Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 2 I am the approaching storm

Juxia City even surpasses Beizhixing in terms of economic strength.

It was the evening rush hour after get off work, and the viaduct was full of vehicles, which was quite congested.

The only thing to be thankful for was that police cars enjoyed priority when performing emergency tasks. Under the principle of ensuring safety, they were not restricted by traffic rules such as driving routes, driving directions, speeds, and traffic lights.

In addition, the crime scene was the airport in Feiliu District, where the flow of people and vehicles could not be compared with that of busy roads, and there were not so many cars on the road.

Qilin sat in the police car with flashing warning lights, one hand on the pistol at her waist, and asked solemnly: "Brother Chen, what emergency happened in Feiliu District?"

In order to follow the principle of confidentiality, Chen Yanliang did not say what happened in the coffee shop.

Partner Chen Yanliang held the steering wheel with both hands, controlled the speed of the police car to its own limit, and flexibly shuttled through the traffic, while answering: "I'm not sure about the details.

The communication just said to prepare for battle first. At our speed, we will reach the destination in about ten minutes."


Qilin was very surprised, and her eyes were full of confusion.

Qilin did not suspect that the leader was making a fuss. If another police car was needed to rush over for support, it must be a very serious problem.

Recognizing the seriousness of the problem, Qilin decisively pulled out the pistol from her waist and held it firmly in her hand, but did not load it.

Qilin's hands trembled slightly. After graduating for so long, this was the first time she might encounter someone with a weapon.

Are you afraid of death? Of course you are afraid, but you still have to go.

More than ten minutes away from the crime scene, police officer Chen Yanliang felt that his partner Qilin was a little nervous, and asked casually: "By the way, Qilin.

How have you been getting along with An Lan in the past two months?"


Qilin was slightly startled, and then she realized that Brother Chen wanted to ease her nervousness, so she pretended to be calm and replied: "We are just ordinary friends. What's the problem with getting along?"

"Haha, ordinary friends?"

Police officer Chen Yanliang laughed, and was obviously not convinced by Qilin's answer. He joked: "Ordinary friends, how many times do you go in two months?

The coffee made by An Lan is not only expensive but also terrible. Otherwise, the store would not be so deserted. Don't tell me that you go to that store because the coffee is delicious and the desserts are delicious."

"But we are really ordinary friends."

Qilin paused, looking a little Complex, added: "At least now."

"What do you mean, you don't like that boy An Lan?"

Police officer Chen Yanliang was a little puzzled and persuaded: "Girl, you can't be too picky.

An Lan is a good-looking boy with a good reputation. He bought a shop in the center of Juxia at a young age. He is not making money every day, but he is still working hard. He is either a rich second-generation or a demolition household. In short, he should be quite rich.

Although Qilin, you have good conditions, and there are many colleagues in our bureau chasing you, and you don't have to worry about getting married, but you are a 25-year-old girl after all.

You two chatted well, and that boy has no other shortcomings except his heavy smoking addiction. I think you two are quite suitable."

"I think we are quite suitable."

Qilin nodded in agreement. She has a good family background and is a second-generation official, but her family has not imposed many restrictions on her marriage.

An Lan's financial situation must have exceeded Qilin's minimum standard for choosing a spouse. He is humorous and witty, and he is handsome, handsome, and handsome. They are indeed quite a match.

"Hiss, is that An Lan that kid is not interested in you?"

Police officer Chen Yanliang took a breath of cold air. Qi Lin's tone made it clear that she was interested in An Lan. It was impossible for them to be in love. That must be An Lan's problem.

"Maybe, maybe not."

Qilin supported her chin with one hand and leaned on the car door with her arm, staring at her reflection on the car window glass. Her eyes were a little sad, and she said faintly: "Brother Chen, you said that his only shortcoming is his addiction to smoking, but it's not true.

