Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 225 Prince Lieyang

The dark red sun hanging high above An Lan released a strange stance, pulling the large cross flagship in the sky and making it unable to escape from this area.

Even if the smaller battleships and firepower ships were running at full speed and pulling the engines to the point of explosion, they could not distance themselves from An Lan, and even slowly "flew" towards the black sun under the pull of the dark red sun.

This was the real day of destruction.

An Lan, holding a dragon sword, kept shuttling through the locust swarm, harvesting the lives of the gluttons, and using these lives and the aircraft they drove as nutrients.

Like a lion that had just woken up from a dream and had just had a full meal after being hungry for a whole winter, the black sun gradually revealed its true hideousness.

The large battleships were approaching the black sun faster and faster, and the closer they were to the black sun, the stronger the traction and twisting force they would bear.

All kinds of escape methods such as light cannon bombardment and anti-power vertical take-off and landing were completely useless, and the large battleships with a length of more than 100 meters gradually approached the black sun.

The volume was also gradually compressed, from 100 meters long, to 10 meters long, and then to 1 meter long. When it really approached the black sun, it had been completely compressed into an irregular sphere with a diameter of less than one decimeter.

Hundreds and thousands of battleships, destroyers, and firepower ships were completely swallowed by the black sun, and the gluttons and large gluttons that covered the sky and covered the sky also became the black sun's meal early.

In the whole sky, only dozens of large cross flagships were still resisting and struggling.

Everyone anticipated the final fate of these dozens of large cross flagships.

Whether it was the main gun or the secondary gun interference, it would be swallowed by the black sun. Affected by the position released by the black hole, the wormhole had no way to open near these large cross flagships.

The only way for them to survive was to escape the swallowing of the black sun and return to the atmosphere from the wormhole channel when they came.

Or, crush An Lan, but this is a fantasy.

If you look at it again, it will explode, and if you get closer, you will be melted.

At this moment, An Lan, who turned into a trash crusher, seemed to be wearing suspenders in the eyes of Reina and Qiangwei, playing with the Taotie Army as basketball.

"So cool!"

Reina squeezed her legs together, pointed at An Lan who was walking in the sky, and exclaimed: "See, that's my boyfriend, the future prince of Lieyang.

He is using my ability now, the two of us are too strong together!"

Kobe and I teamed up to score 81 points.

"He can do this with other forms." Qiangwei complained.

We were the champions before you came, and we are still the champions after you left. Reina's role is about the same as Durant.

"But he is using my ability now."

Reina put her hands on her hips, which made me feel so awesome, and said proudly: "And only my ability can make An Lan so easy when dealing with these trash.

If he changes to other abilities, he will definitely not be so calm and composed."

Being good at bullying is an advantage, but when did the only advantage being good at bullying become something to be proud of?

Rose has something to complain about.

However, it is an indisputable fact that Rena's genes are good at bullying weaklings. If Anlan uses other full bottles, he can still single-handedly kill the Taotie Legion, but it is unlikely to be so easy to single-handedly kill.

What is a small fish crusher?

"Let's not talk about ability, are you sure Anlan can really become the prince of your Lieyang?"

Rose questioned: "I heard that you don't have much say in your Lieyang, and at the end of the year, you even have to go on stage to perform for many generals of Lieyang.

To put it bluntly, you are just a vase. Vases like you in TV dramas generally can't decide their own marriages."

Rena looked embarrassed when she heard this.

What Rose said is an indisputable fact. She is indeed the supreme god in Lieyang, but she is more like a statue placed in a temple most of the time.

In addition to being able to accept incense and offerings from all the people in Lieyang, she has no way to interfere in many things in Lieyang, and even cannot decide many of her own affairs.

"Who told you this?" Reina's brain was working frantically to figure out who she had told about this.

After a long time of thinking, she still couldn't figure it out. She shouldn't have told anyone about this. Could it be that Dean Liu had spread it out?

"You said it in your sleep in the middle of the night." Rose cut off Reina's chain of suspicion with one sentence.


"Do I have the habit of talking in my sleep?" Reina stroked her chin and doubted herself.

