Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 155 Yan: I want to challenge He Xi to a duel!

When An Lan was about to leave, He Xi suddenly stopped her.

"There is one thing, Yan actually lied to you." He Xi said.

An Lan looked back with some doubts and looked at He Xi.

"Kesha didn't summon Yan today. Yan had been summoned by Kesha three days ago."

He Xi explained: "Yan has indeed been waiting for you these days, waiting for you to take the initiative to find her. Even if you do nothing, just talk nonsense and chat.

But you never came.

When Kesha summoned Yan three days ago, she begged Kesha to stay on Earth for three more days and wait for you for three more days. If you still don't take the initiative to find her during those three days, she will leave without saying goodbye.

I didn't plan to return the build driver to you today. You didn't mention it, so of course I was happy to study it for a while.

But today is the last deadline for Yan to stay on Earth."

An Lan was silent, and felt his head start to hurt again.

Complex emotional fluctuations and emotional fluctuations impacted Anlan's nerves. Every word that Angel Yan said when he left, that affectionate kiss, the back figure rushing towards the sky...

Everything else was circling in Anlan's mind.

But suddenly, Anlan thought of Qilin again, and remembered that day when Qilin asked if I was the person you liked the most, and remembered that day when Qilin said that you should spray more perfume in the future because I don't like those messy smells...

[Danger level increased, current level 5.3]

"Thank you."

Anlan covered his head, thanked him, and opened the space warp back to the Giant Gorge.

He Xi stared at the place where Anlan originally stood, feeling a little unworthy for Angel Yan. She could feel that Anlan still didn't fall in love with Angel Yan.

"Ask what love is in the world, it makes people headache to death."

After He Xi sighed, he turned around and returned to the Giant Gorge City.

In the Giant Gorge, Anlan lay on the bed, stroking the snow leopard Nicotine in his arms, still recalling every word, every expression, and every movement of Angel Yan.

Just like the last time Angel Yan left, An Lan fell into a state of loss again.

Unlike the last time, every time An Lan thought of Angel Yan, he would think of Qi Lin. This struggle and entanglement made An Lan even more headache.

When faced with a big problem, An Lan activated the small program that Angel Yan left in his body, trying to forget everything he saw today and the fact that Angel Yan had left.

But every time An Lan wanted to forget it all, wanted to confirm whether he had forgotten it all, the memory of Angel Yan would be dug out from the depths of his memory, and the imprint would be deeper.

That night, when An Lan and Qi Lin kissed, Qi Lin said that the taste in your mouth is so fresh, exactly the same as the taste of chewing gum. Knowing to chew gum to remove the smell of cigarettes before kissing me, it's a big improvement.

An Lan stroked Qi Lin's face thoughtfully.

After a long time, An Lan finally convinced that the so-called [Angel Technology] that can make people forget their troubles was just a little joke that Angel Yan played on him.

It is far from easy to tamper with An Lan's memory. It is just a small program that can be imprinted on the tongue and can freshen the breath.

When you can no longer have it, the only thing you can do is to make yourself not forget it.

Angel Yan knew that An Lan would definitely be sad after he left, because An Lan really liked her. No one can ignore the things that they once had when they lost them one day.

But liking is not love, liking is not continuous, and An Lan's sadness will inevitably be diluted with the passage of time. An Lan is also a heartless person, and perhaps he will completely forget the sadness of that day in less than three months.

When An Lan no longer has any feelings about the memory of Angel Yan's departure, it means that his love for Angel Yan has returned to normal.

So Angel Yan made such a little joke.

Every time An Lan wants to confirm whether he has forgotten it, the memory and feeling of that day will be strengthened a little. When they meet next time, Angel Yan will not have to start over again.


Mello Heaven.

Angel Yan flew out of the space wormhole, folded his wings and landed on the square, and walked towards the hall where the Holy Kesha was.

"Did the mission go smoothly, Sister Yan?"

"Sister Yan, is there an outstanding male god on Earth?"

"Sister Yan, why did you stay on Earth for three more days?"


Along the way, many angels passing by greeted Angel Yan and asked her all kinds of messy questions in a rather playful or envious tone.

Angel Yan instinctively felt that something was wrong.

Although she was a sacred left wing, she was usually friendly to other angels, and different angels often greeted her and asked for experience.

But it was the first time that she greeted and asked questions so frequently like today.

Could it be that there was a traitor in my team, who exaggerated the reason for my delaying my return to Melo Heaven for three days and spread it out?

Who could it be?

