Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 229 You have no respect for me

After a few simple exchanges and showing some goodwill to An Lan, Pan Zhen dismissed this clone and ended this conversation that spanned millions of light years.

Then, of course, there was a carnival.

This battle was historic and epic. The people of Earth defeated the large-scale forces of evil forces for the first time without the help of any external forces (doubtful). This was a major turning point in the battle to defend the Earth!

On the same day, two angels heard the news and rushed to Juxia City. After remote communication with Angel Yan, they accepted the task of waiting for An Lan's dispatch and guarding Juxia City and surrounding areas.

Morgana was not willing to lag behind. That night, she personally killed 6 Grand Cross flagships and ordered the Taotie Corps not to cross the Juxia City again.

Just think of it as protecting your future wedding room.

With the joint suppression of angels and demons and the guarantee of An Lan, Juxia City restored initial stability and order in just three or four days.

With the army led by Wei Laoqi and others, it is quite easy for Juxia City to restore order, and all lawless people will eventually be strongly suppressed.

The key to restoring order in Juxia City is to completely repel the Taotie Army and make the people believe that the Taotie Army will not invade on a large scale again, so that they can come out of the underground air-raid shelter.

An Lan solved this most difficult prerequisite, and everything else fell into place.

The government, the people, and the media have basically returned to normal, and the news of Juxia City's great victory has also been spread through various channels such as TV stations and radio stations.

For a time, Juxia City became a city similar to the "holy land of the human race" in fantasy novels.

The remaining earthlings around Juxia City flocked to it, and the survivors from farther places also began to flee to Juxia City in the hope of entering this last "city of hope" for mankind.

The influx of survivors also caused dissatisfaction among the Tianlong people in Juxia City, and they all pointed fingers at the outsiders behind their backs: Gangboninglei Juxia City is begging for food.

However, no matter how dissatisfied the Tianlong people were, they had to hold back. Without An Lan's help, the Tianlong people could only stay in the air-raid shelter.

Qiangwei, Wei Laoqi and others were so busy that they wished there were 240 hours in a day, with almost no time to rest.

At this stage, most of the angels and ordinary corps were on their way to the North Star, which was the administrative center of Shenzhou.

But on the second day after the recovery of Juxia City, Wei Laoqi and others received an order from their superiors: Juxia City was the economic center of Shenzhou and had been recovered. The first task of the corps around Juxia City was to defend Juxia City and preserve this last hope for Shenzhou and mankind, which was also the initial fire of the prairie fire.

Wei Laoqi joined the soldiers of other corps, and with Juxia City as the center, they continued to spread and advance in several directions beyond the coastline.

Not asking how much the front line could be advanced, but only asking to improve the public security in the surrounding areas of Juxia City and the main traffic routes along the way as much as possible.

Although the Taotie Corps no longer dared to invade Juxia City on a large scale due to various factors, the frequency of small-scale guerrilla harassment did not decrease.

Fortunately, these are all things that the ground corps can solve.

In addition, there are still a large number of criminals who take advantage of the fire and fish in troubled waters along the way in Juxia City, and these also need to be suppressed by the ground corps and the armed police force.

In special periods, thunderous means should be used. If you want to restore the order of Juxia City as soon as possible, you can't be soft-hearted to these criminals.

In short, everything is for the survivors who fled to Juxia City, and everything is for the survivors. In addition to the ordinary ground corps, Rose's task is equally arduous.

Juxia City is positioned as a commercial hub and a sea navigation city in Shenzhou, and it pays more attention to trade than agriculture.

Although Juxia City has stockpiled a large amount of civilian supplies before, enough for the citizens of Juxia City to use for several years. But as the survivors poured into Juxia City, the supplies that were originally abundant suddenly became stretched.

Rose's ability to transport through microwormholes came in handy at this time.

Rose, the core of the tactics, had not been clear, but the captain of the transport team was out of the question. With the cooperation of the ground corps, Rose mobilized a large amount of civilian supplies from other places in a few days to ensure that Juxia City could hold out longer.

After everything was arranged, a week had passed, and there were only two days left before Rena returned to Lieyang.

