Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 181 Special status danger level, 7.2!

The person who came was An Lan's good sister and Kaisha's stinky sister Liang Bing.

Liang Bing was wearing the equipment of the Demon Queen at this moment, but her face was not painted with the particularly thick, particularly rural, non-mainstream, Shamatte makeup.

Her eyebrows were angry, and her expression was faintly worried about An Lan. Although she pointed at Holy Kaisha with a little fear, her attitude was extremely firm, which was very moving.

An Lan and Holy Kaisha were a little surprised at Liang Bing's arrival.

Liang Bing must have the ability to transfer here using microwormhole technology. Holy Kaisha only used the Holy Knowledge Treasure House to block others' perception and detection of this place, but did not block the space here.

The question is, how dare Liang Bing come here?








"Oh, hoho~"

Saint Kesha smiled and said provocatively: "Then come closer to me."


Liang Bing sneered and actually flew slowly towards Saint Kesha.

Saint Kesha raised her eyebrows slightly. She really didn't expect Liang Bing to have the courage to approach her actively.

The next moment, Liang Bing suddenly used the microwormhole technology, came to An Lan, grabbed An Lan and fled hundreds of thousands of kilometers away.

Under the condition of not changing, An Lan's body structure is no different from that of ordinary humans, and it is easy to analyze. After entering the fluid mode and attaching to someone, it will disguise itself as a part of that life, and there is no need to analyze it at all.

So under certain circumstances, it is still very easy to use the microwormhole technology to transfer An Lan.

After temporarily escaping from Saint Kesha and rescuing An Lan, Liang Bing finally breathed a sigh of relief. Unless necessary, she is still reluctant to face Saint Kesha directly.

Liang Bing looked at An Lan and asked worriedly: "How is it, did that bitch Kesha have a conflict with you?"

"Not yet."

An Lan narrowed his eyes and smiled: "But if you come a little later, it might be different."

Being schemed by He Xi and Holy Kesha in succession made An Lan very unhappy. But is it really intolerable? In fact, it may not be.

An Lan is a person who likes to scheme against others. Since his debut, he has been very extravagant and has schemed against countless people, including but not limited to Liang Bing, Xiong Binglian, Angel Yan, Cheng Yaowen...

An Lan knows very well that it is difficult to live in this world without being [schemed] by others, because only trash is not needed by others.

As long as you have a little value, even if you can only chat with others to relieve their emotions, you will be needed by others and will be schemed by others.

An Lan can actually tolerate and understand being schemed by He Xi and Holy Kesha, but he still intends to take action.

This is how it is to be a jerk. You always have to make a move from time to time to brush your presence. Tell the world that you can hold on and you are not easy to mess with.

Whether you are a lonely expert, a young man, or a low-key and restrained person, you have to show off.

The difference is whether it is a visible or invisible show.

If you want to be indifferent to fame and fortune, don't come out to mix.

"Not yet? It seems that I came to the right place this time."

Liang Bing cursed: "I knew that Kaisha blocked this area, and she definitely had no good intentions.

You are my sister's person. She probably wants to kill people here to silence them. At the very least, she wants to beat you up so that you can tell who is the king between angels and demons."

"Oh, I didn't know that I had so many bad thoughts about An Lan."

A voice came from a distance through dark matter transmission. It turned out that the holy Kaisha also used microwormhole technology to chase after him.

Angels are not incapable of using microwormhole space technology.

The arsenal of Holy Kesha originally needs to cooperate with microwormhole technology to exert its greatest power. It can be said that Holy Kesha's attainments in microwormhole technology are second only to Liang Bing in the known universe.

Holy Kesha, who was chasing after her, left the Blade Throne, stared at Liang Bing with a playful look, and slowly flew towards the latter.

Liang Bing gritted his teeth slightly, feeling a little bit awkward.

As the saying goes, it is easy to invite a god but difficult to send him away. Even if the great god Kesha was not invited by Liang Bing, it is still not a simple matter to get rid of him completely.

At this moment, the three of them still stretched out the Oort Cloud. Without the countless lives on the earth to restrain them, it would be difficult for Liang Bing to defeat Holy Kesha.

"Bitch, do you think I'm really afraid of you?"

Liang Bing was furious, turned his head and looked at An Lan, and ordered: "An Lan, don't stop me, step aside, no one can persuade me today.

She is a fourth-generation divine body, and I am also a fourth-generation divine body. I must give her a little demonic shock to let her know what it means to shoot oneself in the foot! "

Liang Bing winked at An Lan frantically.