"In addition to talking in your sleep, you also grind your teeth and snore, and you're just short of farting."

After a pause, Rose added: "Of course, it's intermittent, and the frequency is not high. At least I only encountered it once or twice in the dozen times I slept with you."


Reina breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was just intermittent grinding of teeth, snoring, and talking in sleep, and she could blame it on stress and depression.

If it was like this every day, it would be too damaging to her goddess image, and it might affect her married life with An Lan in the future.

"Your Highness Anlan will definitely become the prince of Lieyang."

Reina and Qiangwei frowned at the same time. This voice did not come from either of them.

A ray of light fell from the sky and landed beside the two of them. Looking closely, it turned out to be a male super soldier wearing ancient Shenzhou armor, or Lieyang civilization armor.

"Mao God, didn't I tell you to stay in the sky? Why did you suddenly come down?" Rena complained dissatisfiedly.

"Mao God, God?" Qiangwei frowned and looked at the male super warrior called Mao God.

Qiangwei was not surprised that Rena, a proud daughter of the Lieyang civilization, had a protector or guardian. This is what was written in the novel.

"Although I'm called a god, I'm not a god, just an ordinary quasi-third-generation super soldier."

Mao Shenwei bowed and introduced his approximate strength to Qiangwei, then knelt on one knee and bowed his head to apologize to Lena: "Your Majesty, I'm deeply sorry for not being able to protect you.

You were killed by the demon queen Morgana and became a tool to destroy the holy Kaisha.

During the time you were missing, I reported the situation to the general and apologized. If you have any complaints about me, you can wait for me to return to Lieyang to accept military punishment and then deal with me separately."

"Hmph, get up."

Lena snorted, waved her hand to let Mao Shen stand up, and said: "After all, you are just a quasi-third-generation super soldier sent by Pan Zhen to monitor me.

If Morgana wants to catch me, you can't do anything. She is an old witch with a great reputation in the entire universe."


Mao Shen stood up respectfully.

"Why don't you stay in the sky?" Lena repeated the question just now.

Mao Shen looked at An Lan who was walking in the sky, his eyes full of awe, and said with emotion: "His Highness An Lan's strength is too terrifying, even if he didn't deliberately target me.

But the black sun released a position that was enough to distort space and time, which was not something I could bear. If I continue to stay in the sky, I am afraid my life will be in danger.

Please forgive my subordinates for their usurpation, Your Majesty the Goddess."

"It's okay, it's okay. I can't let you wait for death." Lena waved her hand and didn't care about Mao Shen's unauthorized actions.

After all, Mao Shen is a soldier under Pan Zhen. Although he is nominally a subordinate of Lena, he doesn't need to wait for Lena's direct orders at special times.

"Skip this topic for now."

Rose looked at Mao Shen curiously and asked: "Why do you think An Lan will definitely become the prince of Lieyang? Have you asked that Pan Zhen?"

Rose has heard the name Pan Zhen from many people. The impression of Pan Zhen is that the general of Lieyang, the guardian god, the regent, and the copy of Huo Guang who holds all the power.

As it was about her marriage, Lena also pricked up her ears to listen, wanting to know whether Mao Shen had really consulted Pan Zhen.


Mao Shen admitted: "During the time when Her Majesty the Goddess was missing, I reported all of Her Majesty the Goddess's experiences on Earth to the general.

Including what friends Her Majesty the Goddess made, the personalities and abilities of her friends, and the relationship between Her Majesty the Goddess and each friend, and deliberately pointed out that Her Majesty the Goddess had a good impression of His Highness An Lan.

The general's reply was that although His Highness An Lan was unrestrained and undisciplined, he was a great virtue. If Her Majesty the Goddess really liked His Highness An Lan, he could discuss it with him."

Lena's face was full of joy.

Although she knew that Pan Zhen would most likely agree, what if there was an accident? Lena was ready to go against Pan Zhen and roam the universe with An Lan for the rest of her life.

Now that she heard that Pan Zhen could discuss it, she finally let go of her worries.