Leng? It's unlikely. In this tortuous love story, although I, Angel Yan, was not the final winner, I was not the biggest victim either. Leng was.

She shouldn't be so big-mouthed as to publicize this matter everywhere.

Is it Lingxi, or someone else?

While Angel Yan was thinking about a lot, he suddenly saw a high-level guardian angel with gnashing teeth and a furious face walking towards the intersection ahead.

After a closer look, he found that it was Leng.

When Angel Leng saw Angel Yan coming towards him, his anger became even more intense. But considering that Yan had to meet Queen Kesha again, he finally endured it without having an attack.

Just when he passed by Angel Yan, he said viciously: "Yan, now there is another debt to settle between the two of us!"

Angel Yan Zhanger was confused. Didn't he just fool you once? Hasn't this matter been recorded in the account? How could one account be recorded twice?

Shaking his head, Angel Yan didn't take this matter to heart. He adjusted his posture and walked into the hall. He met the holy Kesha sitting on the throne with her legs crossed.

"Her Majesty Queen Keisha."

Angel Yan walked to the steps, bowed his head and saluted respectfully: "Holy Left Wing August Yan has returned from a mission and is here to report to you."

"Haha, we'll talk about the mission report later. It's just that Morgana has upgraded to the fourth generation divine body.

With Hexi's clone around, Morgana can't make any trouble. "

Holy Kesha waved her hand, not interested in the report, then leaned forward, pinched her chin, and said jokingly: "Yan, I am more interested in your delay in returning to Merlo Heaven for three days.

You said you would wait for your boyfriend for three days, did you wait? "


When did Queen Keisha become such a gossip? No, Queen Keisha has always been quite gossipy.

"I waited, but I didn't wait."

Angel Yan replied a little lonely: "I was waiting for him to take the initiative to find me. He did come, but it was King Tianji who called him here."

"No matter what, the ending is always happy."

Holy Kesha smiled and said: "I have studied An Lan's information, and he is very similar to you in the past thousands of years. He seems to be used to taking the initiative, but in fact he has never shown true feelings.

If you want him to fall in love with you, you first need to fall in love with him and use your love to influence his emotionless heart, just like what the little girl Qilin did.

Two people who are emotionally passive and must feel each other's affection and confirm each other's feelings before they give everything they have will never get good results from getting together.

To break all this, someone needs to take the initiative and give their feelings actively.

You are very brave, you can actually kiss He Xi in front of him, or give up the kiss. I thought it would take you another few hundred years before you would be brave enough to take this step.

True love will last forever, and you and An Lan will eventually achieve success. "


Angel Yan was slightly confused and said in astonishment: "Your Majesty the Queen, how did you know that I took the initiative to kiss An Lan.

And Tianji Wang Hexi, what does it have to do with her? "


Holy Kesha was also a little stunned. She mobilized the sacred knowledge treasure house and made some calculations, only to find that He Xi had secretly photographed everything OMO.

91 Miss Crane!

"You'd better go to the forum section of the Holy Treasure House of Knowledge and see for yourself." Holy Kesha smiled intriguingly.

A treasury of sacred knowledge?

The stunned Angel Yan connected to the treasure house of knowledge, only to find that He Xi, an old witch, actually secretly returned after leaving, secretly recording everything she said and did.

Afterwards, she not only shamelessly uploaded the video to the knowledge repository, but also used administrator rights to pin it to the top and follow every angel.

Angel Yan was traveling through the wormhole at that time, and after returning to the Merlot Heavenly Palace, he rushed to the main hall non-stop, so he never had time to look at it.

I'll take your damn life!

Angel Yan watched the entire video with shame and anger, and then took a look at the comment area. Good guy, in less than a few hours, there have been more than 20,000 replies.

The top few replies are all from Hexi.

This shameless old woman wrote a short essay and reading comprehension in the comment area, adding more than 30,000 words of embellished details about how Angel Leng fell in love with An Lan, and how Angel Yan fought over her love.

Both in terms of length and complexity of content, it is comparable to a short bloody romance novel.

It is worth mentioning that this novel is not a love triangle, because the role played by Angel Leng is more inclined to be the protagonist who is pulled out to whip the corpse from time to time, rather than the second female lead.

The essay is followed by reading comprehension. Hexi analyzes the emotions and inner activities revealed in every sentence and expression of Angel Yan from a behavioral, psychological and philosophical perspective.

The analysis is as detailed as "I have two date trees in my yard, one in Dovranimbo and the other in Marco Pohang."

