Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 100 We are the same kind of people

"Don't demons pursue depravity and freedom?"

An Lan stood up and said with a smile: "It is my freedom to want to cross the border. As the demon queen, shouldn't you encourage your subordinates to cross the border?"

"It is also my freedom to want to stop you from crossing this border." Liang Bing replied.

"So, there is actually no difference between you and Holy Kesha." An Lan said with a smile.

No difference?

When Liang Bing heard this, her mind suddenly became sensitive and she said angrily: "How can there be no difference? She is her and I am me.

That bitch is two-faced. On the surface, she is righteous and talks about justice, but in fact it is just a powerful order.

The entire universe has hardly improved its scientific research level in 20,000 years because of her so-called justice.

I am the same as her?


"Maybe you are different from her." An Lan nodded and said.

"Of course!" Liang Bing raised her chin. How could I be the same as that bitch!

"You are far inferior to her." An Lan said again.

What! ?

Liang Bing was furious when she heard this. She stared at An Lan with a fierce look and said angrily: "Little bastard, you must tell me what you mean today. How am I not as good as her?"

"Let me analyze it for you."

An Lan stretched out a finger and analyzed: "Holy Kesha's philosophy is justice, right?"

"So-called justice." Liang Bing emphasized.

"So-called justice is also justice."

An Lan smiled and asked: "According to my analysis of the deeds of Holy Kesha in the book and from Angel Yan.

I think Holy Kesha is indeed enforcing justice and abiding by justice, no matter what the reason for the birth of the heart of justice.

But she does require others and herself according to this standard. She imprisoned the entire universe, including herself, in a circle.

Yes, or no."

"Yes." Liang Bing nodded reluctantly.

No matter what the reason is for Holy Kesha to insist on justice and order, she has indeed abided by the rules she set for the universe for 20,000 years.

"Zishun said: Everyone does it. If you keep doing it, you will become a gentleman; if you do it without changing, you will become accustomed to it; if you become accustomed to it, it will be natural.

After establishing the justice order, Kaisha has been abiding by the justice order. So can I think that your evaluation of her sanctimoniousness is slander?"

Looking at Liang Bing with smiling eyes.

Liang Bing clenched her fists and could not answer for a long time. In the end, she could only curse viciously: "That bitch must be secretly planning some shameful conspiracy.

It's just that we haven't discovered it yet."

"It's meaningless if you say that."

An Lan sighed: "I know that many things don't require evidence, such as malice. Anyone can hate someone for no reason.

But we are now engaged in philosophical speculation. Your argument is groundless and is completely based on your subjective imagination.

If you still maintain this attitude, what is the difference between you and those who spread rumors on Xiaohongshu and slander you for photoshopping and falsifying?"

Liang Bing was speechless.

An Lan said again: "Now let's talk about you. Decadence and freedom are your ideas, right?"


Liang Bing raised her chin proudly and said: "This is the perfect theory and thought I finally got after studying the void for thousands of years."

"But why didn't you stick to the theory and thought you got from thousands of years of research like Kesha?"

An Lan pointed at Liang Bing and questioned: "When I wanted to touch your thigh, you said it was your freedom not to let me cross that boundary line.

When I didn't want you to spy on me, you said it was your freedom to spy on my privacy.

There is a common point in these two things, that is That is, your freedom conflicts with my freedom. When the two freedoms conflict, you choose to defend your freedom without hesitation.

What is the reason?

Is it because you are stronger than me or is your freedom more important in your mind?

Whatever the reason, it is enough to prove that your so-called depravity and freedom are no different from Kesha's justice order. In the final analysis, it is a power order.

Draw a circle according to your own preferences, and then let everyone abide by it. "

Liang Bing's charming and charming cheeks turned pale and blue. She always felt that what An Lan said was not right, but she could not find a reason to refute An Lan's point of view.

"So, don't be stupid anymore, my queen."

An Lan stared at Liang Bing, his eyes deep and said: "Your research on the void is nothing but science. No matter how mysterious the void is, it is also science.

And the boundary between depravity, freedom, and justice belongs to philosophy.

After studying science for thousands of years, you finally came to a philosophical point of view and conclusion. Don't you think it's strange?

After all, what you call depravity and freedom is nothing but playing badly, because you know the power of the void and can't find a way to crack it, so you choose to play badly and indulge.

Putting the priority of self-indulgence over anyone and anything without any reason, do you know what this is called?

This is called egoism, and it is the only thing I insist on.

