Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 992: Boiled frog in warm water

"What do you mean?"

Osiris stopped, looking at Chen Lang, who was also stopped, with some surprise.

"My meaning is simple!"

Chen Lang said lightly: "He and Lian Heng seek for both benefits, so as to ensure that you can all make a profit, can guarantee security in this theological war, and even take the opportunity to rise.

But what if it is impossible to achieve harmony?

The basis of harmony and mutual benefit is that you all have a large family business and cooperate for family business.

But what if I destroy your **** system of the nine-pillar golden tower?

You are strong Heavenly Fathers, I really can’t help you, but I want to run, and you can’t stop me, I just need to wipe out your **** system, and then your eight Heavenly Fathers will be alone, without God The foundation of the department has become a wild god, so what qualifications do you have to combine with other gods to benefit both?

Together vertical and horizontal? ?

This is a joke.

Without the **** system, you are at best the beater of others.

You only have one chance now.

Or, call back your people, and I will go to punish other gods, and other gods will also return. By then, you will have the foundation of union.

Either, I destroy your entire **** system, you can’t kill me, you can’t catch up with me, and you don’t have the basis of the **** system. You have to choose to surrender to others, or just become wild gods and leave the core stage of the universe.

you get what you sow.

Now it depends on how you choose. "

Chen Lang's tone was very cold, as if to destroy the nine star seas of the entire Golden Pagoda.

But Osiris did not dare to gamble.

Almost instantaneously, his thinking clarified the causes and consequences and various effects. He knew that Chen Lang was not kidding, this was the only choice.

Although angry.

Although not reconciled.

But he had no choice, and there was no choice for the Nine Pillar Tower.

"You are ruthless enough!"

After a long time, Osiris gritted his teeth and said, "Today what you have done will be remembered by my Nine Pillars!"

Say it.

Osiris flickered and disappeared into the void.

Chen Lang was relieved slightly.

It is terrible karma to kill the entire **** system. Chen Lang is betting on the other party. If the other party really doesn't care, then he really has no way.

But obviously.

Relative to Chen Lang’s loss, the Nine Pillars can’t afford this loss, so they dare not gamble.

In their view, if today's court is at stake, it is not an exaggeration for Chen Lang to do anything, saying that destroying the Jiuzhu Divine System will definitely destroy the Jiuzhu Divine System, so they have no choice.

Take a deep glance at the Jiuzhu Divine System that caused confusion because of yourself.

Several figures of Chen Lang flickered and disappeared into the Jizhu Jinta God Realm.

Osiris has compromised, so it makes no sense to continue. The choice of the Nine Pillars is already doomed when Osiris compromises.


at this time.

Eastern Divine Realm.

Beyond the Three Realms.

A sigh suddenly sounded in the empty battlefield of the headquarters of the Seven Great Divine Alliance forces.

At the headquarters of the headquarters are the Heavenly Father-level figures, all of which are the core strength of the universe. They will naturally not be able to discover what Chen Lang did. Since Chen Lang appeared in the Jiuzhu Golden Pagoda, these Heavenly Father-level The characters are waiting for the result, watching all this.

Many things are known to everyone.

Therefore, they have already been psychologically prepared for the choice of the nine pillar golden tower **** system.

Nine Pillars Pagoda where the Allied Forces are stationed, the **** of wind and air, Shu, the **** of rain, Tefnut, the **** of the earth, the **** of the sky, the **** of the sky, the goddess of life and marriage and fertility, Isis, The war desert storm and foreign **** Seth, as well as the patron saint of the house and the dead Nefertis, the seven heavenly fathers, the nine pillar gods did not say a word, with the army of their men toward the nine pillar gold tower gods. Leave in the direction you are.

The major deities watched this scene silently.

No one spoke first, and no one tried to stop.

After the army left, the entire coalition headquarters became lively for a while, and countless deities were talking about it, even those who were at the forefront were involved.

The gate of the Three Realms has not been broken.

Victory is coming.

Suddenly leaving a large army, this is a matter of extremely affecting morale.

But the same, but there is no way for anyone.

Because no one is a fool, everyone understands that this is the best choice for the Nine Pillar Pagoda, if it is blocked at this time, it will inevitably become an enemy.

"We must find a way to stop Chen Lang!"

"How to stop?"

"Strike around!"

"The idea is good, but the same is not very realistic. Now that the Three Realms are under siege, we can only gradually break the gates of the Three Realms by continuing to give pressure. Now we are going to withdraw our troops for a single person. It will not be easy."

"Yes, we can't leave!"

"But, if we don’t leave, who can cure Chen Lang? Although Osiris of the Nine Pillars is not strong enough, his speed is absolutely not weak. He can’t catch up to Chen Lang unless he dispatches dozens of days. The parent will be surrounded, otherwise no one will be able to keep Chen Lang."



"Yes, that Chen Lang’s purpose is to liberate the pressure we gave to the Three Realms. We can’t do what he wants, but likewise, he must not be able to target only one Jiuzhu system, and then he will target other systems, He will go back to whoever he wants. We must maintain a balance with the Three Realms, and try to reduce the number of people who go back, but at the same time, we must gradually reduce the pressure on the Three Realms. , Give them a hint of breathing recovery time, wait for the number of people we go back to kill Chen Lang, and then attack the Three Realms Gate again.

In one or two visits, UU reads www.uukanshu. There is no preparation inside the com heaven court, the gate of the Three Realms must be broken! "

"Good idea! This Chen Lang is a fish in the net, but in the same way, he can't communicate with the inside of the Tianting, and he doesn't know what is happening outside. We slowly reduce the pressure, and then swarming up, killing Chen Lang and directly attacking the Three Realms, Boil the frog in warm water, this battle will win!"

"The notice will continue. In addition, remember to contact the Jiuzhu Jinta mythology. They are persecuted by Chen Lang and they must hate each other. Then they will definitely join the war."

"Now, let's follow this plan, do some secrets, don't play grass and startle snakes, don't arouse Chen Lang's vigilance, and don't let vigilance in the Three Realms."

"This battle will win!"

"Must win!"

"For ten billion years, the oppression of Heaven Court has given us, and we will return them all!"

"After so many years, I have endured it. In the final stage, you must be careful and cautious!


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