In the end, Reina still respected and loved Pan Zhen, the Regent of Lieyang. Pan Zhen was like a teacher and father to her.

Every rebellious girl didn't like her father to interfere too much in her life, but which girl really hated her father?

Except for the little fairy, who was not a human being.

It was the best thing for her marriage to be blessed by the elders in her family.

"Even if An Lan was a playboy and had ambiguous relationships with many women including angels?" Rose asked.

The word "ambiguous" was not quite accurate. An Lan and Qilin, Liang Bing, and Yan were clearly boyfriends and girlfriends.

"Even so." Mao Shen nodded.

"The Lieyang civilization is really generous. It actually allows the man of its main god to have other women." Rose complained.

"We are happy, what do you care?" Reina yelled at Rose fiercely.

"What's the reason?" Rose asked again.

Mao Shen first glanced at Reina, and after getting Reina's permission, he explained: "The potential of His Highness Anlan's genes is too strong.

Even the God of Gods, Kesha, does not mind the relationship between the Holy Left Wing and His Highness Anlan, which proves that His Highness Anlan is unfathomable in both strength and potential.

What's more, His Highness Anlan has already fulfilled part of his potential, and his combat power has surpassed most of the gods in Lieyang.

Such an outstanding male god is naturally qualified to become the prince of Lieyang."

This is also another way of crossing the river by feeling the eagle sauce. The angel civilization is involved, so I, Lieyang, must have a share anyway.

"Hehe, it's just because of Anlan's strength and potential, it's really realistic."

Rose sneered and said sarcastically: "I understand what standard Pan Zhen's evaluation of Anlan's great virtue is based on.

If Anlan did not have this kind of strength and potential, I'm afraid Pan Zhen's evaluation of him would not be dissolute and unrestrained, but indulge in debauchery and capriciousness."

Mao Shen just smiled and said nothing.

This is the reality. If you have a car, a house, a Tianlong account, and tens of millions of savings when dating on Earth, you will definitely be more popular in the dating market.

Even if you meet your partner through free love, material things are still a topic you can't avoid.

Guo Xiaosi said in "Little Four Generation": Love without material things is like a pile of loose sand, which will be scattered after two steps without the wind.

In this universe, because An Lan copied "Little Four Generation", this sentence became what An Lan said.

This sentence is not absolute, but it does make sense. If your life is full of trivial matters such as firewood, rice, oil, salt, and chicken hair, and you quarrel every day because of trivial matters, then you probably have no chance to be romantic.

Earthlings look at appearance, height, income, and family when dating, while cosmic people look at potential, strength, and interests when dating. This has been the case in the world since ancient times.

Reina was very upset with Qiangwei's disdainful tone, and angrily said: "An Lan is handsome, rich, capable and has potential, why can't I fall in love with him, why can't Pan Zhen be satisfied with him?

Would you fall in love with an old, ugly, weak, dirty, poor, who doesn't take a bath for ten days or half a month, and smells of stinky feet wherever he goes, and is cowardly and incompetent?

Is it wrong for us to pursue good and like good things?"

Qiangwei was silent and glanced at An Lan in the sky. Of course, she also liked young, handsome, well-spoken, capable and responsible men who could solve all problems.


"An Lan is really too promiscuous, which will deduct a lot of points from him." Qiangwei said with a lack of confidence, not knowing whether she was talking to Reina or herself.

"That proves that An Lan is the best male god in the known universe!"

Lena said firmly: "If you really want to label a person and then judge him with scores.

Even if An Lan loses many points because of those shortcomings, his remaining points are enough to make him surpass all other men and male gods in the known universe.

He is the best one in the known universe, at least in my opinion.

If you like losers like Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang, and think that their scores can be higher than An Lan, then I have no objection. Everyone has different aesthetic standards, I can understand."

In the eyes of most women, Sicong's unruly and long love history can be ignored, because he is really too rich, and this advantage is enough to cover up all his shortcomings.

The same is true for An Lan. His advantages shine brightly enough to illuminate the entire universe, or destroy the entire universe.

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