My queen, you, me, and Kesha, there is no difference between the three of us in essence. We all regard ourselves as more important than anything else in the universe.

The difference between the three of us is that I didn't add anything to the underlying belief of egoism. I just did whatever I wanted.

Kesha added the concept of justice to the underlying belief of egoism and admitted that everything she did was just for her own interest.

You added depravity and freedom to the underlying belief of egoism, but you didn't admit your own underlying belief. In other words, you added a layer of hypocrisy to depravity and freedom.

You said that Holy Kesha is a hypocritical bitch, so let's analyze who is more hypocritical? "

Liang Bing was speechless for a long time. Although she was unwilling to agree with everything An Lan said, she had to admit that everything An Lan said was logically self-consistent.

Liang Bing wanted to refute An Lan.

This was not just a quarrel, but a philosophical speculation. After ascending the throne, ancient emperors would find various reasons to prove that they were in the right position and the orthodox imperial power.

Liang Bing also needed to find reasons to refute An Lan, to prove that An Lan was wrong, and her depravity and freedom were right.

If she could not refute An Lan, it meant that she could not convince herself, which meant that everything Liang Bing had done in the past 18,000 years was meaningless.

Even if she could not prove that her concept of depravity and freedom and An Lan's egoism belonged to the same level of underlying beliefs, she had to prove that her theory was at the same level as the order. It is no less just than Kesha's.

This is related to what Liang Bing did and the legitimacy of the demonic civilization.

But Liang Bing is not good at speaking.

Moreover, Liang Bing mainly studies science, material theory and applied theory. An Lan discussed philosophy with her, which is spiritual theory and logic.

If it were Kesha, she might be able to refute An Lan, as Kesha is also quite knowledgeable about philosophy. Kesha said that the reason she enforced the order of justice was simply because she would be unhappy when she saw the strong bullying the weak.

In terms of philosophy and thinking, Kesha has a clear understanding of herself.

Liang Bing does not have this kind of understanding, and she does not understand philosophy. Who studies philosophy, serious scientists? Can those who study philosophy be serious scientists?

Now Liang Bing has to be a little unserious.

"What are you barking about?

Is Kesha your queen or am I your queen? Why do you help her but not me? Are you still my little brother?

I am so angry at you!"

Liang Bing slapped An Lan's head angrily and turned away angrily.

"Where are you going? "An Lan asked Liang Bing's back with a smile.

"To the library!" Liang Bing answered without turning his head.

I think I, Liang Bing, am also a great scientific researcher in the entire universe. Mathematics is the underlying logic of material theory, and philosophy is the underlying logic of spiritual theory.

Isn't it just philosophy?

I'll learn it, but I don't believe it. Can a 30,000-year-old god like you be defeated by a little boy in his early twenties?

What's the difference between that and the idiotic plot in the fantasy novels on Earth, where people travel to an advanced world where each person can destroy the universe with one punch and the average lifespan is several epochs, and then use Tai Chi, Dugu Jiujian and other idiotic tricks to show off?

An Lan paid the bill with a smile and caught up with Liang Bing to the library Go.

Liang Bing did what he said. After arriving at the library, he went straight to the philosophy and literature area and read all kinds of books at a glance.

God's thinking, comprehension, memory, etc. must be much stronger than ordinary people. But it is not to the extent that all knowledge can be mastered and integrated with one thought.

Moreover, for Liang Bing, philosophy is a brand new field that he has never touched before, and this thing tests not only IQ, but also EQ.

Liang Bing's EQ is not particularly high. In other words, even if he is a god, his EQ is no different from that of ordinary people. This is the fun of philosophy. .

Liang Bing's head was dizzy all afternoon. She was dizzy after reading those magical theories that seemed the same but completely contradictory to each other.

What is this? ?

An Lan keenly noticed that Liang Bing had fallen into a thinking error again. She was trying to understand philosophy by learning scientific methods.

Science can be falsified, so science is a process of seeking truth, and the only truth is obtained after removing countless answers.

But philosophy cannot be falsified, or it does not need to be falsified or verified. Many different philosophical theories are completely contradictory.

If science If learning is a road that gets narrower and narrower but has no end, then philosophy is a spider web that spreads out more and more.

Liang Bing's learning method is wrong, and she is doomed to get half the result with twice the effort.

Liang Bing sat there reading all afternoon. An Lan sat next to Liang Bing, watching short videos on his phone. He liked the pretty girls and said it was eye-catching when he saw the authentic big flying.

An Lan has eyes and aesthetics but no quality, so he never indulges those who disgust him.