Although she said that An Lan should run away quickly, and she did think so in her heart to a large extent, Liang Bing still had a little expectation.

She hoped that An Lan would defy the angels for her and merge with her to fight against the Holy Kaisha. Although Liang Bing knew very well that it was not in An Lan's interest to fight Kaisha.

For some reason, the angels have an inexplicable liking for An Lan, Angel Yan is like this, He Xi is like this, and even the Holy Kaisha is like this.

According to this trend, An Lan can jump back and forth between different camps, without paying anything or only paying a small part of the price, and can get huge benefits.

"Okay, hold on by yourself. "

An Lan nodded decisively, and then opened a space warp and fled, leaving Liang Bing alone to face Holy Kesha.

Fuck you!

Liang Bing was slightly startled, and almost vomited blood. You little bastard really have no conscience. Sister, I have traveled thousands of miles, and took the initiative to get into danger just to save you.

You ran away just like that, and you didn't care at all. Can't you see that I was just holding on?

Holy Kesha laughed dumbly.

She knew that An Lan knew that she would never kill Liang Bing, and at most she would just teach Liang Bing a lesson. So she felt at ease to run away.

But seeing this scene with her own eyes, Holy Kesha still felt very interesting.

"It seems that the person you love doesn't seem to love you very much."

Holy Kesha teased: "You left without any hesitation, and you are really trusting the wrong person."

"You bitch, don't you want to stir up trouble between us lovers. "

The angry Liang Bing turned around and sprayed back, saying stubbornly: "I told him to go and he went, which proves that An Lan listens to me and obeys me, and in his mind, I have a very high image.

At least not inferior to you, a bitch."

He is good at deceiving himself.

"Then let me see how you are not inferior to me."

Sacred Kesha smiled slightly, using the microwormhole transportation technology to retrieve dozens of silver blades from the arsenal, and shot them at Liang Bing like a rain of swords.

Liang Bing frowned, and immediately used the microwormhole technology to transfer his position, turning into the wind with a national army style.

Those dozens of silver blades are all part of Kesha's silver wings. In addition to dark silver, the silver wings of Sacred Kesha also have some special substances.

Not only is it sharp and unparalleled, it can cut the three generations of divine bodies like grass, but it can also suppress the recovery of the divine body. Recovery speed. The third generation divine body was cut by it, and it would take at least a thousand years to recover.

Even if the fourth generation divine body was cut by the silver wings, the time and energy required to reassemble would be more than ordinary injuries.

Unless necessary, Liang Bing was reluctant to take Kaisha's silver wings.

After dodging Kaisha's silver wing sword rain, Liang Bing also waved his hand and used the micro-wormhole technology to open a micro-wormhole cloud above Kaisha's head.

This micro-wormhole connected to Liang Bing's arsenal. In an instant, dozens or hundreds of Liang Bing's weapons that he had acquired over the years appeared. The God-killing weapons that were collected flew out of the microwormhole and shot at Kaisha.

The fighting methods of the two sisters are actually somewhat similar, like Jin Shanshan in the "Fate" series, who directly uses the weapons in the arsenal with the microwormhole technology to hit people.

The difference is that in addition to this method, Kaisha and Liang Bing's conventional combat skills are also top-notch. In addition to conventional combat, Kaisha's star drive ability is also top-notch.

Microwormholes, conventional combat, divine body strength, computing power, comprehensive data, star energy drive technology...

If all these data are listed as polygonal data graphs, Kaisha can surround Liang Bing in almost all aspects except that the microwormhole technology is slightly worse than Liang Bing.

The difference in the data between the two is also well reflected in the battle.

Facing the God-killing weapons thrown by Liang Bing, Kaisha did not dodge, but just raised her hand, mobilized the computing power of the sacred knowledge treasure house, drove the dark energy and light energy in the universe, and generated an invisible protective shield, which blocked all the God-killing weapons.

"You still don't know how to learn from your lessons. "

Holy Kesha shook her head slightly and said calmly: "My holy domain can resist not only those rotten fish and shrimps under your command, but also your broken copper and rotten iron."

"Go to the holy domain of hell, you will die if you don't show off, right? "Liang Bing cursed.

Where is the sacred domain?

It is nothing more than relying on the powerful computing power of the sacred knowledge treasure house to instantly draw a huge amount of dark energy and light energy from the dark plane and the material plane, and forcibly suppress others.

Liang Bing can't do the same means. On the one hand, the computing power of Demon No. 1 is not as good as the sacred knowledge treasure house, and on the other hand, the strength of Kaisha's silver wing weapon is far superior to the ordinary God-killing weapon.

