Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 193: Falling asleep in each other's arms

Why did he come to my place?

Angel Leng was startled for a moment, then flew down the window to An Lan's side, spreading his flawless wings of time and space to cover An Lan's head.

Although he knew that with An Lan's physique, it wouldn't matter if he got wet in the rain, Leng still wanted to do it.

"Thank you." An Lan raised his eyes and looked at the pure white wings covering his head.

"I'm really sorry……"

Leng helped An Lan walk towards his home and said apologetically: "It hasn't rained in Merlot Heaven since I was born, so I don't have an umbrella at home."

In fact, I don't need it either.

An Lan did not say these words, but just smiled and asked: "When I came here just now, I saw you sitting on the balcony in a daze, what were you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking of you." Angel replied without hesitation.


An Lan was startled for a moment. Who said Leng was not good at words? Wasn't he quite good at flirting?

Angel Leng didn't deliberately flirt, she was telling the truth.

The most sultry words came out of his mouth, Angel Leng probably felt a little shy, his cheeks were slightly red, and he explained: "I'm serious.

You know, I just made a vow to protect you. At this time, besides missing you, what else can I be thinking about? "

An Lan nodded slightly.

Angel Leng, who had always had a strong personality and was extremely carefree, suddenly changed his attitude when walking beside An Lan.

Probably because I have never been in love, and my theoretical knowledge is poor, so I cannot be as calm and relaxed as Angel Yan and He Xi.

The two were walking in the rain, looking very much like a couple.

Angel Leng felt as if she and An Lan were the only two people left in the world. The sound of their heartbeats and breathing seemed even more ambiguous amidst the sound of rain.

Angel Leng finally understood that so many TV series and movies on the earth, no matter what the subject matter, like to use the rain scene.

Angel Leng deliberately slowed down his pace.

Walking slowly from An Lan's location to the door of Angel Leng's house takes about ten seconds. In these ten seconds, An Lan belonged to her only, and there were only two of them in the world.

Angel Leng's height is not much lower than An Lan's, and he wears high heels, so he is almost as tall as An Lan. Just by turning his head slightly, he could clearly see An Lan's side face with a habitual smile.

People who are not familiar with An Lan will think that smile is gentle, and people who are familiar with An Lan will think that smile is dangerous. The nickname of NBA star Isaiah Thomas - Smiling Assassin is actually more suitable for An Lan.

Angel Leng felt that An Lan was very gentle.

If possible, Leng hopes that time can be frozen at this moment forever, so that she can be with her loved ones forever.

It's a pity that it can't be stopped.

Ten seconds later, the two finally arrived at Leng's home.

Angel Leng could only shake the water off his wings with disappointment, rummaging through the box, found a towel and handed it to An Lan.

"Here, wipe away the rainwater. I haven't used this towel before." Angel Leng said.

The towel is indeed unused. In theory, angels do not need to use this kind of thing. When they want to clean their bodies, they only need to use a small program.

But many angels are still used to bathing at home, so that their lives can be closer to ordinary people.

This is just like An Lan who once liked smoking and chatting with girls, just to make herself closer to a "normal person".

"That's such a shame."

An Lan took the white towel, wiped his face and hair casually, and said with a smile: "It sounds a little perverted, but actually I really hope that this towel is the one you used."

"You...if you like, I still have one that I used thousands of years ago..."

Angel Leng unconsciously rubbed the hem of her skirt with her fingers and answered hesitantly.

An Lan, who had just finished wiping her hair, had a somewhat messy hairstyle. Her hair was as messy as An Lan's, and her heart was as cold as an angel's.

"forget it."

An Lan casually handed the towel to Leng and used the full bottle of Phoenix energy to generate heat to dry his hair and clothes.

Angel Leng was slightly disappointed.

If possible, she would be like An Lan, who would take off her clothes and let her wash them.

An Lan raised his head and looked around for a few times, observing the decoration and layout of the Leng family.

The area of ​​Merlot's heaven is very large, and the number of resident angels is very small. Although there are many public areas, each angel is allocated a private area that is not too small.

Angel Leng's home is divided into two floors. The decoration style is similar to that of a European noble castle. The difference is that there are not so many decorations and the overall area is not as large as a castle.

But adding up the upper and lower floors, it is conservatively estimated to be more than 700 square meters.

"so good."

An Lan said with emotion: "My dream was to be with a rich woman with a flat floor of more than 300 square meters in big cities such as Juxia City and Tianhe City.

Now my dream has been exceeded. There is more than 700 square meters of Dabieye in Merlot Paradise. Leng You is definitely a rich woman without a doubt. "

Juxia City and Tianhe City are considered to be relatively economically developed large cities on Earth. But compared with Merlot Heavenly Court, the gap between them is more than hundreds of millions of miles.