After the psychological analysis, there is the kissing technique analysis. Hexi analyzed in detail the secrets and flaws of each of Angel Yan's verbal and verbal moves in those two minutes, and his comments were clear and logical.

Angel Leng's incompetent rage and clarification, Angel Lingxi's "Thank you for the invitation, I have just emerged from the space-time wormhole in Merlot Heaven", Angel's heart-warming "My Holy Left Wing Best Friend", Angel Chase's "Back View - Holy Left Wing" The comments are also very popular.

After all, they are all well-known figures and big Vs, and they all have a special relationship with Angel Yan, the client.

The rest of the comments are nothing more than some young angels joining in the fun.

As Angel Yan looked through the comments section, the influence of this video was still spreading, with thousands more comments appearing in less than a few minutes.

Angel Yan finally understood why Leng said there was another debt.

This video and He Xi's essay made the story of Angel Leng being stabbed for his love, which was originally only circulated in a small circle, suddenly become common knowledge that was spread by word of mouth in Merlot Heaven and everyone knew it.

Although he is not a laughing stock, everyone will know that Angel has never snatched away a man from Angel, whether it is because he is not handsome enough or for other reasons, in short, he has not snatched away.

Once again, he lost to Angel Yan, still in the pursuit of love, and it was made known to everyone. Angel Leng felt that he had no face to meet Jiangdong's father!

Angel Yan was also confused.

Although she has always been aggressive and flirtatious, that doesn't mean she won't be shy. The Holy Left Wing chased the male god and forcibly kissed the young male god. After being embellished and jealous, it spread throughout the Merlot Heaven in such a ridiculous way.

Even Angel Yan will feel shy and embarrassed. This wave is close to social death.


Angel Yan clenched his teeth angrily and clenched his fists, squeezing out Hexi's name from between his teeth, without even mentioning the words "Tianji King" in front of Kesha.

Holy Kesha just sat there and watched the fun with a smile, and didn't think there was anything rude about Angel Yan. If she had been the person involved, she would have rushed into Tianji Palace and hacked He Xi to death.

Angel Yan tried to use the authority of the Holy Left Wing to remove the post, but found that the authority was not enough at all. He immediately drew his sword in anger and said loudly: "Your Majesty, I want to apply for a duel with He Xi!"

"No, no, no."

Holy Kesha laughed and said: "Besides, you can't beat her, at least she can beat you out.

Just forget it. After a while, when the popularity subsides, no one will make fun of you, but will envy you. "

Angel Yan knew it was over as soon as he heard Kesha's words, and felt bad in his heart.

I thought that Queen Kesha would help her vent her anger and scold Hexi, or use the queen's authority to delete the video, or close the comment area.

Now it seems that the Queen has no intention of doing this at all. Her Majesty is not looking towards me.

"Then Her Majesty the Queen."

Angel Yan said bravely: "I apply to leave Merlot Heavenly Court immediately. No matter where I go to perform tasks, I must leave immediately."

"Why are you in such a hurry?

Zhi Xin, Leng, Ah Zhui, and your besties and friends all happen to be in the Merlot Heavenly Court, and you have been tired for such a long time.

I grant you a month's vacation. You are not allowed to go anywhere during this month. You will just stay in Merlot Heaven, cultivate your body and mind, and relax and chat with your best friends. "

Holy Kesha rejected Angel Yan’s application without hesitation.

Just kidding, He Xi just turned up the heat. If you leave Merlot Heavenly Court at this time, why should I watch the excitement?

To a certain extent, Holy Kesha's level of fun is not much worse than that of He Xi. The difference is that Kesha rarely stirs up trouble, but she doesn't mind watching.

Just as Angel Yan was about to say something more, he was pushed back by Holy Kesha.

"Okay, let's talk about it later. Now go enjoy your vacation."

Angel Yan walked out of the hall, looked at the strange looks cast by the junior angels, and saw the private communication channels being bombarded, and felt that his whole body was sublimated.

Bastard Hexi, we will fight to the death!

Private channels cannot be blocked, they are all close friends. Angel Yan was just about to check every private message when he saw He Xi suddenly sent another video.

In the video, Hexi faces the camera and encourages with extremely positive energy, "Don't be afraid of any difficulties we encounter, face it with a smile.

The best way to overcome fear is to face it, come on, Ollie! "


Angel Yan, who was madly ridiculed, roared angrily, raised his sword and charged towards King Tianji's palace complex. Then, as expected, he was blocked from the palace complex.

In any case, Angel Yan's social life began.

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