Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 104 Goodbye, my queen [Subscribe please]

Liang Bing immediately turned off the virtual interface and lay on the bed, pretending to be asleep.

"Knock knock..."

An Lan gently knocked twice on the door of Liang Bing's bedroom.

no response.

It was time for An Lan to kowtow again, and he slapped her many times.

Liang Bing finally opened his eyes in a leisurely manner, pretending to be sleepy, and asked in a lazy tone: "Who is it?"

"An Lan."

An Lan responded: "I have something very important to tell you."


"Oh, come in then."

Liang Bing's cheeks were slightly tipsy, and she leaned on the bedside, granting An Lan temporary permission to enter her bedroom, and opened the bedroom door.

According to Liang Bing's original plan, at this time, he should give An Lan a few words and ask other questions before letting An Lan in.

But by some strange combination, Liang Bing let An Lan in just by asking.

Seeing An Lan enter the Queen's room so easily late at night just by saying "It's me", the demons in the monitoring room couldn't help but look at each other.

It seems that the statement that the demon army will soon have a regent is not groundless.

Liangbing's bedroom is huge. In other words, it is more like a palace than a bedroom.

There are all related facilities such as study room, living room, swimming pool, bathroom and so on. The last time An Lan argued with Liang Bing was in Liang Bing's study.

Lying on the bed in the bedroom, Liang Bing was in a state of confusion. Before she could decide whether to meet An Lan in the study or the living room, she saw An Lan walking straight towards the real bedroom through the corridor and hall.

By the time he reacted, An Lan was already standing at the door of Zhen's bedroom, leaning against the door frame and looking over here with smiling eyes.

Liang Bing's black velvet pajamas are very cool, but the parts that should be exposed are not exposed. Only the arms, legs, and the lower half of the northern hemisphere are exposed.

Interesting, but not explicit.

An Lan looked at Liang Bing leaning on the bedside with a smile, and said with a smile: "I want to compare you to a charming summer day, but you are more lovely and gentle... As long as the world has a breath, you and this poem will stay forever. world.

My queen, you are beautiful tonight. "

"Sister, I am beautiful anytime."

Liang Bing responded with a helpful response, and then asked: "Where did you copy that sentence from?"

Liang Bing is quite familiar with An Lan's literary quality.

Although An Lan has read a lot of books and can pull out a few sentences from time to time, with his ability, he can only write "Little Fourth Generation" and "Grand Traces" at best.

It is mainly because he is very eloquent that he seems to have a relatively sufficient knowledge reserve. In fact, his knowledge reserve is far from comparable to Liang Bing.

That sentence was most likely quoted by An Lan from other famous writers.

"The eighteenth sonnet in Shakespeare's Sonnets is also the most famous one." An Lan introduced.


Liang Bing searched and found that this was indeed the case, and felt that Shakespeare's poems were quite good and suited her taste.

“In the future, you should read poems and words like this to your queen more often.

Don't talk all day long about abstract things that make people scratch their heads. "

Liang Bing complained.

An Lan's brain circuits jumped like a madman, often jumping repeatedly between the abstract teacher and the artistic youth. Liang Bing had adapted to this rhythm.

But now, Liang Bing still prefers An Lan to read "Shakespeare's Sonnets" and other love words to her.

"Definitely next time." An Lan smiled.

After uncovering the problem with the sonnet, Liang Bing finally remembered that he shouldn't be so talkative at this time, and should at least question An Lan a few words.

Damn it, I was almost fooled by this little bastard's poem.

Liang Bing straightened his expression and pretended to be stern: "You don't sleep at night, what are you doing here?

What’s more important, there’s something we can’t talk about tomorrow! "

Liang Bing selectively forgot the fact that she opened the door for An Lan.

"Didn't you ask me to come over at eleven o'clock tonight?" An Lan asked with a smile.

"When did I ask you to come to my bedroom at eleven o'clock!?" Liang Bing shouted pretending to be calm.

