Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 161: Victory over Atuo

[Danger level volatility increased, current level 4.9]

The [build knight system] used by Cheng Yaowen can be regarded as attached to the Anlan system. Anlan can also monitor Cheng Yaowen's comprehensive data changes and various index changes.

At the moment when Lena said that she also wanted the knight system, Cheng Yaowen's danger level fluctuated again.

Anlan jumped down from the tree, stood beside Lena, and said speechlessly: "My goddess, it seems that you don't know why Yaowen is so thirsty for power."

"Why?" Lena looked confused. From what you said, it seems to be related to me.

It's not because of the old hatred with you Lieyang, and the stimulation you have always given.

Lena was about to continue asking questions, but Dukao called her from the communication channel: "Okay, Lena, don't worry about Yaowen's affairs first, give priority to rescuing the wounded."


After receiving Dukao's order, Lena temporarily abandoned Anlan and rescued Qilin, Zhao Xin, Ge Xiaolun and other wounded while watching the battle.

On the other side, the battle between Sword Demon Atuo and Cheng Yaowen reached a white-hot stage in less than 20 seconds.

Cheng Yaowen's danger level temporarily increased to 4.9 due to emotional fluctuations, and the comprehensive data was greatly improved. The wounded Sword Demon Atuo was no match for Cheng Yaowen without external help.

Sword Demon Atuo forced Cheng Yaowen back with a sword, flapped his wings and flew into the sky, surveyed the battlefield, and asked in the demon's communication channel: "Is there anyone who hasn't evacuated yet?"


"Everyone has evacuated safely."

That's good.

Sword Demon Atuo nodded slightly. Although he almost destroyed half of the heroic company by himself after he appeared with the cooperation of the micro-wormhole transportation technology.

But his main task is actually to delay the enemy when the situation is in a stalemate and buy time for the demon's retreat.

"Prepare the microwormhole, I'm going back to Demon No. 1 too."

The Sword Demon Atuo just gave an order in the communication channel, and he felt that the weight of his wings, flesh, bones, all the cells and substances in his body increased hundreds of times in an instant.


The Sword Demon Atuo was unable to react in time and fell to the ground in an instant. He looked up and found that Cheng Yaowen had inserted the [Lion Heart Sword] into the ground and used the [Wangtianhu Man Bottle] to change the gravity in the local area.

Hundreds of times the gravity sounds terrifying. But for a quasi-third-generation super soldier like Atuo, it's just that.

Atuo was about to drive the dark energy to fight against hundreds of times the gravity, but the gravitational field suddenly disappeared, and Atuo's body became unbalanced again.

"Don't fight Atuo, return to Demon No. 1 immediately."

Heifeng shouted in the communication channel, using the operating system of Demon No. 1 to create a microwormhole next to Atuo.


An Lan narrowed his eyes slightly, pointed his left hand at the side of Atuo, drove the energy of Pandora's Box, and twisted his wrist to distort the space there.

The space itself was distorted, so the microwormhole transport could not be used anymore. This is a technology that focuses on precision, and any mistake will lead to eternal damnation.

The sword demon Atuo, who failed to retreat, could only be forced to fight Cheng Yaowen again.

If he flew into the sky, he would be pulled down by gravity, or Cheng Yaowen could manipulate his own gravity to make himself fly. If he wanted to use the microwormhole transport technology to run away, he would be interfered by An Lan.

The black wind in Demon No. 1 was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. He was interfered by An Lan several times when he used the microwormhole technology. An Lan seemed to want Atuo and Cheng Yaowen to fight to the death.

Under normal circumstances, even if Cheng Yaowen could explode the danger level to 4.9, Atuo would not be unable to fight. Among all the quasi-third generations, Atuo is considered to be the outstanding one.

The problem is that Atuo was seriously injured in the previous battle with many enemies, while Cheng Yaowen's serious injury was forcibly healed by An Lan's energy.

Just as Hei Feng was about to manipulate the system of Demon No. 1 to create a microwormhole again, he heard a familiar voice coming from his private communication channel.

"If you disturb my interest, you must know when to stop. Hei Feng, if you spoil my fun, I can't guarantee that you will not die."

This is An Lan's voice.

An Lan has never quit the communication channel of the Demon Legion, and Morgana has not kicked An Lan out.

Except for the special confidential channels that An Lan cannot connect to, An Lan can connect to most of the public and private channels in the Demon Legion.

Hearing the familiar voice, Hei Feng sweated profusely.

Obviously, his channel's use of Demon No. 1 to create a microwormhole and want to help Atuo evacuate has caused An Lan's dissatisfaction.

Hei Feng believes that he cannot bear the consequences of angering An Lan.

This gentleman's character is completely arbitrary and lawless. When he is unhappy, he doesn't care who you are, even if you are a god, he will beat you up.

For example, now, it seems that An Lan is only interested in letting Atuo and Cheng Yaowen decide the winner, and he doesn't take Morgana, the boss behind Atuo, seriously at all.

I'd rather die than let my friend die, what should I do?

Heifeng gave up manipulating Devil No. 1 to create a microwormhole, and while watching from the sidelines, he connected to Morgana's private channel and asked for help.

Go to the West to ask for the Buddha!

In the Yunshan battlefield, Atuo was completely at a disadvantage in the battle with Cheng Yaowen. There was no way, Cheng Yaowen was just like the protagonist in "Gaiwu", he was cheating while others were cheating.

Cheng Yaowen stuffed the [Wang Tian Jian Full Bottle] into the Lion Heart Sword, quickly pulled the lever at the end of the Lion Heart Sword's hilt three times, then held the hilt and threw the Lion Heart Sword towards Atuo.

"Mega Slash!"

The Lion Heart Sword flying in mid-air burst out with huge energy, and the blade was wrapped in an energy light blade, with a white jade trail trailing at the end, like a spear or spear.


The Lion Heart Sword hit Atuo's chest head-on. Although Atuo grabbed the hilt with his backhand and failed to penetrate Atuo, a strange gravity field erupted again, suppressing Atuo to the ground.

"Beast Finish!"

The end of the beast!

Cheng Yaowen's body rose into the sky under the control of the gravity field, and huge white jade-colored energy erupted from his body, turning into a lion-like wolf-like shadow that enveloped Cheng Yaowen.


Cheng Yaowen, who was wrapped in the shadow of the beast, flew up and kicked Atuo. To be precise, he kicked the Lion Heart Sword against Atuo's abdomen.

If this knight kick is successful, it will produce two ultimate moves with the effect of 1+1 greater than 2, and it is very likely to kill Atuo.

At the critical moment, Atuo still broke free from the shackles of the gravity field. After smashing the Lion Heart Sword, he had no time to dodge and could only raise his arms to resist Cheng Yaowen's knight kick.


Atuo, who had just received a big blow, received another knight's kick. The demon armor on his arms and chest was kicked to pieces and flew hundreds of meters away before hitting the mountain wall.


Cheng Yaowen picked up the Lion Heart Sword and panted violently while banging the sword. Two consecutive blows were very taxing on his body.

Unlike An Lan, Cheng Yaowen has dangerous triggers, Pandora's Box, and other props that can restore energy. After all, the battery life after continuously turning it on is still a bit inferior.

At the other end, Atuo, who had hit the mountain wall, slowly slid to the ground. Although he could not be said to have taken in too much air and lost too much air, he was definitely seriously injured and in danger of life or death.

Atuo was unable to fight anymore.

Just as Cheng Yaowen was about to lift his sword to finish the blow, he was knocked away by a metal claw falling from the sky. After rolling on the ground twice, the armor was unequipped.

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