Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 218 The Ice and Snow Will Melt Eventually

After a little teasing, Liang Bing asked impatiently: "Just say what you want to say, I'm annoyed."

"Yes, yes."

The dog-headed military advisor Heifeng nodded repeatedly and reported carefully: "The intelligence system of Devil No. 1 has just detected a relatively large movement of the Taotie Corps..."

Before Heifeng finished speaking, he was interrupted by Liang Bing: "Is it worth bothering me for such a small matter?

It's normal for the Taotie Corps to move."

Heifeng on the other side of the communication shook his head repeatedly. Since Atuo died and Morgana and An Lan started a cold war, the queen's patience has been getting worse and worse.

But what can a younger brother do? Just serve.

"The situation is a little different this time. The Taotie Corps has mobilized more than 40 Grand Cross flagships at the same time, and there are countless battleships and firepower ships."

Heifeng paused and reminded obscurely: "The destination seems to be Juxia City."

Juxia City?

Impatient Liang Bing calmed down immediately and asked, "Is An Lan in Juxia City now?"

The answer is yes. There is no need to ask Heifeng about this question. Liang Bing pays attention to Juxia City many times more than Heifeng every day.

If not, An Lan and Rena's "affair" would not be discovered.

"Yes." Heifeng nodded.

Liang Bing's expression instantly became uncertain.

It is impossible for the Taotie Corps to carry out such a large military mobilization without reason. More than 40 large cross flagships were dispatched together. There is only one purpose, that is, to encircle and suppress An Lan.

Even Rena is not worth the Taotie Corps's fuss.

For a while, Liang Bing couldn't help but worry about An Lan's safety.

An Lan's strength must be above any third-generation god, otherwise he would not be able to kill Atuo so easily in Frazer.

But no matter how strong An Lan is, he is only one person, and human power will eventually be exhausted.

It's okay to run away if you are alone in dealing with the siege of more than 40 Grand Cross flagships, but it's hard to say that you will definitely win if you don't run away.

The most troublesome thing is that as long as An Lan accepts the challenge, he will definitely expose more of his intelligence and information.

It doesn't matter whether An Lan's previous information is exposed or not. An Lan's upgrade speed is too fast, and the speed of equipment and form changes is also very fast.

It's useless to have intelligence, because the news will become old news in a short time.

But An Lan has now upgraded to the level that can rival the fourth generation of divine bodies, and it can be expected that the upgrade speed will definitely slow down.

The shelf life of relevant intelligence information will be greatly extended, and the one who studies this intelligence information is the old cunning man, the God of Death Carl.

A few days ago, the God of Death Carl had already revealed his murderous intentions towards An Lan. If it were Liang Bing herself, being targeted by Carl, a top scientific research god with a big clock, would also be intimidated.

This is a conspiracy against An Lan, and Carl, the old cunning man, is definitely behind it.

What to do, should I remind An Lan and let him avoid the edge first?

Liang Bing's expression was uncertain. In her heart, she was definitely more inclined to remind An Lan not to fall into Karl's conspiracy, but she lacked a reason.

She lacked a reason to actively show goodwill to An Lan after her trusted general was killed by An Lan.

Then it would not let me admit that Atuo died in vain, and I, Liang Bing, would be controlled by this little bastard for the rest of my life?

I would not admit it even if I were beaten to the eighteenth level of hell!

"What does the Taotie Corps's mobilization of troops to Juxia City have to do with us?"

Liang Bing pretended to be nonchalant and said: "More than 40 Grand Cross flagships, what a big deal, but isn't this better?

We had discussed it with the Taotie Corps at the beginning, let them clean up the ground for us, and then we would take over the earth."

Liang Bing's acting skills were very poor, at least Liang Bing's acting skills today were not outstanding.

Whether it was the silence and pause after learning the information of the Taotie Corps, or the somewhat deliberate tone, it was enough to prove that Liang Bing was not sincere.

After a moment of silence, the dog-headed military strategist Heifeng asked, "Queen, have you ever thought of a possibility that Atuo may not be dead?"

When it comes to guessing Morgana's thoughts, no one in the known universe can match Heifeng, not even Kaisha and Anlan.

It is a compulsory course for military strategists to guess the master's intentions. Don't challenge my profession with your hobby.

Heifeng decided to find a way out for Liang Bing.

"What did you say?"

Liang Bing's attention was immediately attracted by Heifeng's words. After a moment of trance, she asked, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, Atuo may not be dead, at least not all dead."

