Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 80 What is behind the mountain?

Qilin thought of An Lan's beautiful blonde cousin with long legs whom she met more than half a month ago.

To be fair, Qilin considered herself not as beautiful as her cousin An Lan. The woman named Yan was coquettish but not slutty, especially those long legs that were simply stunning.

I wonder which man can watch this without being confused?

Qilin knew that she could never be An Lan's cousin. Even if she was really a distant cousin, she would definitely be the one who won the certificate after playing the fifth server.

That woman is definitely a rival.

Thinking about it carefully, after An Lan came to Super Seminary, the cousin with whom An Lan had a good relationship seemed to have mysteriously disappeared. An Lan had never been seen talking to her on the phone or chatting on social software.

Qilin felt that An Lan probably wanted to find the cousin named Yan.

"What are you looking at?"

Qilin put her arms on the horizontal bar, raised her head and looked up at An Lan, asking questions and making insinuations.

"I'm looking at the mountains."

An Lan replied, his eyes still not leaving the mountains in the distance.

"What's so beautiful about mountains? If you have this time, why not look at more beauties? Beautiful women are not much prettier than mountains."

Qilin pretended to be casual and hinted: "If you see more beauties and communicate with beauties more, you may be able to embrace the beauties.

If you look at the mountain and see death, can it still run towards you? "

"Beauties are indeed prettier than mountains, such as you." An Lan smiled.

"Uh huh huh." Qilin raised her chin proudly, thinking you were discerning.

An Lan shook the Arctic Ocean in his hand, took out a straw from somewhere, inserted it into the bottle and drank the soda.

Then he looked at the mountains in the distance again and said, "Sometimes I always wonder, what is behind the mountains?"

"Behind the mountain is the enemy." Qilin replied without thinking. This is the theme of "Attack on Titan".

"Do you like "Giant" very much?" An Lan asked.

"well enough."

Qilin held her chin and replied: "Mainly because some of my colleagues liked to watch it in the past, and I also watched a few episodes and knew a few of the plots of this show.

I actually don't like this show very much. "

“It’s best not to like it.

When you have no expectations from the beginning, there will be no disappointment in the end. "

In this world, "Giant" is not over yet. In other words, it's not over yet.

"Seriously, I really want to know what's behind the mountain."

An Lan said solemnly: "I think everyone will go through such a stage.

When you stay in one place for too long, you get tired of the scenery and people around you, and everything you see no longer feels fresh.

At this time, you suddenly see a mountain in front of you. You will definitely want to climb over it to see what is behind the mountain and whether there will be any different scenery. "

Qilin was slightly moved. She had already heard that An Lan wanted to leave.

How could it be like this?

It was obviously you who suddenly appeared in Juxia City from the beginning, arousing my curiosity, unknowingly breaking into my world, and then descending to earth to save everyone on Airport Road.

We came to Super Theological Seminary together. Although we have different identities, we can see each other every day. Spending time with you day and night makes me feel very happy.

I don’t care whether it’s Qiangwei, Mengmeng or the cousin of unknown origin, because at least I haven’t lost yet.

But how can you suddenly say you want to leave?

You said that if one day I fall in love with you, you will marry me. Even if I am not as good as your cousin, I, Qilin, will not be able to fall in your eyes.

Isn’t what you want to do at this time to stay with me, spend time with me day and night, cultivate our relationship, and finally win in one fell swoop?

I can accept your flirting with different women. This at least proves that you don't want to give up on me and I haven't lost yet.

But what do you mean when you suddenly say you want to leave?

Did I lose?

"What else could be behind the mountain?"

Qilin forced a smile and asked herself: "Behind the mountains are mountains, and behind the mountains are still mountains.

If you want to see different scenery, when you actually embark on the journey, you will find that there will be countless mountains in front of you that need to be climbed, because the scenery behind most of the mountains is the same.

In that case, why not stay here?

In fact, you are not tired of seeing the mountains, water and beauties here, you are just curious. My dad said that young people are always like this, full of curiosity about everything.

In fact, the mountains, water and beauties here are not bad, right?

Save the time of climbing over the mountains and stay here to explore the mountains and rivers here. Not only will you be much more relaxed, but you will also get more, because these are what you already have.

At least you have nothing to lose by staying here. "

Qilin was pleading and trying to stay.

I never thought that An Lan would want to leave. When all this actually happened, Qilin realized that she felt very uncomfortable.

It might sound hypocritical to say that I can't accept it and can't let it go, but in short, it's really uncomfortable.

"But there is always a different scenery behind a mountain."

An Lan smiled and said: "I have nearly unlimited time and energy, and everything I spend on climbing the mountain is nothing to me.

As long as I keep walking, sooner or later, I will see a completely different scenery from here. "

“What about the completely different scenery?”

Qilin stared at An Lan and persuaded him earnestly: "Maybe you will be very happy and feel fresh when you see that scenery.

But after a while, you will get tired of everything there and find that there is nothing special there. If you think about it carefully, you will find that the scenery here is actually better.

But when you realize all this, it is very likely that you can no longer turn back."

"Since you can no longer turn back, then continue to climb new mountains."

An Lan added: "After embarking on the journey again, I will find new and different scenery, and at worst I can return to the starting point.

You know, the earth is a circle."

Hearing An Lan's answer, Qilin was speechless for a long time, and her eyes became more and more dim.

"I knew you wouldn't believe it. You won't be willing unless you try it yourself." Qilin said, biting her lip.

"Yeah." An Lan nodded.

"Go ahead.

Before you leave, I have something to tell you. You can turn back.

When one day you get tired of the endless journey and feel that the scenery here is better, you don't have to cross the entire earth, but can turn back directly.

The scenery and beauties here will always wait for you."

Qilin didn't want An Lan to keep climbing over. She would wait, but she didn't want to wait forever.

Because if she didn't wait until the end, it would only prove that she lost, and no one likes the taste of losing.

The new black belt is so cool.

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