Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 275 It’s time for Dad to kill you

Even though Hua Ye has been upgraded to the fourth generation of divine body, and even though the god of death Carl is the only phantom in the known universe, both of them have reached the peak of the universe in terms of strength and realm.

But in the eyes of Mr. E, whose life level has reached an indescribable realm, they are just ants that can be crushed to death at will.

After arguing for a long time, the two finally discovered that in Carl's study, there was an extra person who should not exist and could not exist.

Who is it? Could it be that An Lan has come to kill him?

The two looked at the corner where Mr. E was as if they were facing a great enemy. After seeing Mr. E's appearance clearly, they were even more silent and confused.

Evolto! Didn't he die in the fight with An Lan?

A mysterious strong man who suddenly appeared in the known universe a long time ago and challenged the devil, Melo Heaven, and An Lan at the same time, has a temperament and equipment that is almost exactly the same as An Lan.

Even though Evolto has been killed by An Lan, the high-level civilizations in the known universe still remember this existence. How many people in the past and present can fight An Lan to that extent?

If Evolto is only as strong as he was that day, Death God Karl and Hua Ye will not be too panicked. Hua Ye has absolute confidence that even if it is not low, the difference in strength between him and An Lan that day will not be too far.

But the Evolto in front of him is too weird.

It is said that those who are good at fighting have no illustrious achievements, and the gods are hidden by themselves. This principle does not apply to Evolto.

With just one glance, Death God Karl and Hua Ye saw the terrifying scene of multiple universes and worlds turning into nothingness under the destruction of black holes, and thousands of civilizations turning into wasteland overnight.

No match.

Even if the two of them joined forces, exerted their divine power to the extreme, and raised the divine body to the fifth, sixth, or even the imaginary seventh and eighth generations, they would definitely not be able to defeat him!

"Why don't you chat anymore?"

E walked out of the darkness slowly, pushed his brown sunglasses, and asked with a smile: "Wasn't it very active just now?"

Hua Ye remained silent.

Death God Carl was silent for a long time, and finally the scholar's desire for knowledge overcame his fear, and asked tremblingly: "Are you... Void?"

Void creatures are the ultimate fear that Carl has always pursued.

Such powerful strength, such terrifying momentum, such a suffocating level of life, with Carl's "shallow" knowledge, he can only think of a void.


E thought about it and said disdainfully: "Are you referring to the bug that has been resisting me in the world barrier?

It does have some strength, but compared with my Evolto, it is far from enough, and it is only worthy of being my dessert."


E, who broke through the world barrier, has swallowed the so-called void.

Death God Carl's desire for knowledge was satisfied, but more and more questions arose in his heart. Isn't the void the strongest existence in the known universe?

If even the void can be swallowed, then what is Evolto? Where does An Lan, who agrees with him, come from?

After thinking hard for a long time, the God of Death Carl finally figured out everything and laughed heartily: "I understand, I finally figured it out..."

Since you understand, then go to hell.

Mr. E was unwilling to talk to the two of them. He pointed out with one finger, and a black hole with infinitely small volume, infinite mass and gravity shot at the two of them.

The God of Death Carl did not resist at all. If even the void can be swallowed, then any resistance he made would be in vain.


On the contrary, Hua Ye on the side was unwilling to die. He immediately drove the black hole engine to the maximum power, condensed all the energy that could be condensed, and needed to generate a black hole to fight against Mr. E.

He is the power of the black hole, and I am also the power of the black hole. How can there be any reason to surrender?

But the facts told Hua Ye that even if they are both the power of the black hole, there is a difference in superiority.

Under the influence of the powerful black hole power of E, even if Hua Ye tried his best, he still couldn't generate a complete black hole. The energy he condensed, himself, and the god of death Carl were all swallowed up by the black hole pointed out by E in an instant, turning into the purest energy.

After swallowing the two people, the infinitesimal black hole expanded to a diameter of about ten centimeters in a moment.

This is the manifestation of incomplete digestion of energy.

E did not absorb it, but looked up at the starry sky, his sight passed through the endless space and the sea of ​​stars, and locked onto An Lan in the Melo Heaven.

He casually threw the black hole in his hand twice, and then threw it towards An Lan with a little force.

Under the influence of such a powerful black hole, time and space have no meaning. Everything along the way, whether it is a planet or a ray burst, space, or dark energy, is absorbed and swallowed by it.

Finally, after a few minutes, this black hole that absorbed countless energy crossed a distance of hundreds of millions of light years and came to the outside of Melo Heaven.

"Aibo, this is the gift from your father."

An Lan, who had already said goodbye to He Xi, stepped out of the Melo Heavenly Palace and stretched out a hand to hold the flying black hole containing countless energies.

It is no exaggeration to say that the energy in this black hole can even be compared with all the energy that An Lan has swallowed so far.

The next moment, Mr. E, who was in the Styx Galaxy, also came across the endless starry sky, stared at An Lan and smiled: "My son, it's time for your father to kill you.

Swallow him, come and fight."

This kind of serious behavior of aiding the enemy seems very normal when it is placed on Mr. E.

What's more, the energy contained in this black hole is only one tenth or one hundredth of a universe, so how can it be compared with Mr. E who has swallowed several universes?

Let the enemy strengthen a little, so that this battle will not be too boring!

Anlan summoned the Evol driver and the black hole trigger, pushing the talents of the Blood clan to the extreme, and unceremoniously swallowed the black hole in front of Mr. E.

"Danger level 8.2, 8.3, still rising... Danger level 8.5!"

Seeing Anlan's danger level getting higher and higher, Mr. E was ecstatic and laughed wildly: "That's it, that's what makes it interesting.

The danger level of 8.5 is already the level when I lost to Chuangyue for the first time. Good, great."

Anlan, whose danger level soared to 8.5, did not feel the slightest joy, but became more worried. After all, he still underestimated Evolto.

Just swallowing all this energy, his danger level soared to 8.5. How high should the danger level of Evolto, who almost destroyed multiple world lines of the entire Build universe, be?


I'm afraid this is not his limit. Perhaps the danger level in the conventional sense can no longer be used as a standard to judge his strength.

An Lan, who is deeply aware of the power of Evolto, has not given up hope, because such a powerful Evolto still lost to [Chuangyue].

It's not absolutely impossible for him to win.

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