Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 239: Light Shield Royal Family


When she heard An Lan's question, Zhi Xin was obviously flustered for a moment, and her little hands pinched the hem of her skirt nervously, not knowing how to answer.

The oath of protection is just an oath, and the guardian angel is just a guardian angel. But in many cases, the oath of protection really has extraordinary significance.

Just like many teachers in many schools say, "I just recommend this material, you can buy it or not" and "make-up classes on Saturdays and Sundays, everyone can come if they want."

It seems to be voluntary, but if you really don't buy it or come, you will be called into the office the next day to be criticized for not being motivated, not being good at learning, and having a problem with your attitude.

The guardian angel is the same. Who would believe that it is just protection without any feelings?

When the little angel Zhi Xin was identified as An Lan's guardian angel by Kaisha before her death, she clearly learned that An Lan was the one who matched her best in the known universe.

Regardless of whether she had that intention before, Zhi Xin must have it after making the oath of protection.

All angels yearn for a love that will last a lifetime until death, and Zhi Xin is no exception. How can I love another man if I have already made a vow to protect him?

Just love him, even if this love has been broken.

"At present, I know that there are Sister Yan and Sister Leng." Zhixin hesitated for a long time, but still did not tell her that she had made a vow to protect him.

If there were no Qiangwei and Qilin around, Zhixin would have told her. If there were outsiders, she would still have to take them into consideration. Zhixin could not be as thick-skinned as Yan.

"Is there nothing else? I know all these. Tell me something I don't know."

An Lan smiled and said, "The vow of protection also has other meanings. Aren't there many angels who made vows to protect Kaisha and Yan, saying that they would follow them to the end of time?

No other angels made vows to protect me?

It's not narcissism. The problem is that I am the object of your new angel king, the only male who can move freely in Melo Heaven in a hundred years.

I see that they all have fan clubs."

Fan club?

"Who has a fan club?" Zhixin asked blankly. Why don't I know about this?

"Ryukawa Kaede in Slam Dunk, F4 in Meteor Garden, H4 in Meteor Shower Together.

On a rainy night, with cold iron, I don't think I'm any worse than them."

"Slam Dunk is an anime, and the latter two are idol dramas..."

Zhi Xin was silent for a moment, but still complained: "Idol dramas, you can't watch them with your brain, if you take them seriously, you will lose."

Qilin and Qiangwei, who were eavesdropping nearby, laughed out loud.

I originally thought that Zhi Xin was the same type of girl next door and a good girl as the little angel Lan Yuan, but I didn't expect that she could also spit out such sharp complaints.

"Do you really not know, or do you pretend not to know?"

An Lan sat down next to Zhi Xin, staring at Zhi Xin's clear amber eyes and squinting and smiling, seemingly easy-going but inexplicably strong.

"Really... really don't know."

Zhi Xin stuttered in response, with red cheeks and evasive eyes.

An Lan probably understood that one of the people who made a vow to protect him that day must be Zhi Xin. I won't say it now, probably because Qiangwei and Qilin are still here.

If there is nothing to hide, Zhixin will never be so shy and will definitely deny it openly.

"Hey, hey, hey, why are you bullying a little girl? You have nothing to do all day, you can go play with your phone or game console."

Qilin saw that the scene was ambiguous, and spoke up to help Zhixin out at the right time. Then she stood up and sat between Anlan and Zhixin, separating the two.

"Little girl?

I bet a hundred yuan that Zhixin is older than the oldest ancestor in your family tree."

"Is she not a little girl when she is old?"

Qilin asked back, and took out a stack of banknotes from her pocket, took out one and threw it to Anlan.

Then she folded the banknotes and put them back in her pocket, then held Zhixin's hand and comforted him: "Hundreds and thousands of years old, it's still young for an angel, don't bother with him."

As cruel as wealth is to men, age is as cruel to women. Women on Earth are generally more sensitive to age, even Qilin has become a super soldier.

"I know, Sister Qilin."

Zhi Xin nodded and said cutely: "The life span of second-generation angels is generally around 10,000 years. I am 523 years old this year, which is indeed very young among angels.

We angels are not so sensitive to age."

Second-generation angels have a life span of 10,000 years?

Qiangwei and Qilin were so annoyed. It was really annoying to compare people. The most perfect Shenhe life form in the known universe was not exaggerated.

The original purpose of Shenhe civilization's god-making technology was to solve the problem of the short life span of Shenhe life forms, and then gradually developed it for war applications.

