Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 258 The winner is...

Ping A Zang's ultimate move, in order to conceal the attack, An Lan had tried his best to hide the power of the attack inside his body.

The power of the huge black hole, which was comparable to the strongest power exerted in the previous battle with Kesha, was completely hidden by An Lan without any trace being exposed.

At this moment, An Lan was undoubtedly a human-shaped black hole, and he would die if he touched it.

If An Lan's opponent were someone else, such as Liang Bing, He Xi, or even Peak Kesha, they would most likely be hidden from them.

They will definitely make judgments based on their lack of understanding of the power of black holes.

But An Lan's opponent is Mr. E, an invincible person who mastered the power of black holes many years earlier than An Lan and whose main danger level is 9.0 or even 10.0.

Although An Lan did not project the drive, Mr. E still captured the truth through clues the moment An Lan mobilized his power.


This is your limit, aibo~

Then I will accompany you and let me see who is more powerful between you and me. "

Mr. E laughed wildly and turned the joystick of the drive.

It’s the same 50-fold increase, and it’s also the end of a black hole. Although Mr. E is a little slower, it’s not too slow.

"Black Hole Finish!"

Compared to An Lan, who had restrained energy, Mr. E's black hole power was exposed without any disguise, and the space, time, and force fields around him were all distorted and shattered.

One is bold and the other is reserved, but both are equally domineering.

When the two human-shaped black holes, whose gravitational force exceeded the stars, collided together, the entire star field collapsed.

Black hole collisions and star collisions are extremely rare situations in the entire universe. The former will be recorded in the history of every god-making civilization, while the latter usually mainly occurs in binary star systems.

Conservation of energy and conservation of matter are the eternal laws of the universe. Even the knight systems of Void and Anlan can only mobilize forces from outside the universe and temporarily break the conservation of energy within the universe.

When two black holes collide in a binary star system, the amount of mass lost will be equal to the amount of gravitational waves released.

The mass of the black hole created by the black hole trigger is actually very low, but it uses a special method to overdraw the life of the black hole, allowing the gravitational waves released by the black hole to increase by hundreds of thousands or even millions of times in a short period of time.

An Lan's knight kick is about 1.8 times the "gravity" of the sun, while E's knight kick is even stronger.

After two special black holes collide, neither one devours the other, but rubs, collides, and offsets each other like two millstones turning in opposite directions.

The two black holes cancel each other out. As time goes by, the two get closer and closer, and the rotation speed also accelerates. The accompanying gravitational wave emission frequency becomes higher and higher, and the intensity gradually increases.

Two seconds later, An Lan and Mr. E really collided together, followed by a super explosion, bursting out with dazzling light and intense gamma ray radiation. Subsequently, the intensity of the radiated gravitational waves also reached its peak.

The accompanying gamma ray bursts and gravitational wave bursts spread out in all directions at the speed of light.

This gamma-ray burst only lasted for two seconds, but the light and heat released in these two seconds was equivalent to the total energy released by the sun in 10 billion years, or even more.

Terror, violence, and extinction are all synonymous with gamma ray bursts. The universe is so big and the number of civilizations is as bright as the galaxy. Why are so few able to evolve to the level of god-making civilization?

Gamma ray bursts are one of the reasons.

Gamma ray bursts have almost wiped out 90% of the space in the universe, and even if they are far away, gamma ray bursts that are weakened countless times can cause the extinction of civilization on the planet. Many planets that could have given birth to life and civilization have suffered from gamma ray bursts. After the attack of the ray burst, they will become lifeless.

For example, the Earth experienced a mass extinction 500 million years ago due to a gamma-ray burst tens of millions of light-years away.

If killing is a crime, then An Lan is the most evil person in the universe at this moment.

The aftermath of his fight with Chief Knight E was enough to turn planets and civilizations without the ability to withstand gamma ray bursts within a radius of tens of millions of light years into a death star.

Gamma-ray bursts are followed by gravitational waves.

The essence of gravity is "space-time distortion." The sudden disappearance of three times the mass of the sun is like a stone thrown into a calm lake, completely distorting space and time within a certain range.

This is the effect of mass on space-time.

After gravitational waves and gamma ray bursts, there are various rays, X-rays, radiation...