I can tolerate his addiction to smoking, but he has another shortcoming. After you get along with him for a long time, you will have a feeling that he doesn't say a word of truth.

Say that you like him, it means you don't like him, and say that you don't love him, it doesn't mean you love him. You can feel sincerity and hypocrisy, fanatical love to the extreme, and cold and frosty... disgust in every word and every look of his.

This feeling makes people intoxicated and want to get close but dare not get close."

"What you said is the same as cigarettes and alcohol." Police officer Chen Yanliang summed it up.

"That's probably the feeling." Qi Lin's eyes lit up, isn't that the feeling?

Even though they know there is no benefit, they will still be deeply involved after getting close to it once. If they cannot escape early, the end will inevitably be hurt all over.

"I don't understand you young people."

Police officer Chen Yanliang smacked his lips and said with emotion: "If you ask me, you should get together if you feel it's almost the same. Your sister-in-law and I met through a blind date at that time. We got engaged after two weeks of getting along.

Next Saturday is our wedding day. I have asked for leave from my boss. After completing this mission, I will marry your sister-in-law."


Qilin was startled and had a bad premonition in her heart. She complained: "Brother Chen, you just set a flag, and I didn't dare to tell you that you were going to get married."

"Haha, my my." Police officer Chen Yanliang laughed and apologized.

The tension was relieved amidst the laughter.

However, this relaxed atmosphere was soon broken by the prompt from the communication channel.

"Everyone be careful!

All supporting police cars, please pay attention, cover the masses and protect the people!"

Chen Yanliang: "!!!"

Qilin: "!!!"

What the hell is going on?


Realizing the seriousness of the problem, police officer Chen Yanliang no longer cared about his personal safety. He stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, increased the engine speed, and shifted to the sixth gear, and rushed towards the airport road.

Qilin held the pistol nervously, imagining the situation he was about to face. How strong was the enemy's strength and how many were there, so that so many forces would be mobilized at the same time to fight?

"Buzz buzz buzz..."

Qilin suddenly heard the sound of a propeller turning overhead, and then a camouflaged armed helicopter flew over the police car.


Qilin's inner tension and fear became stronger. Although she had long been prepared to sacrifice for the country, when that time came, no one could not be afraid.

It's just that a true warrior can overcome fear.

"There is only one target, but it looks very tall and is suspected to be wearing a heavy metal armor. Ordinary bullets cannot penetrate it, and ordinary missiles cannot cause fatal damage to it.

The target is visually very mobile, and the special forces are approaching the target in a roundabout way."

The voice became louder and louder, and this time even the police officer Chen Yanliang could hear it clearly, and a cordon appeared in front.

Chen Yanliang parked the car in front of the cordon. Qi Lin was terrified and impatient to pull the bolt, open the door, and get out of the police car, looking at everything in front of her.

Two tanks and seven or eight armored vehicles formed a circle, aiming and shooting at the black figure in the sky.

It's just that the black figure in the sky is extremely flexible. Even under the control of the armed helicopter, it can still avoid the most powerful tank shells.

The relatively weak machine guns and rifles obviously cannot cause damage to it, and can only play a very weak fire suppression role.

"Quick, find cover!"

An armed team holding assault rifles, bent over and ran quickly forward from the police car, rushed to a simple barrier made of sandbags, and shot at the target in the sky from time to time.

Qilin's sight was involuntarily attracted by the figure in the sky, which was the absolute focus of the battlefield.

He was just over two meters tall, and his whole body was wrapped in black streamlined sci-fi style armor, just like the alien armored warriors who invaded the earth in sci-fi blockbusters.

"You are courting death!"

The armored warrior who was targeted roared angrily in Chinese, got rid of the restraint of the armed helicopter, raised his hand and shot two blue lasers at the tank that posed the greatest threat to it.


A deafening roar sounded, and the tank hit by the laser was completely wrapped in the black smoke that escaped, and it was estimated that it had been destroyed.

"Biu, biu, biu..."