Suddenly, Liang Bing stood up angrily, threw the book in his hand on the ground and stepped on it hard, cursing: "Fuck!

Who wrote this book? It just advocates so-called justice and wantonly belittles my depravity and freedom.

I just found out that depravity is a fucking derogatory term on your earth. I am so angry!

Damn! "

An Lan shook his head helplessly again. He felt that Liang Bing would never be able to become a master of philosophy.

An Lan had read many books in the past in order to copy them. Even after his bloodline awakened and his memory improved significantly, he still kept the habit of reading.

In terms of the amount of books read about philosophy and literature, An Lan actually surpasses Liang Bing.

And An Lan will write down even if he sees an opinion or book that he does not agree with. Because he pursues egoism, whether it is right or wrong, everything must serve him.

Today he can criticize Liang Bing from a philosophical perspective that favors Kesha, and tomorrow he can criticize Kesha from a philosophical perspective that favors Liang Bing.

Philosophy is so useful. As long as you have good eloquence and catch the other party's thinking loopholes and behavioral defects, whatever you say is right.

Liang Bing can't do this. She is not like An Lan who has nothing to insist on except "I", nor is she as frank as Kesha.

When Kesha encounters a theory that she does not agree with, although she will refute it on the surface, she will still study it behind the scenes, such as the void. This violates justice, but it is in line with Kesha's egoism.

Liang Bing, however, cannot honestly study the theories and knowledge that she does not agree with, so she naturally cannot become a master of philosophy.

So for An Lan, Liang Bing, the demon queen, is easier to fool and easier to deal with than Angel Yan.

"Don't be angry, my queen."

An Lan stood up and smiled and pulled the furious Liang Bing, persuading her: "If you can't stand it, don't read it. Let's change a book.

I'll find you a good one that suits your taste."

"Huh, what good one?" Liang Bing looked at An Lan suspiciously.

It's you, the kid who just said that I'm not good here and there, and tricked me into the library to study philosophy. Would you be so kind to give me a good one?

"Wait for me."

An Lan pressed Liang Bing's shoulders and pushed the angry queen back to her seat, then walked to the fantasy literature area, and soon came back with a stack of books in his arms.

Liang Bing took a look and found that these were two sets of books.

One set was "Inch of Light" written by I Eat Tomatoes, and the other set was "God of Death" written by Ni Cang Tian.

An Lan took out the first copy of "Inch of Light" and handed it to Liang Bing, saying with a smile: "Come, read this to relax yourself."

Liang Bing took the book doubtfully, opened the cover and read a few pages, and then immersed herself in it, thinking that this book is simply the best literary work on earth.

Especially after seeing the chapter where the protagonist practiced magic and ascended to the demon world for his beloved, he slapped his thigh and shouted that it was exciting.

The demons in the demon world are all real men who stand tall and upright. Xiang Yu, Chi You and others are all positive characters. The Shangqing Palace, Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun in the fairy world are all despicable villains.

This is what I want to read, this is what a book is!

After finally finishing a complete chapter, Liang Bing closed the book with a feeling of unsatisfied desire, and said with emotion: "This is the most outstanding literary work I have seen since I came to Earth.

This I Eat Tomatoes should be the most outstanding literary master on Earth. I love his books to death."

An Lan nodded in agreement, and he was almost laughing madly in his heart. This was the fun that An Lan wanted to find.

"Take the remaining few copies of this book with you. I will slowly appreciate it after returning to Devil No. 1."

Liang Bing pointed to several philosophical works on the bookshelf and ordered: "Take these books with you too. They are quite to my liking."

"This "Killing God" will be more to your liking." An Lan pointed to a set of physical books in his arms.

"Then take it with you."

The title of the book is "Killing God". Is it related to God? Is the protagonist a killer god, or does the protagonist want to kill God?

In any case, with An Lan's recommendation of "Inch of Light" as a pearl, Liang Bing still chose to believe An Lan's recommendation.

That night, "Killing God" and "Inch of Light", which had been completed for who knows how many years, suddenly received 100 million in rewards each.

Even the two platinum masters who have already achieved success and are worth billions were confused after seeing this high reward. What's going on? Could it be that there is something wrong with the platform's data?

Half an hour later, Qidian officially issued an emergency announcement, confirming that the 100 million yuan in rewards were real, and the entire site was red to congratulate Qidian for the birth of two books with [True 100 million alliances].

By the way, a new level was set up above the gold leader, the martial arts supreme!

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