Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 209 I also want to become the king of angels

It sounds very mysterious to casually give a holy right wing to Anlan, and knowing in advance that Anlan and Yan are in a relationship, but this is indeed something that holy Kesha can do.

The way gods think is completely different from mortals. Although they also have human nature, they tend to choose options that are more beneficial to the long-term future when making choices.

Just because Anlan has unlimited potential and the genetic match with any angel is more than 100%, Kesha did not give Hexi out, which is already a very conservative approach.

Of course, Kesha will not say that she does not respect the opinions of the parties involved.

If you have your own ideas and judgments like Yan, then Kesha will respect your choice. Kesha will make choices for young people like Zhixin who have no self-judgment ability.

"Have you made your guardian oath?" Yan asked helplessly. In fact, he already had the answer in his heart. Zhixin always listens to Queen Kesha.

"After Queen Kesha contacted me, I made a guardian oath." Zhixin answered very honestly.

Well, it's true.

Yan held her forehead with her hand and sighed, and then said: "An Lan has returned to Earth now, and Lan Yuan is following him.

Since you have made a vow to protect, then you should go to Earth to find An Lan first, and by the way, support the sisters on Earth, and don't let the demons and the Taotie Legion be too arrogant."

"Okay, Sister Yan."

Zhi Xin was overjoyed, and suddenly remembered Yan's initial inquiry, and asked: "Sister Yan, do you have any special meaning for asking me to return to Melo Heaven?"


Yan roughly analyzed the situation. It seems that the "heavy ministers entrusted by Queen Kaisha before she went offline did not include Zhi Xin.

But thinking about it carefully, although Zhi Xin is He Xi's student, she will definitely stand on Kaisha's side on major issues, and she is also Yan's best friend in private.

Even if Kaisha didn't ask her specifically, Zhi Xin would stand on Yan's side unconditionally.

Leng and Zhui may not be the same. They have a good relationship with Yan, but they are all older. Compared with the immature Zhi Xin, they will have more judgments and ideas of their own.

"Nothing, it's just that the Queen asked me to temporarily take over the position of Angel King. I have to go back for the coronation."

Zhi Xin instantly understood what Yan meant. The orthodox Angel King, that is, the Sky Blade King, will have his own sacred wings.

The first generation of sacred wings of Holy Kaisha were Liang Bing and He Xi, and then they changed to the current Yan and Zhi Xin.

When Yan was crowned as the Sky Blade King, the more angels he summoned, the greater the momentum, and the more he could show his strength to the outside world. As the right wing of the Holy, Zhi Xin would definitely be better to be there than not.

"Then I will attend your coronation ceremony after Sister Yan and then go to Earth?" Zhi Xin asked.

"Forget it."

Angel Yan teased: "We agreed to follow you for a lifetime. One minute less, it's not a lifetime.

When I'm ready for the official coronation, I will notify An Lan. You can come back with him and take care of your loved ones."

"I will, Sister Yan."

Zhi Xin no longer refused, and chatted with Yan for a few more words. After hanging up the call, he dragged the body of the god, whose injuries were not light, to fly to Earth.

This went on repeatedly. Before returning to Melo Heaven, Yan contacted all the high-level guarding angels. More than 30 high-level guarding angels had no objection to Yan's succession.

Needless to say, those who were specifically instructed by Kaisha are not particularly instructed. Seeing that Leng, Azhui and other more prestigious angels, even those who did not have a particularly good relationship with Yan, supported Yan, they also understood that Kaisha's appointment of Yan as successor was definitely not a lie.

Dozens of hours passed in the blink of an eye, and Angel Yan successfully returned to Melo Heaven. At this moment, the high-level guarding angels summoned by Yan had been waiting for a long time.

"Azhui, Moyi, Leng..."

Angel Yan nodded slightly to a group of angels and read out their names one by one.

The angels had different reactions, but they were all a little depressed. No one could be happy about the death of Kaisha, who had been in charge of angel civilization for 30,000 years and was worshipped as a belief by all angels.

Seeing that the morale was a little low, Yan was about to say a few words to boost morale, but was interrupted impatiently by Leng waving his hand: "Alright, alright.

The polite words to win people's hearts will be discussed later. The most urgent thing is to return to the Palace of the Heavenly Blade King as soon as possible, and have a brief coronation ceremony first to reactivate and inherit the sacred knowledge treasure house."