"In the afternoon, you knocked me on the top of my head three times."

An Lan explained: "In the second chapter of "Journey to the West", Patriarch Bodhi struck Sun Wukong three times with a ruler and instructed Sun Wukong to go to his bedroom in the middle of the night to learn his skills.

The third watch is from 11 o'clock to 1 o'clock in the morning.

I'll come over at this time, neither early nor late. "

"Are you stupid?"

Liang Bing reprimanded: "Master Bodhi is Patriarch Bodhi, I am the Queen, I am the third watcher of heaven, why don't you understand it as three points.

What a show. "

Although Liang Bing did have this intention, Liang Bing still felt a little embarrassed when his thoughts were revealed.

An Lan smiled and said nothing, pointing to a set of physical books of "The Big Monkey" placed by Liang Bing's bedside. It was a dark online novel that An Lan recommended to her the day before yesterday.


With his thoughts exposed, Liang Bing simply put on his face and said vaguely: "You little bastard can always speak clearly and logically.

Just say what you say, just think that I asked you to come over at eleven o'clock.

Now let’s talk about what you’re here for, isn’t there something important? "

"Is it important to check the body of the queen who leads the demon army?"

An Lan walked towards Liangbing's bed with a smile on her face.

"What are you going to do?"

Liang Bing's eyes were a little panicked. Although Liang Bing was absolutely confident that he could take down An Lan with one move, Liang Bing had an inexplicable feeling that he was the little white rabbit and An Lan was the big bad wolf.

Queen, I just plan to give out some small benefits. This little brat must have misunderstood something and is planning to do something outrageous.

An Lan sat at the head of Liang Bing's bed and reached out to grab Liang Bing's beautiful, round, white and slender legs.

Liang Bing subconsciously wanted to struggle and avoid, but then was slapped on the thigh by An Lan.


Liang Bing's muscles tightened all of a sudden, and he became calm in an instant.

An Lan hugged Liang Bing's beautiful legs, placed them on her own legs, opened her hands and gently pressed the acupuncture points and muscles on Liang Bing's soles and calves.

"Give you a pedicure."

An Lan said seriously: "According to scientific research, wearing leather pants and high heels for a long time is not conducive to the blood circulation of the legs and feet. If things go on like this, it may lead to paralysis and eventually even amputation.

Fortunately, you met me. I once learned a set of scientifically proven foot massage techniques from a foot massage master. I can treat your disease. "

Healing a disease is indeed a big deal.

"Really science?" Liang Bing asked.

"It's really scientific." An Lan nodded.

"As long as it's scientific, we have to believe in science."

Liang Bing found a reason to convince herself, nodded slightly, adjusted her posture, leaned on the bed and let An Lan give her a foot massage.

The fourth-generation divine body is afraid that its blood circulation is not smooth.

The previous few times they were wearing stockings, but this time they were bare legs. Every time An Lan's fingers fell on Liang Bing's feet and legs, it gave Liang Bing a feeling like an electric shock.

It feels a little uncomfortable and a little comfortable, warm and damp.

Slowly, Liang Bing felt that An Lan's techniques were getting weirder and weirder. He slowly changed from pressing and kneading to stroking, and the massaged parts were from the feet, calves, all the way up to the thighs.

Although this was something that had been agreed upon long ago, Liang Bing still complained a little shyly: "Your massage techniques are getting weirder and weirder.

I was promised a foot massage, but why did I go all the way to my thighs? "

"You don't know this."

An Lan rubbed Liang Bing's plump, slender and round thighs and said seriously: "The foot massage technique I learned is a new technique just invented by my teacher, it's called caressing therapy.

As the name suggests, it is touching.

Using my hands instead of mother's hands, just like a mother caressing her child, can treat your endocrine disorders and prevent osteoporosis. "

"So magical?"

Liang Bing also accompanied An Lan's nonsense seriously and asked: "To be able to invent such a magical and scientific massage technique, your teacher must be a master."