At this moment, all high-level civilizations monitoring this battle in the universe, including the big clock of Death God Karl, all had their supercomputers shut down.

Black holes are taboo forces, and the collision of black holes with black holes is the taboo among taboos.

The legendary civilization that indirectly created life in the void could only use stars to cool black holes. How can a mere celestial-level supercomputer monitor and analyze the collision of black holes?

Give them time and they might be able to work out something. But if you want to do real-time settlement analysis, it is absolutely impossible. You don’t have the computing power to know.

Although the strength of the two of them is at best comparable to that of Peak Kesha, their ability levels are much higher and more terrifying.

Kesha is just strong, An Lan and E are always scary and incomprehensible.

"It's a gamma ray burst!"

The moment the Tiandao Tower went down, everyone in Lieyang was also dazzled by the imperial light in the virtual image, and at the same time they raised their arms to cover their eyes.

Although a gamma-ray burst lasts only two seconds, the light it causes lasts for several hours.

Pan Zhen rubbed his sour eyes and exclaimed: "No wonder His Highness wants to place the battle venue tens of millions of light years away.

I originally thought that the battle His Highness had with Xuantianji a few days ago was the ultimate level of terror. Compared to today, it pales into insignificance.

Black holes are truly terrifying powers.

If His Highness were to confront the enemy near the Lieyang Galaxy, Lieyang would have to spend all his strength to resist the aftermath of the gamma ray burst produced during their battle.

And because of the radiation effects of gravitational waves and gamma ray bursts, many of Lieyang's technological systems may all fail, and none of the super warriors below the third generation of gods may survive. "

Such terrifying destructive power is just the aftermath.

A full-force black hole kick with a danger level of 7.0 can shatter stars, and the aftermath can sweep away all life on nearby planets.

An Lan, who had high hopes and greatest fear from Kesha, revealed all his ferocity at this moment.

A god who can freely create special black holes is a god who can sweep across all civilizations in the universe!

And what will be the outcome of the victory or defeat between this terrifying human god and his opponent?

"What's the matter with shooting and not exploding?"

Reina, who was ignorant and unskilled, frowned and shouted anxiously: "I just want to know who won between An Lan and his father. The fight should be over by now."

Yes, the battle is over, this is the consensus of all onlookers.

But due to the impact of gamma ray bursts, at that moment, all the celestial computers of all civilizations shut down. What the hell, it’s the climax. Isn’t this more abominable than a broken dog?

"Is the Tiandao Tower restored?" Pan Zhen also turned around and asked eagerly.

"It has been restored. The Tiandao Tower was just down for a moment." The clairvoyant beside Pan Zhen replied.


Pan Zhen nodded slightly and ordered: "Clairvoyant, I grant you the sub-top authority of Tiandao Tower. Quickly cooperate with Tiandao Tower, master the monitoring system and observe the battlefield."

"Yes." Clairvoyant decisively accepted the responsibility.

As one of Lieyang's quasi-third-generation super warriors, the clairvoyant super gene focuses on detection capabilities. His eyesight alone can surpass many third-generation war gods.

After cooperating with the Tiandao Tower, a powerful combination of super computers and super genes can be achieved, and the investigation capability is increased by dozens or hundreds of times.

Even if doing so will cause damage to the clairvoyant's own body and genes, so what?

Even if Pan Zhen doesn't give orders, Clairvoyant plans to petition and use the Tiandao Tower to watch the final outcome of this battle.

If you hear the word in the morning, you will die in the evening! For clairvoyants, being able to see the ending with your own eyes is definitely worth losing your life!

Pan Zhen waved his hand, summoning many auxiliary equipment and equipping them on Clairvoyant.

With the help of the Tiandao Tower and many instruments, the clairvoyant who looked with all his strength had already seen the battlefield again.

The light, electromagnetic waves, rays, and gravitational waves that remain near the battlefield have a great impact on the vision of clairvoyants.

Even if the Tiandao Tower is fully powered and special algorithms are used to optimize the picture, the clairvoyant's vision is still not very clear.

Following the areas and units with the highest energy index on the battlefield, the clairvoyant eyes locked onto the targets and investigated them. Enhance your eyesight and then enhance it, optimize Tiandao Tower and then optimize it.

