Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 990: Sovereignty of birth and death

"Do you really think you can win me?"

Looking at the many gods around him, Chen Lang suddenly smiled.

Everyone around suddenly stopped.

Osiris could not help but frown, and looked at Chen Lang with some surprise in his heart. Although he said on the surface that it was very easy, he actually did not put down his vigilance in his heart.

After all, Chen Lang is too emperor.

He had learned the information of Chen Lang. When he ascended to the throne of God more than 100,000 years ago, it was like a joke, but at the level of ordinary power gods, but today, 100,000 years later, Chen Lang is standing at the level of the **** king. it's here.

How incredible is it to reach the **** king level in 100,000 years?

This must be the backing of Heavenly Court, the backing left by Jade Emperor.

He dared to underestimate anyone, only the Jade Emperor.

For billions of years, since the disappearance of the ancient primitive Tianzun-level figures after the first divine war, Heavenly Jade Emperor has tried to suppress the entire universe for billions of years. No one dares to underestimate the Jade Emperor today.


As for the followers left by the Jade Emperor, don't say that Chen Lang is showing the fighting power of the **** king level. Even if Chen Lang is a common power **** standing here, Osiris will never dare to despise it.

"Did you have any hole cards?"

Osiris was vigilant in his heart, but spoke indifferently.

Chen Lang glanced at him and smiled indifferently.

"My earth's veins have started from the end of the day, and my chances are coincidental. I have the opportunity of the world and the help of the Jade Emperor.

However, since I went out, even though I was fighting with the demon king guarded by Shanhaijie, I never showed my moves.

You can think I have no moves.

Indeed, supernatural power, true meaning, I have no time to study in depth like you old monsters that have survived for hundreds of millions of years. Therefore, in addition to the law of one body and the crushing of ten powers, I have not What works.


This doesn't mean that I really don't.

Not learning does not mean not.

As we all know, the path I have taken has been capable of transcending things from the very beginning. We call this the superpower.

At the first level, I control the technique of reading the mind. At the second level, I have the power of concentricity. At the third level, I have the fire of the five elements. At the fourth level, I have the soil of the five elements. At the fifth level, I have the wood of the five elements. At the sixth level, I have the gold of the five elements. At the seventh level, I have the water of the five elements.

The eighth order is the order of the demigods, and it involves the magical application of the law, and I have the life of origin.

At the ninth level, I can finally realize the depth of the law, and I have to end the destruction.

After becoming a god.

With the integration of the five elements, I am the source god. However, because of identity, status, and time, I rarely fight, and never exercised my divine power. Others thought that I was only a god, and the divine power was common.

But in fact, when the **** of power, that is, the spirit god, I got my own natal **** power, the five elements **** power!

The principle of condensing the five elements is essential for life, and the perfection of the whole body is practiced. The divine power is immense and the rules are endless. It has laid a solid foundation for me to bear ten thousand ways.


Stepping into the level of the Lord God, I have the origin of life, the destruction of the end of the fusion, and the realization of the sovereignty of life and death!

The divine power of the power god, the sovereign power of the main god, the king power of the **** king.


It seems to me that I am a god-level, but in fact, I am only the master **** level.

Although I have already realized the way of the King of Heaven, I only need to fully grasp it, understand the kingship, and condense the king of the law, and then I can step into the level of the God King, but in fact, I have not yet set foot.

Standing above the body of the Lord God, do you think I am here to find death? "

This sentence.

Chen Lang seems to be talking to the gods around him, and it seems to be talking to himself.

But between words.

Chen Lang's body gradually emerged with a huge and unimaginable momentum. This is the exploding of vast divine power. Eight hundred and twenty crystal gods have continuously emerged in the country.

At this moment, Chen Lang is like a real **** king, the king of gods.


Chen Lang spoke lightly.

At this moment, everyone's face changed, especially Osiris, others could not feel it, but he could feel, at this moment, as if he had such an invisible big hand, he directly grasped the origin of his life, That is the core personality.

This is a near-rule-like ability to directly touch the source of transcendental defense.


Chen Lang stepped out and spoke again.


Osiris' face changed drastically, and suddenly cut off some of the origins in the Godhead, and the figure instantly retreated thousands of miles away, standing on the building of the Palace of the Gods.

In his eyes.

Around Chen Lang, the inexplicable expression on the faces of tens of thousands of gods seems to have not felt what happened, but under Chen Lang's extinction, the bodies of countless gods began to dissipate like gravel.


In the distance, the weaker the main god, the faster the death.

The body is directly transformed into a pile of scattered sand, or it falls on the ground, becomes a pile of sand, or dissipates with the wind and merges into the endless wind and sand.

No screaming.

There is no wailing.

There is no resistance.

Tens of thousands of gods and tens of dozens of **** kings were melted into Osiris' eyes at this moment.

Lord God is the fastest.

God is the slowest.

Dozens of God Kings were only half dissipated at this time, and Osiris roared wildly to remind them, but those God Kings seemed to have fallen into a dream, without any resistance, standing there waiting silently to die.


Osiris shuddered in his heart, and at this moment, he felt the bitter cold.

This move is too weird.

The sovereignty of life and death, the more the divine power is integrated, the more weird, under the vast divine power of Chen Lang, the laws of 10,000 Dao are blended together, just like the domain, the small world, covering the surroundings, Chen Lang’s idea has been like a rule .

It can be said that this kind of nearly regular is extremely powerful, and it is stronger than Chen Lang. There is no resistance at all.

The sovereignty of life makes them silent in the joy of life's birth, and the sovereignty of destruction is like a reincarnation, allowing them to quickly complete the whole process from birth to death.


Osiris felt more clearly than anyone else at this moment.

If it were not for him to cut off part of the source and flee for a long time, when he was also silent, when the cycle of reincarnation gradually increased, the stronger and stronger the trend would make him completely sink, and thus die .

That kind of death can't be resurrected, because it is perpetually destroyed according to heart and law.

It can be said that it is a kind of guidance that leads you to the path of extinction. In fact, it was not Chen Lang who killed them, but they killed themselves.

this is too scary.

In theory, as long as you do not resist, even Heavenly Venerable will fall into it and eventually commit suicide.

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