Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 172 Civil strife

Ge Xiaolun was stunned in place, why is this happening?

Ge Xiaolun understood what Qiangwei was saying. For example, he liked tomatoes very much when he was a child, but now he only likes to use tomatoes as side dishes.

For example, when he was a child, he wanted to be a writer, but now he wants to become a super soldier who can protect his family and country and become famous all over the world.

What we once liked, hated, admired, and resisted will all change over time.


"Why is it Brother Lan?"

Ge Xiaolun asked unwillingly: "Qilin is like this, Sister Na is like this, Xiaoli is like this, everyone is like this, and they have a crush on Brother Lan out of nowhere.

I thought you didn't know how to do it, but why did you fall in love with Brother Lan? You knew he had a girlfriend and had some unclear affairs with the Angel and the Demon Queen. "

"Don't you know the Matthew Effect?

From everyone who has less, even what he has will be taken away. To anyone who has more, give him more, so that the more, the better. "

Qiangwei explained patiently: "This world has always been like this. The better you are, the easier it is to get more favors, and the better you are, the easier it is to attract attention.

There are so many people who have a favorable impression of him, and even angels and demon queens have unclear relationships with him. Doesn't this prove that he is good enough?

Why do you think that I will ignore excellent people and prefer a stinky loser who is inferior to An Lan in everything?

For example, if you are just an ordinary person, there is a high probability that you will only be able to marry a woman with a decent appearance, family background, and personality and live a carefree life.

But after you get married, you will still yearn for those glamorous female celebrities. If you were given a chance to fall in love with a female celebrity, would you give up?

In the same way, so do I.

Moreover, I only said that An Lan met my criteria for choosing a mate. I did not say that I must pursue him, marry him or not, or compete with Qilin for a man.

You know the criteria for choosing a mate, right? "

Ge Xiaolun probably understood.

At present, Qiangwei doesn't really like An Lan, but she just thinks that An Lan meets his criteria for choosing a mate. If someone could achieve An Lan's level in all aspects, he would be able to fall under her spell.

Just wanting to reach An Lan's level is not easy.

When Ge Xiaolun recalled An Lan's past several attacks, he felt like Alexander. Defeat Brother Monkey, single-handedly sweep the Tianhe City battlefield, and team up with Sister Na to drive back the Demon Queen...

I should be able to do it. After all, I am a galactic power, and I heard that I am pretty awesome.

Ge Xiaolun mustered up his courage and was about to say, "Give me time, I will surpass Brother Lan" when he suddenly heard a noise in the distance.

This voice seems familiar?

Ge Xiaolun and Qiangwei heard the news and went away, only to find that Cheng Yaowen and Reina were arguing at the other end of the deck.

"Hey, Yaowen, I didn't mess with you, goddess."

Reina put her hand on Cheng Yaowen's shoulder in confusion and asked: "Why don't you give me a good look every day? If you continue to do this, I will have to find An Lan to report you."


Cheng Yaowen turned around with extreme disgust and slapped Reina's hand away. The undisguised disgust and hatred in his eyes made Reina almost freeze in place.

"You didn't offend me, but you, the blazing sun, offended me!"

Cheng Yaowen pointed at Leina's nose and cursed: "It was you, the blazing sun, who intervened in the civil war of our Deno civilization, detonating our sun and turning our Deno galaxy into ashes.

You destroyed my home, killed all my relatives, and forced me to leave my hometown and live under the shelter of others. I still have to obey the orders of you, the Lord God of the Burning Sun.

Did you say you messed with me? "

Reina's brain was completely shut down because Cheng Yaowen's reason for having a bad attitude towards her was so damn reasonable.

"It was my grandfather who destroyed the Deno civilization...not me..." Rena explained hesitantly.

"Are you saying that I shouldn't hate you because you didn't destroy the Deno civilization? Or are you saying that you are not the main god of Lieyang and are not a member of Lieyang?

Just like wrongs, debts have their owners. If you inherit the position of the main god of Lieyang, you should also bear the consequences of what your grandfather left behind. "

Cheng Yaowen pointed at Lena and squirted a few more words, and then it seemed that because he finally vented his anger, his mood calmed down a little, and he said in a deep voice: "Now, please disappear in front of me immediately.