Several more lasers were fired, and the armored vehicles, armed helicopters, and the barrier made of simple sandbags were also destroyed.

Bullets and shells, armored soldiers, artillery fire, soldiers who fought one after another, and sacrificed their lives.

Qilin's brain completely crashed.

Although she had met two little supermen yesterday, and was ready to respond to all kinds of unexpected emergencies for Guo Jia at any time.

Everything in front of her still made Qilin unable to adapt.

After all, she was just an ordinary little policewoman who lived in a peaceful era and whose usual job was to patrol the streets and catch little red guys. She was not even a criminal police.

Qilin subconsciously wanted to escape from it all, but her will still overcame the primitive instinct of human beings.

The little policewoman who grew up in the greenhouse was just a little confused and naturally raised the small pistol in her hand, shooting at the armored soldier in the sky who was going to invade the earth but for some reason spoke Chinese.

This is what she must do, and it is the only thing she can do.


This is the sound of a 9mm bullet fired from a 92-type semi-automatic pistol hitting the metal armor.

This sound was so small in the rain of bullets, but Qilin still heard it keenly. This is the only thing she can do after overcoming her fear.

In fact, the Type 92 semi-automatic pistol also has a 5.8mm caliber, which has stronger penetration.

But this type of gun is obviously not for Qilin, an ordinary policeman. The 5.8mm semi-automatic pistol is enough to deal with all the troubles encountered during daily duty.

Except today, fighting with alien warriors wearing high-tech metal armor is certainly not "daily".

The alien warrior flying in the sky obviously noticed Qilin, the ugly female who dared to shoot at it. Judging from the aesthetics of the Taotie family, Qilin is undoubtedly very ugly. She doesn't even have hair!


The Taotie warrior raised his hand and casually rewarded Qilin with a highly penetrating ray, just as casually as it destroyed other armored vehicles and armed helicopters.

Killing wantonly and controlling everything, this feeling of advanced civilization crushing the natives of Blue Star made it intoxicated.

Legend has it that when people are on the verge of despair, they will stimulate the potential in their bodies and their five senses will become particularly sensitive.

Qilin felt that this sentence was at least half true, because she clearly saw the blue light shooting at her. Based on the intuition of a top student in the police academy, I predicted that the ray would probably eventually penetrate her head.

Will I die if I get shot through the head?

If possible, Qilin certainly doesn't want to die. No one wants to die, including those warriors who are not afraid of sacrifice.

If possible, Qilin would also like to take out a high-tech weapon that can kill the alien bastard with one shot to save everything, and then get a promotion and a raise to become an unknown hero who is passed on by word of mouth in a fixed circle but unknown to the masses.

But this is impossible.

In the last moments of her life, Qilin suddenly felt a little regretful. If this ray was not going to penetrate her head but her heart, it would be better.

At least she could die more decently.

It would be ugly to be shot in the head. Would he still recognize me? He should not be able to see my body. After all, he is just an ordinary citizen who has a good relationship with me.

But if he could see my body, would he think that I was ugly after being shot in the head? Would he still like me? This word is not right. It should be whether he has ever liked me...

Qilin, whose brain was in a mess, vaguely heard a familiar voice and the roar of the engine.

"What era is it now? Are you still using traditional pistols?"

Is it an illusion? What am I thinking about? I'm almost dead, but I'm still thinking about that big liar store manager who is useless except for being a little tall, a little rich, a little handsome, and a little mysterious.

The next moment, Qilin suddenly felt an arm passing through her back and hugging her around the waist.

An Lan held a half-burned cigarette in his mouth, and with his left hand, he hugged Qilin around the waist and put her in front of the motorcycle seat, which was in front of him. With his right hand, he held the handlebar and pressed the brake, controlling the direction to make a drift brake.


The blue ray fell on the asphalt ground, leaving a bullet hole three or four centimeters wide.