Heifeng analyzed rationally, "I was thinking about this question a few days ago, but you were angry at the time, and I never found a chance to explain it to you.

Yes, we did go to Frazer to investigate afterwards, and did not find any dark information residues there, but this does not mean that he was completely wiped out by Anlan.

Do you still remember Anlan two years ago? The battle with Crocodile God Soton in Juxia City?

After killing Crocodile God Soton, An Lan used unknown means to condense Crocodile God Soton's divine body and dark information into a somewhat special full bottle, which seems to be called the Evolution Full Bottle.

Let's analyze An Lan's actions on Earth in detail. In addition to Crocodile God Soton, he also collected two Evolution Full Bottles from Reina and you.

From this, I can reasonably infer that super warriors with third-generation divine bodies or above can be extracted by An Lan using special means to obtain Evolution Full Bottles, and he has been doing this intentionally.

In the battle of Fraser, Atuo has been upgraded to the third generation of divine body. Not to say that he is stronger than Lena, but at least he is stronger than Crocodile God Soton.

We cannot rule out the possibility that after killing Atuo, Anlan collected his dark information and condensed it into a full evolution bottle. "

At this point, Liang Bing has completely woken up.

It seems that she has been trapped in a thinking error. The powerful destructive power of Anlan's black hole form and blood form made her subconsciously think that Atuo must have been crushed to ashes, and there was no dark information left.

But in fact, although Anlan always does things as he pleases and is easily influenced by emotions, he will not let go of the enemy's surplus value in most cases.

Atuo was made into a full evolution bottle by Anlan, this possibility cannot be ruled out.

If this is true, Atuo still has hope of resurrection. Anlan has similar technology. He once resurrected Crocodile God Soton to help in the battle, and the devil also has similar technology.

Everything can still be saved.

Morgana was silent for a long time before asking: "Why tell me this?

You and Atuo have worked together for thousands of years. He was killed by Anlan, but I didn't become abnormal. You should be able to guess that if something similar happened to you one day, my choice would be no different from today.

Compared to urging me to reconcile with Anlan, you should hope that Anlan and I will never have any contact with each other and completely sever our relationship. "

"Atuo is my best friend, but I love the queen more. If I can make you happy again, what does it matter if I sacrifice my life? "

Heifeng flattered her half-truthfully.

Every demon in the demon army was loyal to Liang Bing, including Xue Yi who wanted to seize power after Liang Bing's death in the original plot.

Loyalty to Liang Bing was one of the reasons. Another reason was that Heifeng, who knew Liang Bing, knew that Liang Bing would never break up with An Lan.

Liang Bing was still an angel after all. Angels were a very stupid race. Once they really loved someone, they would put themselves in a very low position.

Even if they were hurt all over, as long as the other party did not have a change of heart, the angel would not let go.

An Lan naturally did not have a change of heart. He just divided his heart into many parts and gave each part to different people.

"Thank you."

Liang Bing felt extremely guilty. Her subordinate died, but she, as the leader, could not avenge him, and she could not even completely break up with her enemy.

This was a betrayal.

After a pause, Liang Bing ordered again: "Also, let Xue Yi come over first. The Earth needs her more than Kunsa at the moment."

"Yes. "

Heifeng responded, his eyelids twitched unnaturally. It's over, another difficult master has come to Demon No. 1.

Demon Xue Yi is the leader of the Kunsa Demon Civilization. His status in the Demon Legion is similar to that of a crown prince, a little higher than Atuo and Heifeng.

More than a thousand years ago, when Liang Bing was still a third-generation divine body, Xue Yi was upgraded to the third-generation divine body, which shows Liang Bing's trust in Xue Yi.

More importantly, Xue Yi is not a quiet master. Her personality is somewhat similar to that of Angel Yan. She is a witch in every sense and more difficult to serve than Liang Bing.

After hanging up the communication with Heifeng, Liang Bing hesitated for a long time, and still He found the private channel that she had deliberately forgotten from the internal communication channel of the demons and sent a communication request.

Video communication.

In the camp of Juxia City, An Lan, who was sitting by the campfire holding Reina and chatting with Wei Laoqi and others, suddenly narrowed his eyes and became complicated after seeing the communication request sent by Liang Bing.

He had no way to deal with the matter of Atuo. If he touched someone he cared about, he must die once, no room for negotiation.

He thought he did nothing wrong, but in the final analysis, it was because of his love that he hurt Liang Bing, who was infatuated with him.

In the past, An Lan would never care about this matter. It hurts, who cares? cares?

But now An Lan has to care.