Everything in Juxia City was on track.

After Rena, Rose, Wei Laoqi and others discussed, they decided to keep some corps stationed in Juxia City, and a few corps led by Rose and Wei Laoqi went to North Star for support.

If you are poor, you can only take care of yourself, and if you are rich, you can help the world.

In any case, the battle line must be pushed outward. There is no point in defending Juxia City. The ultimate goal is to expel all the Taotie Corps without leaving a single one.

To support North Star, the angels can fly over, but the ground corps cannot do it, so they can only advance step by step from the ground.

Beizhixing is important, so are other cities outside Beizhixing unimportant?

The central government ordered the corps stationed in various parts of Shenzhou to rush to Beizhixing, not only to solve Beizhixing's urgent needs, but also to surround the city with the countryside again and gradually recover the land of Shenzhou.

Step by step, when Beizhixing is truly recovered, it means that the land of Shenzhou is truly recovered.

Under such a general trend, An Lan did not stay in Juxia City, but followed Wei Laoqi and others on the journey to Juxia City.

With An Lan joining, Wei Laoqi and others completely realized what it meant to be swift and powerful, and what it meant to crush withering with ease.

After encountering the Taotie Corps, Wei Laoqi and others often heard explosions from the opposite side before they fired a few shots and the shells of the tanks were launched, and then An Lan walked out of the fire.

Done, keep moving forward!

Or maybe ordinary soldiers like Wei Laoqi were hiding on the ground, eating compressed military rations with enamel cups and water, and An Lan rode the same white version of the Lamb as Gao Qiqiang, carrying Lena on the back seat and left the camp.

Well, I'll go and get a big cross flagship in a while, you guys eat slowly first, don't rush.

Wei Laoqi and others can be said to have personally experienced the power of super soldiers.

Although they have never cooperated with super soldiers, they have heard how awesome and powerful super soldiers are when they heard their comrades brag about their comrades.

However, even if those boasts are exaggerated ten thousand times, it seems far inferior to An Lan.

But it's normal to think about it carefully. Before An Lan gained complete emotions, he had never cooperated with ordinary soldiers. The ones who carried out the mission were all half-baked people like Ge Xiaolun.

How could a group of rookies who didn't even understand their own power compare with the fourth generation of gods who could overwhelm half of the universe?

From early morning to sunset, after advancing the battle line 270 kilometers towards the North Star, Wei Laoqi and others had to temporarily set up camp to rest.

After chatting at night, Qiangwei looked up at the starry sky and became more and more confused.

Although An Lan worked hard along the way, he was an "outsider" after all. He helped the earth more out of "interest" rather than "sense of responsibility".

Even in terms of identity, An Lan was about to become the Prince of Lieyang, and the demons and angels were eyeing An Lan.

Even if Qiangwei was stupid, she would not think that the earth could tie An Lan down. One day when An Lan was no longer interested, he would go to the vast starry sky to be astrological king, or go to Lieyang and Melo Heaven to enjoy the blessing of all the people.

So, after An Lan left, where should the Earth go?

Rely on Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang? Although these two people have made rapid progress, Qiangwei does not think that they can improve to the extent that they can protect the Earth in a short period of time under the watchful eyes of many forces in the universe.

The Earth must have its own God, and why can't that God be me? Why can't I protect the Earth in my own way?

To do this, you must first deal with An Lan.

Qiangwei remembered that An Lan had sent drivers and props to Qilin and Cheng Yaowen respectively, which greatly improved the strength of the two. Especially Cheng Yaowen, who was once able to compete with Lena, whose genes were not fully unlocked.

In the refreshing night breeze, Qiangwei carefully examined her clothes. The leather jacket, leather pants and leather boots made her already curvy figure even more hot, just like those female riders who were on the edge of short video websites.

It should be quite attractive... right?

While Reina was temporarily separated from Anlan in the bathroom, Qiangwei found Anlan with something on her mind, raised her hand and gently touched the red hair beside her ear, and showed off her charm and figure not very skillfully.

"Well, I have something to talk to you about."

Qiangwei's voice trembled, and her heart was full of guilt. It was the first time she had seduced a man, especially seducing her comrade's boyfriend.

