Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 47 The terrifying An Lan

A few days later.

Teacher Liu, the dean of the Earth Branch of the Super Seminary, Dukao, and Lianfeng gathered in the dean's office of the Super Seminary and stared at the screen in front of them.

"Watch carefully."

Teacher Liu, who looked like Guevara, spoke fluent Mandarin with a Guangxi accent, spoke the standard beginning of a marketing account, and clicked the mouse to pause the picture on the screen.

Then he pointed at An Lan on the screen and introduced: "In this battle with Reina, An Lan switched to 3 forms in total.

The first form should be the lion vacuum cleaner, the second form is the flying eagle Gatling, plus the previous panda rocket.

These three forms have one thing in common, that is, they are all composed of an organic matter and an inorganic matter.

After that, he switched to a Chinese dragon-themed form. This form has some fantasy elements, but it can barely be classified as organic.

Each of his forms has different abilities, and he can flexibly switch forms according to the needs of the enemy and the battle situation. This gives him the ability to face any enemy calmly.

We can believe that these are not the only abilities he can master and the forms he can switch to.

This is a very powerful super soldier. "

Lianfeng also nodded, agreeing with Teacher Liu's analysis.

Dukao frowned and said in disbelief: "Even so, a generation of super warriors almost suppressed Lena, the Light of the Sun.

This is still a bit too dreamy.

Reina is not like Ge Xiaolun Liu Chuang and the others. Although Rena is young, as the main god of the blazing sun, apart from being genetically restricted, she deserves no less education.

She is truly God. "

"This brings us to another strong point of An Lan."

Teacher Liu talked eloquently and continued: "Although the combat power of super soldiers cannot be divided by simple generations.

Equipment, equipped genetic engines, supercomputing support, energy support, mastered abilities, etc., will all become factors that affect combat effectiveness.

An Lan's genes are almost perfect in these aspects.

The Deno civilization's best gene for melee combat is the Noxian God of War. Even so, Nuoxing God of War still needs the support of super computers and huge energy sources in order to exert its strongest strength.

An Lan's genes are not needed. His genes are almost designed for extreme close combat and regular combat.

Just after awakening, he can flexibly master various forms of abilities, stay awake during battle, and always make the best choice.

You could say he imprinted his fighting instincts deeper into his soul than his genes.

It can also be said that the genetic engine carried in his body surpasses the Nuoxing God of War in terms of optimization and calculation capabilities in conventional warfare. In short, he is so powerful.

So powerful that with the comprehensive data of the second-generation super soldier, he can suppress Reina, a true god. "

Genes for fighting?

Dukao frowned in disapproval. Teachers Lingfeng and Liu's comments about An Lan reminded him of a friend he had known for many years: Sun Wukong, the victorious Buddha.

He is also good at conventional combat, has genes from the hands of an unknown master, and has an astonishingly complex skill pool.

And the results are equally amazing.

A thousand years ago, Sun Wukong fought against the Lieyang Heavenly Way. He single-handedly fought against Pan Zhen and the Four Heavenly Guards, five masters who were at least close to the third generation. In the end, both sides suffered losses.

Although there are also reasons why Lieyang underestimates the enemy and Calabash Baby saves Grandpa and sends them away one by one, the monkey's strength is also evident.

The peak third-generation beast body, one of the strongest gods in the universe in conventional combat.

"You're thinking of Goku, right?"

Lianfeng knew what Dukao was thinking when he saw his expression, and smiled: "If Wukong is the strongest third-generation god in conventional combat, then An Lan is the second-generation super warrior who is the strongest in conventional combat.

Although he himself is only at the level of the first generation, his equipment, skills and fighting instincts are so powerful that they are amazingly powerful. "

"This is a master, and it is not appropriate to make enemies." Teacher Liu concluded.

A master with strong strength and uncertain personality like An Lan would be taken seriously once he defected to any major force.

If you get another flame-level weapon or a god-killing level weapon, it will become a headache for everyone.

The statistics of the second generation are overwhelming those of the third generation, and there is a quasi-third generation in between. How terrifying is this combat power? How many gods are there in the entire universe?


Dukao nodded with deep understanding. The Deno civilization was indeed very powerful in the past, but now it has fallen into ruin. There is no need to provoke an opponent that does not need to be provoked.

"By the way, how has An Lan been at the academy in the past few days?" Dukao asked, eager to know if An Lan had any dissatisfaction with the academy.


Speaking of this, Lianfeng's expression suddenly became speechless, and he hesitated for a long time before replying: "He should be doing well in school.

You know, his communication skills are extremely strong, so strong that they can rival his outrageous combat prowess. "


Dukao was slightly startled, never expecting that Lianfeng would make such comments about An Lan's communication skills.

An Lan is a fierce man who can overwhelm Reina with the comprehensive data of the second generation. This level of conventional combat power can only be matched by monkeys in the entire universe.

With the same level of combat power, how strong must your communication skills be?

"Tell me more specifically." Dukao suddenly started gossiping and urged curiously.

Lianfeng, who was speechless, calmed down his emotions, scrolled through the various surveillance screens in the academy, and introduced: "As far as we know.

On the third day after An Lan came to the college, he and Aunt Wang, who was in charge of the cafeteria, became sworn brothers and sisters.

Now, every meal An Lan eats in the cafeteria is prepared by Aunt Wang for him. The level of food far exceeds that of super soldiers such as the dean and Ge Xiaolun. "

Dukao suffered a cardiopulmonary arrest. Is there still such an operation?

"How did he do it?" Dukao asked subconsciously.

He remembered that Aunt Wang in the cafeteria was very good at shaking spoons. Even if the dean went to fetch rice, she would have to shake two kilograms of braised pork until there were only three ounces left.

"Aunt Wang is the vice president of their community's square dance association."

Lianfeng explained in amazement: "An Lan taught Aunt Wang two emerging square dances and helped her defeat the original president and become the new president of the Square Dance Association.

Later, An Lan also gave Aunt Wang some tickets to the Phoenix Legend and Chopstick Brothers concerts, with front row tickets.

As you know, An Lan has written books and songs, and has some connections in that circle. People often give him various tickets and small gifts.

In a daze, he and Aunt Wang became god-brothers. "


Even the well-informed Dukao had to take a breath and say that it was so terrifying and lamented An Lan's power.

Aunt Renwang was the dominant figure in the Super Seminary. She didn't even give the dean and Dukao the respect, so she shook the spoon as she wanted, but An Lan finished it in three days.

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