Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 16 Tony, I'm coming out!

"Sneaking, fighting, molesting women, kidnapping for extortion, and still refusing to change despite repeated admonitions, this is a serious sentence."

An Lan was a little surprised.

Before time travel, he was not a die-hard fan of the Chinese comic "Super Seminary". "Super Seminary" was remade many times and was seriously watered down in the later stages. The plot progressed very slowly. An Lan lost interest in following the show halfway through watching it.

An Lan was not very clear about many detailed settings of "Super Seminary". He only knew that Liu Chuang was a gangster before, but he didn't expect that Liu Chuang had committed so many crimes.

Qilin stretched out the index fingers of her left and right hands, making a distance of about 18 centimeters, and spat: "This guy refuses to change despite repeated admonitions.

The bail sheets, guarantee letters, lawyer's letters, etc. he left in the police station were probably this thick in total. "


An Lan took a breath and said in surprise: "This is almost as long as me."


Qilin was a little confused, why are you so inconsistent in what you say? You seem to have never been in trouble before.

After being startled for a moment, Qilin finally realized that An Lan was driving again, her cheeks were slightly red and she said in a sweet voice: "Dirty."

"Are you feeling better?" An Lan asked with a smile.

Qilin rolled her eyes. She had to say that being driven by An Lan had indeed alleviated her depressed mood.

Wang Jing once said that telling a joke is not a person saying something funny, but a funny person saying something. A sense of humor is an innate talent.

As the saying goes, talk show is the art of offending, but few people can offend others without annoying them. This is a talent.

Wang Jing said that Guo Degang and Shen Teng have this kind of talent, and An Lan actually has it too.

"Back to business."

Qilin stared at the ajar door of the office and said angrily: "The things Liu Chuang committed, taken together, are enough for him to spend 30 years in a detention center and prison."

It is true that Liu Chuang has never done anything terribly harmful, but he has too many criminal records.

"But he looks like he's only in his early 30s. He can't start doing bad things since he was two years old."

An Lan joked, vaguely guessing the answer.

Qilin's eyes turned slightly, staring at the guardians on both sides of Liu Chuang, and said angrily: "That's because every time Liu Chuang wants to commit a big crime, someone comes out to stop him.

Every time he gets into trouble, someone comes out to fish for him, or puts pressure on us to give him a lenient sentence.

Just like this time. Although different people come every time, I know it’s the same group of people every time. For all the troubles he caused, there were always people to clean up his behind.

I used to not understand why a rotten guy like him always had big shots protecting him, even though this guy was obviously good for nothing and would only cause trouble.

now I know……"

Qilin's eyes were a little lonely, with tears flashing faintly in the corners of her eyes. The ballpoint pen squeaked when she was clenched in her fist, and veins bulged on the back of her white hands.

An Lan could only pat Qilin's back and comfort her: "The world is like this. After he becomes a hero, he will save many people to atone for his sins."

The Super Theological Seminary has been wiping Liu Chuang's butt, and Liu Chuang has been unable to change his ways because of this.

It wasn't until he actually joined the Xiongbing Company in the original plot and received training and learned what his mission was that he truly transformed into the Great Wall No. 1 who could always be trusted and worthy of trust.

"I know the world has always been like this, but I don't understand it, and I don't want to understand it..."

Qilin let go of her hand and put down her pen, clenched her hands into angry fists, lowered her head and sobbed, and whispered: "Ever since that college student named Ge Xiaolun was taken away, I know that this world is not simple.

The Ugly Country has been hyping up the League of Haters. I used to think it was a reality show, but now I know it’s not that.

How do you say something? The storm is about to come and the wind is filling the building.

There was no confidentiality order issued about Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang. The matter about Airport Road was, but not about you. We all know that something big may happen in the near future.

Now it may be time to use Liu Chuang, Ge Xiaolun and You. Maybe you will become superheroes, just like those in Hollywood blockbusters.

Flying through life and death to save the world, maybe many, many people will be saved by Liu Chuang, far more than the people he has hurt before, thousands of times more, maybe even the world will be saved by him.

Maybe they did this just to make Liu Chuang repent one day, to make him realize his mistakes and strengthen his stance on becoming a hero, and to make his mistakes in the past ten years become a mentor to guide his life.

But I still don't understand... Could it be that those who were hurt by Liu Chuang are people who can be sacrificed, people who can be harmed for some grand plan?

Just to become a hero..."

Qilin is actually very smart, and she understands some things, but she still can't accept it for a while.

After all, she didn't realize how difficult the situation the earth really needed to face, and she knew very well what Liu Chuang had committed.

Qilin has arrested Liu Chuang, an old gangster, more than once since she stepped out of the ivory tower and entered the scene.

An Lan just kept silent and patted Qilin's back gently, listening to her cries, even though he didn't understand or understand what Qilin was saying.

The feelings of family and country and national justice are very complex and advanced social emotions. An Lan doesn't even understand what love is.

He is just a willful child who knows how to pretend to be smart. Only children do not understand what love is, feelings of family and country, and national justice.

After sobbing for a long time, Qilin sniffed, raised her hand to wipe her tears, pretended to be calm and smiled: "I'm fine, thank you for comforting me."

"As long as it's okay, I'll go to the bathroom and have a cigarette."

"Go ahead, the toilet is over there." Qilin pointed in a direction.

An Lan got up and walked to the toilet. He lit a cigarette and unfastened his belt to drain the water. The irritability in his heart became more and more serious. He never liked watching women cry.

Being with beautiful women can make An Lan feel happy, except for women who cry, which will only make his mood worse.

For An Lan, who has no sense of social responsibility and is not willing to sacrifice his own personal patience for the long-term interests of the whole and the complex emotions of the overall situation, it is a serious matter for his mood to deteriorate.

Only desires and emotions without emotions mean that you will do things as you please. Just like the fun-loving Mr. E in "Kamen Rider Build", whether to destroy the earth or not depends entirely on his mood.

Although An Lan is very sensible most of the time.

After smoking a cigarette, An Lan calmed down a little and walked out the door.

"Tony, I'm here to be hot.

It's still the same as before. I don't know why there are always people willing to come forward to protect me. I just say that your big brother has great hands and eyes.

Don't say that the kid is okay, even if I really beat the kid to death, he will be able to come out after a few years at most. Brother Chuang, I am very capable.

It's just that the situation is a bit special this time. They seem to want me to go somewhere for training. I guess I will have to disappear for a while...

Ouch, shit..."

Liu Chuang, who had just been released on bail by Jess and Qiangwei in the name of Department 404, took a phone to call someone, walked to the toilet arrogantly, and bumped into An Lan's shoulder.

"Sorry." An Lan lowered his head and said modestly. This was the first thing he would do when he still had feelings. Apologize first.

"You don't have fucking eyes!"

Liu Chuang swore at An Lan arrogantly, then continued to walk to the toilet and continued to brag on his phone: "Damn it, I just got hit by an idiot.

I'm not bragging to you. If I hadn't just come out today and wanted to breathe fresh air, I would have killed him even in the scene.

What were we talking about just now..."

An Lan's chest rose and fell slightly, and a hint of evil flashed through his slightly narrowed eyes. He felt like there was an unknown fire in his chest that would not be happy until it was vented.

The bloodthirsty and warlike bloodline of the blood clan began to become restless.

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