Triangular civilization.

They were also staring at the scene in front of them with their mouths open.

Isn’t the Earth a pre-nuclear civilization?

Even if we have the technology to fight them, there are still such terrifying people.

The angel civilization that had driven them out of the known universe had no power to fight back in front of the opponent.

There are also Hua Ye and Morgana.

These two are also figures at the main god level, plus Judgment of the Void.

They didn't even hurt each other.

Just when the triangle was trembling, Carl's communication came over

"I need you to use the last of the giant void engines."

The Triangle feels that they have been fooled.

If they knew that Chen Dao was so terrifying, they would not have directly participated in this war anyway.

Now it is difficult to get off the tiger. If they don't solve Chen Dao, Chen Dao will solve them in the future.

There is no way.

They could only use the giant void engine to start targeting Chen Dao.

Chen Dao had already sensed it at this time, but he did not make any movement at all and watched coldly as the giant void engine aimed at him.

Finally, a huge energy beam blasted towards him. come over

"boom!"This energy beam is thicker and stronger than the previous two.

According to the calculations of the Triangular Civilization, the Void Trial of the Super Void Engine may directly destroy a galaxy.

This made them relieved.

No matter how perverted this person is, he will not It is possible to survive an attack that destroyed a galaxy.

However, there was indeed a sneer on Chen Dao's lips.

The rules around the saint are in a world of their own.

They are invincible.

A mere energy beam wants to kill him?

The golden light did not even hit Chen Tao's body was extinguished in front of him

"With your meager skills, you still want to kill me? Chen

Dao's face was cold and stern:"You still want to kill me in front of me. It seems that I haven't killed enough.""

"In this case, don’t leave at all today."

The next second, under the control of Chen Dao, the Zhuxian Formation continued to expand.

The solar system, the Milky Way, became bigger and bigger.

The people on the earth, the Triangular Civilization, Karl... they all stared blankly at the bigger and bigger The Zhuxian Array.

From the beginning it covered the sky above the earth, to half of the solar system, and now it covers the entire galaxy and is still expanding.

"What exactly is this? There can't be anything so powerful!"Karl couldn't believe it.

Even the most powerful clock in the known universe cannot expand infinitely to this point.

Maybe it was just an illusion of having no attack power?

Soon, Karl knew that he had guessed wrong.

The Zhuxian Sword Formation After covering the entire galaxy, the fleets belonging to the Triangle Civilization, Hua Ye, and Angel were enveloped by the sword energy.

Subsequently, the flagship and all the personnel inside were strangled.

No matter whether it was a second-generation divine body or a third-generation divine body, no one survived.

Karl even suspected, If there is a fourth-generation divine body inside, it is impossible to survive.

This sword formation is really terrifying.

Every ray of sword energy can make Karl's phantom body feel a fatal threat.

A formation diagram directly helps the earth The enemies in the entire galaxy were wiped out.

Even China was shocked.

The whole world trembled.

After all, except for China, the whole world combined could not deal with a few Triangle teams.

And those in space were the flagships of the Triangle.

Cheng Thousands of triangles.

All were wiped out in an instant.

No one was left alive.

Everyone in the world fell silent for a moment as they watched the real-time transmission of the Chinese Dragon Group using dark plane technology. What they have to consider now is no longer those Aliens.

But how to please China.

Death Galaxy.

Karl watched as the helpers he found were suppressed and destroyed.

The originally pale face became even more colorless.

Chen Dao was not a good man or woman.

From then on He could see it right away.

Basically, everything was killing.

Because of this, he couldn't let himself go as the culprit.

He had to be killed!

Karl now also has a giant destructive engine, which is already his fusion of void fear. , the most terrifying engine system that the black hole engine can create has never been used before, because with the blessing of the big clock, this engine can even destroy the entire known universe.

This is his last trump card.

He cannot kill Chen Dao, he might die.

The destruction-level giant engine releases not energy. His attack method is similar to the void engine, which can redefine the opponent.

He can even define Chen Dao into molecules and can never recover.

Or something else.

As long as The destructive giant engine can take effect.

He has many ways to kill Chen Dao.

Karl directly used the big clock, and with the help of the computing power of the universe's first celestial computer, he used the giant void engine to try to analyze Chen Dao

"The destructive giant void engine has been activated"

"Resolving target……"

"Parsing failed……"

Karl's face turned pale

"Re-analyze! Re-analyze! Re-analyze!"

If you can't analyze Chen Dao, there is no way to redefine Chen Dao, and you will never be able to kill the other party in this life.

Therefore, you must analyze Chen Dao

"Reparsing target……"

"Parsing failed!"

"Re-parse the target!"

"Parsing failed!"


The speed of the big clock and the destruction-level giant void engine may have reached more than 10 trillion times per second.

However, Chen Dao still cannot be analyzed.

Instead, it was after intense analysis.

The destructive giant void engine was the first to be unable to withstand it. collapsed.

With the collapse of the devastating giant void engine.