Liang Bing, who refused to admit defeat, took out the Demon Claw from the arsenal, manipulated this weapon and smashed it at the sacred Kaisha.

The Demon Claw is different from the ordinary God-killing weapon. Liang Bing spent a lot of resources and energy to carefully create it.

Ordinary God-killing weapons, such as the level of the Flame Sword and the Taotie mecha weapons, fall into the hands of top fourth-generation weapons such as Kaisha and Hexi, and they are toys that break at a touch.

And the Demon Claw, even if it is not as good as Kaisha's silver wings, is far stronger than ordinary God-killing weapons.

Holy Keisha showed no fear and used micro-wormhole technology to take out more silver-winged weapons from the treasure house, manipulated hundreds of silver blades, and blocked Liang Bing's demonic claws like a return of ten thousand swords, and launched a counterattack. .

Liang Bing did not dare to defend his edge and once again used the micro-wormhole technology to dodge.

The battle between the two fourth-generation divine bodies soon fell into a one-sided situation. Liang Bing fights and retreats, while Holy Kesha pursues her. Overall, it's a 30-70 split.

Liang Bing became more and more anxious.

There are also gaps between the four generations of divine bodies. Liang Bing's fourth generation divine body is an ordinary level fourth generation divine body that has been extremely optimized for micro-wormhole technology. Because it focuses on space, the comprehensive data will be slightly worse.

The fourth-generation divine body of Holy Kesha is the top-notch fourth-generation divine body. It has an excellent level of optimization whether it is space technology or star energy drive technology.

The comprehensive data itself has not been weakened and is at a normal level.

In addition to the slight difference in the strength of the divine body, Liang Bing's weapons and computing power are also different from those of Holy Kesha.

In most cases, computing power represents the energy peak that a god can drive. There are some exceptions such as An Lan and Sun Wukong, who are specialized in conventional combat.

It's a little bit close here and a little bit close there. When all the aspects are added up, Liang Bing can only have a 370-300 fight with Kesha. Of course, it is not difficult to save one's life.

Compared to the past, where they were no match at all and were almost at ten or ten, this was already a huge improvement. At thirty or seven, they could barely be considered opponents of the same level.

But Liang Bing is not satisfied with this.

What's more, before upgrading to the fourth-generation divine body, he was beaten by Kesha, and after upgrading, he was still beaten like a dog by Bichi. I just changed from air to dog. Isn't my fourth-generation divine body upgraded in vain?

The distraught Liang Bing soon revealed his flaws. Holy Kesha seized the opportunity and manipulated hundreds of silver blade weapons to shoot at Liang Bing.

Liang Bing couldn't dodge and couldn't escape through the wormhole, so he had to use the devil's claw to block in front of him and act as a shield.

"Qiang Qiang Qiang..."

A series of clashing sounds were transmitted from the dark matter plane. The devil's claws were slashed by the silver wings, leaving countless sword marks. Liang Bing was also blasted back dozens of kilometers.


When Liang Bing was depressed, she suddenly felt a familiar hand pressing behind her, taking away her retreat.

Why do you say it is a familiar hand? Because of the size of this hand, the length of the fingers, and the feeling of contact with the body, Liang Bing had experienced it with every inch of his skin in his sleep.

"An Lan?"

Liang Bing turned back in surprise.

"I knew that some things were still too heavy for the supporting characters."

An Lan put down his hand and smiled: "In the end, I, the protagonist, will have to take action myself."

"You're a shitty protagonist, you're so heartless."

Liang Bing rolled his eyes, and the slight dissatisfaction in his heart because of An Lan's decisive escape just now disappeared, replaced by the joy of being captured by An Lan.

Humph, this kid still cares about me. He knew that I might be in a stalemate when facing Kesha, so he came here to support me.

"Don't resist, give all authority to me."

An Lan gave an order and turned into dark red fluid and rushed toward Liang Bing, hoping to merge with the latter.

Liang Bing heard similar words countless times in his sleep. At this moment, Liang Bing made the same choice as in countless similar situations in his sleep.

That is to give up all resistance and give your whole heart to An Lan.

With Liang Bing's cooperation, An Lan easily entered Liang Bing's body, merged with Liang Bing's genes, and successfully gained control of the body.

【Be the one, success】

[Current special status danger level, 7.2]


Liang Bing, who was controlled by An Lan, groaned, rolled his neck, and said, "I feel very good now."

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