"Yan's home is about the same size as mine, and King Tianji's palace is even close to Queen Kesa's palace..."

Leng felt something wasn't right mid-sentence. Did he mean to push An Lan out?

Leng's sudden silence made the atmosphere even more awkward.

"Won't you buy me a glass of water?" An Lan asked to break the awkwardness.

"Okay, okay."

Leng came back to her senses and walked to the cabinet in the living room in a daze. After opening the cabinet, she looked at the various drinks in the cabinet and thought for a long time before turning around and asking, "What do you want?

Water or wine, or fruit... Oh!"

Leng turned around and found that An Lan had walked behind her unknowingly, leaning forward to look at the bottles and jars in the cabinet.

When Leng turned around, her lips just brushed against the corner of An Lan's mouth, and the distance between them was only a few millimeters.

Leng subconsciously took a step back and bumped into the cabinet, making a tinkling sound. Her heart was in a mess and the red on her cheeks became brighter.

"What is this bottle?" An Lan pointed to a bottle filled with blue liquid.

The shape and volume of this bottle are very similar to the red wine bottle on Earth, but the trademark on it is full of words that An Lan does not recognize.

"This is the best fruit wine produced in my hometown, Gundar."

In order to hide the confusion and embarrassment in his heart, Leng took out the bottle of fruit wine and introduced it mechanically: "It's a bit like the red wine on Earth, with a very low alcohol content.

This was given to me by a friend when I went back to my hometown for a mission last time. I don't really like drinking, so I have kept it until now.

Calculating the time, this bottle of fruit wine has a history of about two hundred years."

"I don't really like drinking either. Drinking too much will make people lose their minds. I don't like the feeling of losing their minds."

An Lan smiled and said, "If the degree is very low, that's another matter.

If possible, can you treat me to this? I want to taste the taste of your hometown."

"Of course."

Angel Leng held the bottle, found two water glasses, and walked to the sofa with An Lan to sit face to face. He solemnly opened the bottle and poured half a glass of fruit wine into each of the two water glasses.

An Lan shook the water glass and took a sip...emmmm, the degree is indeed very low, and the taste is closer to those sparkling wines than the dry red and champagne on Earth.

It was more like juice than wine, and An Lan couldn't really taste anything else.

"Good wine." An Lan praised, and it wasn't that he was being unscrupulous, as juice was really delicious.

"This is the best fruit wine on our Gundar planet." Leng raised his chin and said proudly.

If you think about it carefully, Leng is an angel. How can the wine given to an angel be bad?

On the topic of fruit wine, An Lan took the lead and talked with Leng for about half an hour. From fruit wine to Gundar planet, and then to Gundar planet's customs and culture.

Finally, they talked about how Leng was selected as an angel, and how he competed with Yan after becoming an angel.

Under An Lan's deliberate guidance, Leng's sense of restraint and tension obviously disappeared.

"This is the past of Yan and me." Leng made a summary.

"It's a very legendary story." An Lan smiled coldly at the angel with narrowed eyes.

Leng felt uncomfortable being stared at by An Lan. He turned his head subconsciously to look at the rain outside the window and said with a sense of loss: "It's just a very ordinary story.

Well, we have been chatting for more than an hour. Yan should be tired of waiting. The queen said that it is very impolite to keep friends waiting.

I am very happy that you can come to chat with me. Now it's time to wake up from the dream, why don't you go to Yan?"

"What do you want to do with Yan?" An Lan asked.

"Go to her house to rest."

Angel Leng said depressedly: "Although angels and you don't really need to rest, angels still retain many habits of ordinary Shenhe life.

You have been wandering around Melo Heaven for about half a day on Earth, and it's time to rest.

Before you came, Yan had already tidied up her house. I believe you will feel at home there."

"Yan said that you also tidied it." An Lan hinted.

"What do you mean?" The slow-reacting Leng raised his head in a daze.

"I told Yan that I want to rest at your house." An Lan said frankly.

Leng suddenly woke up, overjoyed and a little confused, why?

Although Anlan has always been polite to everyone and every angel. But Leng can clearly feel that Yan and Anlan are closer.

Even if it is just calculated from the time they spend together, Yan is also thin.

Even if it is not Yan, it can be Tianji Wang Hexi. Leng is not sure what the relationship between Anlan and Hexi is, but they spend much more time together than her, at least they can be considered good friends.

"Why?" Leng asked.

"Yes, why."

Anlan thought for a moment and replied: "If I have to find a reason, it's probably that I think I don't like to see beautiful girls sad."

Overall, Anlan is a very contradictory person. After all, his mental state is forcibly pieced together by the two personalities of human Anlan and blood Anlan.