The clairvoyant finally vaguely saw two figures in the ray storm. The energy index and vitality activity of one of the figures is obviously much higher than that of the other figure.

"Look...I saw it!"

Qianli's eyes were about to burst, and he said in surprise: "The battle is over, the victory or defeat has been decided... One of the parties has almost completely lost its vitality and ability to move.

The victor... is... just...

Uh... uh... uh..., I still can't see clearly..."

"Diulei Loumu, why don't you focus and see clearly!"

The elegant and easy-going Reina immediately uttered a curse word, "You are making it like the noun is revealed at the end of every issue of "I Am a Singer". Why don't you make people think so?"

"Project what you see first." Pan Zhen also urged, not paying attention to Reina's foul language.

If Pan Zhen didn't care about his status as a Confucian general, Pan Zhen would have wanted to scold him for being a clairvoyant.

Without talking anymore, the clairvoyant pushed the super gene to the extreme, using the most focused eyes to see the target most clearly, and at the same time projected the image on the retina.

After seeing that video, everyone understood why the clairvoyant said they couldn't see clearly.

The battlefield is already full of light, rays, and radiation. An Lan's Saint Black Hole Dragon Armor and Mr. E's Black Hole Snake Armor are exactly the same in theme, color, and even breastplate.

It is indeed difficult to distinguish between the two.

And when all kinds of light, radiation and rays in the battlefield are optimized, the victor will appear in front of everyone in the Lieyang.

Just as his helmet was fully exposed, we were able to confirm the identity of the victor. With this most powerful and domineering snake-shaped mask flashing out, the winner can only be him...


After all, he was the stronger and more experienced of the two.

Especially when An Lan had to risk his life for a chance of survival due to the chain reaction of a mistake, it was also reasonable for E to always win!

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!

My husband is invincible, how could he lose, how could he lose! ? "Leina turned pale for a moment, unwilling to accept this fact.

Although she resisted this fact, Reina still did not look away. She still wanted to wait for a reversal.

Merlot Heaven.

Yan closed his eyes and lowered his head, feeling an indescribable sadness and sorrow flow through his heart.

Alas, An Lan, my love, did you still not win after all?


"What the hell, hurry up and prepare a big insect bridge for me. I'm going to chop up that old bastard."

Liang Bing kicked over the table in the command room and used the insect bridge to move over to save An Lan. Even if he couldn't save him, he still had to kill Evolto to avenge An Lan.

"Calm down, queen, calm down!"

Heifeng flew to the ground and explained: "It's too late for you to go there now. It's almost a day's travel time. How can you compare with An Lan's father's space warp?

Wait, maybe there will be a reversal. Even if there is no reversal, there is no rush to avenge An Lan. His father is so powerful, and he must be planned to kill him. "


Liang Bing cursed again, but temporarily suppressed the sadness and anger in his heart, looking forward to a reversal.

On the battlefield.


Mr. E who won the victory laughed wildly and said: "aibo~

It seems that between you and me, I am better. Your journey can only end here. "

An Lan didn't reply. He didn't have the energy to reply at all.

If we only count the physical condition, An Lan is indeed weaker. But the difference in physical condition is not enough to make the two people's conditions look so different.

The injury that really made An Lan unable to move came from the mental level.

When fighting President E, An Lan's bloodline genes and will were burning uncontrollably just like the long-lasting dragon I once was.

What's even more troublesome is that An Lan's body and will, the human side and the vampire side, are both integrated and opposed.

At this moment, An Lan was seriously injured. The human side was severely injured and his consciousness was blurred. The blood side's consciousness became stronger and stronger as the genes became active.

An Lan's brain was in chaos, and his consciousness was almost split apart.

"Then, I will accept your vampire genes without mercy."

Mr. E laughed again, stretched out his hand and pressed it on An Lan's facial armor, using the vampire's racial talent of devouring and merging, to take back the power he had given away more than twenty years ago.

With interest.

After the victory, he would immediately devour the opponent, not giving An Lan any chance to survive and fight back, and then break through the world barrier from within in advance.

Such a choice is absolutely reasonable!

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