Super God Gene

Chapter 963: Sweeping botanical garden

"It is very simple to enter the botanical garden. There is an ancient cedar tree in the east. It is next to the botanical garden. There are many roots underneath it. It has formed a hollow. From the outside of the botanical garden, you can drill into its root hole and enter. In the botanical garden, it will not touch the ban."

The thorns of the thorns paused and continued: "But it is useless to go in. The genetic plants there are closest to the mature ones, and it will take twenty or thirty years to get results. Now, the benefits can not be obtained. ”

Hansen did not explain, let the Earl of Thorns point the way and quickly found the old tree.

Sure enough, outside the botanical garden, you can see a large root that protrudes from the ground. Hansen digs down a few meters down the root of the tree, and sees that the roots are tangled in the interior, which has caused holes in the ground. Drilled in from the hollow, successfully passed the blockade of the soil of the botanical garden, did not touch the gardener, and easily entered the botanical garden.

Drilled out from the underground, it is still in the night, no one is in the botanical garden.

Han Sen looked at the genetic plants in the garden. He was already ecstatic. He reached out and grabbed a knife-vine. The black crystal suddenly started, directly sucking the knife and the knife on the top.

"I suck... I suck... I **** again..." Hansen did not stop, wherever he saw, all the genetic plants were sucked dry, and the black crystals secreted more and more life beads, not A lot of time has already broken through a thousand drops.

The thorns of the thorns looked stunned. I don't know how Hansen made these genetic plants wither, but she didn't understand it. It was just that it didn't seem to be good for Hansen.

However, for a while, Hansen has dried up most of the genetic plants in the botanical gardens, and the life waters that have been condensed have already exceeded 10,000.

"Wait a minute." When Han Sen was trying to catch a genetic plant, the Earl of Thorns suddenly stopped him.

“What?” Hansen stopped to look at the Earl of Thorns.

"These genetic plants are not planted by me." Earl of Thorns looked at the genetic plants at Hansen's hand.

"Whoever planted it, let's talk about it first." Hansen said that he had to do it again. Anyway, his goal was only the water of life, and he managed so much.

"You wait a first time, this genetic plant does not seem to be anything." Earl of Thorns said.

“Not something?” Hansen frowned and looked at the genetic plant in front of his hand. It looked a bit like an orchid, and the sword-shaped leaves stretched with a few butterfly-like purple orchids in the middle.

"If I am not mistaken, this should be the blood-level gene plant purple butterfly Xianlan. I have not planted a blood plant, I want to come after the Lei Modi occupied the botanical garden, do not know where to transplant it, see this It looks like it is almost mature, and it will be a shame to be able to mature in ten days and a half." The Earl of Thorns said.

"God blood gene plant, then it should be sucked." Hansen was overjoyed, originally thought that it was very profitable to **** some mutant plants, and I did not expect to have a blood plant.

However, Hansen turned to think and looked at the thorns of the thorns and asked: "Is there any special use for this purple butterfly Xianlan?"

"If you humans have eaten, you can directly increase the blood gene. If it is a stranger, the following spirits of the royal family can eat the gene to increase the life." The Earl of Thorns counted the above purple butterfly orchid: "A total of Seven, at least seven genes can be added."

"Is there such a good thing?" Hansen looked at the purple butterfly Xianlan in surprise, suddenly broke the idea of ​​absorbing it.

Hansen’s mind was moved, and the **** dagger had been held in his hand. He dug a few times around the purple butterfly Xianlan, and immediately dug out the whole purple butterfly Xianlan.

Earl of Thorns frowned: "The transplant of the purple butterfly Xianlan has been so badly hurt. I don't know what method I have used to survive here. You can dig it out like this. Where can it still survive?"

"I let it live, it will be able to live." Hansen directly dug it out, and dropped a drop of life drops into its roots, which put the whole plant into the prepared pocket.

The Earl of Thorns saw Hansen's rude treatment of Violet Sycamore, and he did not believe that he could transplant and survive.

But that was Hansen’s own business, and she didn’t say anything more.

The plants here are actually **** plants, but the other plants are still very young. The results are still unknown for hundreds of years, Hansen does not care so much, and they are directly dug up. Inside the pocket.

In addition to these four blood plants, all other genetic plants were swept away by Hansen, all of which drained the vitality. The entire botanical garden soon became a deadly life, and there was no life in the past.

"Is this?" When Hansen was about to dry the entire botanical garden, he saw a mushroom-like plant growing under the big tree.

The mushroom has a large head, looks like a cartoon, a red top cover, a white rhizome, and a scent of fragrance.

This time, without the reminder of the Earl of Thorns, Hansen has already sensed the majestic vitality that it radiates from him, which is even more terrifying than those plants.

"Do you know what genetic plant this is?" Hansen pointed to the mushroom and asked the count of the thorns.

The Earl of Thorns looked at it for a while, and suddenly his face changed: "This... Is this a fly-up mushroom..."

"Flying mushrooms?" Hansen slightly frowned, he knows nothing about genetic plants, and naturally does not know what is flying mushrooms.

The Earl of Thorns crouched down to watch the mushroom carefully, and the look gradually became excited. After a while, he said: "It really is a mushroom, I don't know who it is, so I planted the mushroom here."

"You are clear, what is the flying mushroom?" Hansen asked with some intolerance.

Although he has used the Dong Xuan gas field to shield such fluctuations, it will not be discovered. However, if the gardener looks at this side, he can still see a large piece of alien death, and then he will be in trouble.

"This is a super gene plant, but it is still very young. If it can grow, the food can directly promote the royal family to a certain chance." Earl of Thorns said with some excitement.

"Is there such a good thing?" Hansen was a big surprise, and he waved the **** dagger directly and dug the fly mushroom.

The Earl of Thorns wants to stop it, but it doesn't matter if you want to stop it. Even if you don't dig it out, you will definitely be strictly protected, and you will never be able to give them such an opportunity.

Hansen secretly dropped a drop of life water droplets to fly the mushroom, and stuffed it into his pocket. The count of the thorns was very distressed.

The entire botanical garden was swept away. Except for the mushroom and the four blood plants, Hansen absorbed it. He even got more than 20,000 drops of life water, and the harvest was unimaginable.

"I don't know what the Devils will see when they look at the botanical garden." Han Sen drilled out of the botanical garden and sneered in his heart, and his body quickly disappeared into the mountains.

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