"Master indeed."

An Lan smiled and said: "My teacher's surname is Qiao, and he has been involved in foot massage for decades. His accomplishments in this field are unmatched by anyone on the entire planet.

In the eyes of the world, one of his feet will always stay in the foot-washing city.

When I say this, you know how awesome he is. "

"That's really awesome." Liang Bing agreed.

The two chatted for a while, and Liang Bing's mental state became more and more relaxed, because she felt that An Lan was playing with her legs in various ways.

But he always maintained restraint and didn't touch anything or places he shouldn't touch.

Liang Bing, who was gradually relaxing, leaned on the head of the bed, enjoying An Lan's "massage" and said, "You just said that you should replace mother's hands, right?"

"Yes." An Lan nodded.


Liang Bing groaned and said: "Actually, I don't have any memories of my mother.

I was born in the Heavenly Palace Order 30,000 years ago. I have rarely seen my mother since I can remember. She was my father's concubine. Although her status was not high, she was quite favored.

My father was a grand duke in the angelic civilization at that time. He was a high-ranking man and a true male god. Unfortunately, it would take a hundred years for me to meet him. "

An Lan listened quietly without interrupting. He felt that Liang Bing had truly relaxed.

Liang Bing added: "The person who appears most often in my memory is my sister, my half-sister."

"Is it Kesha?

I read in some books that you and Holy Kesha are biological sisters. "An Lan asked.


Liang Bing gritted his teeth and said, "It's Kesha, this Bichi.

Together we overthrew the order of the Celestial Palace, and after a period of mutual antagonism, we reached a reconciliation and established the Celestial Palace of Mero.

She maintained her righteous order, I studied my void, and we could have been at peace with each other.

Who knew that as Karl and I studied the void more and more deeply, Kesha, that bitch, believed that the void would threaten her order of justice.

Playing with life is never allowed by the order of justice.

She suppressed Karl, imprisoned me, and imprisoned her half-sister.

Because Merlot Heaven had been established for thousands of years at that time, the angels who initially followed me had long since retired, and the Angel Legion had become her sole authority.

I didn't have any chance to resist.

In the end, I launched a gorgeous rebellion against my sister Duanli, established a demon army, and fought with her for eighteen thousand years. "

"Fighting, not being hunted?" An Lan asked.

"I won too!" Liang Bing emphasized.

After another second of silence, he said, "Okay, there will be more times when I'm being chased.

I was like a dog, hunted by those little sluts under her command for over 10,000 years, and wandered throughout the universe for more than 10,000 years.

Many times I would dream that Kesha's Bichi suddenly came to me, and a judgment of fire turned me and my legion into scum in seconds. "

It is definitely impossible to say that Liang Bing is not afraid of Kesha.

In the confrontation between the two, Kesha was obviously the more calm one, while Liang Bing was just incompetently furious most of the time.

Liang Bing wandered for more than 10,000 years before he saved some money and built the combat celestial body Devil No. 1. Kesha has at least seven combat celestial bodies of this level.

Merlot Heaven is composed of multiple combat celestial bodies.

"Do you think justice that pursues even his own sister is real justice?" Liang Bing looked at An Lan and asked.


An Lan replied: "This should be regarded as annihilation of relatives for the sake of justice, and it is a necessary sacrifice to maintain justice."

"Why are you still speaking for Na Bichi!"

Liang Bing broke away from An Lan's hand around her legs, kicked An Lan, and threatened: "If you keep doing this, sister, I won't let you touch my legs!"

"I was wrong."

An Lan changed his face in an instant, hugged Liang Bing's legs and continued to massage, and said solemnly: "If you can't even tolerate the people you love and are closest to, what is the need for such justice?

Kesha, her justice and order, in my opinion, is nothing more than this. "

"Yeah!" Liang Bing nodded with satisfaction.

The initial conflict between the two began when she studied the void. At that time, Liang Bing was not as indifferent to life as he is now.