The wheels of the motorcycle were locked, and the semi-smelting tires rubbed against the ground, leaving two black marks. The whole car moved sideways for more than ten meters before it completely stopped on the side of the road.

Qilin, who was still in shock, was first shot by a laser, and then picked up by An Lan and put on the motorcycle to drift and park after sliding for more than ten meters.

Although all this happened in an instant, Qilin could still sense it all, and her first-generation Galaxy Sniper gene was close to awakening.

"An Lan!?"

Qilin, who was still in shock, sat on the motorcycle and looked up at the handsome face holding a cigarette, and suddenly shouted out the name in surprise.

It was not the store manager, but An Lan.

Although Qilin didn't know why she called out his name, why she felt surprised on the battlefield where she was in danger of death, she still did it subconsciously.

"Hey, we meet again, my lovely girl."

An Lan smiled and greeted the girl in his arms.

My lovely girl, smile...

Qilin still didn't know whether his doting eyes and tone were true or false, but she would rather believe that all this was true.

Qilin heard a colleague who liked anime say that love is war. She didn't understand it before, but recently Qilin agreed with this sentence.

The interaction and temptation between me and the handsome store manager who was full of dirty talk, isn't it like a war between two people who may like each other?

In the past, Qilin wanted to win, but she would not say "like" even if she was very curious, eager and liked him, because she didn't know whether every word and every look of Anlan was true or false.

I was afraid that I would fall in love with you, so I didn't dare to get too close to you.

But at this moment, Qilin knew that no matter whether Anlan would participate in this love war or win, she would definitely lose.

Lose everything and be shattered to pieces.


Another roar woke Qilin, who was in a complicated state of mind, and made her realize that this was a battlefield, and the bastard flying in the sky fighting the earthlings was as easy as Lao Chou fighting the uncivilized Indians.

Qilin quickly jumped out of the car and asked Anlan with a complicated look: "Why are you following me, why are you here?"

The two of them were almost one after the other, so they must have been following.

"Didn't I say that a long time ago?"

An Lan smiled and lifted his legs to get off the motorcycle, kicked off the kickstand and parked the motorcycle on the side of the road, and then said seriously: "The girl is as beautiful as a flower, it would be a pity to kill her.

Whether it's me or someone else."

Qilin thought of the conversation they had just had in the coffee shop, and guessed that An Lan was probably worried about her after hearing the words "emergency", so he followed her.

Joy, sorrow, fear, complex emotions filled Qilin's heart.

"It's too dangerous here, you go, go!"

The little policewoman smiled and pushed An Lan onto the motorcycle with tears.

In fact, she had a lot to say and a lot to do.

Just like in those blockbusters, they kissed each other affectionately before parting with their loved ones, and then told each other their hearts.

What I'm glad you can come but I hope you can live, what I have already pledged my life to the country and it's hard to pledge my life to you, what decades later will you remember that a girl once liked you...

But the situation does not allow it, reality is not a movie, it is estimated that before the two of them can talk, they will be pierced by a laser from the bastard in the sky.

At this time, the Taotie warriors flying in the sky and being suppressed by firepower also noticed this couple who were out of tune with others.

They are still in love at this time, die!

The Taotie warriors, who were fed with dog food, rewarded the two with a laser. If nothing unexpected happened, they would definitely be able to penetrate the two.

"Get out of the way!"

Qilin, who was facing the Taotie warrior, knew what it was going to do just by looking at its opening move. She subconsciously shouted and tried to push An Lan aside.

As for herself, it didn't matter. Sacrificing for the country and love was heroic and romantic. This ending was actually quite good.

If this guy had a conscience, he might be able to leave an indelible impression in his heart, just like Rousi in "Titanic" who was still in love with Jack at the age of seventy or eighty.

Qilin felt that her life was complete.

But someone said no to her...