It was really exciting!

Anlan played with the snow leopard Nicotine in his arms, raised his head and looked at Qiangwei. The aggressive look made Qiangwei very uncomfortable, as if she was standing naked in front of Anlan.

Nicotine was taken back by Anlan when he was bored in the past two days. Nicotine has been living in Anlan's dormitory in the Super Seminary for a while.

Because Anlan prepared rich food for Nicotine before leaving, Nicotine lost the restraint of his master and had completely eaten like a ball.

Rose subconsciously took a step back, but when she thought of the important mission she was shouldering, she stood forward again, and then puffed out her chest to show off her proud figure.

With just this one action, An Lan understood what Rose meant.

"I still prefer your previous rebellious look." An Lan smiled.

"Do you know why I came to you?" Rose was a little surprised, I haven't said anything yet.

An Lan asked back: "It's a dark and windy night, a man and a woman alone, and you deliberately chose to come to me when Reina was not around. Is there any other possibility besides using the beauty trap?"

"Are you so confident?"

Rose, who was embarrassed by her thoughts being exposed, pretended to be calm and complained: "Should I say that you are worthy of being a scumbag with several girlfriends, so good at guessing women's minds."

"In fact, I don't understand women at all, just like Zong Fang can't drink at all."

An Lan explained calmly: "After the blood awakened, I lost my emotions, and it was not until recently that I regained the missing part.

Before, I just gave the knowledge I had mastered, and in a simulation An ordinary person should have emotions. Maybe you think I understand women and emotions very well, but you are wrong. In fact, I understand nothing.

I only know that if you bloom, butterflies will come. If I am strong enough and excellent enough, countless people will flock to you. The greater the mass, the greater the gravity. This is the law of the universe.

I don’t understand women or you, but I can read the desire in your eyes, the desire for power. This is not emotion but desire.

I can understand this. ”

“Then, can you give me strength, just like you once gave Qilin and Cheng Yaowen, I can give more and more. ” Rose, whose thoughts were exposed, simply got straight to the point.

"Why do you think you can give more than Qilin or Yaowen?" An Lan asked with interest.

"Are you done yet?" The embarrassed Rose finally couldn't hold back and yelled.

"Calm down."

An Lan pressed his palm down and said calmly: "Do you know what you are doing?

You are selling yourself to me. This is a buyer's market. I think as a seller, you need to introduce your selling points and explain why I must trade with you."

Rose's self-esteem was greatly insulted and her face flushed. She wanted to kick An Lan and turn around and leave, but her desire for power still suppressed her impulse.

Suppressing her shame, Qiangwei introduced her own advantages: "Although I am not obviously better than Qilin in terms of figure or appearance, I am not worse than her in any aspect.

And she and I have different styles, which can satisfy your desire to collect stamps. In addition, I don't know if Qilin can let go, but I can definitely let go.

As for those messy little movies you usually watch... You give me power, I can accept whatever you want to do, even if it's group sex with other women.

I think this is my advantage over Qilin.

There is no need to mention Cheng Yaowen, he is at most a thug, but I can warm your bed. Of course, if you have some special fetishes, there is nothing I can do.

Combining the above two points, I want to get stronger power than them, at least to let me compare with gods, and I want to get it in a short time."

After introducing her own advantages, Qiangwei wanted to find a hole in the ground to crawl into, it was too embarrassing.

"It sounds like a very tempting deal."

Just when Qiangwei thought she had won, An Lan changed the subject and said coldly: "But I refuse."

"Are you kidding me?" Qiangwei was furious.

I have abandoned my self-esteem to negotiate a deal with you. I have said such explicit words, and you can't say no?

"Rose, Rose, what did I do to you to make you disrespect me so much?"

An Lan gently stroked the fur on the back of the snow leopard Nicotine, puzzled: "I remember you said a long time ago that the grudges between us are wiped out and we are friends from now on.

I have always kept my promise and treated you as a friend. But you found me today, hoping to use yourself as a bargaining chip in exchange for my power.

You have no respect for me at all, and the same is true for yourself."

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