Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 1009: Wanhuagui 1

"what happened?"

On this day, the family was eating in the small courtyard of the family. Suddenly, Dad Chen looked at Chen Lang, and his son Mo Ruofu. Although Chen Lang only had a slight fluctuation in his emotions, Dad Chen felt the first time.

"It's okay, eat it!"

Chen Lang stunned slightly, then said with a smile.

Clothes, food, housing and transportation are optional for the heaven and earth, but everyone is accustomed to this way of life. Not only do they do this themselves, but they spread throughout the Taihuang Immortal Territory and become the characteristics of the Taihuang Immortal Territory.

For a more colorful life, it has always been the pursuit of people.

"Is it time?"

Sister Chen Ran suddenly said, she is now the **** king, and because of Chen Lang's relationship, it is also the core of the core in the heavenly court, so she knows more.


Chen Lang nodded silently.


As soon as this remark came out, Dad and Mom Chen stopped and put the chopsticks on the table. Dad Chen lit a cigarette and said, "For so many years, to be honest, Datong is good, but knowing that omnipotence is not a good thing For us, this kind of life is indeed comfortable, but after a long time, it will become tired and crooked, without any mental stimulation.

I used to take risks and do interesting things, but when the road came to an end, there was no fun.

Over the years, we have been able to play and enjoy, we have all enjoyed, and we can also do everything. Although it is impossible to find death because of boredom, it is enough to say the truth in these days.

A group of old friends have also talked a few days ago, before we pursue longevity.

But now I get it, but I don’t feel as good as before, how to say? This is the fatigue of the spiritual level.

Perhaps reincarnation is a good thing.

When the heart is tired, it will die, and the next time you regenerate, forget the past and start again, and you will not be tired.

Tell us what you have to do.

There is nothing to say about Daddy’s, this kind of thing will definitely support you, but Daddy’s has a small request, I hope you can help us in the future, this is also the result of my mother and I discussed. "

"any request?"

Chen Lang asked.

"Next time, when everyone is resurrected, don't let us awaken our memories again. We want to start over. When one day we can think of you and Ran Ran, let's recognize each other again."

Dad Chen said with a smile.

Chen Lang was silent.

Next to it, Chen Ran seemed to have known Chen Da's and Chen Ma's plans. Although his face was sad, he didn't stop it.

"it is good!"

Chen Lang nodded.

In my heart, heavier.

Orphans, the farther the road goes, the fewer people are around. Perhaps this is also a punishment.

Dad Chen said nicely.

When you can remember, come back to recognize each other.

But what does that mean?

Means endless years, means stepping into the eighth step, if not stepping into the eighth step, how can it be possible to awaken all memories? I'm afraid the next thing waiting for Chen's father and mother is endless reincarnation.


At this time, Mom Chen also smiled and said: "Don't think so much, whoever dared to think that he could live for billions of years? Your dad and I really lived enough, so I want to start again, you We all know the ability.

This kind of thing should be nothing to you, and you don't have to be sad. When you miss us later, just wake us up, we will accompany you for a lifetime, and then go to reincarnation, no?

You said it before.

The true spirit persists, and no creature can die absolutely, and you can wake us up at any time, what are you worried about? "

It's too.

The corner of Chen Lang's mouth twitched slightly, but what Chen Ma said was actually heard in her heart.

"I'm leaving."

Chen Lang got up and disappeared in a trance.


The void of nothingness.

Chen Lang's figure appeared slowly. In the void of the void, a mysterious air mass lingered in the void of the void, like a sphere, but it was also slowly running. In this gaseous sphere, it was terrifying to unimaginable power. In operation, boiling, as Chen Lang gets closer and closer, that force seems to be awakening.


Around, the void cracked and the void of the void seemed to be enlarged by the earthquake.

"You came!"

A voice sounded, Chen Lang turned his head to look, it was Jade Emperor.

At this time, the Jade Emperor had nine distinct breaths all over him. That was his nine bodies, and what was revealed at this time was his golden body that had just become great hundreds of millions of years ago.

The golden body has a feeling of disillusionment and disillusionment, which makes people seem to exist in different time and space at a glance, and cannot see the real.

However, it was clear in Chen Lang's eyes.

It was not born in 100 million years. Obviously, the Jade Emperor has always been here in a nine-in-one union.

"how long will it take?"

Chen Lang asked back.

"It has been completely merged, and the breath is chaotic because I have not combed my own strength. Once combed, it means that the eroded universe everything will involuntarily start to integrate into my body and be swallowed by me, so I am waiting for you."

"it is good!"

Chen Lang nodded and said, "I am also very quick, just the power of the incarnation has not been assimilated and fused. After I merge into it, I will completely complete the eighth step in a moment, and then be part of this universe. The body will be given to you, and I will have nothing to do with this universe. You can start to devour the universe."


Chen Lang's figure took a step forward, his incarnation directly melted, and transformed into a trace of strength and thinking into the gaseous sphere.

Buzz! ! !

this moment.

It seems to be complete.

Chen Lang felt the unprecedented openness, just like the frog at the bottom of the well jumped out of the bottom of the well, like a bird in a cage flying into the sky.


The obscure light flashed by.

The gas sphere changed again to form Chen Lang's figure.

Chen Lang is standing in the void of the void, but at this moment, the power in the void has not eroded him in half, as if the fish returned to the sea.

"Step eight?"

Jade Emperor couldn't help asking.


Chen Lang shook his head. He felt two obstacles. This kind of obstacle could not feel the slightest before stepping into the present perfection.

The first obstacle is the obstacle of the universe, because his former body is part of this universe, so this universe is preventing him from leaving It seems that the water plants in the water are entangled in his feet, but this obstacle Very slightly, for Chen Lang's combat power today, it is easy to interrupt this obstacle.

But Chen Lang would not do it.

The universe is a whole, and the appearance of the void of the void is already a bug. If he interrupts this obstacle, it is equivalent to a permanent missing part of the universe. This part is Chen Lang himself.

Doing this is no different from destroying the universe, which is equivalent to completely breaking the balance of the universe.

With a little thought, Chen Lang cut this part of the obstacle out of himself. Outside of his figure, a dazzling source appeared in front of the Jade Emperor.

Heavenly origin.

Chen Lang's own strength and material, including spirit.

This is part of this universe.

"It's yours, start swallowing!"

Chen Lang opened his mouth and then looked at the second obstacle.

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