Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 157: Ambush

The Great Gorge.

Lianfeng in the operations room looked at the information on the screen and tapped the keyboard, saying: "Just now, when Denor 3 was collecting intelligence normally, it suddenly captured an important piece of information.

The demon army under Morgana's command intends to attack the Yunshan Special Base. They want to rob the strategic weapons there and launch a nuclear attack on the earth."

"Is the source of the information accurate?" Dukao frowned.

Although strategic weapons cannot cause fatal damage to the divine body, the degree of damage to other super soldiers, towns, and ordinary people will be fatal.

Once strategic weapons are lost and dropped into a city, it will cause a devastating blow to the confidence that the country and the earth have finally gathered.

"The accuracy is as high as 97.6%."

Lian Feng analyzed: "In recent times, in addition to the Taotie Corps, Morgana's demon corps has also been wreaking havoc around the world.

It is normal for them to target the Yunshan Special Base.

Moreover, I think there is something fishy about this matter. According to the information protection capabilities of the demons, such important intelligence should not be captured by us.

I speculate that this is a trap for the Xiongbing Company. They want to lure the snake out of the hole and ambush the Xiongbing Company near the Yunshan Special Base."

"Precisely because it is a conspiracy, no, an open conspiracy, the accuracy of the information will be higher."

Dukao nodded slightly, then gritted his teeth and said: "In any case, we can only choose to break into this trap. We can't afford the consequences of the loss of strategic weapons."

"That's right." Lian Feng nodded in agreement.

Dukao waved his hand and ordered: "Let the soldiers of the Xiongbing Company gather urgently. Even if it is a sea of ​​fire and a mountain of swords, we must get through it."


A few minutes later, Ge Xiaolun, Lena, Cheng Yaowen and others, whether they were super soldiers of the first or second period, gathered on the deck and lined up in two neat rows.

After Dukao roughly repeated the information he had just captured, everyone in the Xiongbing Company immediately became excited.


It's just the Demon Army. I, Master Xin, have killed more than a dozen Taotie warriors in this period of time.

I've long wanted to meet Morgana's demon warriors."

"Want to rob the Yunshan Special Base and do the Dudu Murong's Dou Zhuan Xing Yi?

If you don't agree, we must deal with them."

"Who cares about their conspiracy? We survived the ambush in Tianhe City last time, and we can survive this time as well!"


In the past three months, even Su Xiaoli, He Weilan, Wei Ying, the second-term students who have been training for two and a half months, have been dragged to the battlefield twice.

Not to mention Ge Xiaolun and Zhao Xin, who have experienced the battle of Tianhe City and many small-scale battles.

Therefore, when they learned that they would have to step into the ambush circle of the demons because of the conspiracy of the demon army, they were not too nervous.


When facing a strong opponent, even if you know you may not win, you must still draw your sword resolutely. Even if you fall, you must become a mountain, a ridge!

I admire your spirit of drawing your sword."

Dukao nodded slightly, and then ordered: "But your opponent this time is the demon army after all. They are well prepared and will never attack without a purpose. You still have to be more careful.

Next, I will talk about the team arrangement for this mission.

First, Team 1, led by Cheng Yaowen and Ge Xiaolun, and the team members include Zhao Xin, Qilin, Su Xiaoli, Wei Ying, and He Weilan.

Your mission It is responsible for clearing and containing the demon army, and it is best to suppress them with long-range firepower. Qilin and Wei Ying in your team are both snipers, I believe you can do it.

Then it is Team 2, led by Rena, and the team members include Liu Chuang, Qiangwei, Rui Mengmeng, Li Feifei, and Zhao.

Your task is more difficult. Cooperate with the soldiers stationed at the Yunshan Special Base to protect and transfer strategic weapons, and implement defensive counterattacks against the demon army that comes to rob.

Is there any problem? "

Overall, the responsibilities of Team 1 are more offensive, mainly responsible for clearing and containing. The responsibilities of Team 2 are more defensive, mainly responsible for protecting strategic weapons.

Considering that the priority of protecting strategic weapons is higher, and Rena has star drive technology, Dukao assigned Rena and Liu Chuang to Team B.

"No problem!"

Everyone shouted in unison.

"If there is no problem, then board the plane, quickly!"

Everyone was divided into two teams, boarded Dawn 1 and Dawn 2 respectively, and went to Yunshan Special Base one after another.

In the Dawn No. 1 transport plane, everyone sat in their seats nervously but not fearfully, and did not take this mission seriously.

Zhao Xin took the initiative to ask, "Hey, everyone.

Just now, General Manager Du said that Yao Wen and Xiao Lun'er would lead the team. Who is the oldest of you two? There must be a big and small king."

"That must be Yao Wen."

He Weilan answered without hesitation: "Yao Wen has a more stable personality, just like the old captain in our bureau."

In addition to challenging An Lan, He Weilan occasionally sparred with Cheng Yaowen, and was relatively more familiar with Cheng Yaowen.

And He Weilan was an older young woman in her thirties after all, so it was okay to be led by Cheng Yaowen, who had a calm temperament. He Weilan was not convinced that Ge Xiaolun, who looked like a relative, was the captain.