On the one hand, Anlan likes to trick anyone with lies. On the other hand, Anlan will feel a little bit reluctant when seeing those duller people being deceived.

Qilin is like this, Liangbing is like this, and Leng is like this.

Even though An Lan had never deliberately deceived Leng, after Leng was deceived by his disguise and made a vow to protect him, An Lan still felt a little uncomfortable and anxious.

"Is it pity?" Leng stared into An Lan's eyes.

"It's love."

An Lan smiled and said: "Beautiful, powerful, chic, and most importantly, very pious towards love. Who wouldn't like such a girl?"

Like is not love.

Angel Leng obviously didn't realize this problem and said in surprise: "In other words, I defeated Yan?"

"Whether I win or not, does it matter?"


Leng nodded and said brightly: "This is love, it has nothing to do with victory or defeat, and it has nothing to do with Yan."


Not only did he win Yan, but he also gained love. It seems that the casualness of the guardian oath is not all bad. It is better to show true feelings than to be pretentious, and to be casual is better than deliberate.

"Then, can you hug me?" Leng suddenly summoned the courage to ask.

"Hug together with the people I love, admire the stars in the sky, recall the past and imagine the future. This is what I have always wanted to do."

"Isn't your dream, after being surrounded by the demon army, jumping on the demon's corpse to sacrifice for justice?" An Lan asked back.

"No one ever said you can only have one dream."

Angel Leng explained: "I always have random thoughts when I am resting, just like people on Earth always dream of becoming scientists, entrepreneurs, astronauts, and athletes when they are young.

Although there is a high probability that he will become a courier or a Meituan rider when he grows up, he just wants to have his own ideas, but at this time he suddenly became a big internet celebrity because of a certain live broadcast.

It can’t be said that the dream has not been realized. "


An Lan probably understood what Leng meant, nodded slightly, stood up and sat next to Leng, opened his arms and hugged Leng.

Leng's body suddenly stiffened, and his brain was working rapidly. Before being hugged by An Lan, he subconsciously put away his space-time wings and standard armor, leaving only a set of home casual pajamas.

After a breath, An Lan completely hugged Leng in his arms.

To be honest, it feels good, but not Qilin and Liangbing. Probably due to nervousness, the cold body and muscles were stiff.

In order to relieve Leng's tension, An Lan just hugged Leng and lay on the sofa, looking through the window at the Merlot Heaven in the rainy night.

A few minutes later, Leng's mood finally calmed down, and he lay in An Lan's arms like a dream, murmuring: "It's so good, I really hope time will freeze at this moment forever."

"Time will not freeze, but we have Huawei 6s, with a front-facing 5-megapixel high-definition camera to illuminate your beauty."

An Lan took out his phone and clicked on the camera function, pointed at himself and Leng in his arms and started taking pictures, just like any ordinary couple.

"This is obviously the Apple 6s, which I have seen on Earth." Leng reminded. It is worth mentioning that Angel International Group also has shares in Apple.

"This is Huawei, look."

After taking the photo, An Lan turned the phone over and showed the back of the phone to Leng.

Taking a closer look, I was shocked to find that the back of the phone actually had the Huawei logo. After observing it carefully, I discovered that it was wearing a mobile phone case with the Huawei logo.

An Lan made the Huawei 13pro Max Cold Front Blue mobile phone case available to Ke Jie, the eight-time champion in 2022, a full seven years ahead of schedule.

"So stop spitting nonsense."

An Lan put away the phone and said with a smile: "This is Huawei 6s. I don't use phones that are not Huawei. If you want to say why, it is that Huawei is a conscientious company!"

Leng felt a little speechless, but he could also understand why An Lan did this.

Although angels preach the righteous order all over the universe, they will never use all kinds of despicable means to guide those civilizations. Believing in the righteous order means whatever you want, and you must believe in the righteous order.

This is not a multiple-choice question.

In addition, when dealing with civilizations that believe in justice and order, angels will never treat them as big grievances or cash machines. Fairness and justice have always been the rules of conduct for angels.

Whatever you give me, I will definitely give you something in return. Even if I can't give you material rewards, I will give you practical protection unless you are really unable to do so.

I would never say, "Well, you believe in justice and order, so you are a good civilized person," and then give it a false name.

Angels take advantage of it, and all that is left to their civilization is the false name of "a good civilization that believes in angels." Angels will never do this kind of behavior.

Isn’t that robbery in the name of justice?

"Can you send me the photo?"

Angel Leng said: "I will not show this photo to others, I want to see it myself."




An Lan hugged Leng in his arms, feeling each other's warmth. They chatted for a long time without saying a word, and finally they both fell asleep.

This was the most comfortable and perfect sleep that Leng had ever had since becoming an angel.

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