Having a relationship, An Lan has learned to take care of the feelings of everyone she loves. Qi Lin doesn't want to lie to her, but she has to lie to her to take care of Qi Lin's self-esteem.

Tian Shi Yan and Liang Bing are easier to deal with. They don't really care how many people their loved ones love.

Even so, An Lan believes that he can't quickly reconcile with Liang Bing after hurting her. He really can't get over it. He has to give both parties some time to ease up.

An Lan's original plan was to wait for a while until Liang Bing's anger had almost dissipated, and then he would take the initiative to contact Liang Bing to admit his mistakes and say some good things.

Unexpectedly, Liang Bing took the initiative to send a communication application. This [call] must be answered no matter what.


An Lan patted Lena's butt without expression, and smiled: "Get down first, my legs are numb from sitting, I'm going to the toilet. "

Lena pouted, loosened her arms around An Lan's neck, stood up and hugged An Lan's arms again, and said coquettishly: "I'll go with you."


Qiangwei, who was sitting on the other side of the campfire, curled her lips in dissatisfaction and cursed them in her heart.

For some reason, seeing that Lena was entangled with An Lan in recent days, including eating and sleeping, Qiangwei felt very uncomfortable.

Isn't this show of affection too much?

"Don't make trouble, I'm going to the toilet." An Lan pried Lena's arms apart.

"It's not like we haven't been together before..."

Lena looked like she didn't love me anymore, and grumbled in dissatisfaction: "I'll help you hold it. Couples should interact frequently to enhance their feelings."

Qiangwei was complaining in her heart, is your interaction serious?

Holding it, no wonder An Lan often takes nearly half an hour to go to the toilet. I thought he fell into the pit.

Sparks fly when you hold it.

"Don't make a fuss, this time it's a big one." An Lan lied with a lot of flavor.


Lena curled her lips in disdain, shook her hands and said: "Then go, go quickly and come back quickly, remember to wash your hands when you come back."

Many super warriors of high-level civilizations in the universe have a high utilization rate of energy and can go a long time without excreting.

Some female-dominated god-making civilizations that pay more attention to their image will even develop energy utilization to a crazy degree, and instantly add some functions that can replace excretion to their genes.

In layman's terms, fairies may pee but never poop. The waste residue in the body is excreted during sweating and breathing.

At least that's the case with Angel and Rena.

But Rena couldn't figure out whether An Lan was like this, and An Lan's words were too interesting, so she just let it go.

Patting Rena's head, An Lan used his space warping ability to leave the Juxia City camp and move hundreds of kilometers away.

Wei Laoqi, who was by the campfire, looked at the place where An Lan disappeared and said enviously: "Instructor An's ability is really good. If you want to go to the toilet, you can go to other places.

Unlike ordinary soldiers like us, we can only go to the toilet in the camp, which is so smelly."

Qiangwei's eyes flickered, and her intuition told her that An Lan was definitely not going to the toilet. Looking at the heartless Reina, for some reason, Qiangwei reminded: "I think Anlan definitely didn't go to the toilet.

He is probably going to meet someone or contact someone behind your back. The scumbags in TV dramas are all like this."

"I said, why do you always think about provoking the relationship between us lovers?"

Reina immediately became anxious and said to Qiangwei dissatisfiedly: "What's wrong with going to the toilet somewhere else? This is very reasonable.

It's normal for the top gods in the universe to have idol baggage. Does it mean that Anlan and those ordinary people have to use the same stinky toilet?"

After scolding Qiangwei, Reina noticed that her choice of words and sentences were a bit wrong, and said to Wei Laoqi and others: "Well, I don't mean to discriminate against you."

"Understand, completely understand."

Wei Laoqi and others nodded, and did not think that Reina was offending them.

As they get along these days, even rough guys like Wei Laoqi can see that Reina is more innocent than Dingzhen Pearl.

This legendary cosmic friend from the distant M78 nebula is a straightforward and simple lady. She may be a little arrogant in her words, but she has no bad intentions.

"Tsk, a dog bites Lu Dongbin and doesn't know the good heart. When you are sold by An Lan and count money for him one day, you will know your mistake."

Qiangwei, who asked for trouble, did not hide her contempt for Rena and her distrust of An Lan's character.

"I still say that some people want to be sold but don't have the chance!"

Rena kept the same in the face of all changes. She found that this sentence was particularly lethal to Qiangwei.

Humph, the man who is thinking about me, I must teach you a lesson quietly to let you know what is the style of a big lady and what is a trick.

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