Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 14: Superfluous Explanation

Seeing that An Lan didn't respond, Angel Yan sat back in the passenger seat without interest and complained in a low voice: "You little brat who doesn't understand love."

An Lan just smoked a cigarette and put the car into gear silently. After driving the car out of the underground garage, he threw away the cigarette butt.

Safety is the first priority on millions of roads, and the devil of irregular driving will cry in May.

The two of them were still talking and laughing along the way, but Angel Yan never used a special move as powerful as before. She still understood the principle that too much is not enough.

In a subtle and harmonious atmosphere with a hint of embarrassment, the two returned to An Lan's home.

"Here are your slippers, new, no one has ever used them. Here are your pajamas, also new.

Of course, if you like to sleep without clothes on, that’s fine by me. "

An Lan took out a bunch of things and threw them on the sofa, then pointed to the second bedroom: "That's the second bedroom, no one has lived in it so far.

I don't know if you want to sleep or not. Anyway, I have done my duty as a landlord and I'm going to sleep. "

After packing everything, An Lan walked into the master bedroom carrying her change of clothes, bathrobe, and pajamas. After washing, she put on her pajamas and got into bed to pick up her cell phone.

There is no awareness of living under the same roof with angels.

Angel Yan was just wearing clothes and holding his pajamas, lying quietly on the bed in the second bedroom, looking out the window at the night sky, which was the direction of the Angel Nebula.

It's amazing.

I thought it was just a normal mission, searching for traces of demons, negotiating with the Earth Branch of the Super Seminary, and then spending a hundred years helping the Earth upgrade to a spaceflight civilization and a god-making civilization.

Just like it has been done more than once over the past seven thousand years.

Unexpectedly, I unexpectedly met a very interesting and uncertain little boy.

Angel Yan didn't know what direction An Lan's unstable genes would lead him to develop, and she didn't want to ask. She had even guessed how An Lan would answer.

I will probably recite a poem on the spot like the immortal king An Lan in "Perfect World": Whoever is so brave throughout the ages will command the world to praise him. If love and dreams are incompatible, who can stand between good and evil and end up together?

Or just be like the people of the motherland in "Black Robe Picket" and say "I can do whatever the hell I want." The probability of this possibility is smaller, as he rarely swears.

Angel Yan only knew that she was very interested in An Lan and was willing to spend a hundred or a thousand years observing and guiding this interesting little boy.

At ten o'clock the next morning.

"Get up, the sun is going to shine on your butt~"

An Lan, who was sleeping, was suddenly shaken awake. In other words, An Lan had already woken up the moment Angel Yan stretched out his hand.

"You actually prepared breakfast for me?"

An Lan rubbed her sleepy eyes and yawned, asking, are angels so homely?

Angel Yan, who was still wearing the same cool casual clothes as yesterday but with an extra apron, put his breakfast on the bedside and proudly said: "Angels are the most perfect creatures in the known universe, whether it is the physical level or the spiritual level.

The object of the oath is everything the guardian angel has to offer. Now you are just experiencing the guardian angel's service in advance.

How about it, have you fallen in love with me? "

An Lan didn't answer. He lifted the quilt and got out of bed. He took off his pajamas and put on casual clothes. He didn't care at all that Angel Yan was beside him. What should have been seen had already been seen.

"Did you make it yourself?" An Lan did not answer Angel Yan's question.

Angel Yan smiled and replied: "I personally...bought it from the breakfast shop downstairs."

"I knew it.

Then there is no need for you to put breakfast on the plate, just carry it to me in a plastic bag. I have two more dishes to wash, and you have wasted another precious 30 seconds in my life. "

After changing clothes, An Lan complained, walked into the bedroom and started washing.

Angel Yan leaned on the bathroom door and looked at An Lan with interest. With her eyesight, she could easily see that part of An Lan's genes had evolved.

Washing, eating, many things no longer need to be done or done less, but An Lan still maintains many of the habits he used when he was in love.

This little boy also longs to find the missing part.

"I am leaving."

[Fire truck full bottle ability activated]

After washing, An Lan finished his breakfast in three strokes, five by two, and then used the ability of a fire truck to fill a bottle, shooting a beam of high-pressure water from his fingertips to clean the stains on the plate.

The knight system and various props are in An Lan's own dark matter plane, which allows him to use a full bottle of abilities without shaking the bottle.

With the help of the build knight system, you can even use the abilities of two bottles at the same time to strengthen yourself without transforming.

Of course, if you want to use your full strength, you must use the knight system to transform.

Angel Yan's eyes were filled with brilliance, and he was keenly aware that just now, the genes in An Lan's body had produced a wonderful chemical reaction with some kind of energy gushing from the dark plane, giving him the ability to generate water for a short period of time.

What gene is this?

This kid's genes are much more complicated than I expected, and things are starting to get interesting.

An Lan walked toward the door, and suddenly noticed something was wrong. He turned around and glanced, only to find Angel Yan following him, vaguely looking like he was about to go out.

I am going to find Qilin and have barbecue with her. Is it really okay to bring along an angel?

"I need to apply for an ID card." Angel Yan casually gave a reason.

She knew An Lan was going to find Qilin, and she also knew that An Lan knew she knew he was going to find Qilin.

