After An Lan left, Lianfeng, who had always maintained a dignified and generous posture, took out the test tube and tweezers like a thief, and lay down where An Lan was sitting just now.

Carefully collected the hair and blood scabs that fell from An Lan's body.

"Damn it, Chief Lianfeng, are you a little perverted?"

Reina was horrified and exclaimed: "You have collected all these, but you look so much like Chi Chi Chi..."

"Slut." Qilin warned.

"Yes, bitch."

"What do you know?"

Lianfeng, who finally obtained some samples, put the test tubes into his pocket with satisfaction, glanced at Reina, and argued: "There is nothing I can do about it.

An Lan is unwilling to go for a check-up. What if there are any hidden dangers? I can only make this last resort and study his hair and blood samples first. "

By studying these things, can you tell what hidden dangers there are in An Lan's body?

Probably knowing that this reason was really untenable, Lianfeng hesitated for a few words and quickly fled here with the sample.

On the other side, after An Lan walked into the corridor of the faculty dormitory, he used his mimicry ability to turn into blood-red fluid, and then turned into his original appearance again.

In this way, all the injuries and blood stains on the body surface disappeared. Although the condition has not actually been repaired, it at least looks like nothing is wrong.

"I'm back~"

An Lan pushed open the door of the dormitory and shouted as usual.

Angel Yan, wearing a white silk nightgown, stood in front of the door with a smile on his face, handed An Lan a pair of slippers, and welcomed him: "Welcome home, my hero."

"I'm no hero."

An Lan replied subconsciously, put on her slippers, rushed to the sofa, and curled up into the sofa.

Although he has regained his basic mobility, his mental fatigue cannot be erased, and it will take at least a few days for him to fully recover from the side effects caused by using dangerous triggers.

An Lan buried his head in the sofa and joked: "Those who mark the source and provide the link and license plate number under each dirty picture are the real heroes."

"Ha ha……"

Angel Yan was amused by An Lan's answer. He walked to the sofa and sat next to An Lan. He stretched out his hands to massage An Lan.

At the same time, he reminded: "Just after you left, Lianfeng from the Super Seminary collected the hair and blood scabs that you naturally fell from the helicopter.

Although nothing can be learned by studying these things alone, I think it is still necessary to remind you. "

"It doesn't matter, it's not that she can't research anything, she can't research anything."

An Lan buried her head in the sofa and said nonchalantly.

A few days ago, he had left some of his genetic genes in Qiangwei's body as a backup. Afterwards, Qiangqiang went for a check-up, and all the researchers from the Super Seminary were dispatched, but nothing was found.

The blood family's genes are too hidden. Whichever race it mimics, the expression of its genes will become the same as that race.

Seeing An Lan's confidence, Angel Yan probably guessed that An Lan had some special method to hide the true information of genes.

"Move to the left, a little harder..." An Lan commanded while enjoying the angel's service with peace of mind.

Angel Yan changed the position and intensity of the massage according to An Lan's instructions, and joked: "This time you have enjoyed angel-level service."

"Angels are real angels, but the angel level is a little less interesting.

Not much else to say, I will only say one thing: I once joined a group of Cadillac car enthusiasts.

Compared with the real angel-level service, your service is still a million points short of meaning. "

"How can you compare me with those skilled women? I'm an angel!" Angel Yan complained with some dissatisfaction.

"That's really not comparable."

An Lan nodded in agreement and said with emotion: "You are much more attractive than them."

In other words, she is more sexy than those skilled women.

"Then do you like me who is more provocative, or do you like Qilin who is more pure?" Angel Yan asked.


An Lan pondered for a second and replied, "Then I definitely like someone more flirtatious like you."

Cuteness is nothing compared to sexy. Although Qilin also has a sexy figure, Angel Yan is just too flirtatious.

Called Sao for short.

"Hahaha..." Angel Yan covered his mouth and chuckled, very satisfied with An Lan's answer.

What's wrong with being coquettish? Being coquettish is an advantage. Even if you don't accept it, be coquettish!

A moment later, Angel Yan suddenly asked: "After you defeated Crocodile God Soton, a small bottle seemed to burst out. Can you show it to me?"

Angel Yan was really curious.

According to her understanding, An Lan's genes can be used in various small bottles to exert various abilities.

I originally thought that those bottles were developed by his original civilization, but now it seems that is not the case. This guy can actually squeeze bottles by himself.

An Lan, who was lying on the sofa, took out the [Full Bottle of Crocodile God Evolution] from the dark plane and threw it back.


Angel Yan caught the full bottle, stopped massaging, held the [Crocodile God Evolution Full Bottle] in his hand, used the authority to use part of the computing power of the sacred knowledge treasure house, and began to analyze the Crocodile God Full Bottle in his hand.

The more he analyzed it, the more frightened Angel Yan became.

This full bottle actually contains all the dark information of Crocodile God Soton and the composition information of the material body, although this information cannot be copied or moved.

But as long as there are enough resources, using this full bottle as a medium, Crocodile God Soton, the third-generation peak beast body, can be resurrected.

This is equivalent to directly stealing or robbing the research results of Death God Carl, which is the ultimate use-it-as-it-is.

This is only the information that Angel Yan can calculate, and there is more information in the full bottle that Angel Yan cannot calculate.

That information does not belong to Crocodile God Soton, but to Pandora's Box.

Just like in the play "Build", Pandora's Box created 60 full bottles with 60 materials on the earth.

This bottle is also an evolutionary full bottle created by Pandora's Box with Crocodile God Soton as a template, which can interact with the Knight System.

Without any foundation, the sacred knowledge treasure house with no understanding of the Knight System, Pandora's Box, and Nebula Gas, it is basically impossible to analyze this part of the information.

At this time, a homegirl far away in the Angel Nebula also noticed the changes in the Holy Knowledge Treasure House.

"Hey, why is Kaisha's Holy Knowledge Treasure House suddenly occupied by so much computing power? What is that tomboy calculating?"

The Sky King Hexi has her own Sky-based computing group, but it does not mean that she does not have the authority to access the Holy Knowledge Treasure House.

The super genes of female angels, including the fourth generation of the Holy Body of Holy Kaisha, were all developed by Hexi.

As the hidden big daddy of the Melo Heavenly Court, Superman A Guang, and the propulsion wholesaler, Hexi naturally has the authority to access the Holy Knowledge Treasure House, and can even freely call on a considerable part of the computing power.

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