Carl was also devastated.

This was his last trump card, and now that it's gone... his fate can be imagined.

Is this the Chinese god?

It is really powerful to the point that even the big clock and the destruction-level void engine cannot parse it.

And the Master of Tongtian was just a loser in the Conferred Gods Period...

Karl felt chills all over. next moment.

A huge formation came across the void.

In the Death Galaxy, all living planets were shattered.

All the lives inside were wiped out by the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and both divine servants and living beings died one after another.

Death Galaxy, because of Carl.

Eventually comes destruction.

Before the destruction, some people tried to beg for mercy, and some asked the god of death, Karl, for help.

Karl, who always liked to show miracles, ignored them at all.

At this time, he could no longer protect himself.

Chen Dao appeared directly in front of Death Academy.

Karl carefully arranged his clothes and walked outside. He wanted to apologize to Chen Dao and beg for his forgiveness.

"Dear Mr. Chen Dao……"Carl, the God of Death, tried his best to shift the blame to Hua Ye, who had been thrown into six reincarnations.

There is also the triangular civilization.

Chen Dao just looked at him coldly.

The look in Chen Dao's eyes made Karl feel like he was going through the motions. Even his phantom body, which had not felt anything for tens of thousands of years, was sweating coldly at this moment.

After a long time, Chen Dao's voice was calm:"Among all the saints in the ancient world, except for Taoist ancestors, not even the other five saints dared to deduce Pindao."

"Do you think you are the Taoist?"

"He is just a false god from a low-level world, and he dares to act like a poor man! Do you really think that my Immortal Killing Sword is not sharp?"

Chen Dao used the Zhuxian Sword again.

He struck out with one sword.

Karl felt a severe death crisis, more intense than Zhen Yuanzi last time.

A look of horror appeared on his face:"I am the God of Death, and I have achieved a phantom body. Immortal!"

Chen Dao just snorted coldly:"It's just a fake physique. Even the ninth fluid physique in the prehistoric era can't compare with it."

"Still trying to live forever!"

"Let me destroy it now for you to see!"

The Immortal Killing Sword directly shattered Karl's illusory body.

At the same time, it destroyed Karl's origin.

Karl's immortality was like child's play in the eyes of Tongtian Cult Leader. To achieve this level of immortality, you only need to destroy his illusory body origin. There is no chance of resurrection anymore.

Lieyang Star.

Pan Zhen is still watching this scene blankly.

In fact, he doesn’t want to watch the show.

However, Morgana’s life or death is unknown.

Hexi has been suppressed.

Hua Ye and Sumali was thrown into the reincarnation of the animal world.

All the triangles were also destroyed.

Now, the final battle between Chen Dao and Karl will obviously determine the final outcome of this war.

At the same time, it also represents the world of the known universe. The birth of a new pattern.

Seeing Chen Dao smashing Karl's phantom body with a sword.

At this time, Pan Zhen was still looking forward to Karl's resurrection.

After all, Karl's phantom body was still very good back then, and his immortality made Holy Kesha I don’t want to cause any more trouble. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, Pan Zhen waited for a long time.

Karl didn’t even come back to life.

Thinking of Chen Dao’s words, Pan Zhen suddenly trembled all over.

Karl, no Will he really die?

He will never be resurrected?

"boom!"The entire Death Academy exploded.

The last piece of land in the Death Galaxy turned into nothingness and became garbage in the universe.

Only then did Pan Zhen finally have to believe that Carl was really dead.

He once thought that Chen Dao could resist Karl's attack.

I thought that thousands of years later, humans would invade the Death Galaxy.

However, I never thought that it had not been more than an hour since Karl launched the plan to kill Chen Dao.

Karl was already dead.

The Death Galaxy was destroyed.

The Triangle Civilization was destroyed.

Huaye Heavenly Palace was destroyed.

Pan Zhen swallowed his saliva.

This was a peerless killing god.

Even more than Emperor Huangtian. Fortunately, he repented in time and did not participate in the plan to deal with Chen Dao.[]

Otherwise, the Sun Star will definitely be the same as the Death Galaxy now.

There was no chance of survival.

Destroy all the foreign invaders in the galaxy and destroy the Death Galaxy.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Chen Dao's mouth:"There are still people who dare to spy on me!"

His figure flashed and he appeared again, already thousands of light-years away from the Lieyang Star.

He casually summoned a spear.

The ordinary spear penetrated directly through Pan Zhen's fourth-generation divine body and nailed it to the ground.

Pan Zhen suddenly suffered a heavy blow and looked confused.

When he saw Chen Dao, he quickly struggled and said,"I am not the enemy of the earth, but a friend."

He knew about Chen Dao's secondary personality.

If you don't explain yourself.

It would be too unfair to be killed by mistake.

Chen Dao just looked at the other party indifferently:"You do cooperate with the earth, but it's not like you didn't help Karl."

"You exploded the black hole"

"If the main personality had not possessed true immortality, a pseudo-god like Karl would have died several times."