An Lan's expression was still serious. This reason obviously couldn't convince him. You, a third-generation god, still need an ID card? Where can't you go, what system can't you hack into?

"I just said I'm your cousin." Angel Yan pulled out another reason.


An Lan sighed, turned around and walked in front of Angel Yan to the underground garage.

He was not as skilled as others. If Angel Yan really wanted to do something, he couldn't stop him. He really couldn't beat him or stop him.

Besides, why should I worry about this? I don't even have feelings. I am just an ordinary friend to anyone!

Angel Yan sat in the co-pilot as usual, and An Lan didn't feel anything wrong. Isn't it just a co-pilot?

There is a bright and sunny relationship between us. I, An Lan, have no desires and I am strong. What is there to worry about?

More than half an hour later...

An Lan parked the car outside the Jingju, got out of the car first and reminded: "I don't know if you really want to apply for an ID card. I will say that you are my cousin who needs a new ID card. You can do the rest yourself.

Whether you hack into the system to create a personal profile or parse the ID card to DIY one yourself, it has nothing to do with me."

"Yeah, yeah."

Tian Shiyan got down from the co-pilot, lifted her hair and nodded repeatedly, suddenly raised the corner of her mouth and showed a weird smile, pointed behind An Lan, and reminded: "Look, is that someone you know?"


An Lan turned his head in confusion, and then saw Qi Lin carrying a bucket of 20 liters of pure water, standing across the street and looking at this side in a daze.

Qilin felt a little sour in her nose, what did I see?

A woman with outstanding figure and appearance, who looked particularly coquettish, got down from An Lan's car, talking and laughing with him, and the relationship was not ordinary.

How can you let other women besides me sit in your co-pilot? emmm...Except Meng Meng.

Forget it, don't exclude Meng Meng, this is also a threat.

Qilin, who was burning with jealousy, almost had fire in her eyes. She strode across the road towards Anlan, carrying a bucket of purified water. Just when she was about to call him to task, she suddenly realized that she had no reason to call him to task.

No, we seem to be just "ordinary friends". Although I had a lot of fun chatting with him in the past two months, this guy has always been a talkative person. Yesterday, he wore a colorful holy robe and stepped on a seven-colored cloud to save me from the alien bastard.

But we seem to be just... ordinary friends!

When the aggressive Qilin walked in front of Anlan, she suddenly lost her temper and didn't know what to say.

It was An Lan who broke the strange silence. He pointed at the bottle of water on Qilin's shoulder and asked, "What is this?"


Qilin, who finally had a reason to speak, forced a smile, patted the bottle of water and explained, "There is no water in the Jing Bureau.

The water exchange station is just across the street. In the past, it was always delivered by a young man or carried by a male colleague.

When I woke up this morning, I suddenly felt that I had endless energy. My strength was much greater than before, so I volunteered to carry water."

It was so annoying.

An Lan and Angel Yan understood at the same time. If nothing unexpected happened, Qilin's super gene should have awakened further. Even if it was just a generation of super soldiers, the quality in all aspects was much stronger than that of ordinary people.

Qilin, who noticed that An Lan and Angel Yan [understood at the same time], felt a prick in her heart again. Her observation ability was very sharp, so sharp that she could see the subtle changes in An Lan and Angel Yan's expressions.

"This is..."

Qilin put down the bottle of water and looked at Angel Yan with a forced smile.

Observing closely, this woman seems to be very pretty. They are equally beautiful, but her skin is better and her legs are better than mine.

Most importantly, this woman is a slut at first glance, exuding a sense of sluttiness from the inside out!

It seems that it is not unfair to lose to this woman.

"My cousin, come..."

"Her ex-girlfriend."

Before An Lan finished speaking, Angel Yan smiled and said a few words that were not planned, without any discipline.

An Lan's mouth twitched slightly, and he turned back to glance at Angel Yan. Didn't he agree that it was my cousin?

Angel Yan smiled without saying anything. The more beautiful a woman is, the more likely she is to lie. You have known this truth for a long time.

"Okay, it's my ex..." An Lan could only choose to obey, and turned his head to say what Angel Yan meant. For him, it didn't matter whether it was a cousin or an ex-girlfriend.

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking this time, Angel Yan suddenly covered his mouth and giggled, and at the same time reached out to Qilin.

"Haha, I'm just kidding. I'm An Lan's distant cousin. I'm here to apply for a new ID card."

Damn it, the more I explain, the worse it gets!

"Hello, cousin."

Qilin felt relieved and reached out to shake hands with Angel Yan with mixed feelings. At least this woman was not An Lan's girlfriend, and she hadn't lost yet.

This woman couldn't possibly be An Lan's cousin or ex-girlfriend. The Jing Bureau had all of An Lan's information.

This is definitely a strong enemy!

Angel Yan sensed the hostility from Qilin and smiled knowingly without taking it to heart. Any woman below the third generation of gods, even a super warrior who could live for a thousand years, was nothing to her.

Only gods would not turn into a pile of yellow earth as time passed. After a thousand years, this little boy would still be mine.

In order to tease Qilin and add fuel to the fire, Tianshi Yan even hacked the audio equipment of the barber shop next door and played a song called "Redundant Explanation" by Xu Song.

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