I don’t want to see you in any informal setting, and I don’t want to be friends with you. Sooner or later, I will even go to Lieyang to settle the accounts with you.

roll! "

Reina, who was angrily scolded by Cheng Yaowen, couldn't find any reason to defend herself, so she could only leave the deck in frustration and returned to her room.

Ge Xiaolun and Qiangwei, who witnessed the whole quarrel between the two, knew that the big one was coming soon.

In the past, no matter how impetuous the atmosphere in the Xiongbing Company was, it could at least maintain a superficial harmony. Cheng Yaowen and Reina had only stayed away from each other for the rest of their lives.

Now there is a direct dispute, and it is still a dispute that seriously affects internal unity. Dukao cannot turn a blind eye to this.

Sure enough, a few hours later, Dukao summoned all the members of the Xiongbing Company and came to "Kangxi angrily denounced the officials."

“The Gluttonous Legion has assembled heavy troops outside the Earth, the Demonic Legion is lurking in the dark and eyeing the Earth, and members of America’s Haters Alliance have been sniped one after another…

The earth is now at a critical moment of life and death. If you are not careful, the earth will be devoured by gluttons and demons, and the Xiongbing Company is the only team that the earth can clearly rely on.

But do you feel like you are a team?

After having some achievements and being praised by the media for a few words, I feel that I am the savior. I am arrogant and arrogant all day long, and I don't even follow the discipline.

You have no glory. Glory only belongs to disciplined troops, not to a team like you that is in disarray.

You have strength, but you are not united, you have not made sacrifices, you do not know what consciousness is, and you do not have the spirit of a professional soldier.

I want to formally criticize you..."

Dukao spoke for more than half an hour on the podium, his voice was as passionate as a mustache giving a speech in a Munich pub, and he was extremely contagious.

However, except for a few people such as Zhao, Liu Chuang, and Qilin, the others did not listen and did not take Dukao's speech seriously.

Su Xiaoli didn't come here just to protect her family and country. The little girl's thoughts were all about her sugar daddy and good brother, as well as improving her makeup skills and dressing skills.

Xin Zhao cares more about his hairstyle than the team, Cheng Yaowen only thinks about revenge against Lieyang, and Qiangwei wants to leave this quagmire solo...

Even Ge Xiaolun, who had high hopes from Dukao, was full of roses at the moment. This is how a young man in his early twenties shows his love.

Dukao's criticism had no effect, and everyone in the Xiongbing Company still went their own way.

Reina, who felt increasingly awkward in the team, finally contacted An Lan via WeChat and found a [best friend] to talk to.

That night.

An Lan sat on the edge of the deck of the Juxia, looking at the sea level under the moonlight, and asked with a smile: "You are so anxious to find me, is there anything important you have to do?"

"Can't I come to you if I don't have anything important?"

Reina sat next to An Lan, swaying her long legs, and complained: "Speaking of the store manager, you have been spending less and less time on the Juxia recently. Shenlong has been missing all day long, and it is rare to see it on TV. Saw your message.

To be honest, do you have a new love outside? "

"Isn't it normal for me to have a new love? You know, there is no man more philanthropic than me." An Lan was noncommittal.

During the recent period, An Lan has been busy dealing with matters with Liang Bing. Although it was in a dream, it also consumed a lot of energy.

"Oh, you just admit it."

Reina asked curiously: "Tell me which woman it is, Angel Yan or the Demon Queen, or the old angel who is more than 30,000 years old.

As Qilin's best friend, I must know who is trying to take advantage of her. "

As time goes by, An Lan's prodigal nature has been completely exposed, and his image as a pure and good man can no longer be maintained.

But it's not bad, the prodigal is more popular these days.

"Of course it's you."

An Lan narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Recently, I have been busy preparing the bride price to propose marriage to Lieyang. If you want Lieyang to marry you to me, you must be prepared."


Reina was slightly startled, her cheeks were slightly red, and she hesitated: "There is no need to propose marriage or anything, there is no way I can get married.

It's okay for you to be a door-to-door son-in-law. You don't need to pay for the bride price, and you can also earn a lot of dowry for free. "

"Oh, is there such a good thing?"

"The premise is that Pan Zhen agrees!" Reina added.

In fact, this sentence is almost the same as not adding anything.