"Yao Wen, General Manager Du read Yao Wen's name first." Ge Xiaolun also felt that he was not really suitable to be the captain, at least not now.

During normal training and exercises, Dukao can let Ge Xiaolun be the captain to exercise his abilities. Now that they are about to battle with the demon army, Dukao is still conservative.

"Thank you for your trust." Cheng Yaowen nodded and said nothing more.

A few hours later, Dawn No. 1 drove to the vicinity of Yunshan Special Base according to the established plan.

Lianfeng's voice came from the speaker in the cabin.

"Attention, attention.

Leina of Team 2 has successfully landed at the back of Yunshan Mountain and was attacked by the Demon Legion. Our guess was correct. The Demon Legion has indeed set up an ambush nearby."

"What is our goal then?"

Cheng Yaowen asked in the communication channel: "Do we need to go to the back of the mountain to support Leina and the others immediately?"

"No, although the attack encountered by Team 2 was fierce, it did not exceed their endurance limit. The Demon Legion does not seem to want to give up their ambush advantage easily."

Lianfeng paused and continued: "In addition, we also detected a flash of information about the Demon Legion in front of the Yunshan Special Base.

The Demon Legion is divided into two teams, the front and the back. No matter which one we focus on, the other will take the opportunity to seize the strategic weapons in the Yunshan Special Base.

This is an open conspiracy. They want to divide us and break us, so we have to fight.

So we still have to keep the original plan unchanged. Team 2 led by Leina is still responsible for protecting and transferring strategic weapons, and your Team 1 is responsible for cleaning and containing the demon troops in front."

"Understood." Cheng Yaowen nodded.

"It is important to note that just now, Reina and the others have been attacked by the enemy. You should also have snipers on your side, and there should be more than one.

You need to be especially careful when landing."


Just as Cheng Yaowen was communicating with Lianfeng remotely, the fuselage of Dawn No. 1 suddenly shook, a dazzling red light flashed in the cabin, and a piercing alarm sounded.

"Dawn No. 1 was attacked, and the wing was damaged!"

"Dawn No. 1 was attacked, and the wing was damaged!"

A few more roars sounded, and Dawn No. 1 shook more violently.

Lianfeng urgently called the monitoring system of Denor No. 3 to inquire about the situation around Dawn No. 1.

It turned out that a demon warrior took the initiative to expose his position, flying in the sky two kilometers away, and was using a laser cannon to attack Dawn No. 1.

"Prepare for an emergency landing, Xiaolun, kick open the cabin door." Cheng Yaowen ordered hurriedly but not panicked.

Although one demon warrior had already exposed his position, everyone was sitting in the cabin, and even if they had a view, they could not launch a counterattack.

"Bang!" Ge Xiaolun kicked open the cabin door.

"Qilin, put on the armor that Brother Lan gave you, hug Ahri and jump down. Zhao Xin and I will protect Sister Wei Lan. Wei Ying will try to fight back when landing. Xiao Lun will be ready to block the guns for others at any time.

One, two, three, jump!"

According to Cheng Yaowen's hasty but clear orders, a group of people jumped out of Dawn No. 1 like dumplings.

"Bang, bang..."

After a few gunshots, the sniper of the demon squad hidden in the dark, as expected, fired at the people who jumped down.


Zhao Xin let out a shrill roar and cried out, "I think my butt was shot!"


Another gunshot, another bullet shot at Cheng Yaowen's head, but this bullet was blocked by Ge Xiaolun flapping his wings and rushing to it with his body.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Qilin, who was holding Su Xiaoli in his arms with one hand, analyzed the approximate position of the enemy and fired at those positions with a smoke gun.

When Wei Yingyi landed, he held a crossbow and fired at the demon warrior flying in the sky.

After the gunshot, everyone finally landed on the ground.

Cheng Yaowen quickly found a huge rock as a cover and hid behind it, and at the same time ordered on the communication channel: "Everyone!

Find a cover to hide, and then report your position and situation."

"G23 Qilin, no problem."

"G23 Su Xiaoli, no problem."

"Q14 Ge Xiaolun, no problem."

"S17 Zhao Xin, no..."


"Xin Ye was shot, Xin Ye was shot!" Ge Xiaolun, who was closer to Zhao Xin, shouted in the channel.

After a round of reports, except for Zhao Xin who was temporarily offline after being shot twice, no one else was in any serious trouble.

Cheng Yaowen hid behind a boulder, and after thinking for a moment, he ordered: "Sister Weilan, go check on Master Xin's condition, Qilin will cover Xiaolun, and Ali will suppress the enemy whose approximate location has been detected.

Xiaolun and I will serve as the main and deputy assaulters, respectively, responsible for advancing the front and expanding the field of vision, and Wei Ying will cover our assault."

Assaulters are soldiers who are responsible for clearing mines and checking for dangers when the situation is not clear. Letting Ge Xiaolun serve as an assaulter is a good use of his talents.


After receiving the order, everyone acted quickly according to Cheng Yaowen's order.

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