"Do you think you can hide it from me?"

A saint can tell the cause and effect at a glance.

From the first time he saw Hua Ye and Morgana, Chen Dao already knew the cause and effect of the whole thing.

Including Pan Zhen's help in exploding the black hole.

At this time, he saw Pan Zhen, he also understood Pan Zhen’s thoughts. He was nothing more than a cunning villain who invested on both sides.

If it weren’t for the personality of the master, with the murderous nature of the Tongtian leader, he would probably really kill a villain like Pan Zhen. Human.

His tone was extremely cold:"If it weren't for the main personality and the fact that you didn't do much, you would have died just now."

Hearing Chen Dao's words, Pan Zhen breathed a long sigh of relief.

Angel civilization is the largest force in the known universe.

As a result, Holy Kesha was suppressed and is still imprisoned on the earth. She has also become Chen Dao's bed-warmer..

Tianji King He Xi cooperated with Karl to prepare to welcome back Holy Kesha and kill Chen Dao.

As a result, Tianji King was suppressed at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain.

Even the guardian angels were killed by this terrifying sub-personality.

The triangles that once dared to fight a physical war with the Kamigawa body also suffered heavy casualties in this battle.

Almost all the triangles sent to the known universe this time entered the Milky Way and launched a war against the earth.

The results were all Fallen in the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Hua Ye's entire army was wiped out.

Morgana's life or death is unknown.

Lieyang Star didn't even do anything, and it became the second largest civilization in the known universe.

In the entire known universe, there are only two Gods.

Chen Dao and Reina.

If Chen Dao's sub-personality wasn't still there at this moment, Pan Zhen would probably jump up with excitement.

However, Chen Dao had no intention of leaving.

Instead, he stood in front of Pan Zhen, He closed his eyes and meditated.

He was the leader of Tongtian Cult, one of the six saints of the prehistoric times, and was in charge of the first killing formation.

In his heart, except for Taoist ancestor Hongjun, there was no existence worthy of his fear.

Now he is trapped in the trap of an ordinary person. In his body.

How could he endure this?

Therefore, since Chen Dao started to look for him, Tongtian Cult Master had been planning to take this opportunity to directly break away from Chen Dao's control.

He even specially prepared a large formation.

However, the materials for the formation were lacking a lot.

Looking at the Master Tongtian who was contemplating the closing ceremony in front of him, with his expression changing,

Pan Zhen felt very uneasy.

What if the other party suddenly wanted to hold him responsible for destroying the Lieyang Star? ?

If this is the case, Lieyang Star has no resistance at all.

Pan Zhen suddenly sweated like rain.

He wanted to ask for mercy.

But his mouth was extremely dry.

He couldn't even open his mouth.

"you……"Leader Tongtian just spoke.

Pan Zhen knelt on the ground with a pop.

His legs were weak (money).

He quickly begged:"Senior, what happened before was all my fault. Lieyang Star and the Earth are still allies."

"You can kill me, but don’t destroy the Lieyang Star, please!"

After saying that, Pan Zhen kowtowed to Chen Dao several times.

Even Chen Dao was a little surprised.

Didn't he say he wouldn't do anything to him?

Why was he still so panicked?

However, it is a good thing that the other party is afraid of him.

More It can make things easier for the leader of Tongtian.

He pointed directly at Pan Zhen, and tens of thousands of materials were directly transferred into Pan Zhen's mind.

Including names, shapes, and characteristics.

This was something he studied for a long time, and it may help him get rid of Chen Dao's formation

"Find these materials as quickly as possible."Tongtian Cult Leader didn't say much.

He believed that Pan Zhen would definitely try his best to complete this matter because of Pan Zhen's fear of him.

And Tongtian Cult Leader would try his best to wake up the master's personality during this period of time.

Otherwise, he might be afraid He would fall short.

Hearing that Chen Dao's request was to collect materials, Pan Zhen breathed a sigh of relief.

Now he can collect all the resources in the entire universe, except those on the earth. Naturally, he has no worries.

Even so, after seeing the biography of Master Tongtian Tens of thousands of materials came in, and his head was a little dizzy.

He had never heard of many of them.

Fortunately, there were real objects and characteristics.

"Don’t worry, senior, I will finish it as soon as possible."Pan Zhen clasped his fists towards Chen Dao.

Then he hurriedly asked all the people of Lieyang Star to arrange the matter.

And he walked to the Lieyang Star treasure house in person.

He had seen a lot of materials in the treasure house.

Now he had to go and get it. Come out.

When the leader of Tongtian suppressed Chen Dao's awakening, Pan Zhen also quickly gathered the materials.

These materials were carefully selected by the leader of Tongtian.

They are not rare.

I am afraid that they will not be found after coming out.

Now there is Lie Yang Wenming's help was found within a day.

Leader Tongtian became more and more excited.

He was going to get out of trouble! He no longer had to go back to that dark and small place to suffer!.

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