In Shenhe's mainstream technology system, the life span of a first-generation super soldier is no more than a thousand, the second generation is no more than 3,000, and the quasi-third generation is no more than ten thousand. Angels are better. Their life span is generally one level higher than that of super soldiers in other civilizations.

Qiangwei said sourly: "The value of life does not depend on its length, but its height.

It is actually quite boring to live too long. As long as you are bright enough, dazzling enough, and happy enough while you are alive, and realize most of your wishes and expectations, then there will be basically no regrets in life."

An Lan looked at Qiangwei in surprise. How could this poor student say such philosophical words? If I remember correctly, Qiangwei should not like reading very much.

Qiangwei noticed Anlan's eyes, and felt that Anlan's eyes were not very polite. She was probably thinking about something very offensive in her heart. She snorted coldly and turned her head away without interrupting.

"I will try my best to realize all my wishes and expectations."

Zhi Xin nodded and stole a glance at Anlan in a rather hidden way. I have already paid this oath of protection, so I will never be unable to pursue love for the rest of my life, right?

In the midst of "intrigue and deception", the few people spent a fairly pleasant afternoon, adding a little rare color to their busy lives.

After the picnic, Qilin and Qiangwei once again devoted themselves to the great cause of saving the earth, flying around the earth as the earth police.

Although Anlan has a strong possessiveness, it is not to an outrageous degree. He must let his girlfriend live around him all the time, and cannot have her own career and goals to strive for.

Things like goals and wishes are small and cute.

Everyone has goals and beliefs that they can work hard for. When they are tired on the road of life, they gather together to comfort each other and take a break.

Anlan likes this rhythm.

Two days later

While most of the Shenzhou people were immersed in the fragrance of dreams, a bright meteor dragged its tail and landed on the sea near Juxia City.

An Lan stared at the meteor, took out his mobile phone and called Cheng Yaowen: "Yaowen, yes, it's me.

Come to the training ground, dress up a little, it doesn't matter if you embarrass me, but don't embarrass the Guangdun Royal Family, you know?"

Cheng Yaowen's heart trembled slightly on the other side of the phone. He has been waiting for this day for too long.

A long time ago, Cheng Yaowen dreamed that one day he would go to Lieyang, not to destroy Lieyang, not to prove how powerful he was.

Just want to tell the universe that what the Guangdun Royal Family lost will be taken back by hand!


Cheng Yaowen hung up the phone, and in silence, he turned out a leather suitcase that he had treasured for a long time from under the bed in the dormitory. After wiping off the dust on it, he opened it and carefully took out a set of stone black clothes stored in it.

That was the formal attire worn by the last patriarch of the Light Shield royal family, Cheng Yaowen's father, before he ascended the throne when he was young. It was as solemn as the imperial robe and crown.

When you first go to Yunlan Sect, you must dress more formally.

Like most of the complicated clothes that are only worn on formal occasions, this set of clothes is also very troublesome to wear. Even if someone is serving, it usually takes more than ten minutes to put it on.

But Cheng Yaowen only took 8 minutes to put on this set of clothes, meticulously without any flaws.

Every night after coming to Earth, Cheng Yaowen would dream of himself wearing this set of clothes in his sleep, rebuilding his home with the remnants of Denor on a new planet.

Just like Zhang Chi in "Speeding Life", he was driving while in prison.

Cheng Yaowen loves Earth and his parents on Earth, but this does not conflict with wanting to rebuild Denor civilization. He and Dukao have completely different ideas and values.

Analogous to the Three Kingdoms period, Dukao is Zhang Zhao of the Sun Wu Group. Although he is a high-ranking official, he is a firm believer in surrender.

Being a subordinate of Sun Quan is no different from being a subordinate of Cao Cao. This is the case with aristocratic families. The iron camp is permanent, but the rivers and mountains are changing.

The same is true for Dukao. Although he was once the joint military commander of the Deno civilization, he lacks a certain obsession compared to Cheng Yaowen.

Dukao cares about the continuation of Deno's technology and civilization, while Cheng Yaowen cares more about the continuation of the Deno flag and the symbol of the Light Shield Royal Family.

Just like Murong Fu in "The Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils" has been thinking about restoring the Great Yan Kingdom all his life, many emperors will urgently abdicate the throne to others in order not to be the king of the country when the country is at stake.

