Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 167: Walking into a Trap

"Ignore the issue of copper smelting."

He Xi explained: "No matter how far your relationship with Liang Bing develops, whether you are a lover or hate because of love, it will not affect your importance here among the angels.

Yan and Leng may not understand, but Kesha will never care. In fact, Keisha is tired of her own order of justice.

It's just that it's easier to get on stage than to get off. It's very difficult for Kesha to step down from the shelf she has built and ensure that the shelf doesn't collapse.

You or the power of the galaxy are the key to keeping Kaisha's frame from collapsing even after she retires. "

An Lan gnawed on the apple silently and did not answer, because it felt boring. He had never cared about the universe, justice, evil, etc.

Seeing that An Lan was not interested in this topic, He Xi changed the topic and said, "Oh, you should have chased me then."

"What?" An Lan raised his head and was slightly startled, a little confused.

"I saw what happened between Liang Bing and you in Yunshan."

He Xi reminded: "If you had chased me back then, with your strength and a few sweet words, you would have easily captured Liang Bing.

Demon Queen, King of Apocalypse, one of the three angel kings, wouldn’t this big car be beautiful to drive? "

"You seem to be looking forward to it." An Lan asked with slightly narrowed eyes.

"Because it's really fun."

Hexi smiled and said: "Demon Queen Morgana and Holy Zuoyan Yan compete for the same man, but they can only bow their heads and be petty.

When you see Liang Bing in the future, you can tease her about this matter. "


An Lan laughed and said: "According to what you said, driving a big car is indeed pretty good. But compared to King Tianqi, I prefer King Tianji.

It is a blessing to meet Miss Hexi today.

I wonder if King Tianji would like to share the table with me tonight? "

"Little thief Cao, right?

I haven't even taken off the cold ice yet, and I'm trying to get my idea again. I'm eating the food in the bowl and looking at the food in the pot. It turns out that all men are really big pigs. "

He Xi rolled his eyes and complained.

The two met each other and laughed at the same time.

No one would dislike a beautiful female angel like He Xi, and An Lan would definitely like her. But He Xi knew that An Lan would never love her.

An Lan knew that if she caught up with Liang Bing and said a few sweet words, she could win him over, but she didn't chase him and came here instead. This is love.

For He Xi, the best he can do is to be greedy.

After chatting casually with He Xi for a few more words, An Lan felt much better. After washing, she went back to her room to sleep.

That night.

In the war room of Demon No. 1, Heifeng, who had been playing with the equipment, suddenly exclaimed: "Queen, the search was found, An Lan has successfully fallen asleep.

Do you want to invade An Lan's dream immediately? "

"Be careful!"

Liang Bing's spirit was lifted and he reminded: "An Lan is with He Xi now, and even Demon No. 1 cannot monitor what they say or do.

We don't even know the situation there yet, so it's better to be cautious. If He Xi discovers us, we will be in big trouble. "

"Queen, don't worry."

Hei Feng patted his chest and said confidently: "Manipulating dreams is my unique skill, and I believe that He Xi will never discover it.

But since you said it, I'd better be conservative.

Queen, please go back to the bedroom and get ready. Next, I plan to slowly decipher An Lan's dream, and I will remind you when the decipherment is completed. "

"Okay." Liang Bing nodded, gave a few more instructions, turned and left the war room and returned to the bedroom, lying on the bed feeling a little uneasy.

The dream world is always strange and bizarre. I wonder how I will meet that little bastard An Lan in my dream?

In Juxia City, An Lan, who was sleeping in bed, suddenly realized that something was wrong. A force from another dimension was trying to enter his spirit.

Because An Lan's mental state is extremely special, formed by the forcible fusion of human and vampire parts, he has certain characteristics that are unique to schizophrenia patients.

For example, even when sleeping, the spirit and will of the vampire will remain awake.

An Lan tested the special power several times and found that it could not pose a direct threat to him. He immediately let go of his mental restrictions and wanted to invite you to the urn.

See who it is and what tricks it is playing.

In Devil No. 1, Morgana, who was sleeping in bed, suddenly received a communication from Black Wind: "Queen, there is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear."

"Queen, can't I listen to both of them?" Morgana asked back.

"Emmmm, I mean, which one do you want to hear first...forget it."

Heifeng wiped the sweat from the dog's head and explained: "The good news is that after more than half an hour of hard work, I finally succeeded in deciphering An Lan's dream, and you can go in right away.

The bad news is that I have no control over this dream, and I can't even watch it. I can't guarantee what will happen after you go in. "

“It’s nothing more than a dream, whether it’s a sweet dream or a nightmare, there’s nothing left after you wake up from the dream.

Could it be that he could still eat me in the dream and then reflect it in the real world? "

Morgana curled her lips and ordered: "Stop talking nonsense and send me in immediately."


Liang Bing connected to the equipment in Devil No. 1, and under the guidance of Hei Feng, found the barrier of An Lan's dream. After hesitating for a while, he immediately connected his dream with An Lan's dream, and then escaped into An Lan's dream.

After a dizzy moment as if traveling through a wormhole, Morgana came to her senses again and found that she had come to a small room with magnificent decoration but dim lighting.

The clothes she was wearing turned into a relatively short work skirt. There was a small stool under her buttocks. There was a wooden footbath in front of her, and she was holding a foot in her hand.

What was going on?

Liang Bing was a little stunned. Was her escape into An Lan's dream this time similar to the form of [Soul Wear]? Then what was her current identity? Was this a bit of cosplay?

When Liang Bing was confused, she heard An Lan's voice from the front: "What are you doing? Press it, use some strength, I'm struggling."

Liang Bing glanced at An Lan, who was lying on the sofa in a bathrobe with his feet stretched out in front of her. She was in a trance for a few seconds before she reacted.

Damn, this is a foot-washing parlor, and I have become a technician in the foot-washing parlor.

An Lan, you little bastard, how could you have such a dream? I will make you give me an explanation later, but you should just bear with it for now.

Liang Bing got into the role in a second, lifted her hair, grabbed An Lan's feet and started pressing them, while smiling and asking, "Boss, is this force comfortable?"

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