On Yan's way back, everyone had already discussed the general coronation process.

First, let Yan hold a brief coronation ceremony in the Melo Heavenly Court with the support of the high-level guarding angels to confirm the priority.

This process is equivalent to Zhao Kuangyin's "Yellow Robe", putting on the yellow robe first to stabilize the internal military spirit.

After everything is settled and sorted out, the official coronation ceremony of the Heavenly Blade King will be held in the universe, and Anlan and Zhixin need to attend this ceremony.


Angel Yan said no more, nodded, and went to the Palace of the Heavenly Blade King in a group under the support of everyone, ready to ascend the throne.

There are quite a few angels in the Melo Heavenly Court at this moment. The angels who were originally uneasy because of the death of Queen Kesha, after seeing the luxurious group led by Yan, their uneasy hearts have calmed down a lot.

Although Queen Kesha has fallen, our angel civilization still has the powerful force of the sacred wings and high-level guarding angels. As long as we are united, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.

In the depressing atmosphere, Angel Yan led a group of high-level guarding angels to the palace of the Sky Blade King, and was stunned as soon as he stepped into the magnificent and tall palace.

What's going on? Why is this guy He Xi sitting on the queen's throne in a majestic manner?

Could this old woman have long planned to seek power and usurp the throne? The God of Death, Karl and Liang Bing, plotted against Queen Keisha. Was He Xi involved in it? Could she be a mole...

Yan and a high-level guardian angel are facing a powerful enemy. Queen Kesha has just died. This time is too special, and they can't help but be insensitive.

Moreover, Hexi is a science and technology development officer, a heavenly king, and a divine body. His status is respected and he is powerful. If she rebels, it will definitely make the situation of angel civilization even worse.

"King Tianji, He Xi." Angel Yan gritted his teeth and glared at He Xi, thinking a lot in his heart.

Everyone is watching. As the successor appointed by Queen Kesa, she cannot weaken her momentum under any circumstances.

He Xi sat on the throne with his legs crossed, his right leg swaying comfortably, his hands folded on his lower abdomen, looking down at the people below, and asked: "Who is coming?"

"The left-wing guardian angel of Holy Kesha, and the successor of the King of Angels appointed by Queen Kesha before her death, Augustus An Yan."

Yan raised his neck and announced his full name. After marriage, he should add his husband's surname to his official name. This is the tradition of Yan's hometown.

Fraser's oath of guardianship and kiss goodbye are equivalent to a wedding for Yan.

"Augus An Yan?"

He Xi pondered something, tilted his head and joked: "I added An Lan's surname to your full name without permission. It seems that you have experienced a lot in Fraser, and you must have paid the oath of guardianship.

But according to your tradition, your husband's surname can only be added to your full name after marriage.

Yan, you are a little impatient. Do you not want to admit that you lost to others, or do you want to declare your status as a powerful woman in this way? "

"This has nothing to do with you."

Angel Yan ignored Hexi's teasing and sternly accused him: "Hexi, King of Tianji, you shouldn't be sitting there."


He Xi lowered his head and glanced at the throne, then raised his head again to pretend to be innocent, and asked, "Is there a thorn?"

Don't you stop pretending to be confused with me!

Angel Yan said seriously: "Do you want to seize the throne?

That is the throne that only the Heavenly Blade King can sit on. In the event of the death of Queen Kesha, whoever can sit there will be the queen's heir.

No matter what, it's not your turn to sit there. "


He Xi chuckled, and the gentle jade sound echoed in the hall, but the laughter was somewhat mixed with contempt and disdain.

what are you laughing at? Yan and all the guardian angels frowned.

The laughter stopped suddenly, and all that was left was the contemptuous smile on the corner of He Xi's mouth: "You mean, as a fourth-generation divine body and Tianji King, I am not qualified to sit here.

On the contrary, a little girl like you can sit here and accept worship from half the universe? "


Angel Yan was not to be outdone and said: "I am the legitimate heir designated by Her Majesty the Queen before her death."

"who knows?"

"Ah Zhui, Leng, Mo Yi, Jiang Yue, and Bei Feng have all received orders and notifications from the Queen."

"They are just a group of rebellious officials and traitors who want to commit the crime of being greedy and greedy for the power of following the dragon."

