Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 98 Humble Love [Subscribe]

"I seem to have seen An Lan."

Qilin finally came to her senses after being pushed by Reina, but her eyes were still a little blurred, as if her eyes were covered by some mist.

At this point, Qilin wanted to cry again.

Qilin has not contacted An Lan since An Lan left. Although she has An Lan's QQ, WeChat, and mobile phone numbers, Qilin wants to give An Lan some personal space.

At the same time, I also had some thoughts to relieve my anger, hoping that An Lan would take the initiative to contact her one day.

I finally thought about it a few days ago, and when I wanted to contact An Lan proactively, I found that I couldn't get in touch with him, whether it was WeChat, QQ or the phone.

Either it can't get through, or the information can't be sent at all.

"An Lan, what An Lan?"

Reina was in a daze for a moment before she woke up and exclaimed: "Damn it, where did you see him?

Two days ago, I asked him to borrow money and asked him to give me 8,000, but he ignored me. "


Qilin pointed to the end of the street and whispered: "When I looked up just now, I vaguely saw someone turning from that intersection to the next street.

He looks a bit like An Lan, but I'm not sure if it's him. "

Not like, but very similar.

Although she only saw it vaguely, Qilin was more than 60 to 70% sure that it was An Lan. It was just the complicated emotions in her heart that made Qilin want to confirm, but she was unwilling to confirm.

"Then let's go chase him quickly."

Reina pulled Qilin towards the intersection and shouted: "Goddess, I have money now, a full three million, let's see if he still dares to take advantage of me because I owe him 8,000 yuan.

Don’t reply to my message, hum. "

Reina moved forward and pulled a few times, but found that she couldn't pull Qilin back.

Qilin stood there and competed with Reina, her long, round, fair and slender legs tightly nailed to the ground, still refusing to take a step forward.

"You don't want to see him?" Qiangwei let go of her hand and turned back to ask in confusion.

"Think." Qilin's eyes were complicated.

"Then why don't you come with me to find him? Even if that person isn't him, it doesn't matter, it only takes a few minutes."

Qilin's eyes were dark, she bit her lip and said, "I don't want to see him now."

Lena:? ? ?

The experience of more than a dozen bloody Korean dramas and romance novels told Reina that there must be some hidden secret in this.

"Why don't you want to see him now?" Reina asked.

Qilin kept silent.

Reina, who smelled the scent of the big melon, was reluctant and pestered Qilin for a long time. The latter couldn't bear Reina's pestering, so she bit her lips and said with wet eyes: "I saw that there was a woman next to the man who was suspected of being An Lan. .

They wear all famous brands and have good figures and looks. "

"Is it An Lan's cousin?" Reina asked subconsciously. She remembered that Qilin seemed to have a psychological shadow on An Lan's cousin.

"No, but it's not worse than that cousin." Qilin shook her head.

"Damn, then it's An Lan who's designated."

Reina slapped her thigh and shouted: "Qiangwei said that An Lan is like the male protagonist in those bloody urban supernatural novels, always meeting all kinds of beautiful women in a daze.

His cousin is so good-looking. Except for a few of us, I have never seen anyone with similar looks to his cousin.

That woman is no worse than his cousin, and the man you see is definitely An Lan, who is destined to commit suicide. "

After saying that, Reina took Qilin's arm to walk that way, and at the same time shouted: "Elbow, I want to see what kind of woman can make An Lan not want our Qilin."


Qilin suddenly shook off Reina's hand and said firmly with a cry in her voice: "That's definitely not An Lan.

He likes me the most. He said that I am his favorite person.

I remember that he really hated going shopping with women. The last time I went shopping with him, it was as if his soul had been sucked out of him, and he was not very energetic the whole afternoon.

The man I just saw was talking and laughing with the woman next to her. How could he be An Lan?

When he went shopping with me, he looked half-dead..."

Qilin's voice gradually dropped, her eyes moist.

Reina was stunned again. As naive as she felt, Qilin's reasoning was not unreasonable.

If An Lan was half-dead even when he went shopping with his favorite person, then the man who was talking and laughing with the woman next to him just now must not be An Lan.


Unless An Lan's favorite person is not Qilin, that's why he is half dead when he is with Qilin, and full of life when he is with another woman.

Qilin thought of the second possibility, but she was unwilling to admit it.

Reina also thought of the second possibility, but she didn't say it. Hanhan is not an idiot. If you say this, your emotional intelligence will be too low.

"I have to go and see it after all..."

Reina persuaded with some numbness: "Let's confirm from a distance that it's really not him, and you will feel better."

"What if it's him?" Qilin put forward a hypothesis.

"Then of course you have to confront him, ask him why he didn't reply to your message, ask him why he fell in love with you."

Lena said without thinking.

This is how it is played in TV dramas. The first wife sees her husband and his mistress shopping, and then confronts her and makes them angry. Rena felt that with two people on their side, they would definitely be able to tear the vixen apart.

The advantage is mine!

"I didn't go with him at the beginning." Qilin reminded in a low voice.


Only then did Reina realize that An Lan and Qilin did not seem to have a confirmed relationship. When she left the Super Seminary some time ago, she invited Qilin to leave with her but was rejected.

Strictly speaking, Qilin's current state is unrequited love.


