was afraid of the Rand family. Now that he has a bet on the sword, Hansen naturally wants to give it a try.

He knows that Liu Meng is a transcender, but he does not know how high his physical quality is, and he does not know that he has opened several genetic locks.

Listening to Annie said that Liu Meng is also the surpassing person who has been promoted in the last two years. He wants to have physical fitness and genetic locks should not be too high. He won the sword and lost no harm. Han Sen signed a contract with Liu Meng directly.

"Come on." After signing the contract, Liu Meng looked excitedly at Hansen.

“Here?” Hansen looked at the little stone pavilion.

"Is there any problem?" Liu Meng asked in confusion.

"There should be a training ground in the manor? Let's go to the training ground. It will be bad if the pavilion is ruined," Hansen said.

Liu Meng’s eyes lit up: “Okay, go to the training ground.”

He listened to Hansen’s words and thought that Han Sen really wanted to let him go, and he was very happy.

The reason why Liu Meng wants to fight Han Sen is not to say that he really can't find other people who are stronger than Hansen. Those who open several genetic locks are not a minority.

However, Hansen’s own strength is only one of the conditions. Hansen’s defeat of Yugalan is an important reason why Liu Meng wants to challenge him.

Winning a compatriot, in Liu Meng's opinion, is not a very worthwhile thing to show off. Being able to defeat the Shura royal family is an achievement worthy of his excitement.

Only in his capacity, the Rand family could not allow him to fight with the Shura royal family, so Liu Meng would retreat to the next level, wanting to defeat Hansen who had won the Shura royal family.

Han Sen followed Liu Meng out of the garden and walked in the direction of the training ground, but just happened to meet Anne who was looking for him.

"Where have you been?" Annie asked as the two men asked.

"Liu Meng wants to discuss with me, we are going to the training ground." There is nothing to hide from this kind of thing, Han Sen said directly.

"You want to talk to him?" Anne looked at Hansen in surprise.

"Is there any problem?" Hansen looked at Annie's expression, and it seemed that something was not quite right.

"Liu Meng, you should not bother with him, I promised Miss Ji, to bring him safely back." Annie turned to Liu Meng.

Liu Meng smiled and took out the contract: "This is not a joke, the contract is signed."

After a pause, Liu Meng went on to say: "Han Sen, I am going to the training ground waiting for you. You should make it clear to Annie first."

After Liu Meng left, Anne was anxious to watch Han Sen say: "How do you promise to learn from him? I did not tell you, is he the only heir to the Rand family?"

Hansen smiled and said: "Isn't that serious? Just to learn from each other, I won't hurt him. I still have this."

Annie said with no anger: "Will him hurt? You know that Liu Meng has a nickname?"

"How do I know this, I didn't know him before." Han Sen said with a spread.

Annie sighed: "His nickname is the son of the gods. Although he barely hunted the aliens himself, he used to follow many of the gods in the league to get the half-god personal guidance, usually with him. Those who practiced are also famous and powerful. You must not think that he has not killed any alien creatures. There is really no actual combat ability. Many half-god have said that Liu Meng is a talented wizard, even the half-god of Lin’s family. All said that Liu Meng’s talent in practice is still above Lin Feng. Ji’s father once taught Liu Meng, and he also praised him.

"It sounds very powerful." Hansen said with a smile.

Annie said: "It doesn't seem, but it's really amazing. When I was at the second shelter, our army went out to hunt. Although Liu Meng was surrounded by the Rand family, he was forbidden to take part in the fight, but He only relied on command and pointing out the lack of our martial arts, let us win and weaken several times, and also made many of our martial arts masters advance, and I will benefit greatly."

Han Sen looked up and down Annie, and then smiled for a while: "I will be relieved."

After that, he took a shot of Annie's shoulder and went in the direction of the training ground.

"What do you mean?" Anne did not respond for a moment, and after the reaction came over, she suddenly became angry.

Han Sen is clearly saying that she can't, so Liu Meng, who has pointed her over her, is also very general, so she will be relieved.

Although she knew that Hansen was joking, Anne was still a little angry, hesitated, or chased the past, and entered the training ground with Hansen.

Liu Meng had already stood in the training field and saw Hansen coming in, elegantly making a gesture of asking.

Hansen looked at Anne around and gave her a look that made her feel at ease, and that came to the training ground.

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