He Xi's domineering side showed off the ability to turn his hands into clouds and rain, confusing right and wrong and saying: "Holy Kesha passed away and entrusted the throne to me, the only remaining fourth-generation god of the angelic civilization and one of the three kings. one.

Because only when I am in power can I convince the public enough, those angels who have retired will listen to my call. Even if the new generation of angels are not familiar with me, they will gradually believe in my authority under the leadership of their seniors.

It is not me who wants to seize the Amyrlin Seat and the throne of God, but you, August Yan!

Ah Zhui, Leng, Mo Yi, if you abandon the darkness and turn to the light now, I can let go of the fact that you were bewitched by Yan. "

Damn it!

Angel Yan's anger arose in his heart, why did I suddenly become a traitor?

Well, even Angel Yan knows that Hexi is indeed more qualified than her to become the new king of angels. Hexi has overwhelming popularity and prestige among the retired old angels.

That power is much stronger than the current angels.

But Holy Kesha chose me instead of He Xi. Although I am also confused as to why it was me, this is an ironclad fact.

The high-level guarding angels who gathered behind Angel Yan were discussing in the group, confirming once again that the identity of Yan's successor was undoubtedly confirmed.

Then there is only one answer.

"Hexi, King of Tianji, I don't know if your lazy personality over the past thousands of years is your disguise. But are you sure you want to compete with me for the throne at this point in time?"

Angel Yan said sternly: "It's good that you are a fourth-generation god, but we also have more than thirty high-level guarding angels, as well as An Lan.

You can't win.

Regardless of winning or losing, the angel civilization will suffer heavy losses due to this internal fight. You and I both know what the situation is right now, and Angel cannot afford to lose.

If something goes wrong at this time, the angelic civilization is likely to withdraw from the highest stage of the known universe, or even be overthrown by someone with intentions. "

Angel Yan Xiaozhi is moved by emotion and reason, and an internal war with Hexi is not what she wants to see.


He Xi nodded slightly, used the method of moral kidnapping, and asked: "So, why are you so persistent in launching a rebellion and competing with me for the throne of the King of Angels?

Just for the sake of the future of angel civilization, you should also curb your ambitions. "

Ah this...

Angel Yan had to admit that he was completely at a disadvantage in the verbal battle with He Xi. When your enemy is stronger than you and has no shame, victory is basically a luxury.

What to do?

Should he give in for the future of the angels and acquiesce to He Xi's rebellion? But if he did so, he would become a traitor with evil intentions.

But if he really fought, the angel civilization would inevitably suffer a heavy blow.

Angel Yan struggled in his heart and didn't know what to do.

He Xi knew that he had the upper hand when he saw this, and he bewitched her again: "If you withdraw now, I can forgive your act of usurpation and even cover it up for you.

I will tell outsiders that you brought Ah Zhui and the others to meet me, the new Angel King.

As long as you give in, the apparent combat power of the Angel Civilization will not decrease at all compared to before, and the impact of Kesha's fall can be minimized.

Whether internally or externally, the Angel Civilization will not change at all compared to before, and my strength is not inferior to Kesha.

And you can still be the Holy Left Wing, who is second to none, and I can even appoint you as the official Angel Prince."

"As long as I give in?"

I have to admit that Angel Yan was moved. The Holy Left Wing is irrelevant. She is already 7,000 years old, and it is not too early to retire and live with the one she loves.

The important thing is that the Angel Civilization can be delayed steadily, and no one will be hurt or affected.

"As long as you give in." He Xi nodded slightly.

"I know you will keep your promise, and I know that it seems that my concession is indeed the best choice.

But I refuse."

He ka, Ketuwalu!

Angel Yan, who had been struggling for a long time, finally made a judgment. His eyes were clear and there was no confusion. He said firmly: "I don't know why the queen appointed me as the successor of the Angel King.

But I know that the queen must have her judgment.

The queen must have considered everything you said. Even so, she still chose me, which proves that in Queen Kesha's opinion, I am more qualified than you to lead the angel civilization.

Even if I have to be your enemy, even if the guidance and protection from Queen Kesha have been broken, even if it may cause the angel civilization to end in an irreparable end...

I will also respect and implement Queen Kesha's last wish, inherit the throne and take charge of the throne, and become the Angel King.

I will never retreat, not even a step!"

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