An Lan, who was pushed, stretched out his left arm again to hold the delicate girl in his arms, stretched his right hand to his waist to hold the transformation smoke gun, and quickly turned around to draw the gun and shoot.


The high-temperature hardened bullet wrapped in steam collided with the blue laser accurately, canceling each other out.

Qilin, who was nestled in Anlan's arms and witnessed everything, was stunned. What kind of hand speed is this, what kind of shooting accuracy is this, what kind of vision is this...

Also, isn't that gun just a DIY toy for a middle school student? I have played with that gun before.

Qilin still remembers the dozens of nursery rhymes included in that smoke gun.

The battlefield was silent for a moment. Whether it was Qilin, the Taotie warrior, or the warrior who vaguely noticed Anlan, they were all shocked by his operation of canceling the Taotie warrior's laser with one shot.


Anlan smiled at Qilin in his arms and said jokingly: "Want to be a hero and save the beauty, and then leave an indelible impression in the heart of a survivor like me?

But unfortunately, the person who can become a hero is me."

Anlan let go of Qilin, holding the transformed smoke gun in his right hand, took a step without recognizing any relatives, and walked slowly towards the Taotie warrior in the hail of bullets.

"Wait for me a few minutes, then we'll go eat barbecue."

Qilin was stunned, her mind in a mess, watching Anlan walk forward slowly and carelessly.

"Bang bang bang..."

Anlan raised his hand and fired a few shots, shooting high-temperature bullets wrapped in steam, accurately hitting several blue lasers and intercepting them.

Anlan turned on the sound system loaded in the transformation smoke gun and selected a song as background music.

"They him don't you ever come around here

(They said to him: "You dare to appear here)"

[Transformation smoke system activated, verification of usage rights]

"Don't wanna see your face you better disappear

(I don't want to see you again, disappear as soon as possible)"

[Verification passed, verification of user danger level]

"The fire's in their eyes and their words are really clear

(Anger burns in their eyes, and the words are so clear)"

[Danger level 2.7, verification failed]

"So beat it just beat it

(So just avoid it, avoid conflict!)"

[Transformation smoke system has no danger level limit, verification lifted]

"You better run you better do what you can

(You'd better choose to run away)"

[Transformation smoke system activated, wish you a happy use]


Of course, this time it was not a nursery rhyme. In the hail of bullets, An Lan took a step without recognizing his relatives, muttering to himself and humming Michael Jackson's "Beat" with BGM it".

Every time he raised his hand to shoot, he could accurately intercept the laser beam of the Taotie warrior. Since he entered the battlefield, no soldier has died in the hands of Taotie.

The soldiers who originally stopped An Lan, an "ordinary citizen", stared at the somewhat jumpy and crazy figure on the battlefield with indescribable eyes, with complicated expressions.

Could this be someone from Guo Jia's special department? It should be. If there are aliens, there must be one in the Dragon Group. Maybe there are hidden families like Dongfang Ximen Murong Duanmu.

It's just that the rescuers from this special department are a little jumpy and weird. Obviously the BGM comes from that gun, but why does it sound like a stereo surround sound?

The most outrageous thing is that this song "beat it" is quite appropriate!


An Lan noticed the complicated expression and eyes of a soldier, smiled and turned to shrug at him: "You look like you want me to hug you.

But unfortunately, I can't fulfill your wish. "

Fuck you!

The soldier who was teased by An Lan was a little speechless. I don't want your hug either!... Then he smiled knowingly and felt a lot more relaxed.

It seems that with that cynical boy around, there is no problem that cannot be solved.

"Who are you! ?"

The Taotie warrior, whose laser was intercepted by An Lan many times while flying in the sky, was completely enraged by An Lan's inherently sarcastic aura and roared at An Lan from a high position.

An Lan looked up and smiled at the Taotie warrior. His left hand took out a small bottle with a bat engraved on it from somewhere and inserted it into the bullet slot of the transformed smoke gun.

"I am the approaching storm, steaming blood!"

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