"Will you betray me?"

Liang Bing looked at An Lan, his eyes a little blurry, and said worriedly: "Even the closest blood relatives will kill each other.

I'm very afraid now that one day you will suddenly stab me from behind, which is how I stabbed Kesha's Bichi back then. "

"Absolutely not."

An Lan smiled and said: "Old age has caused this generation to wither, and only you remain the same; in other sorrows, I will comfort future generations and say:

Beauty is truth, truth is beauty—that is all you know and need to know.

Keats, the author of this poem, has been pursuing "beauty" all his life, and so am I.

My queen, you should be more confident. You are so beautiful that the most beautiful flowers and the most touching love poems in the world will pale in comparison with you.

As long as your beauty never fades, my loyalty and love for you will never fade. "

To put it bluntly, it is lsp.

Uh-huh-huh, Liang Bing hummed helpfully, "Queen, I am a fourth-generation divine body, an immortal goddess. Of course my beauty will not fade."

However, in order to hear more love words, Liang Bing still found fault and said: "Queen, my beauty will indeed not wither, but it will wither relatively.

Kesha’s desire to kill me will never die, just in case this Bichi lets a little slut under her command one day who is prettier and more attractive than me to seduce you.

What if you stabbed me in the back? "

"I will accept the sugar-coated bullets from Kesha, eat up the sugar-coating, wipe them clean, and then shoot them back."

An Lan smiled and said, "As I said, you should be more confident.

There are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people, and everyone has a different definition of beauty. If the scoring criteria are subdivided infinitely, perhaps one day there will indeed be a woman who is more beautiful than you in my eyes.

But Queen, you are still ranked first, so how can I give up? "

"You must not think that other women are more beautiful than me. Queen, I should always be the most beautiful in your heart."

Liang Bing warned.

"The most beautiful." An Lan nodded.

After being massaged by An Lan for a while with touch therapy, Liang Bing gradually became tired and said: "Stop touching, just touch this today.

Queen, I'm a little sleepy. I'm very happy today and I should have a good dream. "

Liang Bing hasn't slept peacefully for a long time.

An Lan put Liang Bing's legs on the bed, sat on the edge of the bed and stared at Liang Bing's face tenderly, laughing softly: "I want to watch you sleep.

I won't leave until you fall asleep. "


Liang Bing lay on the bed, glanced at An Lan, and warned: "That's right.

However, you are not allowed to touch me with your hands, feet, or mouth after I fall asleep. "

"Absolutely not." An Lan shook his head.

"That's good."

"Good night."

"Good night."

After saying good night to each other, Liang Bing fell asleep under An Lan's gaze, and even after falling asleep, her body did not inadvertently change into a curled-up sleeping position.

This proves that Liang Bing feels very safe at this moment.

"Goodbye, my queen."

After confirming that Liang Bing was asleep and blocking most communication channels, An Lan slowly got up and left Liang Bing's bedroom and walked outside.

In the corridor, An Lan suddenly turned into a ball of blood-red fluid. Liang Bing's bedroom is the only place in Devil No. 1 that is not under surveillance.

When the door opened, An Lan had transformed into the Demon Queen Liang Bing.

An Lan smiled slightly, I feel very good now.

The first phase of the plan is to sneak into Demon One, the second phase is to figure out the general structure of Demon One, and the third phase is to create an environment where Liang Bing is temporarily unable or not controlling Demon One, all completed.

The final stage is to start implementation.

An Lan, who turned into the appearance of the demon queen Liang Bing, opened his left hand, and saw a full bottle lying in it.

That was the [Crocodile God Evolution Full Bottle], which recorded all the secret information of the Crocodile God Soton. With this bottle, as long as there are enough resources, the Crocodile God Soton can be reborn.

I spend 7k a day, how come some people say I'm short? I'm not a tentacle monster, 7k a day is not too little.

By the way, I'm asking for next month's votes.

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