Qilin choked up and said, "If the man who goes shopping with the woman is really An Lan.

Then if you and I suddenly appeared in front of him, looking like we were on the verge of death, he would definitely be very distressed and embarrassed.

Even if he can quickly find various reasons to excuse it, he will definitely blame me for being ignorant of current affairs. What if he doesn't like me because of this matter..."

Lena:? ? ?

I said, girl, he is already shopping with other women, talking and laughing, and you still care about whether he dislikes you because of embarrassment.

Is your love too humble?

"Then let's send him a WeChat message and see if he replies to you."

When it comes to the gossip about best friends and good brothers, Hanhan Lena's IQ suddenly increased to an incredible level, and she suggested: "If he didn't reply to messages before, it's probably because he went to some place where the signal was not good.

If that person was him just now, then he will definitely receive your message. If he doesn't reply to you, just pretend that he is still in a place where there is no signal.

If he replies, it proves that he has a signal now. Let's ask him where he is now. There is no need to meet him in person, and there will be no awkwardness. "


Makes sense.

Qilin thought for a while, then hesitantly took out her phone, clicked on the button, found An Lan's pinned + special notification, and clicked on the information bar.

Reina put her face closer, glanced at the screen of her phone, and saw An Lan's gray profile picture and Qilin's dozens of unanswered messages.

Qilin was thinking while quickly tapping the keyboard on the phone screen with her thumbs to edit a long paragraph.

Then modify it, add emojis, emoticons, adjust modal particles and modify punctuation marks to make the whole paragraph more tactful and comfortable.

After revising it many times, I still felt dissatisfied, so I simply deleted all the text and sent it with a "Are you there" and a question mark?

Reina was quite shocked when she saw Qilin's operation. It turns out that there are so many ways to chat. An expression, a kaomoji, and a modal word can subtly change the meaning of the entire paragraph.

Why were they all deleted in the end?

Message sent successfully.

Qilin's eyes lit up. This was the first time in recent days that she had successfully sent a message.

Then Qilin's eyes dimmed again. An Lan received the message. Doesn't that mean that he has returned to the place where he can receive the message? That person just now...

Not long after, the dialog box on the screen jumped, and An Lan's message was sent back.

[Here, what’s the matter, Qilin? 】

An Lan doesn't always talk nonsense, he just habitually talks nonsense and useless content.

"Hurry up!"

Reina urged with an anxious look on her face: "Ask him where he is now and ask him to send you the coordinates and start a video."

Qilin ignored Reina, but still did as Reina said, edited a message and sent it.

[Nothing special, I just wanted to ask where you have traveled. (smiley face)]

More than thirty seconds later, An Lan's message was sent back, along with a short video of about ten seconds.

[When I arrived in Tubo, I just came out of the no-man’s land of Hoh Xil. Now I plan to go to the Kunlun Mountains and the Himalayas to see]

Qilin clicked on the short video and looked at it. It was a short video taken by An Lan using the front camera of her mobile phone. The majestic Kunlun Mountains were in the distance in the background.

This video was taken by An Lan in Tubo a few days ago. It only lasts about ten seconds.

In order to prove that the video was taken now, An Lan also edited the video properties and added a filter with flying fingers.

Hoh Xil no man's land?

No wonder I haven't responded to messages in the past few days. There is no signal in no man's land. Isn't this normal?

Qilin immediately smiled and edited another message and sent it.

[Kunlun Mountains and Himalayas?

It's amazing. One is the most mysterious mountain range in myths and legends, and the other is the mountain range with the highest peak in the world. I hope you have fun. 】

After chatting with An Lan for a few more words, Qilin put away her phone with satisfaction and said with a smile: "It's been confirmed, An Lan is in Tubo and just came out of the no-man's land.

The time was right, and he even took a selfie video and sent it to me.

The man just now was not An Lan, it was all my imagination. I must have missed him so much that I misjudged him. "

"Who are you fooling?"

Detective Reina yelled: "The video might have been taken before. Just believe what he says. It's not like you don't know he's telling lies.

I made a video call to see where he was. "

As she said this, Reina took out her cell phone from her bag again.


The confidence and happiness on Qilin's face suddenly disappeared, replaced by panic, as if the expression just now was all fake.

"Please, don't make any video calls to him."

Qilin held down Reina's bag and hand, her voice choked with sobs, and there was a faint look of pleading in her eyes.

"I beg you."

Lena understood.

If An Lan refuses to make a video call, refuses to send coordinates, or uses other words to excuse him, or if his background changes, it proves that An Lan is no longer in Tubo.

Qilin also understood such a simple truth.

But she chose not to send Anlan a video call request, chose to believe what Anlan said just now, and didn't want to break the casserole to ask the truth.

It's like an ostrich burying its head in the desert and deceiving itself.

Or Schrödinger's cat, even though 20,000 poison gas bombs have been thrown into the box where the cat is hiding, and 80,000 nuclear bomb tests have been conducted in it.

But before the box is really opened, you still can't assert that the cat is 100% dead.

As long as I don't look, everything is true.


Leina sighed, unable to withstand Qilin's pleading, and put down her hand that wanted to take the phone, feeling sorry for Qilin.

So this is what it feels like to love someone.

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