No one can blame Cheng Yaowen's choice. He just wants to bring honor to his ancestors. Maybe it's vulgar, but it's not shameful.

Cheng Yaowen, dressed neatly, came to An Lan with a confident step. Perhaps because his long-cherished wish is about to come true, his mental outlook has changed a lot.

Less calm, more energetic than a young man of this age should be.

"The clothes are pretty good, did you ask someone to customize them yourself?" An Lan looked at Cheng Yaowen and asked with a smile.

An Lan wore casual clothes, while Cheng Yaowen, as a subordinate, wore a more formal "imperial robe", which seemed to be presumptuous but was actually very reasonable.

The subordinate relationship between the two was not "monarch and minister", but "main god and subordinate civilization monarch".

In major ceremonies such as worshiping the main god, offering sacrifices to the gods, etc., the monarch would wear solemn and formal clothes, which was a respect for the main god.

"It's the clothes my father wore when he was alive."

Cheng Yaowen answered honestly. Now he couldn't afford to customize a set of royal robes that were top-notch in the universe in terms of materials and workmanship.

"How is the dangerous trigger adapting?" An Lan asked.

"I've used it twice, and the danger level of 5.4 is probably my current limit. If it exceeds 5.4, there will be a risk of losing control."

"The danger level of 5.4 plus the dangerous trigger should be enough, if your goal is not to destroy the entire Lieyang."

An Lan smiled and hinted.

So far, An Lan is very satisfied with Cheng Yaowen and intends to support Cheng Yaowen as his spokesperson.

The demons have Kunsa and the demon civilization, Carl has the Taotie civilization, and the angels have the Fraser planet and Enixid.

Every god standing at the top of the universe has countless minions spreading his name in the universe.

An Lan doesn't really care about this, but he doesn't reject it. It's just a matter of convenience, why not cultivate Cheng Yaowen, the prince who didn't return from the jungle in the original plot?

Lieyang is An Lan's postgraduate entrance examination for Cheng Yaowen.

No matter what choice Cheng Yaowen makes, An Lan will help him, but the way of helping is different, and the strength of helping is also different.

"Yes, that's enough."

Cheng Yaowen nodded and told his choice: "I am still stronger. I will recover the Light Shield Royal Family and rebuild the new Denor civilization.

After I moved away from the Giant Canyon, I met some Denor survivors and tribesmen and learned more about the truth of the past.

The destruction of Denor civilization is not entirely the responsibility of Lieyang. When the civil war broke out in Denor civilization, the son of Lieyang Lord God, that is, Reina's father, went to persuade the fight, but was accidentally killed by Denor civilization.

The Lord of Lieyang experienced the pain of losing his son, and he was so angry that he detonated the sun of Denor civilization and destroyed the Denor galaxy.

This is a complicated grievance between the previous generation. Both sides are at fault. I don't want to put an end to these grievances.

This time I went to Lieyang, I just wanted to tell the known universe that Denor civilization is back, and by the way, find the lost glory and confidence of the Light Shield Royal Family."

What determines the rise and fall and glory of a family and a civilization?

It's God!

This god can be created from the bottom up, by the accumulation of tens of thousands of years of technological civilization, or it can be created by a higher-level existence with the help of a mechanical deity.

The universe only believes in power, and no one cares where your power comes from.

An Lan narrowed his eyes slightly, and Cheng Yaowen made the choice that satisfied him the most.

An Lan knew about the affairs of the Denor survivors and the rest of the Light Shield Royal Family.

Dukao Lianfeng and others perfectly integrated into the earth, regarded themselves as Shenzhou people, and lived a happy life. However, the Denor survivors and the Light Shield Royal Family formed a different faction, and what they were thinking in their hearts could be known without saying anything.

It was nothing more than not agreeing with Dukao's decision, and planned to look for opportunities to rebuild the Denor civilization on a new planet.

They may not have many resources, but they are not short of technology, at least stronger than most ordinary god-making civilizations.

Cheng Yaowen, the direct descendant of the Light Shield Royal Family and the new king who was now deified by An Lan's machine, is the only candidate they can support and the best candidate.

Their presence would influence Cheng Yaowen's thoughts and make him more determined in his choices and decisions.

It was precisely because he knew that these people were there that An Lan only gave Cheng Yaowen a copy of "The Count of Monte Cristo" as a hint, and did not let Heifeng use any psychological suggestion in his sleep.

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