With An Lan's current strength, it would be unrealistic for Lieyang to fall behind him. But if Leina fell in love with An Lan and wanted Pan Zhen to agree, there would be no problem at all.

Gods who are as powerful as Sun Wukong are rare in the entire universe, and are fully qualified to become the prince of the Lieyang Civilization.

"Oh~" An Lan said with a look of realization, "Now we only need Pan Zhen's consent. In other words, you have passed this level?"

Only then did Reina realize that she had just said the wrong thing.

After hesitating and hesitating for a long time, he simply threw the entire conversation behind him, pretended it never happened, and said with slightly red cheeks: "Store manager, I want to talk to you about business.

The atmosphere in the Xiongbing Company is really not right lately. The guys like Ge Xiaolun are getting more and more difficult to command, and they are usually very arrogant, acting like they are the boss and me.

This kind of team feels more and more unfamiliar, and it makes me feel more and more uncomfortable. "

"If you feel uncomfortable, just leave."

An Lan said nonchalantly: "Sticking on will make you physically and mentally exhausted, but leaving will make you feel more relaxed than ever before. People must learn to escape from an environment they don't like.

The way to salvation lies within. "

"But I don't want to leave. I want to stay here. I want to transform the Xiongbing Company back into the Xiongbing Company it once was." Rena said stubbornly.

This is the biggest difference between An Lan and Reina.

An Lan does not have complex emotions or a sense of responsibility. When encountering difficulties, he will choose to give up. If he feels uncomfortable staying in a place for a long time, he will leave directly and will never say anything about changing anything.

Reina has deep feelings for the Xiongbing Company. When she discovers that the Xiongbing Company has gone astray, she will want to correct it as soon as possible.

"It's hard to go back to something that has changed."

An Lan said calmly: "Ge Xiaolun and the others have grown up to a certain extent. They have seen many big scenes. Their vision has changed from what it used to be. They have their own judgments and opinions. They are no longer the fledglings they were before.

They are now young eagles with hardened wings, eager to conquer the sky. How can they obey your orders like they did in the past, just like you would not obey all Pan Zhen's requests unconditionally. "

Reina thought about it, so she could only retreat and ask: "Then is there any way you can make the Xiongbing Company more united?"

"It's so easy."

An Lan said without hesitation: "The best way to wake people up is to give them a wake-up call. For a team, the best wake-up call is sacrifice.

Find a way to kill anyone in the Xiongbing Company, or kill Dukao and Lianfeng, which can finally unite them again. "

In "Avengers", it was the death of Agent Coulson that brought the scattered Avengers together to defeat the Kirita Legion.

In "Captain America: Civil War", it was Colonel Rhodes' paralysis in the civil war that allowed the Avengers, who were decomposing and fighting internally, to temporarily calm down.

This world does not have this series of movies, but there are similar stories with League of Haters.

Reina's mouth twitched and she was speechless. This method was indeed very effective, but it was a bit too bad.

"Forget it, I don't expect you to give me any practical ideas."

Reina sighed and continued: "Store manager, please find a way to tell Yaowen, I didn't mean to anger him, I really didn't mean to provoke him.

I don’t have many friends, but I value everyone in the Xiongbing Company very much. I don’t want to lose any of my friends.

Of course, I don’t expect Cheng Yaowen to forgive me. After all, it was my grandfather who destroyed the Deno civilization. I just want to apologize to him in my name. "

"I will persuade him carefully."

An Lan smiled and said: "This young man Yaowen is good at everything, but he is prone to being emotional, sometimes very paranoid, and can be blinded by hatred and emotions.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, after so many years, what is there that you can’t let go of? Our bloody civilization was destroyed, and I didn’t even care.

People, you can't always be immersed in the past and hatred, you must learn to look forward. "


Leina pondered for a moment and felt that An Lan was too heartless. He was almost the opposite of Cheng Yaowen. Even if Cheng Yaowen let go, he wouldn't be so heartless.

"Anyway, store manager, please try to persuade Cheng Yaowen more. Don't ask him to forgive Lieyang, just ask him to continue to be friends with me."

Many times, life and death enemies do not prevent us from being friends.

"Definitely." An Lan nodded slightly to indicate that it was okay.

The two sat on the edge of the deck and chatted for a long time. They didn't leave until late at night.

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